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Richard B. Weiskopf, M.D., Editor

2000; 92:253–9
© 2000 American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

Approaches to the Prevention of Perioperative

Myocardial Ischemia

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David C. Warltier, M.D., Ph.D.,* Paul S. Pagel, M.D., Ph.D.,† Judy R. Kersten, M.D.†

PREVENTION of perioperative myocardial ischemia is on the horizon promise to reduce the risk of myocardial
essential to avoid the mechanical, metabolic, and elec- ischemia or infarction. Although some of these new
trophysiologic changes associated with acute imbal- drugs act by altering the myocardial oxygen supply/
ances in the relationship between myocardial oxygen demand relationship, others directly protect myocar-
supply and demand. Myocardial ischemia of sufficient dium from ischemic injury. This brief review outlines
severity or prolonged duration may result in reversible established methods used for the prevention of myocar-
(e.g., myocardial stunning) or irreversible (e.g., infarc- dial ischemia and also discusses potential future thera-
tion) damage, malignant ventricular arrhythmias, or car- peutic strategies that may attenuate the reversible and
diogenic shock. These potentially disastrous conse- irreversible sequelae of ischemia. At present, the major-
quences are associated with high morbidity and ity of data has been obtained in patients with severe
coronary artery disease undergoing coronary artery by-
mortality in patients with coronary artery disease. Elec-
pass graft surgery. The applicability of results obtained in
tive surgical procedures may be delayed until unstable
this patient population must be extrapolated with care
coronary artery disease is treated by angioplasty or sur-
to patients with less severe coronary disease or those
gical revascularization.
undergoing noncardiac surgery.
Despite the prevalence of coronary artery disease and
the frequent occurrence of myocardial ischemia, the
anesthesiologist may implement important pharmaco- Myocardial Oxygen Supply and Demand
logic and anesthetic interventions that improve periop-
erative outcome. In addition, several exciting new drugs The classical relationship between myocardial oxygen
supply and demand indicates that when oxygen demand
exceeds supply, the imbalance results in myocardial
* Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Toxicol-
ogy, and Medicine; and Vice Chairman, Research of Anesthesiology. ischemia (fig. 1). Fortunately, this supply/demand rela-
† Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology. tionship may be favorably altered by a variety of phar-
macologic agents in the perioperative period to prevent
Received from the Departments of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology
and Toxicology, and Medicine, the Medical College of Wisconsin and the onset of myocardial ischemia. Such interventions
the Zablocki Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. should be aggressively undertaken in a manner equal to
Submitted for publication April 19, 1999. Accepted for publication July the vigilance required for the detection of acute isch-
24, 1999. Supported in part by grants no. HL 54280 (to Dr. Warltier) emic events. Objectives of treatment include reducing
and HL 03690 (to Dr. Kersten), and Anesthesia Research Training grant
demand for oxygen by myocardium at risk for develop-
no. GM 08377 (to Dr. Warltier) from the United States Public Health
Service, Bethesda, Maryland. ment of ischemia while simultaneously increasing oxy-
Address reprint requests to Dr. Warltier: Medical College of Wiscon- gen supply to this tissue. Myocardial oxygen demand in
sin, MEB—Room 462C, 8701 Watertown Plank Road, Milwaukee, Wis- the left ventricle is dependent on heart rate, myocardial
consin 53226. Address electronic mail to: contractility, and ventricular loading conditions. Heart
Key words: b-Blockers; coronary artery disease; KATP channels; vol- rate is the most important of all physiologic factors that
atile anesthetics. can be altered to reduce demand. Increases in heart rate
The illustrations for this section are prepared by Dmitri Karetnikov, not only lead to profound increases in oxygen consump-
7 Tennyson Drive, Plainsboro, New Jersey 08536. tion but also jeopardize perfusion in regions distal to

Anesthesiology, V 92, No 1, Jan 2000



Fig. 1. (A) Representation of oxygen de-

mand exceeding supply, resulting in
ischemic sequelae. Note that traditional
approaches to this problem address

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myocardial oxygen balance. In con-
trast, new cardioprotective therapies
may not prevent an ischemic episode,
but instead reduce the metabolic, me-
chanical, and electrophysiologic conse-
quences of ischemia. (B) Mechanisms
by which b-adrenoreceptor antagonists
improve balance of myocardial oxygen
supply and demand. Arrows indicate di-
rectional changes produced by b-block-
ers. CBF 5 coronary blood flow.

coronary artery stenoses by reducing the duration of between aortic diastolic and left ventricular end-diastolic
diastole. These actions are most pronounced in the left pressures) gains greater significance. Myocardial blood
ventricular subendocardium. As stenosis severity in- flow is autoregulated to a relatively constant level under
creases, and with it the risk of ischemia and infarction, normal conditions, but the ability of the distal coronary
the role of coronary perfusion pressure (the difference vascular bed to dilate in response to increasing stenosis

Anesthesiology, V 92, No 1, Jan 2000



severity will eventually become exhausted. Finally, in ultimately place the patient at far greater risk for devel-
the presence of severe stenosis, autoregulation fails to opment of complications because treatment of pro-
maintain coronary blood flow, and perfusion to the af- tracted myocardial ischemia and its consequences is in-
fected territory becomes directly dependent on coronary herently more difficult than primary prevention of
perfusion pressure. Deleterious increases in myocardial ischemia. Prophylaxis against myocardial ischemia is of
contractility and oxygen use may occur during the peri- the utmost importance for the patient with coronary
operative period because of b1-adrenoceptor stimulation artery disease, and the use of b-adrenoceptor antagonists

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by endogenous catecholamines. Left ventricular preload to achieve this goal has a firm scientific basis that may
and afterload also affect myocardial oxygen demand by well exceed the relative importance of the type of anes-
altering end-diastolic and end-systolic wall tension, re- thetic chosen for the patient at risk.
spectively. Many other factors, such as blood rheology,
hematocrit, and coronary collateral blood flow, influ-
ence the myocardial oxygen supply/demand relation- Pharmacologic Prophylaxis
ship as well. The degree to which any of these factors
may result in myocardial ischemia is specific for each Administration of b-adrenoceptor antagonists (using
patient. Small decreases in coronary perfusion pressure the protocol of Mangano et al.1) to patients with coro-
or increases in heart rate may produce detrimental ef- nary artery disease undergoing surgery has been recom-
fects depending on the specific degree of coronary ar- mended by the American College of Physicians. To date,
tery disease. Thus, clinical investigations of frequency of b-adrenoceptor antagonists are the only well-established
and morbidity associated with ischemia during anesthe- means of prophylaxis against myocardial ischemia that
sia are difficult to conduct. The severity of coronary demonstrate a reduction of morbidity and mortality in
artery disease represents a major confounding variable this patient population. Atenolol has been shown to be
that is difficult to control during clinical investigations. antiischemic, protect against myocardial reinfarction,
For example, a large increase in heart rate may be well and reduce overall mortality caused by cardiac death and
tolerated in a patient with mild coronary artery disease. congestive heart failure in both the immediate and re-
In contrast, a small increase in heart rate may be accom- mote perioperative periods.1,2 The investigation by Man-
panied by global deterioration of left ventricular function gano et al.1 has been criticized because of differences in
secondary to profound ischemia in a patient with severe the preoperative and postoperative medical manage-
multivessel disease. ment of study groups, i.e., the group treated with b-ad-
Traditional pharmacologic approaches to the preven- renergic antagonists had more aggressive medical man-
tion and treatment of ischemia focus on the oxygen agement before surgery and possibly afterward as well.
supply/demand relationship; however, novel therapeu- Nevertheless, this study demonstrates the efficacy of
tic strategies are being studied intensively. Newer mo- b-blockers in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery.
dalities may alter myocardial oxygen demand at the cel- Selective dosing of b-adrenoceptor antagonists may ex-
lular or mitochondrial level independent of systemic and ert greater benefits than arbitrary, predefined doses of
coronary hemodynamics. A list of potentially useful these drugs. Raby et al.3 demonstrated that esmolol ad-
drugs and techniques (some of which are as yet only ministered to maintain a heart rate lower than a previ-
experimental) is shown in table 1. It is important to ously established ischemic threshold significantly re-
recognize that no single method of treatment is ideal for duced the incidence of postoperative ischemic events.
all patients because of the multifactorial basis of myocar- Although individualized treatment with a dose regimen
dial ischemia. Furthermore, all therapeutic approaches targeted to achieve a specific heart rate in each patient
have limitations, and the cost and benefit of each re- may be more labor intensive, this technique is more
quires careful evaluation. However, for the vast majority rational than a “single unit dose” strategy.
of patients with coronary artery disease undergoing an- The antiischemic mechanism of b-blockers is related to
esthesia, prevention of myocardial ischemia affords a reductions in heart rate and myocardial contractility. The
benefit that greatly outweighs the potential cost of an decrease in heart rate increases the duration of diastole,
ischemic episode. Thus, the rationale for a “wait and enhances coronary perfusion time, increases subendo-
see” strategy that uses intensive monitoring techniques cardial blood flow, and reduces myocardial oxygen con-
to identify the onset of ischemia followed by initiation of sumption. b-adrenoceptor antagonists are also capable
treatment is not well founded. Such an approach may of causing “reverse” coronary steal by increasing coro-

Anesthesiology, V 92, No 1, Jan 2000



nary vascular tone in normal regions by reducing oxygen have direct cardioprotective properties. Despite well-
demand. These drugs attenuate the adverse effects of established beneficial effects, intraoperative prophylaxis
sympathetic nervous system activation, including in- with nitroglycerin has yielded equivocal results in pa-
creases in heart rate and myocardial contractility, de- tients with coronary artery disease. For example, Coriat
creases in coronary blood flow secondary to constriction et al.5 demonstrated that nitroglycerin reduced the inci-
of large epicardial coronary vessels, coronary cyclical dence of intraoperative ischemia, whereas Thomson et
flow phenomena at the stenosis site generated by plate- al.6 showed no such benefit at an identical dose (0.5
mg z kg21 z min21). Differences in results may be related

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let aggregation and dispersion, and overall plaque insta-
bility. In addition, b-blockers have important antiarrhyth- to the patient populations studied (noncardiac vs. car-
mic properties. In the vast majority of patients, the diac surgery). Nitrates may actually be deleterious if a
reduction in heart rate produced by b-adrenoceptor an- decrease in coronary perfusion pressure occurs, espe-
tagonists is compensated by an increase in stroke vol- cially in patients with relative hypovolemia. Increasing
ume via the Frank-Starling mechanism, and cardiac out- intravascular volume and temporary use of phenyleph-
put remains unchanged. If administration of a longer- rine may be useful.7 Thus, treatment with these drugs
acting oral b-adrenoceptor antagonist is a concern should probably be limited to ongoing ischemia. In a
because of potential side effects (e.g., history of bron- similar fashion, calcium channel antagonists do not seem
chospastic lung disease), an antagonist with a short half- to be useful for prophylaxis of intraoperative myocardial
life, e.g., esmolol, can be used to assess the individual ischemia,8 although these drugs are capable of reversing
tolerance for this class of drugs. ischemia caused by coronary artery vasospasm. The cal-
a2-Adrenoceptor agonists, including clonidine, dexme- cium channel antagonists have a variety of cardiovascu-
detomidine, and mivazerol, have been studied by multi- lar effects. Nifedipine and nicardipine have a predomi-
ple investigators and deserve special comment. These nant action on peripheral arterial tone and may produce
drugs exert beneficial cardiovascular effects by reducing baroreflex-mediated increases in heart rate that can re-
central sympathetic nervous system activity. a2-Agonists sult in an increase in myocardial oxygen consumption.
prevent tachycardia, hypertension, and increased sym- In contrast, diltiazem reduces heart rate and may offer
pathetic tone during and after surgery. However, the some benefit in the treatment of intraoperative isch-
degree of reduction in heart rate produced by these emia,9 but this has yet to be established firmly by large
drugs is difficult to predict, and the concomitant reduc- clinical trials.
tion in efferent sympathetic nervous system activity Recent experimental and clinical investigations have
to the arterial vasculature may cause simultaneous re- demonstrated that brief periods of ischemia before a
ductions in coronary perfusion pressure. The a2-ago- prolonged insult are capable of markedly reducing the
nists may have a potential advantage over b-blockers extent of tissue injury, a process known as ischemic
because of their ability to attenuate the adverse effects preconditioning. The brief period of ischemia renders
of sympathetic nervous stimulation mediated by periph- the myocardium resistant to a subsequent ischemic in-
eral a- as well as b-adrenoceptors. Mivazerol has been sult, reducing myocardial stunning and infarction. The
shown to reduce the incidence of perioperative tachy- question that arises is: Are perioperative periods of tran-
cardia and myocardial ischemia.4 This study was com- sient stress beneficial by eliciting ischemic precondition-
pleted in a relatively small group of patients and was not ing? This is possible, but the lack of control over the
powered to detect differences in cardiac outcome. Thus, degree of severity and duration of such episodes repre-
large-scale clinical trials have yet to demonstrate con- sents an important danger that in and of itself may result
vincingly the efficacy of a2-agonists in the reduction of in tissue injury. On the other hand, it would be ideal if
morbidity and mortality in patients with coronary artery ischemic preconditioning could be mimicked by a drug
disease. that does not cause ischemia.
Nitrates are a mainstay in the medical management of
myocardial ischemia. Nitroglycerin reduces myocardial
oxygen demand by decreasing left ventricular preload Selection of Anesthetic Technique
and end-diastolic wall tension. Nitroglycerin also in-
creases coronary collateral perfusion by dilating large Considerable debate still remains over the advantages
epicardial coronary arteries and collateral conduit ves- and disadvantages of regional compared with general
sels. This drug is also a donor of nitric oxide, which may anesthesia for the patient with coronary artery disease.

Anesthesiology, V 92, No 1, Jan 2000



Advocates of regional anesthesia contend that this tech- terial pressure and autonomic reflex activity may be
nique causes a greater reduction of intraoperative stress substantially reduced during regional anesthesia.
responses. Thoracic epidural anesthesia may even be A major potential problem of regional anesthesia in
used as an alternative approach in the management of patients with coronary artery disease is a decrease in
unstable angina. Volatile anesthetics alone antagonize coronary perfusion pressure resulting from a reduction
adrenergic responses to stress, and these agents are even in sympathetic nervous system tone to the venous and
more effective in the presence of small doses of opioids. arterial vasculature. In the presence of a critical coronary

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Unfortunately, no definitive study has proven that one artery stenosis (in which autoregulation of coronary
approach (regional vs. general anesthesia) is superior to blood flow is absent), a reduction in arterial pressure will
the other. It seems highly unlikely that this controversy be accompanied by a proportionate decrease in coro-
will be easily answered because implementing clinical nary blood flow distal to the stenosis. Likewise, general
trials that control for the type of surgery, concomitant anesthesia has its potential shortcomings. The stress of
drug therapy, and severity of coronary artery disease is tracheal intubation and emergence from anesthesia can
an extraordinarily difficult task. Epidural or intrathecal result in large increases in sympathetic nervous system
local anesthetics or opioids may be beneficial for some stimulation that may produce unacceptable increases in
patients with coronary artery disease, principally heart rate, myocardial contractility, and left ventricular
through limiting autonomic responses to stress. Simi- afterload. Administration of high inspired concentrations
larly, aggressive control of intraoperative hemodynamics of volatile anesthetics may also lead to increases in sym-
and use of adjuvant drugs, including opioids, during and pathetic activity. However, no specific volatile or opioid-
after volatile anesthesia may be equally efficacious and based anesthetic technique has been shown to be supe-
rior to another in preventing ischemic events.12,13
present equivalent relative risk. In addition, volatile an-
Experimental evidence indicates that volatile anesthet-
esthetics have recently been shown to have important
ics may have direct cardioprotective effects that de-
cardioprotective effects in experimental animals, en-
crease the extent of myocardial ischemic injury, includ-
hancing the functional recovery of stunned myocardium
ing stunning or infarction. This effect has been termed
and reducing the extent of myocardial infarction after
“anesthetic-induced preconditioning” and is mediated by
brief and prolonged coronary artery occlusion and reper-
adenosine triphosphate– dependent potassium channel
fusion, respectively.10 These data should not be simply
activation in cardiac myocytes via a mechanism similar
viewed as beneficial side effects of volatile anesthetics,
to that observed during ischemic preconditioning.10 Pre-
but instead may eventually represent a therapeutic ap-
liminary clinical evidence for anesthetic-induced precon-
proach to intraoperative patient care. Morphine and ditioning does not yet exist. Only preliminary results of
other d opioid receptor agonists also exert cardioprotec- one study have recently been reported.14 Volatile anes-
tive effects in vivo. However, whether these exciting thetics may prove to be useful in patients with coronary
experimental results with volatile anesthetics and opi- artery disease provided that the relationship between
oids will translate into reductions in morbidity and mor- myocardial oxygen supply and demand is not adversely
tality in patients with coronary artery disease has yet to affected.
be established by clinical trials.
Large-scale investigations have also not definitively
shown that combined regional and general anesthesia
Myocardial Ischemia in the
offers any significant benefits. In fact, the likelihood of Postoperative Period
significant hypotension is probably increased with a
combined technique. Particularly lacking are compari- The potential for the patient with coronary artery
sons of neural blockade to other therapeutic alternatives, disease to develop intraoperative myocardial ischemia is
e.g., b-adrenoceptor blockade. However, a reduction in dependent on the specific surgical procedure per-
hypercoagulability and thrombotic events has been de- formed. For example, patients have a greater incidence
scribed using a combined technique in a small study of of ischemic episodes during major vascular surgery com-
patients undergoing peripheral vascular surgery.11 Con- pared with cataract surgery. Unfortunately, the occur-
versely, the combination of regional and general anes- rence of ischemic events does not end with the conclu-
thesia may limit the ability of the anesthesiologist to sion of surgery and anesthesia, but persists with even
deliver cardioprotective volatile anesthetics because ar- greater frequency in the postoperative period and, if left

Anesthesiology, V 92, No 1, Jan 2000



untreated, can result in myocardial infarction. Proinflam- ● Decrease heart rate: reduction in heart rate increases
matory responses initiated during the surgical procedure oxygen supply to ischemic myocardium and reduces
continue into the postoperative period and contribute to oxygen demand; the use of b-blockers is the most
an increased risk of myocardial ischemia. Release of effective means to reduce or attenuate deleterious in-
cytokines, the occurrence of hypercoagulability and di- creases in heart rate.
minished fibrinolytic activity, endothelial dysfunction ● Preserve coronary perfusion pressure: decreases in di-
and atherosclerotic plaque instability, hemodynamic astolic arterial pressure in the presence of severe cor-

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changes, and increases in sympathetic nervous system onary artery stenoses will lead to decreases in blood
activity associated with anesthetic emergence and flow; preservation of perfusion pressure by administra-
suboptimal pain management have been identified as tion of fluid or phenylephrine or a reduction in anes-
important factors mediating the increased incidence of thetic concentration may be critical.
ischemia postoperatively. Regional anesthesia and post- ● Decrease myocardial contractility: reduces myocardial
operative pain control may produce antiischemic actions oxygen demand and can be accomplished with b-ad-
via effects on cytokine or neurohumoral-mediated path- renoceptor antagonists or volatile anesthetics.
ways. A better understanding of how perioperative ● Precondition myocardium against stunning and infarc-
pathophysiologic processes can be modulated for the tion: in the future, this may accomplished by stimulat-
benefit of the patient is required. Sympathetic activation ing the adenosine triphosphate– dependent potassium
caused by postoperative pain is highly deleterious for channel with agents such as volatile anesthetics and
the patient with coronary artery disease, and treatment opioid d1-receptor agonists.
of pain with intrathecal or epidural opioids with or
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Anesthesiology, V 92, No 1, Jan 2000

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