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• Pope derives from the Greek word pappas meaning

‘father’ and put simply is the leader of the worldwide
Catholic Church, and head of state representing the
Holy See.
• According to the bible the first Pope who acted as
head of the Church was Saint Peter, who was
entrusted by Jesus with the ‘keys to heaven’
(Matthew 16:19).

• Bishop of Rome
• Vicar of Jesus Christ
• Successor of the Prince of the Apostles
• Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church
• Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province
• Sovereign of the State of Vatican City
• Servant of the Servants of God.

• A member of the Sacred College of Cardinals, whose

duties include electing the pope, acting as his
principal counselors, and aiding in the government of
the Roman Catholic Church throughout the world.
• Cardinals serve as chief officials of the Roman Curia
(the papal bureaucracy), as bishops of major
dioceses, and often as papal envoys. They wear
distinctive red attire, are addressed as “Eminence,”
and are known as princes of the church.

• In the Christian church, a bishop who, in addition to

his ordinary episcopal authority in his own diocese,
usually has jurisdiction (but no superiority of order)
over the other bishops of a province.
• The chief pastor and overseer of a diocese,

• Priest, (from Greek presbyteros, “elder”), in some

Christian churches, an officer or minister who is
intermediate between a bishop and a deacon.

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