Open Book Examination: Nebosh

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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours from: 03 February 2021, 09:00 GMT

Learner name Muhammad Aashir

NEBOSH learner 00573362
Learning Partner name Descon Technical Institute -1317

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Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0004-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb21 © NEBOSH 2021

Task 1: Behavioural safety audits and the use of checklists

Question 1
Benefits of using the checklist of critical behaviour are following;
1- Observer become more focused and objective when he have checklist of behaviour in
2- We can easily do this task,when we need to customize points in checklist.
3- Checklist give permission to pre-preparation and planing for BSA.
4- Performance can be discussed with workers in weekly review meeting to find out
behavioural culture,which based on analysis and findings.
5- BSA observation task become easy.
6- The whole process of observations,help to achieve success of programme from
analysis and feedback becomes more easy and organized.
7- It becomes so easy to collect all completed checklist and analysis them for supervisor
and manager.
8- More consistency in work due to all observers work more consistent.
9-Observer provide immediate reinforcement for good behaviuors due to spend more
10- Observations produced quickly and easily in the form of written record.
11-If supervisor can hand over observations task to observers the task easily delegate.
12-Observers can provide feedback to at-risk behaviours culture immediately.

Task 2: Explaining to the contractor the obligations of employers to workers

Question 2
Employer obligation to workers are following;
1- According to ILO Article 10,Employer is responsible for worker to provide proper
2- Employer is responsible for worker to provide safe working environment to do work
3-Employer is responsible for safety manage .
4-Employer is responsible to give safety peroroty.
5-Employers is responsible to take breaks for worker to work in safe condition.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0004-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb21 © NEBOSH 2021

6-Employer is responsible to take rest and do not take overload on worker (to worker
work under in safe condition).
7-Employer is responsible to connect new updates and laws for government(According to
scenario they are not update about the latest law or technology).
8- Employer is responsible to provide proper training and instructions to worker.
9- Employer is responsible to provide PPES free of charge.
10- Employer is responsible to provide necessary supervision.

Task 3: Determining root causes of the accident

Question 3
Management failures can lead toward accident in which contractor worker knee was
injured are following:
1- Supervisor and some senior manager do not attention in safety,lack of training and
safety awareness.
2- Management do not checking and audit of permit to work system.
3- Oil leakage cause accident because lack of checking,inspection and repair of
4- Workers lead toward accident because lack of checking and monitoring by
management during work of contractor.
5- Management failure because lack of training to those who dealing PTW system,who
carry out repair work.
6- From scenario it is shown permit issuer,very busy,57 permits on daily basis,because
high work load on workers from management.
7- Safety culture and awareness of contractors are not good,because weakness in
contractor selection system.
8- Procedure to clean oil spill not present or not effective because of management failure.
9- Permit issuers authorizing permits illegally by self sign because roles of authorized
person not clear due to management failure.
10- Permit issuers is using self duplicating copies of PTW because documents control
system is not good due to management failure.

Task 4: Assessing the permit-to-work system arrangements

Question 4
Permit-to-work system are following;
1- The permit should be necessary for the high machinery work as well as contractor
activity which leads towards good point.A good company they have on permit machinery
of PTW that are given by different desgnated roles.
2- Permit machinery may plays a very important role in handing the contractor in
protection,stabilizing and training as well as a good machinery which carry out a lot of
working at a time.
3- The process of isolation is also discussed in it and the ppts were also mentioned
depending upon the condition.Safety precautions should be taken.
4-Although they have beneficial sites but they also have weak sites which is not good as
5- When ppts gets overloaded leads to the bad impact on machinery as well as products.
6- The one more negative aspect is that alot that place or plot it without checking the
faults.(After this accident perform).
7- Practical implementation do’snt occur and copies instead of original material have
been used.
8- Management failure,management create problems due to overload.
9- Permit issuer give contractor instruction,training and give guidence to how control
measure in different stages.
10- Permit issuer provide contractor proper PPES.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0004-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb21 © NEBOSH 2021

11- Permit issue but after do not practically checking and monitoring,audit.

Task 5: Effectively managing contractors during work

Question 5

When a contractor come to your workplace. Organization must provide

information as well as training. Also contractor are well trained. Which
information organization can given are following:
1- Food Manufacture Supervisor inform about the safety policy in the
current area. 2- Supervisor inform about the different hazards of
site. 3- Supervisor inform about first
aid room location,phone number of first aider . 4-
Supervisor inform about accident reporting of clients.
5- Supervisor inform about type of work for which permit work,permit
system. 6- supervisor inform about PPES,how use and
where which PPES used. 7- Supervisor inform about
observations and feedback of observers about BSA programme.
8- Supervisor inform about meeting of behaviour safety with weekly
feedback. 9- Supervisor inform how to make accident report
about accident investigation procedures.
10 - Supervisor inform about emergency procedure,what do in case of

Task 6: Influencing health and safety culture

Question 6 (a)
Positive indicators of safety culture are following:
1- Strenghtening of checking and monitoring system in food manufacturing site.
2- Before start of work orientation training was given to contractor.
3- Hazards and controls were explained by permit issuer,while issuing permit to
4- Provide feedback to workers and try to understand root causes of unsafe behaviour of
5- Emergency response team present in the workplace in case of injury of contractor
6- Food manufacturing company steaming for improvements of safety culture.
7- Scenario shows that senior person nominated as behaviour safety champion.
8- Scenario shows that provide financial and other resources for BSA programme.
9- Contractor with well experience and well trained in relevant work was selected.
10- Record of contractor and accident report are also available.
11- Well trainer was imparted to observer from observation.
12- PTW systems exists and put in to contractor.
13- Hearing problems and pregnancy females were considered in special peoples in BSA
14- Food manufacturing site set safety objectives.
15- New programme of BSA beginning from safety improvement.

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0004-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb21 © NEBOSH 2021

Question 6 (b)
Negative indicator of safety culture are following:
1- Scenario shows that middle manager and supervisor do not trust on safety.
2- Scenario shows that oil spill was not cleaned cause unsafe condition exists.
3- Scenario shows that awareness and contractor safety performance was not
considered during selection.
4- Fail to stop accident because PTW system is not effective and implemented properly.
5- Scenario shows that workers are blamed and held for responsible for accident.
6- Sufficient and suitable risk assessment of task by contractor was not performed before

Task 7: Understanding arrangements in ISO 45001: 2018 (Plan, Do, Check,


Question 7 (a)
(a) Active Monitoring (BSA) ………. Check

Question 7 (b)
(b) Occupational health and safety(OH&S)objectives(for the whole site) ……. Plan

Question 7 (c)
(C) Management review(accidents with serious consequences) ……. Check

Question 7 (d)
(d) Re-visiting plans and documents(re-visiting the risk assessment) …… Check

Question 7 (e)
(e) Competence (permit issued by a competent person) …….. Do

Question 7 (f)
(f) Hazards identification(hazards identified and understood by the permit issuer and
contractor) ……. Plan

Question 7 (g)
(g) Internal communication (weekly feedback meetings) …… Do

Question 7 (h)
(h) Resources(providing resources for the OH&S management system) …… Do

Question 7 (i)
(i) Control of documented information(careful version system) …… Do

Question 7 (j)
(j) Managing incidents(incident investigation to identify root causes) ….. Act

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0004-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb21 © NEBOSH 2021

Question 7 (k)

Question 7 (l)

Task 8: Assessing the application of risk assessment at the manufacturing


Question 8 (a)
Workers who may affect from work activity should be considered in risk assessment are
1- In workplace site,workers who regular directly perform task.
2- In workplace site,contractor worker who performs special task on you behalf.
3- In workplace site,disabled workers having hearing problems.
4- In workplace site, internship students and young workers.
5- In workplace site,new workers like pupils.
6- In workplace site,scaffolding worker who work.

Question 8 (b)
A hierarchy is a system of organizing people into different ranks or levels of
importance ;for example in society or in a company.
The general hierarchy of risk control are following;
1- Elimination;

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End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can found on the NEBOSH website:

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0004-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb21 © NEBOSH 2021

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