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1. Performance Appraisal theory summary...................................................................3

1.1. The basic of Performance Appraisal vs Management........................................3
1.1.1. Performance Appraisal...............................................................................3
1.1.2. Performance Management..........................................................................3
1.1.3. Steps in Performance Appraisal..................................................................3
1.1.4. Who should do Appraising?........................................................................3
1.1.5. The types of Performance Appraisals.........................................................3
1.2. The methods of performance appraisals.............................................................3
1.3. What are performance appraisals used for?........................................................4
1.4. What are the benefits of a performance appraisal?.............................................4
2. Coca Cola company..............................................................................................5
2.1. Brief information about the company................................................................5
2.1.1. Overview...................................................................................................5
2.1.2. Purpose.....................................................................................................5
2.1.3. Segments...................................................................................................5
2.1.4. Cultures.....................................................................................................6
2.1.5. Achievement..............................................................................................6
2.2. Performance appraisal in Coca Cola company.................................................6
2.2.1. Objectives for appraisal policy at Coca-Cola are........................................7
2.2.2. Steps in appraising employees performance of COCA-COLA.................7
2.2.3. Analysis of Coca-Cola’s Employee Performance Appraisal.....................7
2.2.4. Purpose of the Performance system in Coca-Cola.....................................9
2.2.5. Effectiveness of the system.......................................................................9
3. Pepsco................................................................................................................... 9
3.1. Brief information about the company..............................................................9
3.1.1. Introduce...................................................................................................9
3.1.2. Achievements..........................................................................................11
3.1.3. Company culture.....................................................................................12
3.1.4. Mission....................................................................................................12
3.2. Performance appraisal in Pepsico....................................................................12
3.2.1. Performance appraisal...............................................................................12
3.2.2. Objectives of Performance Appraisal.......................................................13
3.2.3. When to Pepsico Appraise?......................................................................13
3.2.4. Whose Performance should be rated?.......................................................13
3.2.5. Uses of Performance Appraisal.................................................................13
3.2.6. Process of Performance Appraisal of Pepsico...........................................14
3.2.7. The motivation of employees for performance appraisal..........................15
3.2.8. Effectiveness.............................................................................................15
3.2.9. Importance of Performance appraisal of Pepsico......................................16
4. Compare 2 businesses.........................................................................................16
4.1. First factor.....................................................................................................16
4.2. Second factor.................................................................................................17
4.3. Third factor....................................................................................................18
1. Performance Appraisal theory summary

1.1. The basic of Performance Appraisal vs Management

1.1.1. Performance Appraisal

A performance appraisal is a systematic and periodic process of measuring an
individual’s work performance against the established requirements of the job
It’s a subjective evaluation of the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, relative,
review, performance review or evaluation, or employee appraisal worth to the
organization, and future development potential

1.1.2. Performance Management

Performance management is the process of continuously improving employee

performance by setting individuals and team goals that are aligned with the strategic
goals of the business.

1.1.3. Steps in Performance Appraisal

Step 1: Setting the standards

Step 2: Assessing the employee’s actual performance relative to those standards
Step 3: Providing feedback to the employee regarding his or her performance

1.1.4. Who should do Appraising?

Division heads

1.1.5. The types of Performance Appraisals

The 360-Degree Appraisal

Negotiated Appraisal
Peer Assessment

1.2. The methods of performance appraisals

Graphic Rating Scale Method
Alternation Ranking Method
Paired Comparison Method
Forced Distributed Method
Critical Incident Method
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)
Forced Distribution Method
Computerized & Online PA
Virtual Appraisal Games
Electronic Performance Monitoring (EPM)
Conversation Days

1.3. What are performance appraisals used for?

For the organization, it helps to identify areas for improvement for better productivity
and quality of work.
Proper performance appraisal also encourages employees to give more by recognizing
their contributions and desires, doing so also enhances employee engagement and
This is also an opportunity to present the achievements of employees so that they have
the opportunity to receive bonuses and promotions
Regularly completing performance appraisals can help companies keep their
employees engaged and motivated to work harder.

1.4. What are the benefits of a performance appraisal?

Creates career growth
Improves performance
Increases employee engagement
Helps determine training
Clarifies expectations
Allows for conversation
Evaluates goals
Provides documentation
Addresses areas for improvement
Strengthens team bonds
Refocuses work
Guides current projects
2. Coca Cola company

2.1. Brief information about the company

2.1.1. Overview
The Coca-Cola Company is a total beverage company with products sold in more than
200 countries and territories.
Coca-Cola company’s purpose is to refresh the world and make a difference. Their
portfolio of brands includes Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, and other sparkling soft drinks.
Their hydration, sports, coffee, and tea brands include Dasani, smartwater,
Vitaminwater, Topo Chico, Powerade, Costa, Georgia, Gold Peak, Ayataka, and
BodyArmor. Their nutrition, juice, dairy and plant-based beverage brands include
Minute Maid, Simply, innocent, Del Valle, fair life and AdeS.
They’re constantly transforming their portfolio, from reducing sugar in our drinks to
bringing innovative new products to market. They seek to positively impact people’s
lives, communities and the planet through water replenishment, packaging recycling,
sustainable sourcing practices and carbon emissions reductions across our value chain.
Together with their bottling partners, they employ more than 700,000 people, helping
bring economic opportunity to local communities worldwide.

2.1.2. Purpose
This has three connected pillars:
LOVED BRANDS. We craft meaningful brands and a choice of drinks that people
love and that refresh them in body and spirit.
DONE SUSTAINABLY. We use our leadership to be part of the solution to achieve
positive change in the world and to build a more sustainable future for our planet.
FOR A BETTER SHARED FUTURE. We invest to improve people’s lives, from
our employees to all those who touch our business system, to our investors, to the
broad communities we call home.

2.1.3. Segments
The Coca-Cola Company’s operational structure includes four geographic operating
segments: Europe, Middle East & Africa; Latin America; North America; and Asia
Pacific. The company reporting structure also includes the non-geographic segments
of Global Ventures and Bottling Investments Group (BIG).
2.1.4. Cultures
Career Development: The Coca-Cola Company is committed to prioritizing career
development, increasing transparency and providing flexibility and choice on how
career growth is achieved.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion: At Coca-Cola, you have the opportunity to work on
teams with people who have different backgrounds and ideas - many who work in
offices across the globe.
Gender-Equality: Coca-Cola was named to the 2022 Bloomberg Gender-Equality
Index for our efforts and initiatives involving gender equality in the workplace.

Career Areas: Our career oportunities include:

- Marketing & Brand Management
- Information Technology, Engineering, Science and R&D
- Sales & Account Management
- Supply Chain & Logistics
- Business Management, Planning & Administration
- Finance and Revenue Growth Management
- Franchise Management

2.1.5. Achievement
According to a 2007 survey, Coca-Cola sells more than 1 billion drinks per day, more
than 10,450 bottles are consumed every second. There are about 1.2 million
distributors, 2.4 million vending machines. Revenue was 20,936 billion USD. Brand
value as of 2018 is 57.3 billion USD.
Since its establishment and headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, Coca-Cola Group is now
operating in over 200 countries around the world.
Today, the Coca-Cola group is recognized by 94% of the global population and has
successfully expanded its market with a variety of drinks, initially with carbonated
water, and then with fruit juices, plants, sports energy drinks, mineral water, tea and
The Coca-Cola brand has always been the top-selling soft drink brand and almost
everyone in the world loves Coca-Cola or one of their other tempting drinks.

2.2. Performance appraisal in Coca Cola company

At Coca-Cola, performance appraisal includes structured formal interaction between

two employees, a manager and you. The managers receive training to deliver fair and
accurate ratings at the end of the review period. They also have a system of hiring an
independent person, who can be a part of other teams in the company, to rate
employees and teams.

Some of the important parameters used at Coca-Cola to evaluate employee

performance review are training completed, individual goal setting, recreational
activities with many other parameters.

AI recognizes performance based on the work completed and responses submitted

during the tenure. This helps to easily recognize high performing individuals or teams
for role expansion, sponsorship to conferences and visits to other countries,
communicate expectations, encourage advanced learning and development

When staff provide self-submitted video performance reviews every month, AI can
intervene to separate concerns that can be resolved immediately and overall company
performance can be increased because of the improved communication with the staff.
This saves 1117 hours of work partly because of the extended timeline of resolving
concerns of employees.

2.2.1. Objectives for appraisal policy at Coca-Cola are

Increase staff self-esteem,

Gain new insight into staff and supervisors,
Better clarify and define job functions and responsibilities.
Develop valuable communication among appraisal participants.
Increase motivation to perform effectively,
Distribute rewards on a fair and credible basis.
Clarify organizational goals so they can be more readily accepted.

2.2.2. Steps in appraising employees performance of COCA-COLA

Define the job: Means making sure that you and your sub ordinate agree on his or her
duties and job standard.
Appraise the performance: Means comparing your subordinate's actual performance
to the standards that have been set.
Provide the feedback: Means discuss the subordinate performance and progress, and
make plans for any development required.

2.2.3. Analysis of Coca-Cola’s Employee Performance Appraisal

In Coca-Cola, performance management entails all programs designed for annual
employee appraisal. This concerns procedures used in communicating work
expectations and relaying of feedback on a continuous basis through yearly
performance rating. Performance appraisal in Coca serves to promote and compensate
employees among other management decisions (Bauer & Erdogan, 2009).
Management/Performance by Objectives (PBO)

● Define organizational goals

● Defining employee objectives
● Continuous monitoring of performance and progress
● Performance evaluation/ reviews
● Providing feedback
● Performance appraisals rewards/ punishments

The company has implemented a single performance appraisal system for all
employees geared toward achieving fairness based on job-related metrics. The process
implemented offers an opportunity for improvement in internal oversight as a means
to achieve equal employment opportunity (EEO).

Management by Objectives’ (MBO) is a process by which employees and their seniors

meet to identify the underlying goals and objectives. In this process, employees set
their own goals, but the set company standards are used as standard measures against
which their performance will be rated. Peter Drucker introduced this concept of
management by objectives in the early 1950s (Taylor, 1994). The figure below shows
an overview of the MBO process.

At the beginning of the review period, each employee meets with his or her superior to
establish measurable objectives together with the required set of competencies for the
year necessary for the execution of the said objectives. Therefore, this mutual
relationship offers an opportunity for a continuous feedback process.

The feedback process also provides a framework for the identification of other
employee developments measured against the set plan. The company ensures a self-
drive assessment where employees communicate their progress to their superiors from
which managers make an exclusive evaluation based on the initial standards.

As a feedback-oriented appraisal system, the management disseminated rating reports

to the employees which employees may appeal to if need be (Taylor, 1994). To
comply with the laid down best practices, Coca’s appraisal system involves a half-
yearly employee review and mandatory training for two days where both managers
and employees go through training on the functioning of the system. Employees work
in conjunction with performance appraisal teams to plan, track and review their
individual performance.

At the end of the review period, the top managers undergo training to provide fair and
accurate ratings. In addition, an independent rater works to offer separate ratings for
employees based on ongoing performance evaluation This process ensures
consistency and fairness in the process.
2.2.4. Purpose of the Performance system in Coca-Cola
The major essence of the appraisal system applied by Coca is to develop a set of
employees who are aware of their duties, roles and responsibilities as expected of
them by the company. The system thrives on the belief that clarity of objectives and
continuous feedback lends an opportunity for achieving organizational and individual
employee goals (Taylor, 1994).

2.2.5. Effectiveness of the system

MBO is a participatory process involving goal setting and selection of actions based
on standard metrics in order to offer a basis for decision-making. Since the process
involved in MBO is comparison of individual employee performance with the laid
down organizational objectives, it follows that the process provides an objective
evaluation for employee performance. An open-end feedback eminent in the process is
likely to influence employees to fulfill their mandates.

Management by objectives thrives on features such as clarity of goals, effective

communication, and motivation. According to research, where employees engage in
the process of goal setting through an effective feedback oriented communication,
they are more likely to offer best services aimed at meeting organizational as well as
individual goals (Bauer & Erdogan, 2009). It is worth noting that since the process
entails a vigorous and inclusive evaluation, it is highly likely to achieve fairness and
accuracy of the overall outcome.

3. Pepsco

3.1. Brief information about the company

3.1.1. Introduce
PepsiCo is a global food and beverage leader; its products are enjoyed by consumers
one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and territories around the world.
PepsiCo generated approximately $63 billion in net revenue in 2016, driven by a
complementary food and beverage portfolio that includes Frito-Lay, Gatorade, Pepsi-
Cola, Quaker, and Tropicana.

PepsiCo's product portfolio includes a wide range of enjoyable foods and beverages,
including 22 brands that generate more than $1 billion each in estimated annual retail
Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam Beverage Company Limited (SPVB), 100% foreign owned,
is an alliance between PepsiCo Inc and Suntory Holdings Limited, officially
established in April 2013.
The main products of PepsiCo Vietnam currently include all kinds of water
carbonated soft drinks such as Pepsi, Mirinda, 7Up,... these are the traditional products
of the company. The company also develops non-carbonated soft drinks such as
orange juice Twister, Sting energy drink, Lipton tea, Aquafina... are new products of
the company. In addition, the company also deals in high-end snacks (snack Poca).
3.1.2. Achievements
3.1.3. Company culture
We understand that the success of our business is not only due to the company's
products but also to the contributions of the people in the company - it is the most
important asset to us. I. With outstanding business results, Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam
has become a great place to work.

Aiming to be "A great place to work", Suntory PepsiCo always creates development
opportunities for employees in career orientation as well as work-life balance. Besides
creating a diverse environment for employees, Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam also offers
an attractive salary and benefits scheme and excellent working conditions. We always
try to develop the capacity of the management team who always try to constantly
improve the business and working environment. We have established systems to
ensure continuous professional development for employees, besides the program to
recognize and reward employees' work results is also part of the management culture.
of the company.

3.1.4. Mission
“ To be the world’s premier consumer Products Company focused on convenient
foods and beverages. We seek to produce healthy financial rewards for investors as we
provide opportunities for growth and growth and enrichment to our employees,
business partners, and the communities in which we operate. And in everything we do,
we strive for honesty, fairness, and integrity.”

3.2. Performance appraisal in Pepsico

3.2.1. Performance appraisal

In simple terms performance appraisal may be understood as the assessment of an
individual’s performance in a systematic way, the performance being measured
against such factors as job knowledge, quality and quantity of output, initiative,
leadership abilities, supervision, dependability, cooperation, judgment, versatility,
etc. A formal definition of Performance Appraisal is “It is the systematic evaluation
of the individual with respect to his or her performance on the job and his or her
potential for development” Performance Appraisal is a systematic and periodic way of
conducting an impartial rating of an employee’s excellence in matters pertaining to his
present job and this potentiality for a better job. Thus under Performance Appraisal,
we not only evaluate the performance of a worker but also his potential for
3.2.2. Objectives of Performance Appraisal
The main purpose of employee assessments are Training and whether Transfers have
been effective or not. Performance is concerned with assisting them with constructive
criticism and guidance for the purpose of their development of dialogue between the
superior and the subordinate and improves understanding of personal goals and

3.2.3. When to Pepsico Appraise?

The appraisals are conducted whenever the supervisor personnel managers feel
necessary. However systematic appraisals are conducted on a regular basis; for
example every six months or annually.

3.2.4. Whose Performance should be rated?

The answer is obviously –Employees and when we say employees, it may be
individual, group, team, or division.

3.2.5. Uses of Performance Appraisal

Poor Performance indicates the need for retraining. Likewise, good performance may
indicate the untapped potential that should be developed. Followings are the some
major use of Performance Appraisal to the organization: Compensation Adjustments

Performance evaluations help decision-makers determine who should receive pay
raises. Many firms grant part or all of their pay increases and bonuses based upon
merit, which is determined mostly through performance appraisals. Promotions
Promotions, transfers, and demotions are usually based on past or present
performance. Often promotions are rewarded for past performance. HR performance
Good or bad performance throughout the organization indicates how well the human
resource is functioning. Feedback
Performance feedback allows the employee, manager, and personnel specialists to
intervene with appropriate actions to improve performance. Job Design Errors
Poor performance may be a symptom of ill-conceived job designs. Appraisals help
diagnose these errors. Deficiencies
Good or bad performance implies strengths or weakness in the personnel department’s
staffing procedures

3.2.6. Process of Performance Appraisal of Pepsico

Step 1: In this step, the performance standards are established based on the Job
Description and Job Specification. The standards should be clear, and objective and
incorporate all the factors.

Step 2: Under this step, the Performance Standards are informed to all the employees
including Appraisals.

Step 3: In this step, the instructions given to appraisal are followed, and measurement
of employee performance by the appraisers through observation, interview, records,
and reports are done.

Step 4: This step finds out the influence of various internal and external factors on
actual performance.

Step 5: This step is to compare the actual performance with that of other employees
and the previous performance of the employee and others.

Step 6: In the sixth step of the Performance Appraisal Process, the actual performance
is measured with the standards and found out deviations.

Step 7: The seventh step compares the actual performance of the employee and other
employees doing the same job and discusses with him the reasons for the positive or
negative deviations from the pre-set standards as the case may be.

Step 8: This step suggests necessary changes in standards, job analysis, and internal
and external environment.

Step 9: The last step is the follow-up of the performance appraisal report. This step
includes guiding, counseling, coaching, and directing the employee or making
arrangements for the training and development of the employee in order to ensure
improved performance. If the actual performance is very poor and beyond the scope of
improvement, it may be necessary to take steps for demotion or retrenchment or any
suitable measure.

3.2.7. The motivation of employees for performance appraisal

Firms often face the problem of employee de-motivation when it comes to

performance appraisal and so PepsiCo is no exception. In order to overcome this
hurdle special training sessions are held by the company throughout the year. In these
training sessions, employees are informed and convinced about the importance and
benefit of performance appraisal. First, the employee gets a very clear-cut
understanding of his job duties, authority, and responsibility in the organization.
Second, the employee is appraised of his highs and lows in performance. When the
highs are rewarded, the employee's morale is boosted tremendously and when the
lows are reprimanded, he takes care not to repeat the same mistakes in the future. For
the management, performance appraisals bring out the key and non-key performers.
The management then takes steps to hone the key performers and develop the non-key
performers into putting in their best. Performance appraisals identify the areas where
training and development are needed.

3.2.8. Effectiveness
Appraisals have the power to motivate employees

They demonstrate the need for improvement. If employees don’t have a clear
understanding of how they’ve been performing, they can’t be motivated to make any
improvements. They meet higher-level psychological needs. Researchers continue to
find that recognition is one of the most powerful forms of motivation for large
numbers of employees. Although you can find numerous possible sources of
recognition on the job, performance appraisals are an opportunity for employees to
receive formal, significant, and enduring recognition from their manager.

They build a sense of personal value. When managers take the time and effort to
carefully review, analyze, document, and discuss performance with employees, the
underlying message to the employees is that they’re important and valuable, and this
alone is quite rewarding, whether the feedback is positive or not.

They enhance personal development. Performance evaluations are motivational for

employees who are looking to enhance their personal learning, growth, and
development. Appraisals are a highly valuable source of information, insights, and
tools necessary for such progress. Performance appraisals are similarly motivational
for employees whose needs are centered on achievement, goal attainment, and sensing
personal effectiveness, respect, and trust.

Performance appraisals are similarly motivational for employees whose needs are
centered on achievement, goal attainment, and sensing personal effectiveness, respect,
and trust. They turn employees around. When employees are performing poorly,
performance appraisals can provide the wake-up call that they need to get refocused
and reenergized. With performance appraisal, however, the purpose of the session is
not strictly disciplinary, so the employee is more likely to walk in with a more
receptive and open mind. As a result, your comments regarding an employee’s
questionable performance have an excellent chance of being heard and generating
action as a result.

They increase satisfaction. When performance appraisals meet the employees’ needs
in such areas as gaining recognition, sensing achievement and competence,
experiencing growth, and meeting objectives, they’re also contributing to the
employees’ job satisfaction, and this is one of the most important elements at work.

3.2.9. Importance of Performance appraisal of Pepsico

Performance appraisals, a very important function of the human resources department
for any organization, are conducted to gauge the net worth of all its employees.
Appraisal methods benefit the organization immensely. The aim of appraisals is to
improve the present performance of the employees and draw on future potential. The
HR department undertakes this process usually annually in which they procure,
analyze and document facts about the performances of the employees of the
organization. Similarly, PepsiCo conducts evaluation in a sequence as mentioned
earlier after three months, then at mid-year, following this in October-November then
the final performance appraisal at the end of the year.

4. Compare 2 businesses

4.1. First factor

PepsiCo: Performance Appraisal at Pepsi-Cola International Pepsi-Cola International
(PCI), with operations in over 150 countries, has devised a common performance
appraisal system that focuses on motivating managers to achieve and maintain high
standards of performance. Administrative consistency is achieved through the use of a
performance appraisal system of five feedback mechanisms - instant feedback,
coaching, accountability based performance appraisals, development feedback, and a
human resource plan.
Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola performance appraisal is annually. They appraise the
employee due to their performance about goals of the organization. They set the goals
at the start of the year and tell employees about the goal if the employees achieve this
goal they appraise the employees.

4.2. Second factor

Specific comparison of the performance appraisal methods used by PepsiCo and

Management by Objectives (MBO): Both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola use the MBO
method to evaluate employee performance. However, PepsiCo is known to place a
greater emphasis on individual goal setting, while Coca-Cola emphasizes team-based
goal setting.

360-Degree Feedback: Both companies use the 360-degree feedback method, which
involves obtaining feedback on an employee's performance from multiple sources.
However, Coca-Cola is known to have a more formalized 360-degree feedback
process, with specific guidelines and forms for feedback providers.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS): Both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola use
the BARS method to evaluate employee performance. However, Coca-Cola is known
to place a greater emphasis on using BARS to identify and develop high-potential

Critical Incident Technique (CIT): Both companies use the CIT method to evaluate
employee performance. However, PepsiCo is known to use CIT as a tool for
identifying best practices and improving employee training, while Coca-Cola uses
CIT to identify specific employee strengths and weaknesses.

Forced Distribution Method: Both PepsiCo and Coca-Cola use the forced
distribution method to evaluate employee performance. However, Coca-Cola is
known to use this method to identify and eliminate low-performing employees, while
PepsiCo uses it to identify high-potential employees and provide them with additional
development opportunities.

It's important to note that these are generalizations based on the reputation of the
companies, and the actual methods used by each company may vary by job role,
location, and other factors.
4.3. Third factor
HRM of Suntory PepsiCo and Coca Cola use appraisal interviews and feedback in the
following ways:


Establish clear performance expectations: Before conducting appraisal interviews,

PepsiCo ensures that the performance expectations are clearly defined for each role.
These expectations would be communicated to employees at the start of the
performance period, and performance metrics would be aligned with organizational
goals and objectives.

Conduct regular performance reviews: PepsiCo schedule regular performance

reviews with all employees to provide feedback on their performance, identify areas
of improvement, and set goals for the upcoming performance period.

Use a variety of appraisal methods: PepsiCo uses a combination of appraisal

methods, such as self-assessment, peer assessment, and supervisor assessment, to
ensure that the appraisal process is comprehensive and fair.

Encourage two-way feedback: During appraisal interviews, PepsiCo encourages

employees to share their feedback on their job roles, work environment, and any other
relevant issues. This would help me to identify any areas of improvement and take
necessary actions to address them.

Provide constructive feedback: PepsiCo provide constructive feedback to employees

during the appraisal interviews, highlighting their strengths and areas for
improvement. The feedback would be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and
Use feedback to improve performance: The feedback received from appraisal
interviews be used to create an action plan for improving employee performance. This
plan would outline the specific steps that employees need to take to achieve their goals
and the support that the organization will provide to help them succeed.

Celebrate successes: During appraisal interviews, PepsiCo celebrates the successes of

employees and recognizes their contributions to the organization. This would help to
boost employee morale and motivation.

Overall, the use of appraisal interviews and feedback would help to ensure that
employees are performing to the best of their abilities, and the organization is
achieving its goals and objectives.

Coca Cola company:

Establish clear goals and expectations: Before conducting any appraisal interviews,
it's essential to establish clear goals and expectations for each employee. This involves
setting specific performance targets, identifying key areas of responsibility, and
outlining the skills and behaviors required to meet these expectations.

Provide regular feedback: Throughout the year, Coca Cola provide employees with
regular feedback on their performance, both positive and constructive. This can be
done through informal discussions, coaching sessions, and progress reports, to help
employees stay on track and improve their performance.

Schedule appraisal interviews: At the end of each performance period, Coca Cola
schedule appraisal interviews with each employee to review their performance and
discuss their strengths, weaknesses, and development needs. During these interviews,
Coca Cola use open-ended questions to encourage employees to reflect on their
performance and provide their own feedback.
Discuss development opportunities: During the appraisal interview, Coca Cola
discuss development opportunities with each employee. This can include training
programs, mentoring, job shadowing, or other opportunities to build skills and
knowledge. Coca Cola also encourage employees to identify their own development
goals and work with them to create a development plan that aligns with their personal
and professional objectives.

Document the process: Finally, Coca Cola document the entire performance
appraisal process, including goals and expectations, feedback, and development plans.
This documentation can be used to track employee progress, identify trends in
performance, and inform future decisions related to compensation, promotions, and
career development.

Overall, the appraisal interview and feedback process is a valuable tool for supporting
employee development and improving organizational performance. By establishing
clear goals, providing regular feedback, and discussing development opportunities,
HRMs can help employees reach their full potential and contribute to the success of
the organization.

Feedback from staff of Pepsico


● "The pay was good and there were a lot of off site events for management." (in

1325 reviews)
● "Good benefits and PTO." (in 1158 reviews)

● "The people there are great and they are always looking to push the

boundaries in the food and beverage industry." (in 829 reviews)

● "The people at the company were very supportive and culture is great." (in

365 reviews)
● "Starting salary is good for a recent college graduate (though not for the actual

work you have to do)" (in 240 reviews)


● "There is no work life balance even though they like to talk about it a lot." (in

721 reviews)
● "Long hours and if your staff calls out you are expected to cover the route." (in

660 reviews)
● "Poor management and HR." (in 503 reviews)

● "There's no real control on who is a good and a bad manager" (in 236

● "Long hours due to many vacancies" (in 216 reviews)

Feedback from staff of Coca Cola company:


● "Good colleagues and benefits also I like turtles" (in 614 reviews)

● "There are many great people who work there and very passionate of the work

they do." (in 428 reviews)

● "pay was good and competitive" (in 370 reviews)

● "salary is good but hard to get a promotion" (in 169 reviews)

● "The culture is great and diverse." (in 158 reviews)


● "Poor management and lack of developmental growth" (in 240 reviews)

● "Long hours and sometime you have to spend time on the weekends to catch

up on the workload" (in 192 reviews)

● "One particular manager made the job hard by micromanaging but besides

him everything else is really great." (in 89 reviews)

● "They state that honest collaboration is valued but truthfully success comes to

only those who are very astute with managing senior leadership." (in 84
● "Long hours absolutely no life" (in 84 reviews)
Trích nguồn tham khảo

Hill, J. (2020). Managing performance at Coca-Cola. Journal of Human Resource

Management, 15(2), 137-146.

Coca-Cola Company. (2020). Performance management. https://www.coca-

Gonzalez, A. & Smith, D. (2021). The impact of performance appraisal on employee

outcomes at Coca-Cola. International Journal of Business and Management, 16(3), 68-

Coca-Cola and General Electric’s Performance Appraisal Policies Analytical Essay

Website Suntory Pepsico

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