Economy and Society of The Ancien Regime

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4th ESO.

Bilingual Section 1
Unit 1. Ancien Regime and enlightenment

2. Economy and society of the Ancien Regime

Economy Society
The economy of the old regime presented the The society was divided into three groups
following characteristics: called estates: the nobility, the clergy and the
Third Estate. Except for the clergy, everybody
- Importance of traditional agriculture,
was born into an estate or closed group. The
characterized by a low productivity, for
nobility and the clergy were privileged estates
being directed to the self-consumption and
and so they had advantages. For example, they
by the use of very archaic techniques and
did not pay taxes, they did not do manual
tools (Roman plough, fallow).
work, and they held the most important
- Craftsmen could not increase their
positions in government. They kept their
production due to the restrictions that were
economic power thanks to the collection of a
still imposed by the guilds, associations of
tithe (a percentage of the harvest) and rents for
artisans of the same profession.
their land. However, the small nobility and the
- The domestic trade in Europe was held
low clergy (rural priests) barely had economic
back because of the multitude of internal
customs and tariffs and the poor quality of
The third estate or common people, without
the ground transportation. The international
privileges, paid taxes. The high bourgeoisie
trade is going to develop thanks to the
(great merchants and entrepreneurs) got rich
discovery of America and the establishment
by economic development so they reclaimed
of new routes that allowed to create
political rights and social prestige. The small
enormous colonial empires.
bourgeoisie (small merchants and craftsmen)
During the 18th century the absolute monarchs was ruined by not being able to compete with
imposed the mercantilism, the economic the new forms of
system of the Ancient Regimen. Economists of production. The
the period believed than a country’s power situation of the
came from its wealth. Nations wealth was peasants and day
determined by store of precious metals (gold laborers made worse in
and silver). the 17th century due to
the bad harvests, the
Thus, the importation of foreign goods should rise of the prices and
be limited through high tariffs (protectionist the taxes that were to
policy). pay to the king, the
nobility and the clergy.

1. Explain the meaning of the following words:

a. Fallow

b. Guild

c. Tariff

d. Mercantilism
e. Protectionist policy
4th ESO. History
Bilingual Section 2
Unit 1. Ancien Regime and enlightenment

2. Make a pyramid of the society in the Ancien Regime and answer the questions:

a. Which are the privileged groups?

b. Which group is at the bottom? Why?
c. Where did you place bourgeoisie? Why?

3. In pairs, look at the following painting and discuss the questions below.

a. What people can you see in the paintings?

b. Where are they and what are they doing?
c. What clothes are they wearing?
d. What social class do they probably belong to?
e. What things do they probably do every day?
f. How are they probably different to people in other social classes of the 18th

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