ISP Lit Circle NOTES

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ENG 4U1 – ISP Literature Circles

Please elect one leader each week to facilitate discussion.
Segment 1 -- pp. 1-104 chapter 8 Segment 2 -- pp. 104-190 chapter12 Segment 3 pp. 191-296 chapter16 Segment 4 pp. 297-396 end
Leader Rayhan Leader riley Leader Ghala Leader Lauren
Feedback from today: Feedback from today: Feedback from today: Feedback from today:
Ghala- Ghala- Ghala-
we did not have time to go over her theory. but she Izzy is overcome by her ID and seems to not take her Mia being a strong independent woman raising a child Ghala-
contributed a lot to the group discussion. She said superego into account when making decisions on her own and rejecting the money Black : representation of power and how Pearl urges to
that she was related to Mia and Pearl. Seems very attached to Mia and her tendencies Defying the status quo take her life back from her mothers control
Rayhan- not the most involved in the conversation otherwise, but Unlikely to happen in the 1980s- frowned upon for Mia White: Innocence juxtaposition to Mrs.Richardsons
How green is expressive of calmness but the had good ideas to offer when it was her turn! to take on male and female gender roles. actions
sharpness of the grass is a juxtaposition of the Rayhan- Great contribution! Great contribution today!
calmness of the scenery and creates underlying Richardson family is ignorant towards wealth and fails to Rayhan- Rayhan-
harshness to the Shaker Heights scenery understand and appreciate the working class and Mrs. Richardson giving into her ID tendencies ( going to Moody calling Pearl a slut ater consentual sex is
Talked about how the colour gold represents the proletariots of Shaker Heights the wright home and inspecting Mias background) degrading insinuaing that she does not have the right to
perfection of the richardson family and how (maxing out visa without thought, throwing extravagant Shows a lack of control when making decisions and her own intimacy
nothing goes wrong on the outside, but it is parties for a 1 year old) becomes succumb to her ID through her journalist Gender roles and how a single mother is incapable
different on the inside of the house. White fence Sense of entitlement because of the money they have. background (uses that as an excuse to dig for personal without a male figure present
represents the purity and innocence of the Good contribution to conversation! satisfaction) Great contribution!
Richardsons. Riley- Great contribution! Riley-
Riley- Mia is becoming Izzys mentor. Green is a common Riley- Mrs. Richardson is exhibiting narcissistic tendencies,
Ms. Richardson breaks gender stereotypes by theme throughout the story to describe shaker (luck, Using the Richardson name in power- Lexie unable to doing “kind” acts out of self preservation and self
creating an authoratative figure and being birth, death) How you can live and die in shaker and if use her real name for the abortion as her name has a satisfaction
someone who everyone in the family respects you do not act how is expected of you, you will not be reputation. Izzy is exhibiting neurological deficits, possibly autism
- Ms.Richardson looks down on Mia (male accepted in shaker. Great Conribution to the Mias parents are middle class and want the best for Mia due to her lack of empathy with her siblings and parents
Gaze) conversation! to make more money than they have- disapproving of as well as her disconnect from reality
- Beautiful blonde girl breaking stereotypes mias art career as that is typically associated with great contribution!
Great engagement all around for all group proletariotism
members! Great engagement
Awesome contribution from all members!!

Name Assigned Lens and Notes -- Record only the points and quotations that are related to the lens which you are assigned
for the segment.
Include a minimum of THREE quotations with parenthetical citations and analysis.
Use the Questions to Consider to guide your analysis. Do NOT write in complete sentences.
Marxist/Reader Response ghala Psychoanalytic Feminist Archetypal

Archetypal rayhan Marxist/Reader Response Psychoanalytic Feminist

Feminist riley Archetypal Riley Marxist/Reader Response Psychoanalytic

Psychoanalytic lauren Feminist lauren Archetypal lauren Marxist/Reader Response lauren

“From the outside you saw only one front door, Conversation: The idea of “White feminism” describes How does being educated on Mias background change Conversation:
one front-door light, one mailbox, one house how feminism and womens rights are percieved in your perspective of her and her actions? What compels Izzy to ditch her bourgeois lifestyle and
number… Every house on Winslow Road held two different races. Exhibited through Mia, Bebe, and adopt a proletariot lifestyle? What did this influence do
families, but outside appeared to hold only one. Mrs.Richardson who all ridicule eachother for their ways “By the time winter came, Mia would bring her newest to make her feel so strongly?
They had been designed that way on purpose. It of motherhood (based on their cultures and upbringings) photographs to show Pauline nearly every week, and
allowed residents to avoid the stigma of renting, instead of uniting as a sisterhood. they would talk them over, Pauline pressing her to “When the baby was found,she had been
instead of owning” (NG 11). articulate what she’d done and why” (NG 242) undernourished. Her fontane was sunken in, a telltale
- houses designed to look perfect but have “Mrs.Richardson tipped her head to one side and studied - Winter : season of famine and hunger sign of dehydration, and her ribs and the small bones of
secrets on the inside her tenant. Hair, as always, unkempt atop her head… A representing disease and death her spine had been visible under her skin, like a string of
- like the Richardson family sweet face. A young face, but not an innocent face” (NG - Mia as a proletartiot in New York gets invited to beads. At 2 months old she had weighed only 8 pounds”
- So caught up by the idea that wealth is the 162). Paulines in survivance of the cold and is often (NG 298).
most important thing - rejecting sisterhood by being critical of Mia’s invited to stay and eat dinner or sleep in the - Shows that she is from a proletariot family and
- a reflection of the Richardson family untidy appearance guest room the famish that mirabelle and bebe have gone
“Mr. Yang was exactly the Kind of tenant - affecting Mia and Mrs.Richardsons relationship - Pauline brings Mia in as her mentor and guides through
Mrs.Richardson wanted: a kind person to whom she by dividing social classes (reinforcing patriarchal Mia to think outside the box - emphasis on how skinny she was comparing to
could do a kind turn, and who would appreciate her ideology) a string of beads
kindness”(NG 16). - insinuating that Mia is unable to look nice as her - Bourgeosie typically are very well fed, and often
- Mrs. Richardson always feels the need to hair is “always, unkempt atop her head” “Pearl.round,simple, whole as the peal of a bell” (NG are very fat, unlike mirabelle in the beginning
do some sort of good to feed her own ego - Mia having a “sweet face” promotes 273). months of her life
- Attempting to portray a godly role infantalization as being sweet is typically a trait - round and circular represents wholeness,
- needs her kindness to be recognized to of a child perfection, and fluidity “The half-open door to Mia’s room, where a mattress lay
uphold her reputation - representing Pearl as she has wholly on the carpet. It was such a pathetic life, she thought;
- likely a product of her childhood as she “Mrs.Richardson had secretly been proud of how fertile experienced poverty, wealth, loneliness and they had so little” (NG 356).
always up donating to UNICEF her body had proved, how resilient. She would push community. - Elena is unaware of the social-economic factors
- mentality that doing a good deed needs to Moody in his stroller, with Lexie and Trip tagging along - peal of a bell ringing one after another, creating around her and is arrogant to Mias situation
be rewarded (more selfish than behind her, each clutching a handful of her skirt, like a musical sound - displaying her true intentions, out of self
unconditionally good) baby elephants trailing their mother” ”(NG 126) - Similie “whole as the peal of a bell” represents preservation and wealth rather than true
We see this when Mrs. Richardson offers to - Promoting stereotypical gender roles that a how Pearl has found her identity and sense of kindness
purchase a painting. woman's purpose is to have children community - devaluing Mias integrity due to her socio-
“That's very generous of you” Mias eyes slid - Basing her own self worth by how fertile her economic status
towards the window briefly and Mrs. Richardson body is to have children “She dropped a plate of eggs at the diner, sliced her - Using Mias social status as a medium for
felt a twinge of irritation at this lukewarm response - Wearing a skirt and dressing up even while finger on the jagged edge, watched a trickle of blood oppression
to her philanthropy” walking down the street with children promotes ooze onto the white china. Over and over during the day
- sense of entitlement the unrealistic idea of how a traditional she passed her hand across the flat plain of her belly, as “The Ryans are rich. They wanted a baby so desperately.
- outraged that Mia does not have more housewife should dress (Takes place in 1997 so if inside she might feel something that could give her They’d have given her a wonderful life. If pearl had
gratitude for her “good deed” the gender role expectations have greatly clarity. ” (NG 257). gotten to choose, do you think she’d have chosen to stay
- attempting to pin Mia as poor, and changed) - White = purity, innocence, blinding truth with you? To live like a vagabond?” (NG 357).
needing Mrs. Richardson’s help when that - Mrs. Richardson gives herself a lack of personal - Blood (red)= sacrifice, hate, evil, love, anger,
may not be the case freedom reaverting to a housewife after having violence, passion, sin - Vagabond: A person who does not have a fixed place
- philanthropy has a positive connotation each child (cooks, takes care of children while - Innocence on hate and sin to live and moves around a lot
but Mrs. Richardson uses it in a negative breadwinner husband is at work, dresses in - Innocence represents Mias surrogate baby - Suggesting that because of the Ryans capitalist status,
way (like she uses her good deeds in a skirts and heels daily) despite Mias “sinful” actions of having a baby that they would be better parents that produce better
negative way) - Simile to compare Mrs.Richardsons family like despite her parents wishes kids
one of an elephant - Love for the baby and sacrificing her education - oppression of Mias capability to be a good mother
- How does Mrs.Richardsons behaviour “Elephant mothers are fiercely nurturing and and money for human life
affect her relationship with her children? protective… Elephants live in very complex social
- How does Mia and Mrs.Richardson reflect matriarchal groups” (FFA 1)
on the younger generation - a depiction of how Elena sees herself as a
- to be protective and provide all the nurturing
motherly traits society believes she should hold
- Matriarchal- Women in authority and power
(Elena demands to be the woman in power with
both Mia and her family)

“Barbara Pierece with her stilettos and Dolly Parton hair.

Showed up at my doorstep and shoved a microphone in
my face” (NG 152)
- Stilettos are a symbol of femininity and
sexuality often seen as seductive
- large, voluminous hair seen as a sign of
femininity, wealth, and social status
- Used against her to undermine her status and
mock her for her femininity
- Looked down upon for a woman to be so

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