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::· ---· . . uL.fANt;;.

:i:w1u-11 . VOL. 85 ' NO.84 a . . PUBLISHED
,AfVffRI 103/2021-2023,
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ssarntri bu D SIM f3bJ N
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T:ECH/GH - . '

4ntri!9€'.d powe transfo er . '. .' · r;> 9 . ,p0uddtior1 s

puttrng. lrves at rrsk , · · .. · . Merriorra1.. .cq,

Delinrit ise· · ,,
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!<i8ari C11Malrfl 2B
STAFF REPORTER ._ nobody. pate.the
'· . can·
· pies and non-political or- .
r ..... •

CommissiqrH>r-<lictate ganizations that met the

ire GUWAHATI, March KUII\arsfildthat the Com- Commission offered various
1:",March 28: The Election Com- missio1theld.corIB'ultations · 'suggestfons and raised sev-
nnitory mission of India (ECI) with nine . reC:ogruzed na.: eral points. · ·
lligqitioii will try to factor i the . tfonal and s.tateil>Qliicl '. . · ong the major points
near the· variou .suggest10ns, parties, sides threfr g:- raised /by ·SQIJ:le, of the
concerns and inputs of- isterea politieaLpar:ti 'es;. stakeholders ·included the
tcy said fered by the stakehold- .and over, 60, ¢vil society matter of using the 2001
.e of the ers- wil carrr g ?Ut d . no.n:-litical _organiz?- . : Cend f°.r th-delimition Chief Else
ts at the _onomg _ delirilitat1on _hons. dunng tp1r m ? exrd ''and c lso-the fac;:t with stakE
- stay
exercise of Assem bly the..aty. . .·· i . , ",_:: t tht total nurnber of con-

and J>arliamentary con- ."We : 1iste,ned · to t : ·stituncis willnot w,itness . _,

. sttuencies of As.a_m, vies, concerns and sug '- :.a. y· H t; .,Then: te.... · ; A'
• A
. ch eve as the Comnus1on gestions offered by the : - 1 - .n<J conastin, · ,
nd body
clarifie d that the decision litical parties d .the c1vt1. ::[ ;1.!ggestions, an4_ obj .,.._ ... ·nd
dent to use th.e 2001 Census society orgaruzations. We tioqs. Some ere okay']witli . I
for the press has been · Ve been able to ge very .· '\ 2qo1, while other Were .
iy nun
doe. as per -the law. good suggestions ' . , ?"t. Then. th.ere_ -:1'as the _ ..
;' This Was stated by Chief ' ments from : •_ue . f :adequate repre- "
r Elect10n , Commissioner J coming" fronj. ·.· : . . .·. . e . . sen. ta1o_ n for SCs and S'Tu," The . ....
tent (CEC) Ra.· K · · · _ he said.,· · . isuE
. Jiv umar dunng length and r ._ ,, , ;..:. 8 , . . ' ·Constitue
over a press . erence here on _ sam. Their s\lggest10,- .. . mar sad that me differ .
ues y· fter the three haie -ett Ji! .. pol 1al . art1es. and , other cou' en
Ii.. ;118 f
day vt,s1t.of the full ECI team ; nderslading .'Hie. issues _. orat10?s ll<>mted to the '
has11- , 1Jhe city. Kuqiar, alon
[an;!t to . I' d We . ,. i J>?Pulation iJ,owth in the 1· i . een
. ·th El ti" . c · · . g Vf ·-. . ·· ''-. :.. d.1stricts of Upper A ·.
vo u

J · •

rit on wi Aron
and ec Gdel,
o.n had
come to- B·· · eat .. _ . , . .e. o . o,. ·.. · .."' . , trhaen,t
. , ssarn \Vh.
the' . ers Anup Chandra Pana
&ed.YI-on tbe··P.
·ved y us. and requested .the adoptio

PA , . ey gest1ons rece1 . .... f .. f "30 pe n en..

N .
. t as . . , ··,. law: to ensure t the -
ee Guwaht:J to m ract with equity and as'. ., .· ' of constituend .ll.Uinber ·
2023 t?e:sehQlder. c?11t1- we Win try to • . . . odat hist:Qi:ts does n es Ul those
ne to tion · th the delumtation - all the sugge _ . . . s - The
· Corn ?t ecrease.
1e exercise
· . - . .. ewiU b a In1ss1on a 1so
r be.
and ·
g on , tation di . Id meet'
that th·_ ECI is

, He aid the- key.·to; ..,.. ._ : J) utyCo .VVith the

DOis I : - ess.•We Will v :\s: or 'adrnini d A•cn•.+ a

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