School of Computer Applications

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Faculty of Sciences
School of Computer Applications
Bachelor of Computer Applications
Curriculum (2022-23)
Program Code: 09-3-01
Computational Understand and apply mathematical foundation, computing and domain knowledge for
knowledge the conceptualization of computing models from defined problems.

Ability to identify, critically analyze and formulate complex computing problems

PO-2 Problem analysis
using fundamentals of computer science and application domains.

Ability to transform complex business scenarios and contemporary issues into

Design / development
PO-3 problems, investigate, understand and propose integrated solutions using emerging
of solutions

Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering
PO-4 Modern tool usage and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with
an understanding of the limitations.

Societal & Ability to recognize economic, environmental, social, health, legal, ethical issues
PO-5 Environmental involved in the use of computer technology and other consequential responsibilities
Concern relevant to professional practice.

Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
PO-6 Ethics
norms of the engineering practice.

Individual and Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and
teamwork in multidisciplinary settings.

Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering

community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
PO-8 Communication
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management

Project management
PO-9 principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
and finance
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

Innovation and Identify opportunities, entrepreneurship vision and use of innovative ideas to create
Entrepreneurship value and wealth for the betterment of the individual and society.

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Category Course Title L T P C Version

CH3101 C Environmental Studies 1 0 0 1 1.0

MA3132 C Basics of Mathematics 3 0 0 3 1.0

CS3101 C Fundamentals of Web Development 3 0 0 3 1.0

CS3102 C Problem Solving using C 3 0 0 3 1.0

CA3101 C Computer Architecture and Organization 3 0 0 3 1.0

CS3140 C Fundamentals of Web Development lab 0 0 4 2 1.0

CS3141 C Problem Solving using C Lab 0 0 4 2 1.0

SE3103 SE Communication Skills- I 0 0 2 1 1.0

GP3101 GP General Proficiency - I 0 0 0 1 1.0

Total 13 0 10 19

Contact Hrs: 23

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CH3101 Title: Environmental Studies
Version No. 1.0

The Purpose of the course is to create awareness among students about problems of
Objectives environmental pollution, its impact on human and ecosystem and control measures. The
course helps to understand the effect of technology on the environment and ecological
balance and to educate students.
Students will be able to:
Course Outcome CO1: Predict the consequences of human actions on the web of life, global economy
and quality of human life.
CO2: Differentiate between Renewable and Non-Renewable resources
CO3: Develop critical thinking for shaping strategies for environmental protection and
conservation of biodiversity, social equity and sustainable development
CO4: Demonstrate the Control pollution techniques and control measures of Urban and
Industrial Waste.
CO5: Apply a range of environmental policies or management methods to particular

Unit No. Unit Title No. of Hrs(Per Unit)

Unit I Introduction to Environmental studies & Ecosystems 2

Ecosystem Concept, Structure and function of an ecosystem, Energy flow in an ecosystem, Examples of various
Unit II Renewable & Non- renewable resources 3

Forests & forest resources, deforestation.Water resources, Food resources, Energy resources,Renewable and non-
renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources
Biodiversity & Conservation 3
Unit III
Biodiversity patterns and global biodiversity hot spots, Endangered and endemic species of India. Threats and
Conservation of biodiversity
Unit IV Environmental Pollution 2

Environmental pollution and its types. Causes, effects and control measures of Environmental pollution
Solid waste management Control measures of urban and industrial waste.

Unit V Sustainable Development 3

Concept of sustainability and sustainable development. Water conservation & watershed management. Climate
change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion.
1. Bharucha. E, “Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate
Textbooks 2. De, A. K., “Environmental Chemistry”, New Age Publishers Pvt.Ltd.
3. Masters, G. M., “Introduction to Environmental Engineering andScience”,
Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.
1. Kaushik Anubha, Kaushik C P, “Perspectives in Environmental Studies “, New Age
Reference Books 2. Rajgopalan, “Environmental Studies from Crisis to Cure”, Oxford University Press.
3. Odem, E. P., “Fundamentals of Ecology”, W. B. Sannders Co.
Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination
Mode of Evaluation
Recommendation by
Board of
Studies on
Date of Publication
after approval in the
Academic Council
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MA3102 Title: Basics of Mathematics
3 0 0 3

Version No. 1.0

The course objective is to provide students with an overview of engineering mathematics.

Objective Students will learn about the concept of probability, statistics, vector space and partial
differentiation and their applications in real-time problems.

Course Outcomes The Students will be able to:

CO1: Solve the real world problems with correlation and regression analysis .
CO2: Differentiate binomial, Poison and normal distributions and their
applications in different engineering, science and social science fields etc.
CO3: Develop the statistical model with different statistical techniques such as
curve fitting.
CO4: Describe the notion of a vector space and linear transformation.
CO5: Analyze inter-relationship amongst the line integral, double and triple-integral
formulation and use ordinary and partial differential to solve real world

Unit No. Unit Title No. of Hrs (Per Unit)

Unit I Basic Statistics 8

Concept of central tendency, Partition values and Measures of dispersion, Moments, Skew-ness, kurtosis The Correlation
coefficient by Karl’s and Spearman Rank, Covariance, Regression Coefficient and their properties , Lines of regression.

Unit II Probability Distribution 10

Random Variables: Discrete random variables, Probability distribution, Probability mass function and
distribution, Expectation, Moments, Variance Standard Deviation of discrete random variables.

Continuous Random Variables: Probability Distribution, Probability Density function and Distribution Function,
Expectation, Moments, Variance Standard Deviation of Continuous Random variables.

Probability Distribution: Binomial, Poisson and Normal - Evaluation of Statistical parameters for these three

Unit III Applied Statistics 8

Curve fitting by the method of Least Squares: Introduction. Fitting of a straight Line, Fitting of Second Degree
Curve, Fitting of a Polynomial of degree m, Fitting of a Geometric or Power Curve of the form Y=ax n , Fitting
of an Exponential Curve of the form Y=abx

Unit IV Matrices 7

Types of Matrices -Symmetric, Skew symmetric, Hermitian, Skew Hermitian, Orthogonal, Unitary and Normal
matrices Elementary Properties of Matrices, Inverse of Matrices, Rank of Matrix, System of Linear Equations,
Characteristic Equation, Eigen values and properties, Eigen vectors and properties, Cayley – Hamilton Theorem,
Diagonolization of Matrix

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Unit V Partial Differentiation 8

Introduction of Differentiation, Partial differentiation, total differentiability and differentiability, sufficient

condition for differentiability, Chain rule for one and two independent parameters, Double integration, Triple
integrals, , Change of variables in double integrals and triple integrals. area bounded by the curve. Volume of
solid of revolution by Integration

Text Books 1. Erwin Kreyszing: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York, 10th Edition 2015.
2. M. J. Strauss, G. L. Bradley and K. J. Smith, Calculus (3rd Edition), Dorling,
Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd. (Pearson Education), Delhi, 2007.
3. Shanti Narayan and P.K. Mittal, Integral Calculus, S. Chand & Company, Revised
Edition, 2014.

Reference Books 1. G.V. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus, Pearson Education, 9th Edition,
2006.Murray Spigiel and Robert Wrede, Shaums Outline of Advanced Calculus,
3rdEdition, Tata McGraw Hill Company, New Delhi, 2010.
2. S P Gupta, Fundamentals of Statistics, S. Chand

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

Recommendation 04-06-2022
by Board of Studies

Date of publication 16-08-2022

after approval in
the Academic

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Title: Fundamentals of Web Development LTPC

CS3101 3 0 0 3

Version No. 1.0

Objectives The aim of this course is to make the students able to implement the concepts of client side as
well as server-side scripting and develop advanced web applications.

Course Outcomes Students will be able to:

CO1: Describe the principles of Web page design and about types of websites.
CO2: Employ HTML commands and features in web designing.
CO3: Apply the elements of Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) for web page design.
CO4: Demonstrate the concepts of Java Script and its application in web site designing.
CO5: Explore the concept of Web Hosting and apply Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for
website maintenance.

Unit No. Unit Title No. of Hrs (Per Unit)

Unit I Introduction to HTML 8

HTML Anatomy, HTML Structure ( The <html> tag, Head, Page Title, Body),Headings, Divs, Attributes, Displaying
Text, Line Breaks, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Images, Anchor Tag,Introduction to Tables, Create a Table, Table
Rows, Table Data, Table Headings, Table Borders, Spanning Columns & Rows, Table Body,Introduction to HTML
Forms, Input (Text , Email, Password, Range, Checkbox, Radiobutton, Date & Time), Label, Select Tag,

Unit II CSS 8

Intro to CSS, Inline Styles, The <style> Tag, The .css file, Linking the CSS File, Tag Name, Class Name, Multiple
Classes, ID Name, Classes and IDs, Specificity, Chaining Selectors, Nested Elements, Chaining and Specificity,
Multiple Selectors,The Box Model, Height and Width, Borders, Border Radius, Padding, Margins, Auto Margin
Collapse, Minimum and Maximum Height and Width,
Overflow, Resetting Defaults, Visibility, Flow of HTML, Positions ( Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Z-Index), Inline
Display, Block Display, Inline-Block Display, Float, Clear,Flow of HTML, Positions ( Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Z-
Index), Inline Display, Block Display, Inline-Block Display, Float, Clear

Unit III Introduction to Grids 8

Font style, Text Alignment, Color, Opacity, Background Image Word Spacing, Letter Spacing, Line Height Anatomy,
Linking Fonts, Font-Face,Introduction to Grids, Grid Template, Grid Contained , Grid Items, Fraction, Repeat,
minmax, Grid Gap,Media Queries - Responsive Web Design, Media Queries, Range, Dots Per Inch (DPI), And
Operator, Comma Separated List, Breakpoints ,Sizing elements - Relative Measurements, Em, Rem, Percentages (
Height, Width, Padding , Margin), Scaling Images and Videos,What is Flexbox? display: flex., inline-flex., justify-
content., align-items, flex-grow., flex-shrink, flex-basis., flex., flex-wrap, Align-content, flex-direction,
flex-flow, Nested Flexboxes
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Unit IV Introduction to JS 8

Intro to JS, console in Dev tools, variables, data types, arithmetic operators, conditional statement, loops, variables
scope, arrays & objects, Why jQuery?, jQuery Methods, jQuery Library, Adding jQuery, .ready(), Targeting by Class,
Targeting by id, jQuery Objects, Event Handlers,Introduction, .hide(), .show(), .toggle(), fading, .fadeToggle(), Sliding

Unit V CSS &JQuery 7

CSS & jQuery, .css(), CSS II, .animate(), .addClass(), .removeClass(), .toggleClass(),What is the DOM?, The DOM as
a Tree Structure,The document keyword, Select and Modify Elements, Style an element, Create and Insert Elements,
Remove an Element, Traversing the DOM

Text Books 1. Gopalan N.P. and Akilandeswari J., “Web Technology”, Prentice Hall of India, 2011. (Ch-
1 to 11)
2. Paul Dietel and Harvey Deitel,” Java How to Program”, Prentice Hall of India, 8th Edition.

Reference Books 1. Mahesh P. Matha, “Core Java A Comprehensive Study”, Prentice Hall of India, 2011.
2. UttamK.Roy, “Web Technologies”, Oxford University Press, 2011.

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

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Board of Studies on

Date of publication 16-08-2022

after approval in the
Academic Council

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CS3102 Title:Basics of Programming in C
3 00 3

Version No. 1.0

Objective The objective of this course module is to acquaint the students with the basics of
computer systems, their components, and data representation inside computers. The
course makes students able to develop simple to complex C programs to illustrate the
applications of different C concepts such as arrays, pointers, functions and structures.

Course Outcomes Students will be able to:

CO1: Describe the fundamental concepts of C programming in trivial problem solving
CO2: Enhance skills on problem-solving by constructing algorithms.
CO3: Apply control structures and user-defined functions for solving problem real
CO4: Apply strings and string handling functions to classical problems.
CO5: Design appropriate algorithms and programs for solving complex problems.

Unit No. Unit Title No. of Hrs(Per Unit)

Unit I Introduction to Problem Solving and C 8

Programs and Algorithms, Requirements for solving problems by computer

The Problem Solving Aspect: Problem definition phase, Getting started on a problem ,The use of specific
examples,Similarities among problems ,Working backwards from the solution, General Problem solving strategies

Introduction to programming in C, First Program in C,C - Variables and Identifiers,C - Data types,Basic Input Output in C
- Characters,Basic Input Output in C - Formatted IO.

Unit II Loops & Operators 8

Arithmetic Operators, Relational and Logical Operators,Bitwise Operators, More Operators,Precedence and Associativity
of operators

If statement ,if-else statement,if statement mistakes,nested if statements,Conditional Operator

Short-circuit in C,Switch statement

Unit III Functions 8

while loop,Looping - For loop,Control with break and continue,Variants of for loop,Nested for loops, Printing patterns
with loops,do-while loop

Functions in c ,Definition and declaration of a function,Scope of a function

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Unit IV Pointers in C 9

Storage Classes,auto storage class,extern storage class,static storage class,register storage class

Introduction to Pointers in C,Parameter passing techniques,Pointer Arithmetic in C, Pointer Arithmetic with Pointers

Arrays, Searching an Element, Arrays and Memory in C,

Unit V Recursion 6

Pointers with Array, Functions and Arrays

Strings :Basic input output: printf, scanf, gets, puts, string library functions

Recursion basic programs like: factorial, Fibonacci, sum of digits etc.

Text Books 1. Yashwant Kanetkar, “Let us C”, BPB Publications, 2nd Edition, 2001.
2. Herbert Schildt, “C: The complete reference”, Osbourne Mcgraw Hill, 4th Edition,
3. P.K. Sinha and Priti Sinha, “Computer Fundamentals”, BPB publication.

Reference Books 1. Kernighan & Ritchie, “C Programming Language”, The (Ansi C Version), PHI, 2nd
2. J. B Dixit, “Fundamentals of Computers and Programming in „C‟.
3. “ANSI C” by E Balagurusamy

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

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Title: Computer Architecture & Organization LTPC

3 00 3

Version No. 1.0

Objectives The aim of this course is to impart basic concepts of computer architecture and
organization and explain key skills of constructing cost-effective computer systems.

Course Outcomes Students will be able to:

CO1: Describe various components of computer and their interconnections.
CO2: Explore basic components and design of the CPU: the ALU and control unit.
CO3: Differentiate various memory devices as per requirement.
CO4: Compare various types of IO mapping techniques.
CO5: Critique the performance issues of cache memory and virtual memory

Unit No. Unit Title No. of Hrs (Per Unit)

Unit I Structure of Computers & Computer Arithmetic 8

Structure of Computers: Computer types, Functional units, Basic operational concepts, VonNeumann Architecture,
Bus Structures, Software, Performance, Multiprocessors and Multicomputer, Data representation, Fixed and
Floating point, Error detection and correction codes.
Computer Arithematic: Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division algorithms, Floating-point Arithmetic
Operations, Decimal arithmetic operations.

Unit II Basic Computer Organization 8

Basic Computer Organization & Design: Instruction codes, Computer Registers, Computer Instructions and
Instruction cycle. Timing and Control, Memory-Reference Instructions, Input-Output and interrupt. Central
processing unit: Stack organization, Instruction Formats, Addressing Modes, Data Transfer and Manipulation,
Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC), CISC vs RISC

Unit III Register Transfer and Micro-Operations 7

Register Transfer & Micro-operation: Register Transfer Language, Register Transfer, Bus and Memory Transfers,
Arithmetic Micro-Operations, Logic Micro-Operations, Shift Micro-Operations, Arithmetic logic shift unit. Micro
Programmed Control: Control Memory, Address Sequencing, Micro-Program example, Design of Control Unit.

Unit IV Memory System 8

Memory System: Memory Hierarchy, Semiconductor Memories, RAM(Random Access Memory), Read Only
Memory (ROM), Types of ROM, Cache Memory, Performance considerations, Virtual memory, Paging, Secondary
Storage, RAID.

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Unit V Input Output & Multiprocessors 9

Input Output: I/O interface, Programmed IO, Memory Mapped IO, Interrupt Driven IO, DMA.
MULTIPROCESSORS: Characteristics of multiprocessors, Interconnection structures, Inter Processor Arbitration,
Inter processor Communication and Synchronization, Cache Coherence.

Text Books 1. William Stallings (2010), Computer Organization and Architecture- designing
for performance, 8th edition, Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
2. M. Moris Mano (2006), Computer System Architecture, 3rd edition,
Pearson/PHI, India.

Reference Books 1. Carl Hamacher, ZvonksVranesic, SafeaZaky (2002), Computer Organization,

5th edition, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, India
2. Anrew S. Tanenbaum (2006), Structured Computer Organization, 5th edition,
Pearson Education Inc.
3. John P. Hayes (1998), Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd edition,
Tata McGrawHill

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

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CS3140 Title: Fundamentals of Web Development Lab LTPC

0 0 4 2
Version No.

Objectives The purpose of teaching this course is to introduce students with the concepts of scripting
languages. The students will be able to enhance their analyzing and problem-solving skills
and use the same for writing programs in CSS, PHP and Javascript.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to:
CO1: Apply the appropriate programming paradigms for real time applications
CO2: Choose appropriate concepts in structured /object-oriented programming to design a
solution for complex problems
CO3: Make project ready with Scripting programming

List of Experiments

1. Assignment - Book Review Blog

2. Assignment - Chess Board
3. Create Time Table for your class.
4. Assignment - College Admission Form
5. Design a web page and embed various multimedia features in the page.
6. Assignment - Share Your Recipe
7. Assignment - Portfolio Page
8. Project - Design the home page of your college website.
9. Write a program to add 1 to each element of input array.
10. Given an array of integers, the task is to find the minimum element in the array.
11. WAP to test the characters for their uniqueness.
12. WAP to truncate a string.
13. Assignment - Calculate Bill
14. Assignment - ToDO App
15. Project - Discussion App

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

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Date of publication 16-08-2022

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CS3141 Title: Problem Solving using C Lab
0 0 4 2

Version No. 1.0

Objectives The aim of this course is to demonstrate the various steps in program development. So
that students can work with an IDE to create, edit, compile, run and debug programs

Course Outcomes Students will be able to:

CO1: Identify methods to solve a problem through computer programming, write its
algorithm and draw the flowchart.
CO2: Apply the methods of looping, branching, arrays and pointers.
CO3: Make use of structures and unions. Create and use files to store, retrieve and access
data on secondary storage.

List of Experiments

1. Write a program to swap the value of two variables without using a third variable.
2. Write a program to find the sum of all the digits of a number.
3. Write a program to reverse a number.
4. Write a program to input any number from the user and check whether the given number is positive,
negative, or zero.
5. Write a program to calculate and print the grade of the student.
7. Write a program to input month number(1-12) and print the number of days in that month.
8. Write a program to reverse a 4-digit number and compare it to the original number.
9. Write a program to find a GCD of two numbers.
10. Write a program to find a binary equivalent of a number.
11. Write a program to find the prime factors of a number.
12. Write a program to input any number from user and check whether the given number is armstrong or not.
13. Write a program to find second maximum in an array.
14. Write a program to find maximum frequency in a sequence.
15. Write a program to search sorted element in a rotated sorted array
16. Write a program to find two strange elements
17. Write a program to find the number of shifts in insertion sort.
18. Write a program to sort the strings lexicographically
19. Write a recursive function factorial that accepts an integer n as a parameter and returns the factorial of n, or
20. Write a recursive function power that accepts two integers representing a base and an exponent, and returns
the base raised to that exponent. For example, the call to power(3, 4) should return 3^4 i.e. 81. If the
exponent passed is negative, then return -1.
21. Write a recursive function gcd that accepts two positive non-zero integer parameters i and j and returns the
greatest common divisor of these numbers.

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

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SE3103 Title:Communication Skills-I L T P C

0 0 2 1

Version No. 1.0

Objectives The course objective is to provide students with an overview of the soft skills program
and familiarize them with the importance of non-technical skills required in the

Course Outcome Students will be able to:

CO1: Constructively interact with fellow students using their verbal and non-verbal
communication skills.
CO2: Apply the communication skills by participating in Group discussions,
speeches, and collaborative activities in various situations to enhance their personality.
CO3: Apply effective communication and also be able to convince and express their
domain knowledge in front of recruiters and hiring managers.

List of Experiments

1.Introduction to Soft Skills with the help of SMART goals

2.Root Words
3.Self-Introduction (Impromptu Speech)
4.Voice and Accent
5.Idea Generation
6.Introduction to Group Discussions.
7.Dressing etiquette
8.Parts of Speech
9.SWOT Analysis
10.Learning about effective presentations

Text Books 1.How to win friends and influence people- Dale Carnegie
2.High School English Grammar and composition- Wren and Martin

Reference Books 1. Personality Development and Soft Skills- Barun K Mitra

2. A Practical Guide to Soft Skills- Communication, Psychology, and Ethics for Your
Professional Life- Richard Almonte

Mode of Evaluation Continuous Internal and End Semester Examination

Recommended by 04-06-2022
Board of Studies on

Date of publication 16-08-2022

after approval in the
Academic Council

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