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Grammar Auction

1. Read the sentences in the table below. Decide which ones are grammatically correct and put a tick. If you’re
not sure put a ‘?’

2. You have 1,000€ to spend. Decide how much will pay for each sentence that you want to buy: maximum
(remember – you only want to buy CORRECT sentences). Write the quantity in the box ‘Max. bid’
3. In the auction you can bid on any sentence you want to buy – don’t forget that the idea is to buy correct

4. When you buy a sentence, make a note of the price in the box ‘final price’.
5. Don’t forget to make a note of how much money you spend and how much your new total is every time you
buy a sentence.

Sentence √ / x /? Max. bid Final price Buyers

1. Coffee is growing in Brazil.
2. How often do you go cycling?
3. Where does he keep the keys?
4. Why can’t you coming?
5. I was born in the 19th November 1985.
6. We are having a party at Christmas.
7. I haven’t seen her today.
8. I went out last night but I came home early.
9. This is the most interesting book.
10.What time is the film start?
11.John is the brother of Mary.
12.Do you like another orange juice?
13.Hey! That book is mine, not yours.
14.I’m wearing my new dress to the party.
15.He can’t to play football because he’s ill.

Sentences we bought How much we paid New total (from 1000€)

Final result

The number of correct sentences we bought: _________________________

How much we spent (on correct and incorrect sentences): _______________

Money remaining: ______________
Auction language:

Lot number 1 etc

To (place/make a) bid

To bid against someone

Going once, going twice, gone! Sold to … for …€

Multiples of 5

Here we have a beautiful, interesting, amazing…

Who’ll offer/give me …€?

…€ to the wo/man at the back, on my right/left, at the front etc

…do I hear …€?

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