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Effect of Heparin Loading During Congenital Heart

Operation on Thrombin Generation and Blood Loss

Sophronia O. Turner-Gomes, MB, ChB, Evan P. Nitschmann, BSc,
Geoffrey R. Norman, PhD, Maureen E. Andrew, MD, and William G. Williams, MD
Departments of Pediatrics and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McMaster University, Hamilton, and University of Toronto,
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Background. The heparin protocols used during cardio- 0.001). In the patients in the high-dose group, the total
pulmonary bypass (CPB) in children undergoing surgical heparin dose and the plasma heparin levels were higher
repair for congenital heart disease are extrapolated from (p 5 0.0005 and 0.005, respectively) and the D-dimer
adult data. Studies are needed that assess the optimal levels tended to be lower (p 5 0.06). The postoperative
heparin dosing in these children, whose heparin clear- blood loss was higher in the cyanotic patients (p 5 0.02;
ance is increased compared with that in adults. both high-dose and low-dose groups), with 2 cyanotic
Methods. We assessed the effects of two commonly patients (1 in low-dose group, 1 in high-dose group)
used doses of heparin in the prime solution at the start of requiring reoperation, one of whom subsequently died.
CPB operation on plasma heparin levels, on thrombin The increased heparin dose had no significant effect on
production (thrombin–antithrombin III complexes, pro- the rate or volume of postoperative blood loss.
thrombin fragment 1 1 2, D-dimer, and antithrombin Conclusions. Increasing the heparin dose in the prime
III), and on the risk of hemorrhage. Before CPB, 48 solution from 1 to 3 U/mL increased the plasma heparin
children with congenital heart disease received heparin levels and showed a trend toward reducing the postop-
intravenously in a loading dose of 300 U/kg, followed by erative laboratory values indicative of fibrinolysis.
either 1 U/mL of heparin in the prime (low-dose group: Thrombin generation during CPB and the incidence of
22 patients—acyanotic, 9; cyanotic, 13) or 3 U/mL of postoperative hemorrhage were not significantly altered.
heparin in the prime (group: high-dose, 26 patients— Larger randomized trials are needed to determine the
acyanotic, 15; cyanotic, 11). optimal heparin-dosing regimen in patients with congen-
Results. In all patients, CPB resulted in the generation ital heart disease.
of thrombin. The duration of CPB was a significant
covariate factor for heparin levels (p 5 0.002), thrombin (Ann Thorac Surg 1997;63:482– 8)
production (p < 0.001), and postoperative blood loss (p < © 1997 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

C hildren with congenital heart disease (CHD) are at

increased risk for thromboembolism or hemor-
rhage after surgical repair involving cardiopulmonary
ated during CPB [6]. Thrombin is a key enzyme in
hemostasis, because it cleaves fibrinogen so that a fibrin
clot can form. Thrombin further induces its own produc-
bypass (CPB) [1– 4]. Heparin is the mainstay of manage- tion by means of the prothrombinase complex [7]. Hep-
ment during CPB operation, as an important anticoagu- arin acts as a catalyst in the inhibition of thrombin and
lant and antithrombotic agent. Heparin protocols used in factor Xa by antithrombin III (ATIII) [8, 9]. We therefore
children undergoing CPB operations are extrapolated hypothesized on the basis of this information that higher
from adult data. However, we have observed that hepa- loading doses of heparin in the prime solution might
rin clearance in children with CHD is increased com- increase the initial amount of thrombin that would be
pared with that in adults [5]. At our institution, CHD inhibited at the start of CPB. This would then decrease
patients are given heparin in a loading dose of 300 U/kg, the risk of further thrombin generation during CPB with-
with 1 U/mL given in the prime solution at the start of out increasing the risk of hemorrhage.
CPB. Additional heparin is then given to keep the acti-
vated clotting time (ACT), measured using a Hemochron,
above 400 seconds. Other institutions use similar loading Patients and Methods
doses of heparin, but they use higher doses (ie, 2–3 Using a protocol approved in April 1992 by the Human
U/mL) in the prime solution (personal communications). Subjects Committee at the Hospital for Sick Children,
We have found in our patients that thrombin is gener- Toronto, Ontario, we obtained informed consent from
parents of all patients before their inclusion in the study.
Accepted for publication Sep 14, 1996. Children under 1 year of age were excluded. Forty-eight
Address reprint requests to Dr Turner-Gomes, Department of Pediatrics,
consecutive patients with acyanotic or cyanotic CHD,
McMaster University Medical Centre, 1200 Main St W, Hamilton, ON, aged 1.1 to 15.7 years (median, 3.6 years; mean, 5 years),
Canada L8N 3Z5. were enrolled in the study. However, because of reser-

© 1997 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons 0003-4975/97/$17.00

Published by Elsevier Science Inc PII S0003-4975(96)01215-5
Ann Thorac Surg TURNER-GOMES ET AL 483

Table 1. Demographic Dataa utes after the start of CPB, at the end of hypothermia,
after heparin reversal with protamine, and 2 hours after
Low-Dose High-Dose
Heparin Heparin the patient’s return from the operating room. The sam-
ples were collected into 3.8% trisodium citrate and cen-
Type of Defect n Age (y) n Age (y)
trifuged at 1,200 g at 4°C for 15 minutes. The supernatant
Acyanotic was then removed and centrifuged again. Multiple ali-
Atrial septal defect 7 9.5 6 1.9 11 6.0 6 1.1 quots of plasma were frozen at 270°C until assayed.
Ventricular septal defect 2 5.2 6 3.9 4 4.6 6 2.5
Hemodilution During Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Total 9 7.8 6 2.5 15 6.0 6 1.8
To assess the degree to which plasma proteins were
Cyanotic diluted by CPB, immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels were
Tetralogy of Fallot 9 3.1 6 0.7 6 2.3 6 0.5 assessed in all samples by rate nephelometry (Kallestad
Univentricular heart 4 2.3 6 0.2 5 5.3 6 2.0 Diagnostics, Chaskan, MN). As an additional measure of
Total 13 3.5 6 0.8 11 3.3 6 0.6 hemodilution, hematocrit values were measured in the
preoperative and postoperative samples.
Values are reported as mean 6 standard error of the mean. The
acyanotic children with congenital heart disease were older than the Thrombin Generation In Vivo
cyanotic children (p , 0.05).
Thrombin–antithrombin III (TAT) complexes and levels
of prothrombin fragment 1 1 2 were assayed using Behring
vations on the part of the attending physicians regarding enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kits (Hoechst, Mon-
the potential for an increased risk of bleeding, we first treal, Que, Canada) [10, 11]. D-dimer levels were assayed
conducted a pilot study that involved 15 patients (10 using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit man-
low-dose heparin, 5 high-dose heparin). No major epi- ufactured by Diagnostica Stago (Wellmark Diagnostics,
sodes of bleeding were observed during this initial phase Guelph, Ont, Canada) [12].
and we therefore continued the study, incorporating the
patients from the pilot study into the formal study. Additional Assays
Subsequent recruitment to the high-dose arm of the The ATIII levels were measured functionally using a
study was attempted in all patients. In the event that a chromogenic substrate [13]. Heparin levels were ana-
child’s parents refused his or her admittance into the lyzed using the antifactor Xa assay of Teien and associ-
high-dose arm (n 5 4), a request was then made to ates [14].
include the patient as a control patient. At the end of the
study, 8 more patients were recruited as controls. In all, Statistical Analysis
22 patients were recruited as controls and 26 as high-dose Analyses of variance and covariance with repeated mea-
patients. The children’s diagnoses and demographic data sures were used to analyze the data. The design included
are summarized in Table 1. Cardiopulmonary bypass was two between-subject factors— cyanotic versus acyanotic
performed using a hollow-fiber membrane oxygenator and high-dose heparin versus low-dose heparin—and a
(Dideco 0.8 –3.5, Mirandola, Italy). The extracorporeal within-subject factor—repeated factor of time. The fac-
circuit was primed with Ringer’s lactate, 5% albumin in tors of group and dose were adjusted for perioperative
normal saline solution, mannitol, and heparin in a dose differences in the IgG levels and the perioperative levels
of either 1 U/mL (22 patients: acyanotic, 9; cyanotic, 13) or of each assay. To correct for the effect of dilution, the
3 U/mL (26 patients: acyanotic, 15; cyanotic, 11). After the preoperative IgG level was used as the second covariate.
induction of anesthesia, a loading dose of heparin (300 This analysis of covariance approach allowed for differ-
U/kg) was administered. Additional heparin was given to ences among patients before the administration of hep-
maintain the ACT (Hemochron; International Techni- arin to be adjusted. The data for the TAT and D-dimer
dyne Corp., Edison, NJ) above 400 seconds. After CPB, assays were logged before analysis. Individual variations
the effect of heparin was reversed with protamine in a in analysis are discussed in the results section. A p value
1.2:1 concentration. In accordance with our current prac- of less than 0.05 was considered significant.
tice, at the end of the surgical procedure, the tendency to
hemorrhage was assessed by the surgeon and additional Results
fresh frozen plasma and cryoprecipitate given if exces-
sive small-vessel bleeding was detected. Once the ster- Patient Population
notomy was closed, mediastinal blood drainage was The ages and diagnoses in the patients receiving high-
recorded hourly throughout the patient’s stay in the dose and low-dose heparin were similar within the
intensive care unit. acyanotic and cyanotic group of patients with CHD (see
Table 1). However, the acyanotic children were older
Collection of Samples than the cyanotic children, which was a reflection of our
After the induction of anesthesia, preoperative blood current surgical practice (p , 0.05). The median total time
samples were drawn from freshly inserted arterial lines. on CPB was 45 minutes (14 –129 minutes) for the acya-
Blood samples were also obtained at five subsequent notic group and 132 minutes (95–264 minutes) for the
time points: immediately after heparin loading, 5 min- cyanotic group. There was no appreciable difference
484 TURNER-GOMES ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

Fig 1. Mediastinal blood loss up to 24 hours after operation was

significantly less in the acyanotic than in the cyanotic children with
congenital heart disease (p , 0.05) but was not significantly differ- Fig 2. Plasma immunoglobulin G (IgG) values over time. Cardio-
ent between the high-dose and low-dose groups. Cardiopulmonary pulmonary bypass resulted in hemodilution of 41% to 51% in all
bypass (CPB) duration was a significant covariate factor for blood groups. There was no significant difference in the degree of hemodi-
loss up to 24 hours after operation (p , 0.001). lution in the groups. (CPB 5 cardiopulmonary bypass; hypoth 5 at
end of hypothermia; NS 5 not significant; post CPB 5 after start
of CPB; post-hep 5 after heparin loading; post-op 5 2 hours after
operation; post-prot 5 after protamine administration; Pre-op 5
between the total time on CPB between the high-dose post anesthesia.)
and low-dose patients (Fig 1). The total dose of heparin
received by the high-dose patients (median, 525 U/kg;
range, 399 – 656 U/kg) was higher than that received by modilution to changes in the plasma concentrations of
the low-dose patients (median, 403 U/kg; range, 325– 636 coagulation factors, the preoperative IgG values were
U/kg) (p 5 0.0005). No macroscopic thrombi were noted used as a second covariate for analysis of the coagulation
in the circuits during the CPB operation. All patients variables.
(except 2 acyanotic, 1 in the high-dose group) received
blood products in the first 2 hours as replacement for Coagulation Assays
mediastinal losses. There was no statistical difference heparin levels. The heparin concentrations in plasma
between the low-dose and high-dose groups in the determined by the antifactor Xa assay increased in all
volume of albumin or other blood products received patients after heparin loading (Fig 3). Increasing the
during the first 2 postoperative hours. Two patients with heparin dose in the prime solution raised the plasma
cyanotic CHD (patient 26 [high dose] and patient 44 [low
dose]) required further surgical exploration for excessive
small-vessel bleeding at 12 and 2 hours, respectively,
after operation. Patient 26 subsequently died as the result
of a low-output state at 20 hours after operation. The rate
and volume of blood loss over the first 24 hours after
operation were not significantly different between the
high-dose and low-dose groups but was significantly less
in the acyanotic than in the cyanotic children (p 5 0.02)
(see Fig 1). The duration of CPB was a significant covari-
ate factor for blood loss up to 24 hours after operation
(p , 0.001). The statistical interaction of time versus
group (p 5 0.003) indicated that the differences in blood
loss between the acyanotic and cyanotic groups were due
only in part to CPB duration.

Hemodilution During Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Plasma concentrations of IgG decreased from preopera-
tive values of 6.4 6 0.5 g/L to postoperative values of
Fig 3. Heparin levels over time at the same time points as those in
3.3 6 0.2 g/L in the acyanotic patients and from 5.1 6 0.4 Figure 1. Increased heparin in the prime solution raised plasma hep-
g/L preoperatively to 2.1 6 0.1 g/L postoperatively in the arin levels above 3 U/mL after the start of cardiopulmonary bypass
cyanotic patients (Fig 2). On the basis of these measure- (p 5 0.005). This concentration was better maintained throughout
ments, the degree of hemodilution occurring during CPB operation in the acyanotic groups than in the cyanotic groups (p ,
was 41% to 51%. To determine the contribution of he- 0.001). (See Figure 2 for key to abbreviations.)
Ann Thorac Surg TURNER-GOMES ET AL 485

Table 2. Preoperative Coagulation Dataa

Antithrombin Prothrombin
No. of III Complex Fragment 1 D-Dimer Antithrombin III
Variable Patients (mg/L) 1 2 (nmol/L) (ng/L) (U/mL) Hematocrit

Pediatric range ,4 0.98 6 0.44 ,500 0.8 –1.0 0.33– 0.48

Acyanotic low dose 9 8.3 6 4.2 0.9 6 0.07 312.0 6 61.0 1.1 6 0.04 0.39 6 0.01
Acyanotic high dose 15 4.9 6 1.6 1.1 6 0.13 222.7 6 38.8 1.0 6 0.05 0.38 6 0.01
Cyanotic low dose 13 8.5 6 3.2 0.9 6 0.09 373.3 6 65.1 1.1 6 0.04 0.47 6 0.01
Cyanotic high dose 11 6.4 6 3.2 0.8 6 0.10 267.5 6 51.7 1.0 6 0.07 0.46 6 0.02
Values reported as mean 6 standard error of the mean.

heparin levels above 3 U/mL after the start of CPB (p 5 in the high-dose heparin groups than in the low-dose
0.005). This concentration was better maintained groups, but this difference did not reach statistical signif-
throughout operation in the acyanotic groups than in the icance (p 5 0.1).
cyanotic groups (p , 0.001). The duration of CPB was a
statistically significant covariate factor for heparin levels association with patient morbidity. The data in those
over time (p 5 0.002). When age was used as the second patients who had excessive bleeding (n 5 2) were com-
covariate in analysis of covariance designs for heparin pared with the data in the patients without bleeding (n 5
levels, it was not found to have a statistically significant 46) (Table 3). Patient 26, aged 3.6 years, had a univen-
effect. However, this may be explained by the fact that no tricular connection and was a candidate for a Fontan
infants (ie, ,1 year of age) were included in the study and operation. He received high-dose heparin in the prime
the age ranges were 1.1 to 15.7 years (mean, 5.2 years) in solution. There was no significant difference in any of his
the low-dose group and 1.1 to 13.9 years (mean, 4.8 years) preoperative variables from those in other patients. The
in the high-dose group. Heparin was not detectable in duration of CPB was 120 minutes (the mean CPB dura-
any of the samples taken 2 hours after return of the tion for cyanotic patients with CHD in the high-dose
patient to the intensive care unit from the operating group was 134.7 minutes). At 12 hours after operation, his
room. Heparin levels were not found to be a statistically total mediastinal loss was 61 mL/kg (the mean total
significant covariate factor for blood loss during the first mediastinal loss at 12 hours for cyanotic CHD patients
24 hours after operation. who did not undergo reoperation for bleeding was 20.1 6
2.8 mL/kg [p , 0.001]). At reoperation, extensive oozing
thrombin generation. Preoperatively, plasma concen-
trations of TAT, prothrombin fragment 1 1 2, D-dimer,
and ATIII in CHD patients were within the normal range
for children (Table 2). During operation, plasma concen-
trations of D-dimer, prothrombin fragment 1 1 2, and
TAT increased significantly, and this could not be ac-
counted for by hemodilution (p , 0.01) (Figs 4, 5). The
duration of CPB was a statistically significant covariate
factor for the increases in the concentrations of TAT,
prothrombin fragment 1 1 2, and D-dimer (p , 0.001)
and in the decrease in the concentration of ATIII (p 5
0.03) occurring during CPB. When the effect of CPB
duration on the coagulation variables was removed, there
was no statistically significant difference in the TAT
levels between the acyanotic and cyanotic patients. How-
ever, the increase in the prothrombin fragment 1 1 2 and
D-dimer values and the expected decrease in the ATIII
values were less in the acyanotic group than in the
cyanotic group (p , 0.01, D-dimer and ATIII; p , 0.05,
prothrombin fragment 1 1 2). Increasing the dose of
standard heparin in the prime solution resulted in a Fig 4. Thrombin–antithrombin III (TAT) values are plotted logarith-
mically. Time points are the same as those in Figure 1. Levels were
trend toward lower D-dimer levels at the end of hypo-
lower in acyanotic than in cyanotic patients with congenital heart
thermia (p 5 0.06) (see Fig 5). However, the TAT and disease (p , 0.01), but this difference could be accounted for by the
prothrombin fragment 1 1 2 values during operation and difference in duration of cardiopulmonary bypass between the two
the D-dimer values at the end of operation did not differ groups. Increased heparin in the prime solution did not result in sta-
significantly between the high-dose and low-dose groups tistically significant differences in the thrombin–antithrombin III
(see Figs 4, 5). The ATIII levels also fell to a lesser degree levels (p 5 0.2). (See Figure 2 for key to abbreviations.)
486 TURNER-GOMES ET AL Ann Thorac Surg

was identified. The hematoma was evacuated and medi-

astinal losses replaced with 5% albumin. His subsequent
course was unremarkable.

This study assessed the effect of two doses of heparin in
the CPB prime solution on plasma heparin levels, on
indices of thrombin generation, and on the risk of hem-
orrhage. In our analyses of the data, we used the preop-
erative IgG level as a covariate factor. By doing so, we
corrected for the influence of confounding factors, such
as preoperative polycythemia and the degree of hemodi-
lution during CPB. We identified that increasing the
heparin concentration in the prime solution resulted in
an increase in plasma heparin levels and tended to
decrease the D-dimer levels during CPB operation. The
increase in the plasma heparin levels was greater in the
Fig 5. D-dimer values are plotted logarithmically. Time points are acyanotic patients than in the cyanotic patients. How-
the same as those in Figure 1. D-dimer levels increased to a lesser ever, increasing the heparin dose in the prime solution
degree in acyanotic than in the cyanotic patients with congenital did not significantly affect the rate or the volume of
heart disease (p , 0.01), but the difference could not be accounted mediastinal blood loss up to 24 hours after operation. The
for by the difference in duration of cardiopulmonary bypass between duration of CPB was a significant covariate factor for
the two groups. There was a trend toward lower D-dimer values in
postoperative blood loss.
the high-dose heparin than in the low-dose heparin group (p 5
In adults undergoing cardiac procedures using CPB,
0.06). (See Figure 2 for key to abbreviations.)
heparin levels of 2.5 to 4 U/mL in the prime solution are
considered adequate for producing antithrombotic ef-
fects [15, 16], with anticoagulation monitored during CPB
from suture sites as well as bleeding from a large medi- using the ACT. In our pediatric patients, however, a
astinal vessel were observed. The latter was occluded, the heparin concentration of 3 U/mL in the prime solution
thoracic cavity was emptied of large thrombi, and blood did not guarantee maintenance of the plasma heparin
loss was replaced with packed red blood cells, platelets levels at that concentration throughout operation, de-
and fresh frozen plasma. Despite these measures, he died spite ACT values above 400 seconds. Because ACT values
at 20 hours of a low-output state. Patient 44, aged 2.2 vary with therapeutic manipulations such as hemodilu-
years, has tetralogy of Fallot and was included in the tion and hypothermia, they are a suboptimal tool to
low-dose heparin group. There were no significant dif- assess the effects of heparin during CPB [15, 16].
ferences in his preoperative coagulation variables or in Heparin catalyzes the inhibition of thrombin by ATIII
the duration of CPB (136 minutes; mean CPB duration in and thus prevents continued thrombin production [8, 9].
the cyanotic CHD patients in the low-dose group, 162 Therefore, increasing the heparin dose in the prime
minutes) from that of the other cyanotic patients. He was solution at the start of CPB and maintaining the level of
returned to the operating room 2 hours after operation heparin above 3 U/mL would protect against further
because of excessive bleeding. His total mediastinal thrombin production, because this would increase the
blood loss at that time was 71 mL/kg (the 2-hour mean amount of thrombin inhibited by ATIII. A reduction in
total blood loss in cyanotic CHD patients without reop- the amount of thrombin generated would result in a
eration for bleeding was 8.9 6 1.9 mL/kg [p , 0.001]). At reduction in D-dimer and TAT levels and in the amount
reoperation, extensive oozing from suture sites and the of ATIII utilized to complex thrombin. We identified a
sternotomy incision was noted. No large-vessel bleeding trend toward lower D-dimer and higher ATIII values

Table 3. Cardiopulmonary Bypass and Blood Lossa

No. of Bypass 2-Hour Blood Loss 24-Hour Blood Loss
Group Patients Duration (min) (mL/kg) (mL/kg)

Acyanotic, low dose 9 45.2 6 20 (median, 27) 2.5 6 0.6 17.2 6 5.2
Acyanotic, high dose 15 51.7 6 11 (median, 46) 4.5 6 0.8 17.5 6 2.2
Cyanotic, low dose 13 162 6 20 (median, 146) 12.9 6 5.2 28.9 6 2.7
Cyanotic, high dose 11 134.7 6 7 (median, 112) 11.8 6 3.6 38.5 6 7.8
Mediastinal blood loss up to 24 hours after operation was significantly less in the acyanotic than in the cyanotic children with congenital heart disease
(p , 0.05) but was not significantly different between the high-dose and low-dose groups. The duration of cardiopulmonary bypass was a significant
covariate for blood loss up to 24 hours after operation (p , 0.001).
Ann Thorac Surg TURNER-GOMES ET AL 487

during operation, but the differences between the high- may explain the differences seen in thrombin generation
dose and low-dose heparin groups did not reach statis- and blood loss between the two groups.
tical significance. This failure to reach statistical signifi- In summary, during CPB operations in pediatric CHD
cance might be due to a type II error, as our numbers of patients, the use of 3 U/mL of heparin in the prime
patients are small. Sample size calculation was also solution was found to lead to an increase in the plasma
difficult, because the study was complex and there were heparin levels without either an increase in the risk of
many clinically interrelated variables. Selecting TAT, hemorrhage or a decrease in the postoperative blood
D-dimer, and ATIII as dependent variables of interest loss, as compared with the findings in patients receiving
and, calculating as if for a t test, we concluded that our 1 U/mL in the prime solution. There was also a trend
numbers would only have detected an effect size of 1. We toward less generation of thrombin and less fibrinolysis
would need to triple our numbers to conclusively prevent during CPB. Further, younger cyanotic CHD patients
a type II error (power, 0.8). We also did not expect have lower plasma heparin levels during CPB operation
differences in the coagulation profiles between the high- and are most at risk for subsequent thromboembolic or
dose and low-dose heparin groups after operation, be- hemorrhagic complications. Although the ACT is of
cause, once heparin has been neutralized, the small value in maintaining anticoagulation, recently developed
amounts of thrombin that might be present would induce high-dose heparin bedside assays may also be of value
further thrombin production by means of the prothrom- [20]. The heparin dosing during CPB in pediatric patients
binase complex [7]. This would continue until thrombin with CHD needs to be individualized, but increasing the
heparin dose in the prime solution from 1 to 3 U/mL
and clot lysis had been inhibited spontaneously [7–9].
contributes to a reduction in the indices of subclinical
The increased heparin loading did not affect the rate
consumptive coagulopathy without any change in mor-
and volume of blood loss up to 24 hours after operation.
bidity. A larger randomized trial would be invaluable in
Two patients experienced major postoperative bleeding,
determining the optimal regimen of heparinization dur-
but as found in a previous study [6], there was no
ing CPB in pediatric patients with CHD.
appreciable difference in the preoperative variables be-
tween those patients with bleeding leading to reopera-
tion and those who did not require reoperation for We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Ms Mary Lou
Schmuck, BA, Research Assistant, McMaster University, in the
bleeding. The postoperative bleeding in these 2 patients analysis of the data from this study. The assistance of the
could be due to the relatively decreased capacity to technologists at McMaster University Medical Centre is also
generate thrombin after CPB operation, as opposed to greatly appreciated.
the better preserved capacity to inhibit thrombin produc- Supported by grant XG91-003 from the Hospital for Sick Chil-
tion described by us previously [6]. dren Foundation.
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© 1997 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Ann Thorac Surg 1997;63:488 • 0003-4975/97/$17.00
Published by Elsevier Science Inc PII S0003-4975(97)00035-3

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