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Dàn ý Nghị luận về biến đổi khí hậu

(5 nội dung: Khái niệm-biểu hiện, Nguyên nhân, Hậu quả, Giải pháp, Kết luận)

Good afternoon, every one. I’m.... Today I am here to present to you about climate
change impact.
My group has three members including
We are divided into… main part:

The first, we presentation about Describe of the climate change

The second, talk about cause,…


If you have any questions, feel free to ask my group at the end of the talk.

Society is constantly developing, but it cannot be denied that the development brings us a
lot of negative environmental issues. (1 trong những vấn đề nông hiện nay là biến đổi khí
hậu. Vậy thế nào là biến đổi khí hậu? Biến đổi khí hậu là…)

- Nêu khái niệm biến đổi khí hậu

The Describe of Climate change is the process of reflecting long-term changes in

temperature and weather phenomena.
There are many forms of pollution such as air pollution, soil, water, light or noise

Some expression of climate change includes: ( biểu hiện)

(Như chúng ta biết, biến đổi khí hậu thường gắn liền với nhiệt độ cao,…)
- The weather changes erratically like: high temperature, unseasonal rain, early
- The change of the atmosphere such as: the ozone layer is thinner than before , in
some places which loses protective layer, so harmful radioactive rays to enter the
atmosphere, ...
- Plants and animals change to adapt, as a result animals move to a new habitat;
plants change their appearance such as root system, structure, organ function, ...)
- The biggest influence comes from humans

The next part invites ……. to present.

Hello, I’m …I would like to continue the presentation.

- cause : (phần lớn do tác động của con người)

Vậy nguyên nhân từ đâu gây ra những biểu hiện trên? Có bạn nào biết không? Cơ cấu trc
1 đứa haha) (Như bn …nói biến đổi khí hậu do…)Have many cause climate change

- Humans are the biggest cause of climate change

- Natural resources are exploited indiscriminately
- Cutting down protection forests, illegally hunting and killing animals
- Waste of water resources (fresh water in daily life, production,... for example)
- Dispose of waste directly into the environment without any treatment
- The awareness of each individual and community is not high.

- Result: (Cuối cùng là hậu quả, nó dẫn đến/ gây ra…)

Which lead to results:

- Ecological imbalance
- Vegetation cover erosion, many species of animals are extincted because the
sudden change in habitat makes many species unable to adapt, lead to degradation
and extinction.
- Water pollution leads to lack of water for life and production.
- Natural disasters often occur that seriously affect people's lives like: flash floods,
landslides, big storms, ...
- Climate Change cause humans disease. Example :  Emissions are always one of
the leading causes of respiratory illness.

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