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Management of coagulation during

cardiopulmonary bypass
Britta U. O’Carroll-Kuehn MD FRCA
Hanif Meeran MBBS FRCA

Coagulation in cardiac surgery Platelets are activated and localized via recep-
Key points
tors for substances such as collagen and throm-
During normal haemostasis, a platelet plug bin. They release procoagulant factors and Coagulation and
change shape, exposing negatively charged
inflammatory pathways are
forms at the site of vessel injury. This is stabi-
triggered by contact of
lized by fibrin produced from enzymatic reac- membrane phospholipid. Factors IXa, Xa, and
blood with the
tions of coagulation factors. These reactions XIa also have negatively charged sites that cardiopulmonary bypass
can only proceed at a sufficient rate on the attach to platelet phospholipid via calcium ions (CPB) circuit and surgical
phospholipid surface of activated platelets. This acting as a sandwich-like buffer. XIa activates wound during open heart
requirement for platelet phospholipid, plus a IX, an additional source of IXa to that derived surgery.
series of inhibitors, and the fibrinolytic system by TF – VIIa. Two key enzyme –cofactor com- Heparin remains the
restrict clot production to the site of injury. plexes form on the platelet surface. IXa joins standard anticoagulant for
Historically, coagulation was considered as two with its cofactor VIIIa to form a ‘tenase’ CPB; despite inconsistent
separate pathways of factors, denoted by complex that activates X. Similarly, a ‘pro- relationships between
Roman numerals, arranged in cascades. The thrombinase’ complex is formed by Xa and Va. coagulation tests, thrombin
‘intrinsic’ (contact activation) and ‘extrinsic’ The combination of enzyme, cofactor, calcium, inhibition, and plasma
(tissue factor) pathways join to form a common and phospholipid surface increase the speed of concentrations.
pathway at factor Xa that activates thrombin, these reactions many thousand-fold. This pro- Activated clotting time is
which in turn converts fibrinogen to fibrin. duces an explosive increase in thrombin pro- the standard test of
Although not an accurate representation of duction sufficient to produce fibrin.2 Platelets coagulation during CPB.
in vivo coagulation, this scheme remains useful become linked together in this platelet-fibrin Thromboelastography is a
when trying to understand laboratory tests. The clot via their fibrin-receptor glycoprotein point of care coagulation
prothrombin time (PT) is a test of the extrinsic IIbIIIa (GpIIbIIIa). test that gives rapid,
pathway. The activated partial thromboplastin Coagulation overlaps with inflammatory qualitative information
time (APTT) is a test of the intrinsic pathway. pathways; for example, activated platelets about coagulation factors,
Modern understanding is that in vivo hae- release inflammatory cytokines and thrombin platelets, and fibrinolysis.
mostasis begins with tissue factor (TF) and cir- activates monocytes. Coagulation can activate Following protamine
culating factor VII.1 A network of reactions is the inflammatory system and vice versa. This reversal of heparin, failure
triggered with platelets playing a central role, becomes relevant with extreme activation of to re-establish normal
rather than a unidirectional enzyme cascade. either system, such as in systemic inflammation. haemostasis can occur and
TF is a transmembrane glycoprotein expressed During CPB for OHS, heparin is required to may result in postoperative
prevent blood clotting within the CPB circuit.3
on cells outside the bloodstream. Coagulation
is initiated when TF becomes exposed at the By facilitating the action of antithrombin III,
site of vessel injury, binds and activates circu- heparin inhibits thrombin. Despite heparin
lating factor VII. The resulting TF –VIIa anticoagulation, some activation of coagulation
complex activates factors X and IX. Activated still occurs and increases with the duration of
factor X (Xa) then binds cofactor V. This TF – CPB. Contact activation occurs on foreign sur-
Xa/Va complex cleaves prothrombin to throm- faces within the bypass circuit. In addition,
bin. Thrombin is an important enzyme in there is exposure of blood to air and TF in the Britta U. O’Carroll-Kuehn MD FRCA
coagulation as it cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin wound and recirculation of this blood via cardi- SpR Anaesthetics
St George’s Hospital London UK
and activates platelets, factor XI, and cofactors otomy suction. Thrombin bound to fibrin
V and VIII. Thrombin also activates control deposited on surfaces within the CPB circuit is Hanif Meeran MBBS FRCA
mechanisms such as the inhibitor protein C and resistant to inhibition by heparin –antithrombin Consultant Anaesthetist
Department of Anaesthetics
the fibrinolytic enzyme plasmin. The small III. Consumption of clotting factors and plate-
St George’s Hospital
amount of thrombin produced thus far is not lets follows their activation by thrombin. Blackshaw Road London SW17 0QT UK
sufficient to produce a fibrin clot. Amplification Thrombin-induced fibrinolysis by plasmin not Tel: þ44 020 8725 3316
Fax: þ44 020 8725 3135
of thrombin production is achieved by acceler- only lyses fibrin clot, but plasmin also degrades
ating enzyme reactions on the platelet surface. platelet surface receptors such as GpIIbIIIa. (for correspondence)

Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain | Volume 7 Number 6 2007 195
& The Board of Management and Trustees of the British Journal of Anaesthesia [2007].
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Management of coagulation

Activation of inflammatory cells such as monocytes may impair Heparin resistance

haemostasis via their expression of TF. Endothelial cells become Heparin resistance can be defined as a need for higher than usual
activated by various agonists including thrombin and cytokines. doses of heparin to achieve adequate anticoagulation. This may be
They, in turn, can release inflammatory mediators and coagulation due to ATIII deficiency or increased protein binding of heparin.
factors. Hypothermia of less than 358C slows coagulation enzyme Protein binding is variable and increases in acute illness. ATIII
kinetics, impairs platelet function, and delays heparin elimination. deficiency may be either inherited or acquired (Table 2). Inherited
Other contributors to CPB-related coagulopathy include haemodi- ATIII deficiency follows an autosomal dominant pattern with a
lution, pre-operative platelet inhibitors, heparin itself, and prevalence of 1:2000–20 000. Affected individuals usually have
protamine.4,5 ATIII levels below 50% of normal and are prone to venous throm-
Postoperative bleeding is a common complication of cardiac bosis. Acquired ATIII deficiency is more common and is usually
surgery but a surgical cause is only found in 50% of due to recent heparin administration. Additional heparin is usually
re-explorations.5 Empiric transfusion of blood products is often all that is required for heparin resistance, but ATIII deficiency
inappropriate, carries the risk of adverse effects, and has been should be suspected if an ACT . 480 s cannot be achieved after
associated with an increase in wound infection. Rapid and accurate administration of more than 600 IU of heparin per kilogramme.
diagnosis of haemostasis is necessary to discriminate coagulo- Recombinant ATIII concentrates are the treatment of choice. Fresh
pathic bleeding from surgical bleeding. frozen plasma (FFP) contains normal concentrations of ATIII and
is a cheaper alternative, but carries the risks associated with
Anticoagulation for cardiopulmonary
bypass Alternatives to unfractionated heparin
Unfractionated heparin Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and protamine or
Unfractionated heparin is a negatively charged acid glycosamino- heparin allergy might necessitate avoidance of heparin. A number
glycan with a molecular weight of 3000–40 000 Da. Heparin of alternatives to heparin for CPB have been investigated.
binds ATIII and potentiates its inhibitory effect on factor Xa and Low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) exhibits poor throm-
thrombin. Although all fractions of heparin inhibit Xa, only bin inhibition, has a long half-life, and its reversal by protamine is
longer chain molecules will inhibit thrombin. Long-chain mol- incomplete. Anticoagulation monitoring by measuring anti-Xa
ecules also catalyse thrombin inhibition by heparin cofactor II. In levels is more cumbersome. Although LMWH has been used for
addition, heparin influences activation of coagulation through CPB, excessive postoperative bleeding often occurs. Danaparoid is
heparin-mediated TF pathway inhibitor (TFPI) and stimulates a mixture of glycosaminoglycan heparinoid molecules that has
fibrinolysis.4 been used successfully in patients with HIT undergoing CPB. Its
The advantages of unfractionated heparin are its rapid onset of effect is also monitored by anti-Xa activity.
action, clinical efficacy, rapid neutralization by protamine, safety, Lepirudin is a recombinant polypeptide thrombin inhibitor, orig-
and low cost. The dose of heparin used to prevent blood clotting inally obtained from the medicinal leech and known as hirudin. The
during CPB is 300 –400 U kg21 plus additional doses to achieve ecarin clotting time must be used to monitor hirudin anticoagulation
and maintain an activated clotting time (ACT) of greater than for CPB. This test is based on the inhibition of the snake venom
480 s (Table 1). However, the individual response to a fixed dose ecarin by hirudin and is not widely available. Other disadvantages
of heparin varies. Higher doses of heparin may result in better are its long plasma half-life and lack of reversal agent. Bivalirudin
thrombin inhibition, thereby preserving coagulation factors on is a synthetic thrombin inhibitor based on the combined structures
CPB.3,4 of hirudin and antithrombin. This much shorter-acting drug is also
monitored by the ecarin time and may prove more useful.

Table 2 Causes of ATIII deficiency

Table 1 Standard sequence for anticoagulation management for adults undergoing
CPB Drug induced
Arterial blood sample for baseline ACT Accelerated consumption
300– 400 IU kg21 of unfractionated heparin via central venous catheter Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Arterial blood sample for ACT after 3–5 min Sepsis
Ensure ACT above 3–4 times of baseline ACT (.480 s) before initiating CPB Dilution
5000 IU unfractionated heparin in CPB prime solution CPB
Monitor ACT at least every 30 min during CPB Decreased synthesis
Maintain ACT 400 –480 s during hypothermia while on CPB (24 –308C). Liver cirrhosis
Reverse heparin with protamine after separation from CPB. Dose ratio 1 mg Increased excretion
protamine per 10 IU of heparin, based on pre-CPB heparin dose. Protein-losing states
Arterial blood sample for ACT after 3–5 min Familial

196 Continuing Education in Anaesthesia, Critical Care & Pain j Volume 7 Number 6 2007
Management of coagulation

Ancrod is derived from snake venom and acts as a defibrino- heparin concentration. In theory, heparin concentration monitoring
genating agent. It can be used for CPB, but cryoprecipitate and should result in better inhibition of thrombin generation, preser-
FFP are required to restore coagulation. vation of coagulation factors and platelet function.
Argatroban is an arginine analogue thrombin inhibitor with a The high-dose thrombin time and the heparin management test
short half-life that can be monitored using the APTT or ACT. are point-of-care tests of heparin-based anticoagulation; they are
However, there is very limited experience of argabotran anticoagu- less susceptible to artefact on CPB than the ACT. Heparin dose –
lation for CPB.2,3 response and individual calculation of protamine dose for each
patient is also possible with the heparin management test.4,6
Heparin reversal with protamine Individual patient dosing and more accurate control of anti-
coagulation would seem preferable; however, the ACT is simple,
Protamine sulphate is obtained from salmon sperm and used to
familiar, cheaper and remains the standard monitor for CPB
reverse heparin-induced anticoagulation. The positively charged
molecules form 1:1 complexes with heparin.
Protamine is associated with arterial hypotension, reduced cardiac
output, pulmonary vasoconstriction, and anaphylaxis. In addition to Monitoring coagulation to guide
aiding coagulation with its heparin neutralising properties, unbound haemostatic blood transfusion
protamine inhibits platelet reactivity, adhesion, and aggregation. Monitoring coagulation to guide transfusion therapy has been
Therefore, excess protamine administration can contribute to bleeding shown to be associated with a reduction in transfusion of blood
after cardiac surgery. Although most individuals use the fixed dose of products. Reduced exposure to allogenic transfusion should
1.0–1.5 mg protamine per 100 IU heparin, dosing based on heparin improve outcome and reduce costs.7
levels is associated with reduced protamine requirement. Protamine
dose titration in this way has been associated with less postoperative Laboratory tests of coagulation
bleeding.4 Heparin released from protein binding sites after protamine
reversal can increase postoperative bleeding. This ‘heparin rebound’ Laboratory tests of coagulation are of no value during CPB. They
effect may be clinically apparent after large intra-operative doses of are useful in preoperative assessment of patients and for the diag-
heparin, requiring additional protamine. nosis of postoperative coagulopathy.
The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) and APTT are similar
Monitoring anticoagulation and are both sensitive to prolongation by low concentrations of
heparin. Since aprotinin inhibits several coagulation factors,
Activated clotting time patients receiving aprotinin also exhibit a prolonged APTT or PTT.
The ACT has been used to monitor heparin anticoagulation during A prolonged PT, or international normalized ratio, after cardiac
CPB since the 1970s. Blood 1 ml is placed in a glass tube contain- surgery indicates clotting factor deficiency. If the patient is bleed-
ing a magnetic rod and an activator (celite or kaolin). The tube is ing, this can be treated with FFP.
warmed to 378C and slowly rotated in a machine while a timer Platelet count is the only readily available laboratory test to
runs. Clotting is detected by resistance to movement of the mag- guide platelet transfusion. Platelet function can be sufficiently poor
netic rod in a magnetic field which automatically stops the timer. after cardiac surgery to result in bleeding, despite normal numbers.
The normal ACT value is 100– 140 s and increases in a linear Conversely, good platelet function can maintain haemostasis with
fashion with increasing heparin concentration. Aprotinin prolongs a low platelet count.
the celite ACT, but the value is less affected if kaolin is used. Cryoprecipitate is occasionally required in cases of severe coa-
Other factors that prolong ACT include thrombocytopenia or gulopathic bleeding with a low fibrinogen level.8
decreased platelet function due to antiplatelet agents such as
GpIIbIIIa inhibitors. Haemodilution and hypothermia routinely Thromboelastography
occur while on CPB and also prolong the ACT. For these reasons,
Thromboelastography (TEG) measures whole blood viscoelastic
once CPB is established, the ACT ceases to correlate well with
changes associated with fibrin polymerization. Its ability to gene-
heparin concentration or measures of heparin anticoagulation
rate information about coagulation factor activity and platelet func-
effect such as anti-Xa activity.3,4,6
tion within 10 –20 min has made it an increasingly popular test for
monitoring coagulation during and after CPB. A pin, attached to a
Other measures of anticoagulation
torsion wire, is suspended into a blood sample contained in an
Heparin concentration can be measured and used as an adjunct to oscillating cuvette. Clot forms gradually in the blood sample creat-
the ACT during CPB. The most common method is a point-of-care ing increasing displacement of the pin. This is translated into a
protamine titration assay. As initiation of CPB results in a decrease graphical representation (Fig. 1). Fibrinolysis can be detected later
in heparin concentration without a corresponding decrease in the as the clot begins to dissolve. Cuvettes containing heparinase elim-
ACT, larger doses of heparin are needed to maintain the target inate the heparin effect, allowing tests although the patient is still

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Management of coagulation

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Fig. 1 Thromboelastography (TEG) trace. r is the reaction time, from start 6. Shore-Lesserson L. Evidence based coagulation monitors: heparin moni-
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clot strength and is reduced with platelet dysfunction. LY 30 is the lysis 30, 2004; 92: 178–86
percentage decrease in amplitude 30 min after MA, measures the degree of 8. Practice guidelines for blood component therapy: a report by the
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article in this journal.10 Please see multiple choice questions 12 –16

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