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Children of Immigration

 Immigration is very common in today’s world, people from all over the planet
leave their countries hoping to get a new start. Building a new life and a new family
in a new country may sound easy but immigrants and their children have to face
many challenges.

For kids in particular, the personal struggles brought by immigration can feel
overwhelming, unlike adults, young people are still in the process of forming their
personalities, so, being caught between two cultures can create numerous

Immigrant children often get criticized for being “different”, which makes them feel
pressure to “fit in”. They deal with frequent rude comments related to their name,
choice of food, clothing, religion, manners, and other customs. Which makes them
feel unwanted and weird.

To worsen the situation, parents usually prefer that their children follow the rules
and boundaries of their own culture rather than adapting to the local ones. This
can further create barriers for kids socially, making it harder to make friends, as
they have different Knowledges and tastes in things like sports and music, for

But , these are not the only problems they have to face, discrimination against
immigrants is very normal which may cause them to feel ashamed of their beliefs
since people create and believe in stereotypes about their culture , normally as a
result of the media.

So , we understand that being the kid of an emigrant brings a lot of challenges that
can be tough but at the same time makes them stronger.

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