Family Size

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Father (Dad/ Daddy): bố

2. Mother (Mom/Mum): Mẹ
3. Son: Con trai
4. Daughter: Con gái
5. Parent: Bố mẹ
6. Child (Số nhiều là Children): Con cái
7. Husband: Chồng
8. Wife: Vợ
9. Bother: Anh/Em trai
10. Sister: Chị/Em gái
11. Uncle: Chú/ cậu/ bác trai
12. Aunt: Cô/ dì/ bác gái
13. Nephew: Cháu trai
14. Niece: Cháu gái
15. Cousin: Anh/ Chị em họ
16. Grandmother (Thường gọi là: Granny, grandma)
17. Grandfather (Thường gọi là: Granddad, grandpa)
18. Grandparents: Ông bà
19. Boyfriend: Bạn trai
20. Girlfriend: Bạn gái
21. Partner: Vợ/ Chồng/ Bạn trai/ Bạn gái
22. Godfather: Bố đỡ đầu
23. Godmother: Mẹ đỡ đầu
24. Godson: Con trai đỡ đầu
25. Goddaughter: Con gái đỡ đầu
26. Stepfather: Dượng
27. Stepmother: Mẹ kế
28. Half – sister: Chị/ em cùng cha khác mẹ/ cùng mẹ khác cha
29. Half – brother: Anh/ Em cùng cha khác mẹ/ cùng mẹ khác cha
30. Mother – in – law: Mẹ chồng/ vợ
31. Father – in – law: Bố chồng/ vợ
32. Son – in – law: Con rể
33. Daughter – in – law: Chị/ em dâu
34. Brother – in – law: Anh/ Em rể

Family size:

2. Small family = nuclear family; immediate family

3. Big family = multi-generation family, extended family, joint family
4. single-parent family; blended family;
5. a close-knit family; a couple with no children; grandparent family, only child family; matrifocal
6. A foster family = temporary family = an adoptive family
7. Transgender family, gay family, multi-blooded family
8. dysfunctional family – a family that is not behaving or working normally, where there is conflict,
misbehaviour, - - Drive sb to sw
Dần trở nên xa cách với ai đó
to drift apart
to enjoy someone’s company Thích ở bên cạnh ai đó
to fall for Phải lòng
to fall head over heels in love Bắt đầu yêu say đắm
to fall out with Cãi nhau
to get on like a house on fire khao khát ở bên cạnh nhau
to get on well with Có mối quan hệ tốt, hòa thuận
to get to know Bắt đầu quen biết ai đó
Đã biết nhau trong một khoảng
to go back years
thời gian dài
to have a lot in common có nhiều điểm chung
có những khoảng thời gian thăng,
to have ups and downs
a healthy relationship Một mối quan hệ tốt đẹp
to hit it off Nhanh chóng trở thành bạn bè tốt
to be in a relationship Đang hẹn hò
Chỉ là bạn bè, không có mối quan
to be just good friends
hệ yêu đương
to keep in touch with Giữ liên lạc với ai
Không còn liên lạc, nghe tin tức về
to lose touch with
ai đó nữa
love at first sight Yêu từ cái nhìn đầu tiên
to pop the question Cầu hôn
Đồng thuận, nhất trí về cùng một
to see eye to eye
vấn đề
to settle down Lập gia đình
to strike up a relationship Bắt đầu một tình bạn
to tie the knot Kết hôn
to be well matched Giống với, phu hop
Cố gắng giữ gìn một mối quan hệ
to work at a relationship
tốt đẹp
to break up= split up chia tay, kết thúc 1 mối quan hệ

to have an affair (with someone) ngoại tình (She was having an affair with her boss.)
a man/woman after one’s own heart someone you admire because they
do or think the same as you

32 only has eye for is only attracted to

33. platonic relationship affectionate

relationship between people of the opposite sex that is not sexual

34 infatuated with romantically obsessed with

35 besotted with almost stupidly or blindly in love him

1. Mary and I have drifted apart for many year, so it is difficult for us to see each other again
2. I enjoy your company = I enjoy being with you, I enjoy my own company
3. He fell for Roise when he was in hospital and she was his nurse
4. She fell head over heels in love with him
5. I’ve fallen out with my parent again
6. John and I get on like a house on fire
7. Mary and I get on well with each other
8. I really want to get to know you.
9. Steve and I go back years
10. Twins usually have a lot in common
11. Like most married couples we've had our ups and downs, but life's like that
12. They appear to have a healthy relationship - they can talk about most things and they remain on
good terms even when they disagree.
13.  I and Mary hit it off immediate
14. They are being in a relationship
15. I and he are just good friends
16. I still keep in touch with her even though we haven't seen each other for 8 years.
17. I lost touch with Katie after she moved to Canada.
18. When I met John it was love at first sight
19. So, did Ben pop the question last night?
20. I and he don’t see eye to eye
21. Have you settled down in your new house yet?
22. He gets really jealous if his girlfriend strikes up a friendship with another man.
23. They decided to tie the knot after dating for 2 weeks
24. her skills are well matched to the job.
25. He is working at a relationship with her

1. How many people are there in your family?

I have a nuclear family and there are only four members including my dad, mom, brother and
me. My family members always get on well with each other. We have a strong bond among us
and that makes us a happy family.

2. Who do you love most/best in your family? (admire)

I am close to every single family member in different ways. However, it's mom I am closest to when
it comes to sharing my stories and secrets. And we share the same ideas about many things and she
always supports me. Maybe it is because I am a girl so talking to my mom makes me feel more
3. Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Yes, I’ve got a brother who older than me 12 years. We are really close to each other. He always there
to help when I have problems

4. Do you get on with/get along with your family members/ sister?

Sure. We are really close to each other. We have a strong bond among us and that makes us a
happy family. They are always there to listen when I have problems. I am happy to be a part of
such a wonderful family. They love me as much I love them.

5a. What do you often do with your family?

My family often have our meals together and discuss what's happening in our life. We also like to
travel to different places, go shopping, watch a movie or a television series together. We often
arrange parties as a family and invite our relatives and neighbours, and also take part in numerous
fun activities.

5b. How much time do you spend with your family?

I usually try to spend most of the time with my family. But I cannot manage time when I am out for
my university. But after my return from the university, I spent almost time with my family and
sometimes arrange parties as a family and invite our relatives and neighbours, and also take part in
numerous fun activities.

5. What are the generation gap between teenagers and their grandparents or parents ?

Generation gap is the difference in the thought process of how people think and perceive
things. So, there might be a generation gap between teenagers and their grandparents or

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