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Eddie the carpet fitter

Eddie was a carpet fitter and he hated his job. He made

carpets for other people every day. He was as busy as a
bee. He ran around the clock doing work and no one
even appreciated him and his work. he was sick of it.
One dry, humid and warm day in august he was making
a long red carpet at Ms. Vanbrookes house. Rich Ms.
Vanbrooke changed her carpet every year. She
wouldn’t even offer Eddie a cup of tea and told him to
go outside when he wanted to smoke. Anyway, on that
evening Eddie was nearly finished. He wanted to have
a cigarette before he finished the last touches. He
taped both of his pockets and looked around
everywhere but couldn’t find his new cigarette box.
Then he immediately saw a lump in his carpet. He was
frustrated because he has done this before. Last time it
took him two hours to fix it so this time he thought to
get rid of it a different way. He got a piece of wood, put
it on the lump and started to hammer it so he didn’t
damage the carpet. After three to four minutes, the
lump started to fade away. He was finally finished so
he called Ms. Vanbrooke to inspect the carpet. She
thought it was perfect so Eddie started to walk back to
his van and she accompanied him. Before Eddie left,
she asked Eddie that if he saw her parakeet. Eddie said
no and he suddenly saw his box of cigarettes on his
dashboard. Then Eddie realized what the lump was and
he started to feel rather sick.

Eddie worked as a carpet installer and detested it.

Every day, he produced rugs for other people. He was
busier than a bee. He worked nonstop and nobody
even acknowledged him or his efforts. He was over it.
He was laying down a lengthy red carpet at Ms.
Vanbrooke's home on a dry, warm, and humid day in
August. Every year, Ms. Vanbrooke changed her carpet.
Eddie was instructed to go outside if he wanted to
smoke, and she would not even offer him a cup of tea.
However, Eddie was almost completed that evening.
Before putting the finishing touches on, he wanted to
smoke. He taped both of his pockets and attempted to
find something everywhere.
Eddie was instructed to go outside if he wanted to
smoke, and she would not even offer him a cup of tea.
However, Eddie was almost completed that evening.
Before putting the finishing touches on, he wanted to
smoke. He sealed both of his pockets and searched
frantically, but he was unable to locate his brand-new
cigarette box.
He then saw a bump in his carpet right away. He had
done this before, which made him angry. He had to
spend two hours fixing it the last time, so this time he
decided to get rid of it in a new way. In order to avoid
damaging the carpet, he grabbed a piece of wood,
placed it on the lump, and began to hammer.
The bulge started to go away after three to four
minutes. Once he was done, he called Ms. Vanbrooke
to look at the carpet. She deemed it ideal, so Eddie set
out to return to his vehicle as she followed him. She
enquired about Eddie seeing her parakeet before he
went. As Eddie replied "no," he unexpectedly noticed
his box of cigarettes on his

dashboard. Eddie felt a little queasy after realizing

what the bulge was.

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