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SLA3211 The Law of Equity and Trusts
Assignment 1 (FT & DE)
Feb-June Semester I 2023

Discuss the case AMERICAN CYANAMID CO v ETHICON LTD 1975 in detail and give
clear examples of the impact of the cases jurisprudence on Zambian case law.

Your paper should not be more than 3000 words (6 pages) long (EXCLUDING cover page and
bibliography). Work must be neatly typed using Times New Roman, 12 and line spacing of 1.5 and
justified. All sources must be fully acknowledged and appropriately referenced using the OSCOLA
Referencing Style. Your work should include a comprehensive bibliography of all the material you
used for your research and should appear on its own page. Five (5) marks will be awarded for a
comprehensive bibliography. (i.e. more than ten references.)

Ensure that you use standard British English when writing your dissertation.

Plagiarism or any attempt to replicate another person’s work as your own will earn you serious
sanction by the faculty.

All work must be submitted over TURNITIN whose index must range between 0 and 30.
A hard copy shall be submitted to the lecturer on or before the due date as a contingency measure.
Note that if a student does not present their assignment then they will not be permitted to sit the
mid-semester test!

DATE ISSUED: 24 February 2023

DATE DUE: 13 March 2023

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