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P-1 Poblacion Nabunturan, Compostela Valley 8800


Mobile Number: (+63) 907-642--6445


Quarter 3

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the day 85% of the students will be able to:

a. Described how light is produced

b. Identify different sources of light
c. Recognized the importance of light in everyday life.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Paggamit ng Salitang Kilos

B. Source: MELC S3FE-IIIa-b-1

Google, youtube

C. Materials: Cartolina, mirrors, candles, flashlights, pictures.

III. Procedure:

A. Engage(Motivational)

The teacher will begin the lesson by asking students to name different sources of light they are
familiar with. Then, ask the students to share their experiences using these sources of light in their daily

 Flashlights
 Candles
 Light bulb
 Mirrors

Unlocking Difficulties
Sources- a point or place at which something is invented or provided.
Artificial- lacking in natural or spontaneous quality.

B. Explore

The teacher will group the students into 4 groups and distribute the materials (flashlights, light bulb,
candles, mirrors ) to each group of students. The teacher will ask them to observe these sources of light
closely and discuss with their group members how light is produced.

C. Explain

At this point using a combination of visuals and explanations, the teacher will provide a brief lecture on
the science of light. Cover key topics such as how light travels, how it can be reflected by mirrors. The
teacher will discuss also the different types of light sources, such as natural and artificial light.

The teacher will provide examples.


ESP: Know that light is one of the Creation of God.

D. Elaboration

After the explanation the teacher will distribute worksheets with pictures and identify the source of
light weather its natural and artificial light.

Name: Date:

Natural and Artificial Light

Natural Light Artificial Light Source

E. Evaluate

In order for the students to understand more, the teacher will ask the students to create a big circle
because they will play a game called “pass the parcel” inside of the parcel has a different questions and
for those students who luckily hold the parcel will answer the following question:

Why is light important in our daily lives?

What would happen if we didn’t have any sources of light?

What is natural light?


The teacher will summarize the lesson and reiterate the importance of light our daily lives. And the
teacher will encourage the students to continue exploring the science light on their own and share what
to their family and friend what they have learned.

IV. Assignment

List 3 sources of light in your home.

Checked and observed by:

Caridad S. Ortiz

Teacher III Prepared by:

Ivy A. Moalom

Practice Teacher

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