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Zainette: in the DEPED ORDER NO. 74 S 2009 states that all courses be taught from
kindergarten through third grade in the learner’s first language, with Filipino and English
being taught separately. Good Day Ma,am, I am zainette dimalaluan, together with me
are my co researchers Ercia Robbie De Jesus, Taren de luna, maekaela Dela cruz, Kim
Deborah Lacambra, Kristine Macaraeg, Jee anne Manangan, Edrick Molato, and
Alexanderia Padol, we are here today to present our thesis, titled “Readiness of
Teacher Education students in teaching mother tongue. Mother tongue refers to the first
language acquired at home. The dilemma in teaching the mother tongue was
recognized as current and common problem. According to Nishanthi 2020, The
importance of mother tongue is investigated because as children acquire mother tongue
they also develop a variety of other important skills such as critical thinking and reading.
That’s why we, the researchers decided to conduct this study in order to know their level
of readiness and assist them in preparing for the uncertain situations and finding ways
to teach mother tongue. Here is Ms. De Jesus to further elaborate the study.

Erica: our study aimed to determine level of readiness of teacher education students in
teaching mother tongue among BEE and BECED students. It sought to determine the
profile of our respondents in terms of sex, age, most used language in school and at
home, literacy materials in mother tongue available at home, their grade in ece 121 and
ege 19. Their level of readiness, and if there is a significant difference between the
profile variables and level of readiness. Lastly, measures that can be proposed to
improve their readiness in teaching mother tongue. We tested the level of significance
at 0.05 and specifically chose this topic because it is not yet well researched and there
are a lot of research gaps. According to the theory of Noam Chomsky, language is one
trait that is unique to humans among all other living being. That is why this topic should
be further explored, Also, we want to contribute in the field of education towards the
expansion of knowledge on this topic. The students, teachers, administrators and future
researchers are the benefactors of this study. To discuss the methodology, here is Jee
anne Manangan

Jee Anne: The research design that is necessary to identify the level of readiness of
students is the quantitative research, particularly the descriptive analysis. We
considered the population of 3 rd year and 4rth year bee and beced students and we
came up with total of 140 respondents using Slovin’s formula. In conducting the study,
we used questionnaire as our instrument, specifically the google forms to avoid physical
interaction. To interpret the data that was gathered, frequency, percent, rank, weighted
mean, t-test and One way ANOVA were used.
Mikay: (flash table very ready) Based on the study of Tonio and ella (2019) says that
pre service teachers are generally capable in using mother tongue as a medium of
instruction and they are willing to go through training to be able to teach using mother
tongue, this will support our study because our findings showed that the teacher
education students are very ready in terms of knowledge and language skills in mother
tongue, in terms of teaching skills using mother tongue teacher education students were
very ready and this will strengthen the findings of the study of Ozudogru (2018) that
says aspiring teachers believed that they were very prepared to teach in a culturally
responsive manner. This will also negate the study of Makgabo and Niipare (2022) that
pre service teachers lacked necessary skills to be effectively teach mother tongue
literacy. Also the respondents are very ready in terms of using instructional materials or
teaching aids. Overall, the BEE and BECED teacher education students are very ready
in teaching mother tongue.

Kim: (flash the table 3.1 page 45) Based on the findings there are no significant
difference between the teacher education students’ readiness in teaching mother
tongue and the profile in terms of sex. This implies that sex does not have an influence
towards the readiness in teaching mother tongue. This will negate the study of Wick and
Mostert (2016) that says clear differences in gender were found and most of these
differences were statistically significant. findings showed that there are no significant
differences between the teacher education students’ readiness in teaching mother
tongue and their profile in terms of age because the p value is greater than the level of
significance. This indicated that age does not have an impact on the level of readiness.
This will contradict the study of Ajepe (2014) that states that the age and gender have
an impact on students' perceptions of using their mother tongue. In regards to grades,
The computed P value (0.74) is greater than the significance level of (0.05) this implies
that there are no significant difference between the two variables, this only mean that
grade does not affect the level of readiness in teaching mother tongue.

Kristine: according to the findings in Kundal’s (2014) study that languages nurture each
other when the educational environment permits children access to both languages.
Also, certain countries still emphasize the national or official languages (second
language) as the medium of instruction, which are often not the languages children,
speak at home (Kosonen, 2017). This will strengthen our study our study because we
found out that there are no significant differences between the teacher education
students’ readiness in teaching mother tongue and their profile in terms of language
commonly used at school. When it comes to variable Literacy materials available at
home, The findings shows that there are significant differences between the teacher
education students’ readiness in teaching mother tongue and their profile in terms of
literacy materials available at home. This will strengthen the study of Caterial, Balane,
and Tantoy's (2019) that states a mismatch between the Teaching Guide and Learner
Materials was their primary issue they ran across. Moreover, the study of Malone (2014)
says that there are challenges in teaching mother tongue like instructional materials are
not readily available in the majority of local languages, and teachers are not trained in
the local languages used in instruction where they teach.
Post- Hoc Test was used to test the significant difference in the Language materials
used at home using 5 percent significance level. It revealed that there was a significant
difference between the literacy materials and pre- service teachers who do not have
literacy materials available at home in the area of books and vice versa. Therefore, the
null hypothesis is rejected. In areas newspaper and dictionary shows that there are no
significant differences. Thus, the null hypothesis is not rejected.

Tars: One of the challenges that encountered by the respondents is their inability to
speak other dialects fluently. To minimize this problem, it is advised that they be placed
in schools where their language ability and fluency are compatible. Ideally, teachers
should be trained to teach in two languages and use local language materials
effectively. In order to deliver bilingual education, it is also recommended to have
specialized teacher-training programs. The availability of instructional materials was
another issue that affected the readiness of the respondents in teaching mother tongue.
To minimize this problem, availability of instructional materials in local languages must
also be taken into account. Educational planning and budgeting can help in providing
language materials. To produce materials, local communities can work with
governmental organizations and linguists.
The availability of instructional materials was another issue that affected the
readiness of the respondents in teaching mother tongue. To minimize this problem,
availability of instructional materials in local languages must also be taken into account.
Educational planning and budgeting can help in providing language materials. To
produce materials, local communities can work with governmental organizations and

Edrick: Based on the results and findings of the study, the following conclusions were
First, the number of female respondents is much higher than the number of male
respondents. Since they have the status of pre-service teachers, most of them belong to
the age bracket of generation Z. Majority of the respondents answered Tagalog as their
most-used language in school, while Pangasinan as their most-used language at home.
The language used in school or at home is greatly influenced by which place they live
in. The majority of the respondents answered books as literacy materials in their mother
tongue available at home and gained an average grade of 1.75 in the subject ECE
21/EGE 19.
Second, the level of readiness of pre-service teachers to teach mother tongue
was found to be very ready. However, this result can’t be generalized and should be
considerably taken with caution as this can only be true in the current study.
Third, there is no significant difference between students’ profile variables in
terms of age, sex, language used at home, language used at school and grade, and the
level of readiness in teaching the mother tongue. However in terms of literacy materials,
we found out using Post Hoc Test there is a significant difference between books and
no literacy materials available at home.
Alex: Based on the findings and conclusion presented, we believed that the idea of this
topic is effective to help teacher education students improve their readiness in teaching
mother tongue. Therefore, we recommend the following necessary considerations:
When teaching MTB-MLE, teachers must be sufficiently instructed, trained, and
supervised. The adequate trainings can lead to acquire of the teachers of the language
program. First is that, Teachers must undergo in a teaching proficiency training in the
use of Mother tongue as a medium of instruction that will measure their capabilities in
teaching mother tongue. Next is the Basic needs of students and teachers, such as
instructional materials, must be met. Experts in the field of education and linguistic
should evaluate the design and development of instructional materials to ensure its
effectivity and Universities may consider improving the learning outcomes of the course
objective of the specific subject that specializes in content pedagogy in Content
Pedagogy in the Mother Tongue Multi Lingual Education. Also, For future researchers,
the researchers recommend testing the effectiveness of the proposed measures in
mitigating the students’ problems and improving their learning practices.

Voice over taren: “if you speak to a man in a language he understands, you will
penetrate his intellect. If you speak his language, you will reach his mind”
- By Nelson Mandela

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