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यशवंतराव च हाण महारा मु त व यापीठ,

ना शक
गंगापू र धारणा जवळ, गोवधन गाव, ना शक ४२२ २२२
दू र वनी . ०२५३-२२३१४७७ email:

वा ण य व यव थापन व याशाखा

Schedule for MBA Project Report/Synopsis

Exam Event January 2023 (only for repeater students)

Submission of Synopsis/Project Reports

Start Date: 2nd December 2022 End Date: 31st December 2022

Resubmission of Synopsis/Project Reports

Start Date: 1st January 2023 End Date: 20th January 2023

Resubmission of Project Reports

Start Date: 21st January 2023 End Date: 30th January 2023

School of Commerce and Management

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