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Midterm Exam, Art History Study Guide, Prof.

Sooran Choi

Prepare your answers for these questions before you open the midterm exam on the
Blackboard; the questions will appear randomly on the exam. Please note that exact verbatim
same answers among exams will result in a failing grade, so please make sure to write the
answers in your own words.


What does the prehistory mean? -1pt

a) Before civilization formed b) Before humans emerged
c) Before writing was invented d) Before any historical record existed

2) Identify the sculpture below (title, culture, period/date and material-4 pts), and which one of
the following is an explanation the most applicable to the sculpture? (1 pt)-A total of 5 pts
Title: Venus of Willendorf

Culture: Paleolithic

Date: 24,000–22,000 B.C.E

a) A monumental religious statue which would have stood within a
Sumerian temple
b) A relief sculpture which would have been attached to the pediment of
an ancient Greek temple
c) A “Ka” statue for the soul of the dead to reside in which may have
been located within a Neolithic tomb
d) A small sculpture in the round which may have been a
generic symbol of womanhood or fertility

3) Which one of the following is correct for the Neolithic settlement in Catal Huyuk, Anatolia? -1pt
a) A stone construction which functioned as a temple dedicated to the pagan gods
b) A residential complex which would have been used for the nomadic hunter/gatherers
c) A residential complex which indicates good defensive and heat insulation, but poor ventilation
d) A mud-brick temple where the votive statues would have stood

4) What building techniques have been used to build Stonehenge in Salisbury Plain in England?
Choose two answers -2 pts
a) Mortise-and-Tenon b) arch c) corbelling d) post-and-lintel

5) Which of the following is an INCORRECT answer for the Neolithic plastered skull from Jericho,
Jordan -1pt
a) It was a plastered bust sculpture which were buried underneath of the house as a “Ka” statue
b) It was a plastered human head which were detached from the body and rested on a shine
c) It shows that the Neolithic people in Jericho practiced ancestral worship
d) It shows that the Neolithic people in Jericho believed in the afterlife

6) What does Mesopotamia mean? -1pt

Mesopotamia means "land between the rivers" in Greek, referring to the region between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers in present-day Iraq.
7) Explain below how (2pts) and when (1pt) the first writing system was developed in Mesopotamia,
and for which purpose was first writing used in the sculpture below? (2pts) Identify it first.
(title, culture, date/period, and material, 4pts)- A total of 9 pts

The earliest writing system in Mesopotamia was called CUNEIFORM and it

developed from MESOPOTAMIA around (when) 3200 BCE

Title: Stele with Law Code of Hammurabi Period/Date: 1792–50 B.C.E.

Culture: Babylonian Material: Basalt

How was the earlier writing system used in the sculpture below? Write at least two aspects of the
The earlier writing system, cuneiform, was used to
inscribe the Law Code of Hammurabi onto the
Stele. The two aspects of the sculpture are:

 The depiction of Hammurabi receiving the

law code from the god Shamash,
symbolizing divine authority and
legitimacy of the laws.
 The laws themselves are inscribed in
cuneiform writing in Akkadian language,
indicating their importance and
widespread dissemination to ensure justice
and order in society.

8) What is a ziggurat? A ziggurat is a massive stepped platform with a temple or shrine on top, typically
found in ancient Mesopotamia. (1pt)
9) What does a ziggurat symbolize? A ziggurat symbolizes a connection between earth and heaven and
serves as a religious center for the community. It represents a physical manifestation of the belief in the
gods' power and presence in everyday life. (1pt)

10) What is a votive figure in Sumerian art? (1pt) Please explain at least three conventions of Sumerian
art which appears in the image of the votive figures below: (3 pts) Identify it first (4 pts)

Title: Tell Asmar Hoard

Culture: Sumerian

Period/date: Early Dynastic Period, c. 2900-2350 BCE

Materials: gypsum alabaster, shell, black limestone, bitumen,

Votive figures are small figurines made as an offering to a

deity or used as a representation of the worshipper in a
religious context.

Three conventions of Sumerian art:
1. The use of stylized, exaggerated features to convey the figure's importance and to distinguish it as a sacred object.
For example, the eyes are often oversized and the hands clasped in prayer position.

2. The figures are depicted with a rigid, frontal stance and with hands clasped in prayer position, reflecting the
Sumerian belief in the importance of ritual and prayer in religious life.

3. The figures are often inscribed with cuneiform writing, indicating the name of the worshipper or deity to whom the
figure is dedicated, as well as prayers or other religious texts.

11) Which of the following is an INCORRECT answer for ancient Egyptian culture and art? -1pt
a) Belief in order, and long-term cultural continuity b) Theocratic society
c) Pharaoh is a god, monotheistic religion d) Woman’s status was lower than man’s

12) Which of the following is NOT related to the ancient Egyptian preoccupation with the afterlife?1pt
a) Mummification b) The Book of the Dead c) Ka statue d) Cremation

13) Explain the major changes of tomb structure in Ancient Egypt. (5pts) The tomb developed from
simple mastabas to step pyramids to smooth-sided pyramids during the Old Kingdom, and during
the Middle Kingdom rock-cut tombs called "hypogea" has emerged, and finally during the New
Kingdom tombs were constructed in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens, often
consisting of a series of chambers and corridors decorated with scenes from the owner's life and the

14) Please identify the image below (4 pts), and answer to the following questions:
Title: Narmer Palette

Culture: Ancient Egyptian

Period/Date: Predynastic, c. 3000–2920 B.C.E

Materials: Siltstone

How many registers do you see on the sculpture? -1pt


List at least four ancient Egyptian iconography or artistic

conventions that appear on the work-4pts
1. Hieroglyphs: The palette is covered in hieroglyphs,
which are an ancient Egyptian form of writing that uses
pictures to represent words and sounds.

2. Registers: The composition is divided into several

horizontal bands, or registers, that each depict different
scenes or symbols.

3. Animal symbolism: The palette features several

animals that have symbolic significance in Ancient
Egyptian culture, such as the falcon and the bull.

4. Hierarchical scale: the size of the figures in the

composition reflects their importance or social status.

15) What are “Ka,” “Serdab,” and “Necropolis”? -3pts

Ka: A concept in ancient Egyptian religion that refers to the life force or spirit of a person that continues
after death and requires sustenance in the afterlife.

Serdab: An enclosed chamber found in ancient Egyptian tombs, specifically those from the Old
Kingdom, that housed a statue of the deceased.

Necopolis: A large burial ground or cemetery, often used in reference to the elaborate tomb complexes
of ancient Egyptian royalty and nobility.

16) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the Axial Plan temples during the New Kingdom
period of Ancient Egypt? - 1pt
a) Pylon b) Hypostyle Hall c) Lamassu d) Peristyle Court

17) Which of the following areas do NOT belong to the Aegean culture? -1pt
a) Cycladic Islands (Cycladic culture) b) Crete (Minoan culture)
c) Mycenae (Mycenaean Culture) d) Antioch (Syrian culture)

18) The two major popular styles of pottery made by Minoans were

Kamares Ware (1pt) and Marine Style (1pt).

Explain one major feature of each style below: -2pts

1. Kamares ware was characterized by its intricate, swirling designs in black, white, and red on a light
background. The designs were typically composed of organic motifs such as spirals, flowers, and
marine creatures, and were often applied using the slip painting technique.

2. Marine style pottery was characterized by its depictions of sea life and underwater scenes. It was
typically painted in dark brown or black on a light background and featured naturalistic depictions of
fish, octopuses, and seaweed. The style was highly realistic and represented a departure from the more
abstract designs of earlier Minoan pottery styles.

19) Which one of the following does NOT belong to “buon fresco”? -1pt
a) meaning “true fresco” b) paint images after the wall is dried up
c) limited timeframe to finish the painting d) durable

20) Explain at least two major differences between the two building complexes below (2pts), and
which culture does each of them belong to? (2pts)

Left photo: Knossos Palace ; Right photo: Archaeological site of Mycenae

The archaeological site of Mycenae belongs to the Mycenaean culture, while the Knossos Palace belongs to
the Minoan culture.

Two major differences between the two building complexes are:

 Architecture: Mycenae was built with large, cyclopean stones, creating a fortress-like appearance,
while Knossos Palace was built with sun-dried mud bricks and features numerous courtyards and
open spaces.

 Artistic style: Mycenaean art was heavily influenced by the art of ancient Egypt and features more
military themes, while Minoan art is characterized by its vivid colors, intricate designs, and focus on
nature and religious symbols.

21) What is the name of the technique used to make the Vapheio Cup below. -1pt

22) What makes this recognized as Minon art? At least mention 1 aspect. -1pt

The Vapheio Cup is recognized as Minoan art because of its distinctive technique of repoussé, which
involves hammering and shaping metal from the reverse side to create a relief design on the front.

23) Which of the following is NOT a feature of the ancient Greek society? - 1pt
a) The beginning of democracy (women and slaves were excluded)
b) Anthropomorphic deities (gods and goddesses were in human forms, and acted like humans)
c) The ruling classes operated based on “Separatism”
d) Woman’s position was lower than man, and confined to domestic realm

24) Which one of the following is NOT a type of ancient Greek vase? -1pt
a) Kamares Ware b) amphora c) hydria d) lekythos

24) Explain the five phases of Greek vase painting (5pts), and explain at least one main feature of each
type. (5pts)

1. Geometric phase - characterized by abstract geometric patterns and shapes, and human figures are
depicted with triangular and circular shapes.

2. Orientalizing phase - influenced by Eastern art, with the use of animal motifs and mythological

3. Black-Figure phase - figures and scenes are painted in black on a red background, with details added
by incising the black paint.

4. Red-Figure phase - figures and scenes are painted in red on a black background, with details added by
painting black glaze over the red paint.

5. Hellenistic phase - characterized by the use of more complex compositions, emotional expression,
and increased attention to individual details, as well as the use of new decorative motifs such as garlands
and architectural elements.

25) Identify each Greek architectural order below. (Write the answer below each image) -3 pts

a. Ionic b. Doric c. Corinthian

26) Identify the place below (name, period/date-2pts) and explain at least 3 major features of it -3 pts

Name: Ancient Theatre at the Asclepieion of Epidaurus

Period/ Date: late 4th century BC
Major Features:

1. Excellent Acoustics: The Ancient Theatre at the Asclepieion of

Epidaurus is renowned for its exceptional acoustics, with sounds
carrying to all seats of the theater.

2. Elevated Stage: The stage of the theater is elevated and features a proscenium arch, allowing for
actors to be easily seen and heard by the audience.

3. The theater has a seating capacity of around 14,000 spectators and is known for its well-preserved
architecture and beautiful setting amidst the pine forests of the Peloponnese.

Please compare the three sculptures below. Start your writing by introducing each sculpture with basic
identification (title, period/date and style of each sculpture, 3 points of each, a total of 9 points). You
can discuss their formal/ visual aspects, content, and socio-political /cultural contexts such as their time
periods. Please make sure to mention the major changes that took place in ancient Greek sculpture, as
exemplified in the sculptures below. (9 points)

a) b) c)

a. The New York Kouros

b. The Kritios Boy
c. The Old Drunkard

The New York Kouros, also known as the Metropolitan Kouros, is a statue of a young male from the
Archaic period (590-580 BCE) and is made of marble. The sculpture stands at 6 feet tall and depicts
the figure in the typical Archaic style with his left leg forward, arms at his sides, and with a rigid,
upright posture. The Kouros is characterized by the following three features: the figure has an
idealized, youthful appearance with a muscular and athletic build; the sculpture is highly stylized with
a rigid posture, symmetrical features, and stylized hair and facial features; and is carved from a single
block of marble, in which the sculptor aimed to create a sense of stillness and calm.

The Kritios Boy is a sculpture from the Classical period (490-480 B.C.E.) and is made of marble. The
statue is only 3 feet tall and depicts a young male figure with his weight shifted onto one leg and a
more relaxed, naturalistic pose. The Kritios Boy is characterized by the following features: the
sculpture represents a significant shift towards naturalism, with an emphasis on movement and a more
realistic depiction of the human form; the figure's weight is shifted onto one leg, creating a sense of
movement and balance; and the sculpture shows a heightened awareness of the musculature of the
human body, with a more defined chest and abdominal muscles.

The Old Drunkard is a marble sculpture created in the Hellenistic period. The sculpture is
characterized by its emphasis on naturalism, expressiveness, and individuality. The Old Drunkard is
depicted in a naturalistic pose, with his weight shifted to one leg, his head turned to one side, and his
arms stretched out. The facial features of the sculpture are highly expressive, with a wrinkled
forehead, sunken cheeks, and a protruding chin. The Old Drunkard represents a shift from idealized
representations of youth and beauty to a more realistic portrayal of age and imperfection.

These three sculptures illustrate the major changes that took place in ancient Greek sculpture over
time. The New York Kouros represents the Archaic period, which was characterized by idealized,
stylized forms, while the Kritios Boy represents the shift towards naturalism in the Classical period.
Finally, the Old Drunkard exemplifies the heightened level of emotional expression and attention to
detail that became prominent in the Hellenistic period. Overall, these sculptures provide a fascinating
insight into the evolution of ancient Greek sculpture and the changing artistic styles and techniques of
the time.


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