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Chapter 1 SYSTEM DECOMPOSITION- Decomposition is

the process of dividing the system into smaller

subsystem parts.
The information Environment
. ability to achieve its goal depends on the
effective functioning and harmonious
interaction of its subsystems


- The information system is the set of

formal procedures by which data are
collected, processed into information,
and distributed to users.


system generates mental images of computers

and programming

Elements of a System


must contain more than one part
2. RELATEDNESS- A common purpose
relates the multiple parts of the system.
Although each part functions
independently of the others, all parts
serve a common objective
called a subsystem when it is viewed in
relation to the larger system of which it
is a part. Likewise, a subsystem is called
a system when it is the focus of attention
4. PURPOSE- A system must serve at least
one purpose, but it may serve several

Example of an Artificial System- An automobile

is an example of an artificial system that is
familiar to most of us and that satisfies the
definition of a system provided previously
transaction as an event that affects or is of DATA VERSUS INFORMATION. Data are facts,
interest to the organization and is processed by which may or may not be processed and have no
its information system as a unit of work direct effect on the user. information causes the
user to take an action that he or she otherwise
financial transaction is an economic event that
could not, or would not, have taken. Information
affects the assets and equities of the
is often defined simply as processed data.
organization, is reflected in its accounts, and is
measured in monetary terms. Data Sources- are financial transactions that
enter the information system from both internal
Nonfinancial transactions are events that do not
and external sources.
meet the narrow definition of a financial
transaction. Data Collection- The objective is to ensure that
event data entering the system are valid,
The Accounting Information System- The AIS is
complete, and free from material errors
composed of three major subsystems:
Data Processing- Once collected, data usually
1. transaction processing system (TPS)-
require processing to produce information.
supports daily business operations with
numerous reports, documents, and Database Management- The organization’s
messages for users throughout the database is its physical repository for financial
organization and nonfinancial data
2. general ledger/financial reporting
DATA ATTRIBUTE- is a logical and relevant
system (GL/FRS)- produces the
characteristic of an entity about which the firm
traditional financial statements
captures data.
3. management reporting system (MRS)-
provides internal management with RECORD- is a complete set of attributes for a
special-purpose financial reports and single occurrence within an entity class.
information needed for decision making
FILES- is a complete set of records of an identical
The Management Information System class.
- processes nonfinancial transactions that DATABASE MANAGEMENT TASKS- Database
are not normally processed by management involves three fundamental tasks:
traditional AIS. storage, retrieval, and deletion.
AIS SUBSYSTEMS Information generation- is the process of
compiling, arranging, formatting, and presenting
information to users

RELEVANCE- The contents of a report or

document must serve a purpose.

TIMELINESS- Information must be no older than

the time of the action it supports.

ACCURACY- Information must be free from

material errors.
COMPLETENESS- No piece of information common approaches include
essential to a decision or task should be missing segmentation by:
1. Geographic Location-
SUMMARIZATION- Information should be
2. Product Line- Companies that produce
aggregated in accordance with the user’s needs
highly diversified products often
Feedback- is a form of output that is sent back to organize around product lines, creating
the system as a source of data. separate divisions for each
3. Business Function- Examples of business
Information System Objectives function segments are marketing,
1. To support the stewardship function of production, finance, and accounting.
2. To support management decision AND ACCOUNTABILITY THROUGH THE
3. To support the firm’s day-to-day


- Larger organizations with unique and

frequently changing needs engage in in-
house development. The formal process
by which this is accomplished is called
the system development life cycle. Three
basic types of commercial software are:
1. Turnkey systems are completely
finished and tested systems that are
ready for implementation. Typically,
they are general-purpose systems or Materials Management- The objective of
systems customized to a specific materials management is to plan and control the
industry. materials inventory of the company. materials
2. Backbone systems consist of a basic management has three subfunctions:
system structure on which to build.
3. Vendor-supported systems are 1. Purchasing is responsible for ordering
custom (or customized) systems that inventory from vendors when inventory
client organizations purchase levels fall to their reorder points.
commercially rather than develop 2. Receiving is the task of accepting the
in-house inventory previously ordered by
BUSINESS SEGMENTS 3. Stores takes physical custody of the
- Business organizations consist of inventory received and releases these
functional units or segments. Firms resources into the production process as
organize into segments to promote needed
internal efficiencies through the
specialization of labor and cost-effective
resource allocations Three of the most
THE ACCOUNTING FUNCTION- The accounting information processing units (IPUs) that are
function manages the financial information distributed to end users and placed under their
resource of the firm. In this regard, it plays two control.
important roles in transaction processing. First,
accounting captures and records the financial
effects of the firm’s transactions. These include - Mismanagement of organization-wide
events such as the movement of raw materials resources
from the warehouse into production, shipments - Hardware and software incompatibility
of the finished products to customers, cash flows - Redundant tasks
into the firm and deposits in the bank, the - Consolidating incompatible activities.
acquisition of inventory, and the discharge of - Hiring qualified professionals.
financial obligations. - Lack of standards.
The Value of Information- The value of ADVANTAGES OF DDP
information to a user is determined by its
reliability. - Cost reductions
- Improved cost control responsibility
Accounting Independence- accounting activities - Improved user satisfaction
must be separate and independent of the - Backup
functional areas that maintain custody of
physical CHAPTER 1 The Information System: An Evolution of Information system models
Accountant’s Perspective 19 resources THE MANUAL PROCESS MODEL- The manual
Centralized Data Processing- all data processing process model is the oldest and most traditional
is performed by one or more large computers form of accounting systems. Manual systems
housed at a central site that serve users constitute the physical events, resources, and
throughout the organization personnel that characterize many business
organized companies maintain their data THE FLAT-FILE MODEL- The flat-file approach is
resources in a central location that is shared by most often associated with so-called legacy
all end users. systems. These are large mainframe systems
that were implemented in the late 1960s
DATA PROCESSING- group manages the through the 1980s. three significant problems in
computer resources used to perform the day-to- the flat-file environment:
day processing of transactions. It may consist of
the following functions: data control, data - Data Storage is An efficient information
conversion, computer operations, and the data system captures and stores data only
library once and makes this single source
available to all users who need it.
SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT AND MAINTENANCE- - Data Updating - Organizations have a
The information needs of users are met by two great deal of data stored in files that
related functions: systems development and require periodic updating to reflect
systems maintenance changes
- Currency of Information- In contrast to
Distributed Data Processing- DDP involves
the problem of performing multiple
reorganizing the IT function into small
updates is the problem of failing to
update all the user files affected by a Chapter 2
change in status
TRANSACTION CYCLES- Three transaction cycles
- Task-Data Dependency - The user’s
process most of the firm’s economic activity: the
information set is constrained by the
expenditure cycle, the conversion cycle, and the
data that he or she possesses and
revenue cycle
controls. Users act independently rather
than as members of a user community. The Expenditure Cycle- Business activities begin
with the acquisition of materials, property, and
THE DATABASE MODEL- An organization can
labor in exchange for cash—the expenditure
overcome the problems associated with flat files
by implementing the database model to data
management. The DBMS is a special software The Conversion Cycle- The conversion cycle is
system that is programmed to know which data composed of two major subsystems: the
elements each user is authorized to access production system and the cost accounting
THE REA MODEL- REA is an accounting
framework for modeling an organization’s The Revenue Cycle- Firms sell their finished
critical resources, events, and agents (REA) and goods to customers through the revenue cycle,
the relationships between them. which involves processing cash sales, credit
sales, and the receipt of cash following a credit
- Resources- Economic resources are the
assets of the organization. They are
defined as objects that are both scarce Accounting records
and under the control of the enterprise
- Events- Economic events are MANUAL SYSTEMS-
phenomena that affect changes in Documents- provides evidence of an economic
resources. event and may be used to initiate transaction
- Agents- Economic agents are individuals processing.
and departments that participate in an
economic event. They are parties both SOURCE DOCUMENTS- Source documents are
inside and outside the organization with used to capture and formalize transaction data
discretionary power to use or dispose of that the transaction cycle needs for processing
economic resources. PRODUCT DOCUMENTS- Product documents are
ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING SYSTEMS- is the result of transaction processing rather than
an information system model that enables an the triggering mechanism for the process.
organization to automate and integrate its key TURNAROUND DOCUMENTS- Turnaround
business processes documents are product documents of one
system that become source documents for
another system

Journals- journal is a record of a chronological


SPECIAL JOURNALS- are used to record specific

classes of transactions that occur in high volume.
REGISTER- is often used to denote certain types processes, data flows, and data stores that
of special journals pertain to a system.

GENERAL JOURNALS- Firms use the general Entity Relationship Diagrams- entity
journal to record nonrecurring, infrequent, and relationship (ER) diagram is a documentation
dissimilar transactions technique used to represent the relationship
between entities.
Ledgers- is a book of accounts that reflects the
financial effects of the firm’s transactions after Relationship between ER Diagrams and Data
they are posted from the various journals. Flow Diagrams- DFDs and ER diagrams depict
different aspects of the same system, but they
GENERAL LEDGERS- general ledger (GL)
are related and can be reconciled. A DFD is a
summarizes the activity for each of the
model of system processes, and the ER diagram
organization’s accounts.
models the data used in or affected by the
SUBSIDIARY LEDGERS- Subsidiary ledgers are system
kept in various accounting departments of the
SYSTEM FLOWCHARTS- is the graphical
firm, including inventory, accounts payable,
representation of the physical relationships
payroll, and accounts receivable
among key elements of a system
THE AUDIT TRAIL- The accounting records
described previously provide an audit trail for
flowchart reflects the physical system, which is
tracing transactions from source documents to
represented as vertical columns of events and
the financial statements. Of the many purposes
actions separated by lines of demarcation.
of the audit trail, most important to accountants
FORMAT- we are ready to start visually
representing the system facts
Types of Files
Batch Processing- Batch processing permits the
1. MASTER FILE- generally contains efficient management of a large volume of
account data transactions. A batch is a group of similar
2. TRANSACTION FILE- is a temporary file transactions (such as sales orders) that are
of transaction records used to change accumulated over time and then processed
or update data in a master file. together.
3. REFERENCE FILE- stores data that are
Flowcharting Computer Processes- examine
used as standards for processing
flowcharting techniques to represent a system
that employs both manual and computer
4. ARCHIVE FILE- contains records of past
transactions that are retained for future
reference. PROGRAM FLOWCHARTS- The system flowchart
shows the relationship between computer
programs, the files they use, and the outputs
they produce.
Data Flow Diagrams- data flow diagram (DFD)
uses symbols to represent the entities,
the internal structure of the records that
Sequential Codes- s represent items in some
constitute a file or database table
sequential order (ascending or descending). A
DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BATCH AND REAL- common application of numeric sequential
TIME SYSTEMS codes is the prenumbering of source documents

Batch systems assemble transactions into - Advantage- Sequential coding supports

groups for processing. Real-time systems the reconciliation of a batch of
process transactions individually at the moment transactions, such as sales orders, at the
the event occurs end of processing
- DISADVANTAGE - Sequential codes
Resources- batch systems demand fewer
carry no information content beyond
organizational resources (such as programming
their order in the sequence. sequential
costs, computer time, and user training). Real-
coding schemes are difficult to change.
time systems use direct access files that require
more expensive storage devices, such as Block Codes- A numeric block code is a variation
magnetic disks. on sequential coding that partly remedies the
disadvantages just described. This approach can
Operational Efficiency- Real-time processing in
be used to represent whole classes of items by
systems that handle large volumes of
restricting each class to a specific range within
transactions each day can create operational
the coding scheme
- ADVANTAGE- Block coding allows for
Database Backup Procedures- Each record in a
the insertion of new codes within a block
database file is assigned a unique disk location
without having to reorganize the entire
or address that is determined by its primary key
coding structure
value. Because only a single valid location exists
- DISADVANTAGE- As with the sequential
for each record, updating the record must occur
codes, the information content of the
in place.
block code is not readily apparent
Group Codes- are used to represent complex
COLLECTION- A popular data processing
items or events involving two or more pieces of
approach, particularly for large operations, is to
related data. The code consists of zones or fields
electronically capture transaction data at the
that possess specific meaning
source as they occur. By distributing data input
capability to users, certain transaction errors can - Advantage- Group codes have a number
be prevented or detected and corrected at their of advantages over sequential and block
source. The result is a transaction file that is free codes
from most of the errors that plague older legacy - DISADVANTAGE- the primary
systems disadvantage of group coding results
from its success as a classification tool.
REAL-TIME PROCESSING- Real-time systems
Because group codes can effectively
process the entire transaction as it occurs.
present diverse information, they tend
to be overused.
Alphabetic Codes- are used for many of the Chapter 3: Ethics, Fraud and Internal control
same purposes as numeric codes. Alphabetic
BUSINESS ETHICS- business ethics involves
characters may be assigned sequentially (in
finding the answers to two questions: (1) How do
alphabetic order) or may be used in block and
managers decide what is right in conducting their
group coding techniques
business? and (2) Once managers have
- ADVANTAGE- The capacity to represent recognized what is right, how do they achieve it?.
large numbers of items is increased Ethical issues in business can be divided into four
dramatically through the use of pure areas: equity, rights, honesty, and the exercise
alphabetic codes or alphabetic of corporate power
characters embedded within numeric
PROPORTIONALITY- The benefit from a decision
must outweigh the risks
- DISADVANTAGE- (1) as with numeric
codes, there is difficulty rationalizing the COMPUTER ETHICS- is ‘‘the analysis of the
meaning of codes that have been nature and social impact of computer technology
sequentially assigned, and (2) users tend and the corresponding formulation and
to have difficulty sorting records that are justification of policies for the ethical use of such
coded alphabetically. technology concerns about software as well as
hardware and concerns about networks
Mnemonic Codes- are alphabetic characters in
connecting computers as well as computers
the form of acronyms and other combinations
themselves. Three levels of computer ethics:
that convey meaning.
1. Pop- the exposure to stories and reports
- ADVANTAGE- does not require the user
found in the popular media regarding
to memorize meaning; the code itself
the good or bad ramifications of
conveys a high degree of information
computer technology
about the item that is being represented
2. Para- involves taking a real interest in
- DISADVANTAGE- have limited ability to
computer ethics cases and acquiring
represent items within a class
some level of skill and knowledge in the
3. Theoretical- interest to multidisciplinary
researchers who apply the theories of
philosophy, sociology, and psychology to
computer science with the goal of
bringing some new understanding to the

Security- Computer security is an attempt to

avoid such undesirable events as a loss of
confidentiality or data integrity.

Ownership of Property- Laws designed to

preserve real property rights have been
extended to cover what is referred to as
intellectual property, that is, software
Misuse of Computers According to common law, a fraudulent
act must meet the following five
- Computers can be misused in many
ways. Copying proprietary software,
1. False representation
using a company’s computer for
2. Material fact
personal benefit, and snooping through
3. Intent
other people’s files are just a few
4. Justifiable reliance
obvious examples
5. Injury or loss
written code of ethics that addresses ethical
Employee fraud- designed to directly convert
cash or other assets to the employee’s personal
1. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST- The benefit. usually involves three steps:
company’s code of ethics should outline
1. stealing something of value
procedures for dealing with actual or
2. converting the asset to a usable form
apparent conflicts of interest between
3. concealing the crime to avoid detection
personal and professional relationships.
2. FULL AND FAIR DISCLOSURES- This Management fraud
provision states that the organization
- usually does not involve the direct theft
should provide full, fair, accurate, timely,
of assets. Top management may engage
and understandable disclosures in the
in fraudulent activities to drive up the
documents, reports, and financial
market price of the company’s stock.
statements that it submits to the SEC
Management fraud typically contains
and to the public
three special characteristics:
3. LEGAL COMPLIANCE- Codes of ethics
1. The fraud is perpetrated at levels of
should require employees to follow
management above the one to which
applicable governmental laws, rules, and
internal control structures generally
regulations. As stated previously, we
must not confuse ethical issues with
2. The fraud frequently involves using the
legal issues.
financial statements to create an illusion
that an entity is healthier and more
VIOLATIONS- The code of ethics must
prosperous than, in fact, it is
provide a mechanism to permit prompt
3. If the fraud involves misappropriation of
internal reporting of ethics violations.
assets, it frequently is shrouded in a
5. ACCOUNTABILITY- An effective ethics
maze of complex business transactions,
program must take appropriate action
often involving related third parties
when code violations occur. This will
include various disciplinary measures, THE FRAUD TRIANGLE- consists of three factors
including dismissal. that contribute to or are associated with
management and employee fraud. These are:
1. situational pressure- which includes
- Fraud denotes a false representation of
personal or job-related stresses that
a material fact made by one party to
could coerce an individual to act
another party with the intent to deceive
and induce the other party to justifiably
rely on the fact to his or her detriment.
2. opportunity- h involves direct access to many financial statement fraud
assets and/or access to information that schemes.
controls assets
Corruption- involves an executive, manager, or
3. ethics- pertains to one’s character and
employee of the organization in collusion with an
degree of moral opposition to acts of
Bribery- involves giving, offering, soliciting, or
Fraudulent Statements- associated with
receiving things of value to influence an official
management fraud. Whereas all fraud involves
in the performance of his or her lawful duties
some form of financial misstatement, to meet
the definition under this class of fraud scheme illegal gratuity- involves giving, receiving,
the statement itself must bring direct or indirect offering, or soliciting something of value because
financial benefit to the perpetrator. of an official act that has been taken
THE UNDERLYING PROBLEMS conflict of interest- occurs when an employee
acts on behalf of a third party during the
1. Lack of Auditor Independence- The risk
discharge of his or her duties or has self-interest
is that as auditors they will not bring to
in the activity being performed.
management’s attention detected
problems that may adversely affect their Economic extortion- is the use (or threat) of
consulting fees. For example, Enron’s force (including economic sanctions) by an
auditors—Arthur Andersen—were also individual or organization to obtain something of
their internal auditors and their value.
management consultants
2. Lack of Director Independence- neither Asset Misappropriation- The most common
practical nor wise to establish a board of fraud schemes involve some form of asset
directors that is totally void of misappropriation in which assets are either
selfinterest, popular wisdom suggests directly or indirectly diverted to the
that a healthier board of directors is one perpetrator’s benefit
in which the majority of directors are Skimming involves stealing cash from an
independent outsiders, with the organization before it is recorded on the
integrity and the qualifications to organization’s books and records.
understand the company and objectively
plan its course. Cash larceny involves schemes in which cash
3. Questionable Executive Compensation receipts are stolen from an organization after
Schemes- The consensus is that fewer they have been recorded in the organization’s
stock options should be offered than books and records.
currently is the practice. Excessive use of Billing schemes, also known as vendor fraud, are
short-term stock options to compensate perpetrated by employees who causes their
directors and executives may result in employer to issue a payment to a false supplier
short-term thinking and strategies or vendor by submitting invoices for fictitious
aimed at driving up stock prices at the goods or services, inflated invoices, or invoices
expense of the firm’s long-term health. for personal purchases. Three examples of billing
4. Inappropriate Accounting Practices- scheme:
The use of inappropriate accounting
techniques is a characteristic common to
1. shell company fraud first requires that MANAGEMENT RESPONSIBILITY- This concept
the perpetrator establish a false supplier holds that the establishment and maintenance
on the books of the victim company. of a system of internal control is a management
2. pass through fraud is similar to the shell responsibility.
company fraud with the exception that a
transaction actually takes place
system of internal control is perfect and the cost
3. pay-and-return scheme is a third form of
of achieving improved control should not
vendor fraud. This typically involves a
outweigh its benefits.
clerk with checkwriting authority who
pays a vendor twice for the same METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING- Internal
products (inventory or supplies) controls should achieve the four broad
received objectives regardless of the data processing
method used. The control techniques used to
Payroll fraud is the distribution of fraudulent
achieve these objectives will, however, vary with
paychecks to existent and/or nonexistent
different types of technology.
LIMITATIONS- Every system of internal control
Expense reimbursement frauds are schemes in
has limitations on its effectiveness.These
which an employee makes a claim for
reimbursement of fictitious or inflated business
expenses 1. the possibility of error—no system is
Thefts of cash are schemes that involve the
2. circumvention—personnel may
direct theft of cash on hand in the organization.
circumvent the system through collusion
Non-cash fraud schemes involve the theft or or other means
misuse of the victim organization’s non-cash 3. management override—management is
assets. in a position to override control
procedures by personally distorting
Computer Fraud Because computers lie at the
transactions or by directing a
heart of modern accounting information
subordinate to do so
systems, the topic of computer fraud is of
4. changing conditions—conditions may
importance to auditors
change over time so that existing
internal control system comprises policies, controls may become ineffectual
practices, and procedures employed by the
Exposures and Risk
organization to achieve four broad objectives:
absence or weakness of a control is called an
1. To safeguard assets of the firm
exposure. weakness in internal control may
2. To ensure the accuracy and reliability of
expose the firm to one or more of the following
accounting records and information
types of risks:
3. To promote efficiency in the firm’s
operations. 1. Destruction of assets
4. To measure compliance with 2. Theft of assets
management’s prescribed policies and 3. Corruption of information or the
procedures information system.
4. Disruption of the information system
The Preventive–Detective–Corrective risks relevant to financial reporting. Risks can
Internal Control Model arise or change from circumstances such as:

PREVENTIVE CONTROLS are passive - Changes in the operating environment

techniques designed to reduce the - New personnel
frequency of occurrence of undesirable - New or reengineered information
events. Preventive controls force system
compliance with prescribed or desired - Significant and rapid growth
actions and thus screen out aberrant events - implementation of new technology
- introduction of new product lines or
DETECTIVE CONTROLS form the second line
of defense. These are devices, techniques,
- Organizational restructuring resulting in
and procedures designed to identify and
the reduction and/or reallocation of
expose undesirable events that elude
preventive controls.
- Entering into foreign markets
CORRECTIVE CONTROLS are actions taken to - Adoption of a new accounting principle
reverse the effects of errors detected in the
Information and Communication The
previous step
accounting information system consists of the
The Control Environment is the foundation records and methods used to initiate, identify,
for the other four control components. The analyze, classify, and record the organization’s
control environment sets the tone for the transactions and to account for the related
organization and influences the control assets and liabilities. An effective accounting
awareness of its management and information system will:
employees. Important elements of the
- Identify and record all valid financial
control environment are:
- The integrity and ethical values of - Provide timely information about
management transactions
- The structure of the organization. - Accurately measure the financial value
- The participation of the organization’s of transactions
board of directors and the audit - Accurately record transactions in the
committee, if one exists. time period in which they occurred
- Management’s philosophy and
Monitoring is the process by which the quality of
operating style.
internal control design and operation can be
- The procedures for delegating
responsibility and authority.
Management’s methods for assessing Control activities are the policies and
performance. procedures used to ensure that appropriate
- External influences, such as actions are taken to deal with the organization’s
examinations by regulatory agencies. identified risks
- The organization’s policies and practices
IT controls relate specifically to the computer
for managing its human resources.
environment. They fall into two broad groups:
Risk Assessment Organizations must perform a general controls and application controls.
risk assessment to identify, analyze, and manage
- General controls pertain to entity-wide
concerns such as controls over the data
center, organization databases, systems
development, and program
- Application controls ensure the integrity
of specific systems such as sales order
processing, accounts payable, and
payroll applications

PHYSICAL CONTROLS physical controls focus on

people, but are not restricted to an environment
in which clerks update paper accounts with pen
and ink

transaction authorization is to ensure that all

material transactions processed by the
information system are valid and in accordance
with management’s objectives

SUPERVISION is often called a compensating


accounting records of an organization consist of

source documents, journals, and ledgers.

access controls is to ensure that only authorized

personnel have access to the firm’s assets.


procedures are independent checks of the
accounting system to identify errors and

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