Week 1

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Week 1


In Module 1 I learn about the process of how to develop a program. There are 5
part the planning/Analyze the program. second the Codingthird the test Testing
and debugging fourt is the Documentation and lastly the Maintenance. All of
this is important in developing a program.indentify the problem ,writing source
code, runs the program, test it and fix the errors, also you need to document all
you do so that if there's wrong you can easy to find want is wrong and if your
done maintenance it check it if its running smoothly. in Module 2 I learn about
system analysis. system analysis is the method of analyzing a procedure order
to define its objectives and aims and develop processes and procedures to
accomplish them in an effective manner. In Module 3 I learned about data-flow
diagram it is a way how to show a flow of data through system. I make a Data
flow showing the grading system. It show how to they get there grade.

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