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I, ARNAV LEKHARA, hereby declare that this project titled “Mailing

through computer” is based on the original research work carried out by me
under the guidance and supervision of Mrs. Jyotsna Jain.

The interpretations put forth are based on my reading and understanding

of the original texts. The books, articles and websites etc. which have been
relied upon by me have been duly acknowledged at the respective places in the

For the present project which I am submitting to the university, no degree

or diploma has been conferred on me before, either in this or in any other

Date: 4 February 2022 (Arnav Lekhara)

Roll No.15
Semester 1A


Mrs. Jyotsna Jain Date: Friday, 4 February 2022

Assistant Professor
University five year law college
University of Rajasthan ,Jaipur

This is to certify that Arnav Lekhara student of semester 1.Section A of

University Five Year Law College, University of Rajasthan has carried out
project tittle “Mailing through computer” under my supervision. It is an
investigation of a minor research project. The student has completed research
work in stipulated time and according to norms prescribed for the purpose.



I have written this project titled, “Mailing through computer” under the
supervision of, Mrs. Jyotsna Jain Faculty, University Five Year Law College,
University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. Her valuable suggestions herein have not only
helped me immensely in making this work but also in developing an analytical
approach this work.

I found no words to express my sense of gratitude for Director Dr. Aruna

Choudhary, constant encouragement at every step.

I am extremely grateful to librarian and library staff of the college for the
support and cooperation extended by them from time to time.

Arnav Lekhara

Table of Contents

Contents Page No.

Declaration of originality 1
Certificate 2
Acknowledgment 3
Abstract 5
Objectives 6
Hypothesis 6
Research Question 6
Research Methodology 6
Chapter 1 - What is Email? 7
Chapter 2 - Advantages and Disadvantages 10
Chapter 3 - How to Create Email Account And Send Email 13
Conclusion 15
Bibliography 16


Email is one of the most commonly used Internet service. Email stands for Electronic
mail which is used for communication among Internet users. Electronic
communication is rapidly changing from text to video. Email is known for text
message exchange but we can add audio and video contents too in the mail. It is a
means/mode of exchanging messages digitally from one person to another. An Email
message consists of header, body. Header includes Email addresses of one or more
recipients. Descriptive information or subject of Email is called as body of the Email.
The ability to reach many people with few keystrokes makes E-mail most convenient.

Emails have become indispensable part of communication. This is because of various

advantages that Email offers:

• It is fast mode of communication as the recipients receive messages within few

seconds of sending them. Also same mail can be sent to multiple recipients at

• The mails can be accessed from anywhere in the world just by signing into one’s
Email account.

• We can attach files of any type in our Email.

• We can keep track of the mails sent and received by us.We can even organise our
mails in separate folders.


Through this project work, the researcher aims to study about the Email.


Email (electronic mail) is a way to send and receive messages across the Internet.

Research Question

How to mail through a computer? How to create an Email account? Search an email
sent by user? Advantages and Disadvantages of email?

Research Methodology

The researcher has adopted doctrinal method research. The researcher has made
extensive use of the available resources at the library of University Five Year Law College,
University of Rajasthan and also internet resources.

Chapter 1 - What is Email?

Electronic mail, or email, has come a long way since the advent of the Internet, with billions
of emails being sent and received each day. It is perhaps the Internet’s ‘killer’ application as
more people use email services than browse the web. Email has become the way to
communicate efficiently, quickly and cheaply. As the Internet has no distance issues, it is far
simpler, cheaper and quicker to send an email halfway round the world than it is to send a
traditional letter. It is just as easy to send an email to the person sitting next to you, as it is to
send an email to a hundred different people around the world. Rather than explaining how to
use email, which is well documented elsewhere, this document will look at the parts and
workings of the email system that are not normally seen by the user and will give an insight
into what happens behind the scenes.

What is email?

An email is an electronic message transmitted over a network from one user to another. Email
should perhaps be credited with advancing the spread of the Internet more than any other
application or use of the Internet. When the Internet (or ARPANET as it was called) was first
introduced it didn’t take long before 75% of all network traffic was email related.

An email can be simply a few lines of text sent from one user to another, or include
attachments such as pictures or documents. It can be a newsletter sent to subscribers daily
detailing what’s happening and when, or an encrypted message sent between government
organisations containing classified information. Email has many uses and it is now becoming
a mature, feature-rich method of communication that appears complicated, but has an
underlying technology that is very simple.

What makes up an email?

The actual email itself is organised into parts called the header and the body. The header
contains information about who sent it, when it was sent, and the subject and size of the
message. This is the part that is normally displayed to users before they open the full email; it
is often displayed in bold text on one line. When the email is opened it displays the body as
well as the header – the body contains the actual message sent.

Attachments are often sent with emails and these are normally displayed as icons within the
email that relate to the attached document’s type. Alternatively, they may be embedded into
the message body.

How does email work?

Email is based on a client-server model.

The client

The client carries out the user’s interactions with the email server. Clients can appear in
various forms:

• Application based – these are installed onto users’ machines and include Microsoft
Outlook and the freely available Outlook Express and Eudora.

• Web based – these appear in a web browser’s window and include Hotmail, Yahoo and
Outlook web client.

Clients vary greatly in functionality, but all provide a basic level of functionality that assists
the user. Functions include the ability to create new emails, display and store received emails,
hold address lists of contacts, a calendar, journal and other extra functions that help organise
the user’s working day. The client is also configured with the account information and names
or IP addresses of the email servers with which it will be communicating in order to send and
receive emails.

The server

An email server is typically a combination of processes running on a server with a large

storage capacity – a list of users and rules, and the capability to receive, send and store emails
and attachments. These servers are designed to operate without constant user intervention and
should happily process emails for months as sending, receiving and maintenance tasks are
carried out at scheduled times.

The client only has to connect to the email server when it sends and checks/receives new
email. Sometimes it may be permanently connected to the server to allow access to shared
address books or calendar information – this is typical of a LAN-based email server.

Popular email sites

There are some free email website examples include the following:


• Zoho

• Gmail

• ProtonMail

• Com

• Microsoft Outlook

• Yahoo Mail

What can be sent in an e-mail?

An email is a platform that enables users to communicate with each other. It allows users to
send text messages, including a file or other data on the e-mail all over the world. It is also
possible to attach a picture, word processor document, PDF, program, movie, or any file
stored on your computer in an e-mail. However, due to some security issues, it may not be
possible to send certain types of files on the email; they need some additional steps. For
example, the .exe file can be blocked by many companies from being sent over the email, and
you will need to compress the file into a .zip file format. Additionally, you may be unable to
send any large files or programs from being sent over e-mail as most e-mail providers have
file size restrictions.

What makes a valid e-mail address?

Users need to follow the various rule that is given below to make valid email address:

◦ A username followed by @ (the at sign) is most important for an email address, which
is followed by the domain name with a domain suffix. Hence, an e-mail must have a
◦ The domain name cannot be longer than 254 characters, and the username cannot be
longer than 64 characters long.
◦ An email must have only one @ sign.

◦ An email should not have space and special characters like \ [ ] ( ) , : ; < >.
Sometimes, few symbols such as backslash, space, and quotation mark work must be
preceded with a forward slash. But these characters are not allowed by some email
◦ In the email, the email address and username cannot start or end with a period.
◦ The two or more successive periods are not allowed in the email.

Chapter 2 - Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Email

There are many advantages of email, which are as follows:

• Cost-effective: Email is a very cost-effective service to communicate with others as there
are several email services available to individuals and organisations for free of cost. Once a
user is online, it does not include any additional charge for the services.

• Email offers users the benefit of accessing email from anywhere at any time if they have an
Internet connection.

• Email offers you an incurable communication process, which enables you to send a
response at a convenient time. Also, it offers users a better option to communicate easily
regardless of different schedules users.

• Speed and simplicity: Email can be composed very easily with the correct information and
contacts. Also, minimum lag time, it can be exchanged quickly.

• Mass sending: You can send a message easily to large numbers of people through email.

• Email exchanges can be saved for future retrieval, which allows users to keep important
conversations or confirmations in their records and can be searched and retrieved when
they needed quickly.

• Email provides a simple user interface and enables users to categorize and filter their
messages. This can help you recognize unwanted emails like junk and spam mail. Also,
users can find specific messages easily when they are needed.

• As compared to traditional posts, emails are delivered extremely fast.

• Email is beneficial for the planet, as it is paperless. It reduces the cost of paper and helps to
save the environment by reducing paper usage.

• It also offers a benefit to attaching the original message at the time you reply to an email.
This is beneficial when you get hundreds of emails a day, and the recipient knows what you
are talking about.

• Furthermore, emails are beneficial for advertising products. As email is a form of

communication, organizations or companies can interact with a lot of people and inform
them in a short time.

Disadvantages of Email

• Impersonal: As compared to other forms of communication, emails are less personal. For
example, when you talk to anyone over the phone or meeting face to face is more
appropriate for communicating than email.

• Misunderstandings: As email includes only text, and there is no tone of voice or body
language to provide context. Therefore, misunderstandings can occur easily with email. If
someone sends a joke on email, it can be taken seriously. Also, well-meaning information
can be quickly typed as rude or aggressive that can impact wrong. Additionally, if someone
types with short abbreviations and descriptions to send content on the email, it can easily be

• Malicious Use: As email can be sent by anyone if they have an only email address.
Sometimes, an unauthorized person can send you mail, which can be harmful in terms of
stealing your personal information. Thus, they can also use email to spread gossip or false

• Accidents Will Happen: With email, you can make fatal mistakes by clicking the wrong
button in a hurry. For instance, instead of sending it to a single person, you can accidentally
send sensitive information to a large group of people. Thus, the information can be
disclosed, when you have clicked the wrong name in an address list. Therefore, it can be
harmful and generate big trouble in the workplace.

• Spam: Although in recent days, the features of email have been improved, there are still
big issues with unsolicited advertising arriving and spam through email. It can easily
become overwhelming and takes time and energy to control.

• Information Overload: As it is very easy to send email to many people at a time, which
can create information overload. In many modern workplaces, it is a major problem where


it is required to move a lot of information and impossible to tell if an email is important.
And, email needs organization and upkeep. The bad feeling is one of the other problems
with email when you returned from vacation and found hundreds of unopened emails in
your inbox.

• Viruses: Although there are many ways to travel viruses in the devices, email is one of the
common ways to enter viruses and infect devices. Sometimes when you get a mail, it might
be the virus come with an attached document. And, the virus can infect the system when
you click on the email and open the attached link. Furthermore, an anonymous person or a
trusted friend or contact can send infected emails.

• Pressure to Respond: If you get emails and you do not answer them, the sender can get
annoyed and think you are ignoring them. Thus, this can be a reason to make pressure on
your put to keep opening emails and then respond in some way.

• Time Consuming: When you get an email and read, write, and respond to emails that can
take up vast amounts of time and energy. Many modern workers spend their most time with
emails, which may be caused to take more time to complete work.

• Overlong Messages: Generally, email is a source of communication with the intention of

brief messages. There are some people who write overlong messages that can take much
time than required.

• Insecure: There are many hackers available that want to gain your important information,
so email is a common source to seek sensitive data, such as political, financial, documents,
or personal messages. In recent times, there have various high-profile cases occurred that
shown how email is insecure about information theft.

Chapter 3 - Creating account And Sending Mail?

To create an Email account, logon to the desired Email service provider like gmail, yahoo
mail, Hotmail etc. and click the ‘New User’ link. Follow the instructions and specify the
details like user_name, password, name, address, date of birth, phone number etc. as asked in
the registration form. Thereafter accept the terms and conditions of the service provider. The


new Email account will be created. Now, to access the
Email account, specify the user name and password to
send or receive the mails and then click on ‘Sign In’
button (Fig. 1.1)
If the correct username and password is entered, the
Email account will be opened showing the Inbox (Fig.
1.2) that stores the list of received mails in reverse
chronological order. That means the mail that has been
received last will be displayed on top of the inbox.
The list of mails will contain the name of the recipient
Fig1.1 Logging in to an Email account
and the subject of the mail. We can click on any of the
mails to view it. Also, a number inside brackets beside
the link to the inbox folder will indicate the number of unread mails in the Inbox folder.
To delete a mail, click the
checkbox on the left of the mail
and click Delete button at the top
(Fig. 1.3).

Send a Mail Fig1.2 Inbox of an Email account

To send a mail to single or multiple

recipients, follow the steps given below:
(i) Click Compose button (Fig. 1.3). The New Message window appears (Fig. 1.4).
(ii) Type the address of the recipient(s) in the To textbox. If the same mail has to be sent to
multiple recipients separate each address by comma(,). If you want to send the copy of the
mail to another person then you
can add his/ her address in CC
or BCC textbox. CC- carbon
copy, BCC- Blind carbon copy.

Fig1.3 Delete and Compose buttons


The recipients will be

able to see the list of
addresses mentioned in
the CC textbox. But the
recipients will not be
able to see the addresses
mentioned in the BCC
(iii) Type the subject of the
Fig.1.4 New Message window
mail in the Subject text
box. The recipient would see the subject before he opens it.
(iv) Type the message in the Message Area provided and then click Send button

Search a mail in Inbox

When you want to search an Email received from a particular contact then type from : Sender
in the search box of your mail server where sender is the email id of the sender whose email
you want to search; e.g., To search all the emails sent by Seema type from: Seema or from: in the search box.



In this project we have learnt about Email, What is an Email? How an email is
important in our daily lives and how does it work? So, E-mail is defined as the
transmission of messages on the Internet. It is one of the most commonly used
features over communications networks that may contain text, files, images, or
other attachments. Generally, it is information that is stored on a computer sent
through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.

We’ve also covered its Advantages and Disadvantages in this particular project.
And also learnt How to create an email account and how to send an email with
the help of figures. Also How to search an email by any user.







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