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After long consideration and in the best interest of its citizens, prompted from the resignation of our
Fire Chief, and lack of adequate available personnel, the City of Eton has agreed to enter into a longer
agreement with Murray County to provide fire services to the city.

This decision comes after many meetings and long discussions on what is best for the citizens of Eton. It
basically boiled down into two very important issues: Safety and Economics. In regard to safety, under
the current scenario during the past 7 plus years, the city had a full time Fire Chief, and the remaining
employees were part time, all of whom currently have full time jobs with other county and city fire
departments. This allowed us to potentially staff one person on duty around the clock. If dispatched on
a call this would place one person on the scene waiting on backup from other departments that we
have mutual aid agreements with. Although somewhat adequate, after reviewing this and other
potential situations, it raised concerns this may not be the best and safest for the citizens. Trying to fill
needed roles with part time help is not as reliable when they have full time roles at other departments
that could take precedence over part time positions. This can potentially cause voids in scheduling and
create absenteeism resulting in an unmanned station. With the county's newest locations on Tom Terry
Road and Highway 225, the response time is equal to or better than our single manned truck waiting on
back up to arrive.

Pertaining to economics, there are two underlying situations: first, the city of Eton is currently at an ISO
rating of 4. ISO rating is one of the main components that insurance companies use to determine
homeowners insurance premiums. The higher the number the higher the premiums. In order to
maintain the current rating, we entered into a temporary agreement with the county to secure that
rating until we made a decision on our direction. The county currently holds a rating of 4 which protects
any changes on the rating that could impact Eton citizens. Secondly, finding qualified personnel above
part time would potentially force the city to raise the millage rate for the staffing demand. This would
burden the citizens with higher taxes, which does not make sense to do when the necessary needs and
demands are available and serviced from well manned and competent Murray County fire services.

In addition, the city is working on an agreement with Advent Health EMS to locate into the City's current
fire department building. This will improve the safety in the community while also helping EMS by
having a strategic location, with Eton being the center line of Murray county.

We believe this is the best and safest decision for the citizens of Eton. We want to assure the citizens
there is no reason for concern and everyone is well covered with Murray County as our acting fire
service and with the addition of EMS in our facility.

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