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1 Explain the natural and Singnificance of economic science and its relevance to law
2 Explain the features of monopolistic competition
3 Discuss the features perfect competition
4 Difference between Micro and Macro Economics , Postive economics and Normative economics
5 What are features of monopoly
6 Explain features of monnopolistic competiton
7 Explaincircular flow of income
8 Explainfeatures of Oligopoly
9 Explain the silent features of Indian economy and structural change
10 What are the causes of poverty in India what measures have been taken by the government of India to
reduce poverty
11 What is population explosion explain the measures to control population growth in India
12 Short notes Trade Cycles-Phases
13 National income and its measurement (GDP, NDP,GNP, NNP,PCI,GVA,GREEN GDP )
14 NITI Aayog - structure and funtions explian
15 Food Security and recent trends
16 Evaluate the new industrial policy of 1991
17 Micro,Small and Medium Enterprices-problems and policies Explian
18 Causes of Low Agricultural Productivity and Government measures to improve its productivity
19 Law of Demand Explian
20 Explain law of supply
21 Explain the elasticity of Deamand
22 what is indan money market
23 Explain capital market
24 what is direct and indirect taxes
25 what Mean public expenditure ? Classification and causes og growth public
26 what is fiscal policy ? Explain state Fiscal Realtionship and Finance Commission
27 Notes on WTO
28 Explain sources of Public Revenue
29 What is BOP ? Structure and Disequilibrium
30 Short notes SAARC
31 Short notes BRICS
32 Explain Commercial trade policy


1 Define Logic and show its value to an Advocate.
2 Define a proposition and show how it is different from A Fact, A Sentence, Judgement.
3 Explain Modern classification of proposition with examples.
4 Explain Distribution of terms with Euler's circles.
5 Explain the classification of traditional classification of proposition.
6 Define inference and implication with examples.
7 Explain General proposition in Modern Logic and show its relationship with traditional proposition.
8 What do you mean by Laws of truth? Explain them.
9 What do you mean by denotation and connotation? Explain them
10 What are laws of Thpought? Explain them.
11 Explain different types of definition? With examples.
12 Point out the fallacies of Definition with examples.
13 What do you mean by Division and explain it's types and fallacies.
14 What do you mean by Wigmorean analysis of Fact through a flow chart.
15 Explain the value of circumstantial evidence and laws an analogical inference.
16 What are types of Induction and explain their importance.
17 What do you mean by simple enumeration? Explain it in its details.
18 Give the definition of Mediate inference and show how it is different from Immediate Inference.
19 What do you mean by square of opposition with examples.
20 Define Education and Explain it's types.
21 Definition of Logic.
22 Logic as a Formal Science.
23 Truth and validity of Arguments.
24 Theories of Truth and its value in Logic & Epistemology.
25 Logic as a Science of Inference.
26 Deductive and Inductive reasoning with illustration.
27 Kinds of Induction.
28 Perfect Induction and Scientific induction.
29 Value of Logic to an Advocate.
30 Procedure of Induction.
31 Definition and characteristics of a valid Analogy.
32 The Laws of Thought .
33 Circumstantial evidence and it's utility in Law of Evidence.
34 What do you mean by Simple Enumeration and what are its characteristic features?
35 What is the relationship between truth and validity?
36 Define a propositionand how it is different from a) Fact b) A sentence c) A judgement.
37 Explain the Four fold scheme of Categorical Proposition with illustration.
38 What do you mean by distribution of terms and explain them through Venn diagram or Euler's circles .
39 Explain the Modern classification of proposition with illustration.
40 Explain the concept of Denotation and Connotations and it's types with examples.


1 M.K. GANDHI view on Reminiscences of the Bar. Comment.
2 Why Indian Labour is determined to win the War. Justify through Dr. B.R.Ambedkar.
3 Write an short notes on "Of Judicature" by Francis Bacon.
4 Joy of Reading general thought with reference of A P J Kalam.
5 Irony of Soaphy life by O. Henry
6 Explain the character of John Franting from Arnold Bennet novel "Murder".
7 " A Time to Kill" by John Grisham. Summaries the case.
8 Legal themes in Literature explain the characters of Joesph Andrews as male chastity.
9 Justify Hatty Sorrel capital punishment.
10 Antonio a protogonist in ' Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare.
11 Essay on ' Women Empowerment'.
12 The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens.
13 Adam Bede a silent but strongest person in George Eliot novel.
14 Smartest character servant wilson in 'Puddin'head Wilson' by Mark Twain.
15 Legal theme In Literature ' The Merchant of Venice' by William Shakespeare.
16 Brief character sketch of Adam Bede by George Eliot.
17 Shylock is character of mercy in Merchant of Venice
18 Characteristic of Lady Booby in Joseph Andrews Play.
19 Write a Letter for an Internship in legal firm.(attach C.V).
20 Henry Fielding ' Joseph Andrew ' is answer of novel 'Pamela' Justify
21 Campare legal theme in Literature Henry Fielding and Charles Dickens novel.
22 Explain in brief Law and Literature with reference to legal themes.
23 Notice of Resignation from current legal firm. Draft an email.
24 Where do you see yourself in the future? Draft an essay.
25 Justice is given on circumstantial evidence explain from legal themes in literature.
26 Finger prints is used as an evidence in Puddin Heads wilson. Justify.
27 Portia compare as an Daniel in Merchant of Venice. Justify.
28 Brief character sketch of Soaphy.
29 Explain the case given in Reminiscence of Bar by M.K. Gandhi.
30 Critically analysis Joy Of Reading as a reader point of

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