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Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 1209–1212

Betacyanins from vine cactus Hylocereus polyrhizus

S•awomir Wybranieca,*, Itzhak Platznerb, Shimona Gereshc, Hugo E. Gottliebd,
Marcela Haimberge, Michael Mogilnitzkie, Yosef Mizrahic
Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Cracow University of Technology, Warszawska 24, Cracow 31-155, Poland
Ben Gurion University of the Negev from NRCN, POB 9001, 84190 Beer-Sheva, Israel
The Institutes for Applied Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, 84105 Beer-Sheva, Israel
Chemistry Department, Bar Ilan University, 52900 Ramat Gan, Israel
Research and Development Division, Makteshim Ltd., 84100 Beer-Sheva, Israel

Received 13 June 2001; received in revised form 18 July 2001

The presence of betacyanin pigments and their isoforms has been detected in the fruit of Hylocereus polyrhizus, a vine cactus
native to South America. Along with the known betanin and phyllocactin (60 -O-malonylbetanin), a new betacyanin was structurally
elucidated as betanidin 5-O-[60 -O-(300 -hydroxy-300 -methyl-glutaryl)-b-d-glucopyranoside] (proposed trivial name hylocerenin) by
means of electrospray MS/MS, HPLC, and NMR techniques. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Vine cactus; Hylocereus polyrhizus; Cactaceae; Betacyanins; Betalains; Betanin; Phyllocactin

1. Introduction juices. In cacti the most important fruit pigments are the
betacyanins and betaxanthins (Gibson and Nobel,
Hylocereus polyrhizus [(F. A. C. Weber) Britton and 1986), the betalains.
Rose] and its related species belong to the vine cacti The pigments in these newly domesticated species are
from the subfamily Cactoideae of the tribe Cacteae unknown, therefore, their structure elucidation is
(Raveh et al., 1993). This tribe contains many species reported here.
with edible fruits mostly known as pitaya, or pitahaya.
The common name of these fruits is pitaya since they
contain scales on the fruit skin and hence the name 2. Results and discussion
pitaya ‘‘the scaly fruit’’ (Canto, 2000).
In the last two decades efforts have been made to The presence of the betacyanins (1–3) and their 15R-
develop the cultivation of pitayas, vine species of the isoforms (10 –30 ) has been detected by HPLC of fruit
genus Hylocereus. Some of them contained pulp of red pulp extracts from H. polyrhizus by their characteristic
and/or purple colors of various hues (Mizrahi et al. 1997; spectral properties (Fig. 2). From the ratio of the
Mizrahi and Nerd, 1999; Canto, 2000). In Israel, some of absorbances at 540 and 320 nm (1:0.14) the presence of
these cacti are already produced commercially, among hydroxycinnamoyl residues as acylating moieties in 1–3
them Hylocereus polyrhizus with glowing deep red-pur- can be excluded (Heuer et al., 1994).
ple fruit flesh (Fig. 1) (Mizrahi and Nerd, 1999). The Compounds 1/10 were assigned as betanin and iso-
pulp of H. polyrhizus is already used in Israel for the betanin, by UV-vis spectroscopy and co-chromatography
production of red-violet colored ice cream. They have with authentic betanin from red beet. The assignment was
also the potential to be used in low temperature dairy confirmed by ESI–MS/MS giving the expected proto-
drinks and in light drinks with or without other fruit nated molecular ion [M+H]+ (m/z 551) and the pro-
minent daughter ion at m/z 389 [betanidin+H]+.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-12-628-2707; fax: +48-12-633-
Subsequent NMR analysis confirmed undoubtedly the
3374. aglycones (betanidin, isobetanidin) in the compounds 1
E-mail address: (S. Wybraniec). and 10 , respectively. The only significant differences in
0031-9422/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0031-9422(01)00336-3
1210 S. Wybraniec et al. / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 1209–1212

Fig. 1. Fruits of Hylocereus polyrhizus.

chemical shifts are a small (0.03 ppm) shielding of H-15.

The suggestion is that the pairs of compounds are 11Z
or E isomers. The small chemical shift difference between
H-4 and H-7 of 0.12 ppm is characteristic of a substitu- Fig. 3. Chemical structures of analyzed betacyanins in Hylocereus
polyrhizus. Compound numbers refer to Fig. 2 and Table 1.
tion of the hydroxyl group at C-5 (Heuer et al., 1992,
1994). The signals of the 1H NMR were comparable to
those published recently (Strack et al., 1993). between H-4 and H-7 indicated the substitution at the
Compounds 2 and 20 were identified as already known hydroxyl group at C-5 of betanidin. Additionally the
phyllocactin and isophyllocactin, respectively (Fig. 3) AB quartet of H-200 A/H-200 B at =3.46 ppm suggested a
(Minale et al., 1966). The MS and NMR data of phyllo- malonate moiety. The low field chemical shift of H-60 A/
cactin has been recently discussed (Kobayashi et al., 2000). H-60 B (4.59 and 4.35) provides definitive evidence that
The protonated parent ion ([M+H]+) for compound 2 the malonate moiety is bound to C-60 .
was found at m/z 637 [550 (betanin)+86 (malonyl)+H]+ The protonated parent ion ([M+H]+) for compound
and the daughter ions at m/z 551 [betanin+H]+ and 389 3 was found at m/z 695 (Table 1). Characteristic ions at
[betanidin+H]+. Additional ions at m/z 619 and 593 m/z 551 and 389 indicated that compound 3 is a deri-
were assigned to losses of H2O and CO2 (Table 1). The vative of betanin and betanidin. The mass difference (m/z
1D and 2D 1H NMR data of 2 and 20 were virtually the 695–551) of 144 suggested the presence of aliphatic acyl
same as published recently (Kobayashi et al., 2000). The moiety connected to the glucose of 1. The additional
presence of the aglycone, glucose and malonyl moieties ions found after fragmentation of [M+H]+ for 3 and 30
was confirmed and the small chemical shift of 0.14 ppm at m/z 677, 651 and 633 were assigned to losses of H2O
and CO2. Compounds 3 and 30 had 1H NMR spectra
which were virtually identical to those of 2 and 20 ,
respectively, except of the absence of the malonate pro-
tons H2-200 at =3.46 ppm. Instead, an extra singlet of
H3-300 (methyl group) at =1.57 ppm and two new
methylene groups at =2.89 ppm (singlet of H-400 ) and
2.71 ppm (AB quartet of H-200 A/H-200 B) were seen.
These data are in accordance with the MS data and are
indicative for the presence of a 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-
glutaryl moiety (HMG) at C-60 of betanin.
Hence, the combination of ESI–MS and 1H NMR data
identified 3 as betanidin 5-O-[60 -O-(300 -hydroxy-300 -methyl-
glutaryl)-b-d-glucopyranoside], a new betacyanin pigment
(Fig. 3). A similar compound, amaranthin acylated with 3-
hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaric acid (iresinin-I) has been iso-
lated from Iresine herbstii (Amaranthaceae) (Minale et al.,
Fig. 2. HPLC pattern of betacyanins from fruit pulp of Hylocereus 1966). Upon b-glucuronidase treatment iresinin-I yielded
polyrhizus. For peak identification see Table 1. Peak numbers refer to glucuronic acid and degradation products (Minale et al.,
Fig. 3. 1966) containing most probably 60 -HMG-betanin, an
S. Wybraniec et al. / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 1209–1212 1211

Table 1
Retention time, HPLC–PDA and ESI–MS/MS data of betacyanins from fruit pulp of Hylocereus polyrhizus

Compounda Rt (min) Relative conc. (%) HPLC–PDA (lmax, nm) Characteristic ions from ESI–MS/MS

[M+H]+ Other characteristic ions Betacyanin

1 8.1 25.3 537 551 389 Betanin

10 11.1 7.8 537 551 389 Isobetanin
2 18.2 35.7 539 637 619; 593; 551; 389 Phyllocactin
20 24.3 7.4 538 637 619; 593; 551; 389 Isophyllocactin
3 22.6 19.8 541 695 677; 651; 633; 551; 389 Hylocereninb
30 29.8 4.0 540 695 677; 651; 633; 551; 389 Isohylocereninc
Compound numbers correspond to peak numbers in Fig. 2.
New compound: betanidin 5-O-[60 -O-(300 -hydroxy-300 -methyl-glutaryl)-b-d-glucopyranoside].
New compound: isobetanidin 5-O-[60 -O-(300 -hydroxy-300 -methyl-glutaryl)-b-d-glucopyranoside].

artificially formed compound, which is now shown to be 3.2. Pigment extraction

an endogenously occurring pigment in H. polyrhizus.
The 15S-forms are eluted in HPLC (ODS-type col- One hundred grams of the peeled fruit (of watery
umns with acidic eluents) earlier than the 15R-forms consistency) were shaken with 200 ml 80% aq. EtOH
(the isoforms) (Bokern et al., 1991; Schliemann et al., for few minutes, followed by fast filtration and cen-
1996). Therefore, peaks 1, 2 and 3 can be attributed to trifugation at 18 000 rpm and 4  C for 20 min. After
betanidin based forms, whereas peaks 10 , 20 and 30 to careful decantation, the extract was concentrated in
isobetanidin based forms. vacuo at 25  C to 3–4 ml and stored in a dark vessel at
The contents of all pigments in purified extracts 18  C. The roots from red beet (Beta vulgaris) was
before HPLC fractionation ranged between 30 and 80 mg processed by the same procedure.
betanin equivalents/100 g of fresh fruit pulp, taking E538
(1%)=1120 (Forni et al., 1992) for spectrophotometric 3.3. Extract purification
calculations of betacyanins concentration in purified
extracts. Fruit pulp of H. polyrhizus is characterized by the The concentrated betacyanin extracts were purified
glowing purple-red colour, which can be attributed to the prior to prep. HPLC by column chromatography (401.2
presence of 3 in the fruit. Assuming that the E538(1%) of cm, i.d.) on Sephadex G-25 (Sigma Steinheim, Germany)
the all pigments are similar, the relative concentrations of according to Adams and von Elbe (1977) and subse-
H. polyrhizus pigments were calculated from the chroma- quently on LH-20-100 (Sigma Steinheim, Germany)
togram (Fig. 2) and showed in Table 1. (Schliemann et al., 1996). The betacyanin fractions were
In summary, the betacyanins of fruits of H. polyrhizus lyophilized.
were identified as the known betanin, phyllocactin and
their iso-forms. Additionally, a new betacyanin was 3.4. HPLC
identified as betanidin 5-O-[60 -O-(300 -hydroxy-300 -methyl-
glutaryl)-b-d-glucopyranoside] and its isoform. The Preparative HPLC was carried out with a Waters
formation of the 15R-isoforms (10 –30 ) may occur during Delta Prep 4000 prep. chromatography system (Waters,
fruit maturation, but they could be also artefacts of Milford MA, USA) equipped with a LiChroCART1 250-
isolation. 10, LiChrospher1 60 RP-select B, (10 mm) column pro-
tected by a guard column. The separation was performed
isocratically using a mixture of 90% solvent A (0.5%
3. Experimental aq. TFA) with 10% solvent B (acetonitrile) for 35 min, at
a flow rate of 3.1 ml min1 (injection volume: 1 ml; detec-
3.1. Plant material tion at 538 nm). 1: Rt 14–17 min; 2: Rt 25–29 min; 3: Rt 41–
45 min. To remove the solvent, the pooled fractions were
Seven-year-old plants of Hylocereus polyrhizus grown concentrated in vacuo and subsequently lyophilised. The
on trellis system under greenhouse conditions in Beer- yields were: 2—3.3 mg; 3—2.1 mg. After checking the
Sheva, Israel, were used (Mizrahi and Nerd, 1999). All purity of the fractions by analytical HPLC the com-
flowers were hand-crossed pollinated with other com- pounds were dissolved in appropriate solvents prior to
patible clones and tagged (Weiss et al., 1994). Fruits analysis by UV/vis, electrospray MS/MS or 1H NMR.
were harvested for analysis when reaching full ripening Analytical HPLC was carried out on LC-10AT-VP
stage, 35 days after pollination for H. polyrhizus (Nerd chromatograph with photodiode-array SPD-M10A VP
et al., 1999). The edible pulp was taken for analysis. detector (Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan) equipped
1212 S. Wybraniec et al. / Phytochemistry 58 (2001) 1209–1212

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select B, (5 mm) column. The elution system was the H-200 A, H-200 B), 1.57 (3H, s, H-300 ).
same as for the prep. HPLC at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min
(injection volume: 10 ml; detection at 538 nm).
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The authors wish to express their thanks to Dr. Y.
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