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At the end of the discussion at least 90% of the students are expected to:

1. Describe the characteristics of an efficient kitchen layout;

2. Appreciate the different application of different types of kitchens; and
3. Present a different kitchen layout by drawing it using the principles of designing kitchen layouts.


Course title: TLE GRADE 7
Topic: Kitchen Arrangements and
Duration: 1 hour
THE 21ST CENTURY pp. 141-
Materials: Visual Aids and pictures
Values: Cooperation and Critical


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Classroom Management 1. Greetings

Good morning, Class!
Good morning, Ma’am!

2. Prayer
Before we start our discussion,
may I ask _______ to lead the
Everybody stands up.
Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you
for today. Thank you for ways in which
you provide for us all. For your
protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus out hearts and minds now
Thank you, ______. on what we are about to learn. Inspire
Once again, good morning us by Your Holy Spirit as we listen and
class! write. Guide us by your eternal light as
we discover more about world around
Before you take your seat, us. We ask all this this in the name of
kindly pick-up some pieces of Jesus. Amen.
paper under your chair and
arrange your chair properly.

Good morning, Ma’am!

3. Checking of Attendance
To check your attendance, may
I ask the Secretary to know who
No one is absent today, Ma’am.
are absents today?

Very Good! I’m glad that no one

is absent today.

4. Review of the previous

Before we proceed to our
discussion today, let us have
some short review about our The previous discussion that we tackled
last discussion. So, what was was about “Weights, Measurements,
our discussion last time? and Substitutions”

Very Good!
What is the importance of
weights and measurement?
Very well said!
I’m glad that you still
remembered our last discussion.

Ma’am, the importance of weights and

measurements is that they help us to
have a consistent result in cooking.

B. Motivation Before we proceed to our new

topic we will have an activity,
first I will group you into five then
you will make a circle.

Puzzle Game: Instruction

I will give you the cut pieces of
the picture. You will work
together to put the puzzle back 1. The picture that we formed from the
together. After you finish the puzzle is the one-walled kitchen. One-
activity, I will give each group 1 walled kitchen is a very practical choice
minute to present it to the class for small kitchen layout and it is usually
and explain their interpretation seen in home and condos.
of the picture they formed in the 2 The picture that we formed from the
puzzle. puzzle is the two-walled kitchen. Two
walled kitchen is the most efficient
layout for a narrow space. The layout
offers workstation on two opposing wall
with a walkway in the center.
3. The picture that we formed from the
puzzle is the L-shaped kitchen. L-
shaped kitchen are two work centers
are situated on a longer wall, while the
other work center is situated on a
shorter wall.
4. The picture that we formed from the
puzzle is the U-shaped kitchen. The
three work centers are found each on
every wall.
5. Peninsula or island kitchen. One or
two of the work centers are positioned
at the center and one work center is
positioned along the wall.

It is the types of kitchen arrangements.

1.What have you notice in the
One walled kitchen Ma’am.

Very good!

2. What type of kitchen

arrangements do you have in
your house? L-shaped Ma’am.
Okay, very good!

Any other answer?

C. Presentation Before we proceed let us first

meet the objective for this
lesson. At the end of this lesson,
I expect you all to achieve the
following objectives.

Everybody read our learning

1. Describe the characteristics of an
efficient kitchen layout;
2. Appreciate the different application of
different types of kitchens; and
3. Present a different kitchen layout by
drawing it using the principles of
designing kitchen layouts.

So, our lesson for today is about

Ma’am, in my own opinion kitchen
kitchen arrangements and
layout makes meal preparation easy
layouts. But first what is kitchen
and fast.
layout based on your own

That is correct!

An efficient kitchen layout

makes meal preparation easy
and fast. It helps simplify one’s
work and save one’s time and

We also have a work triangle.

The work triangle is a path that
connects the three work areas in
the kitchen, namely: washing
and pre-preparation area, mixing
and preserving area, and
cooking and serving area.

We will proceed to the types of

kitchen arrangements.

Anyone from the class who

wants to read and explain the
no. 1 kitchen arrangements.

Very good!

Ma’am, one-walled kitchen are the three

Another student who wants to major work centers are arranged along
read and explain the no.2 one wall.
kitchen arrangements?
It means that it is a kitchen that is all
built into one linear wall and I think it is
appropriate for small kitchen.

Ma’am, two-walled kitchen. Two work

centers are located on one side and the
Very well said! other work center is located on the
other side.
It consists of work space on two
opposing walls. I believe that two-walled
Another student who wants to kitchen is appropriate to long and
read and explain the no.3 narrow space of kitchen.
kitchen arrangements?

3. Ma’am, L-shaped kitchen. Two work

centers are situated on a longer wall,
while the other work center is situated
Nice answers!
on a shorter wall.
It means that it includes workspaces on
Another student who wants to two adjoining walls running
read and explain the no.4 perpendicular to each other.
kitchen arrangements?

4. Ma’am. U-shaped kitchen.

The three work centers are found each
on every wall.
It means that U-shaped kitchens are
continuous kitchen layouts that locate
Very good! cabinetry and fixtures along three
adjacent walls in U-shaped
Another student who wants to
read and explain the no.5
kitchen arrangements? 5. Ma’am peninsula or island kitchen.
One or two of the work centers are
positioned at the center and one work
center is positioned along the wall.
Very well said!
It is a kitchen layout that stand alone
kitchen compartment.
Designing a kitchen layout.
It is important to keep in mind
some basic principles in
designing a kitchen layout.
These principles are applied in
food establishments engaged in
commercial food preparation
and service.

Here are the principles in

designing a kitchen layout:
1. Provide for a continuous flow
of materials.
What is your opinion about this?
Very good!
Ma’am, in my own opinion there should
be no backtracking as food is
transported from the backdoor to the
2. Kitchen tasks and activities
storeroom, to the sink, to the cooking
must be done in the same floor range, and to the counter.
for ease and speed in operation.

3. Minimize the distance

between the cooking area and
the point of service.
4. Arrange compact work
centers in the preparation and
cooking centers.
5. Design for an efficient traffic
flow, delivery, pickup.
6. Provide a working condition
that encourages productivity.
Who can explain this?

Ma’am, in my point of view every worker

should do his/her work without much
stress, discomfort, and undue fatigue.
Design the kitchen for the needed
Very good! ventilation, right temperature and
humidity, adequate lighting, restful color
of walls, ceilings and flooring, nonslip
7. Design the kitchen for floor tiles, sufficient aisle space, and low
sanitation and safety? noise level.
What can you say about this?
Ma’am, I believe that the kitchen should
be designed in simple lines with fewer
corners, openings, and crevices to
prevent entry of insects and rodents.
Equipment should be of high standards
of safety, easy to clean, and made of
durable materials. There should be floor
drains and kitchen appliances and
equipment of high quality should be
installed accordingly.
Very well said!

A. Analysis 1. Why do we need to create Ma’am, it will help us to ensure that our
kitchen layout? kitchen is functional and allows efficient
and safe cooking.
Very good!

2. How do you plan to make Ma’am, by choosing a kitchen layout

your own kitchen layout? that suits to my budget, and I will also
consider how I will use my space. In
addition, I want a kitchen layout that
doesn’t hinder traffic flow when I am
working in the kitchen. Furthermore, the
tools and equipment should be well-
organized. Lastly, it allows safe

Very well said!

Ma’am, I believe that studying kitchen
layout will help us become more aware
of the design that is appropriate for our
3. Why is it important to study
available space in the kitchen. In
kitchen layout?
addition, it will help us know the things
that we need to know when creating our
own kitchen.

B. Abstraction The teacher will give a summary

of the discussion. The teacher
will ask the students the
following questions:

What did you learn from our

Ma’am, I learned about the types of
kitchen arrangements.
The types of kitchen arrangements are
one-walled kitchen, two-walled kitchen,
L-shaped kitchen, U-shaped kitchen,
and peninsula or island kitchen.
Very good!
Who else wants to answer? Ma’am I learned about the principles of
designing kitchen layout.
I also learned that an efficient kitchen
layout makes meal preparation easy
and fast.
Very good!

C. Application I will divide you into five groups,

each group will create their own
kitchen by following the basic
principles in designing a kitchen
layout. You can put details, like
the appliances/equipment that We chose this kind of kitchen because,
you want to install in every work it makes most of a spacious or even a
area and the location of moderately sized space. Also, it can be
entrance and exit doors, readily subdivided into various work
windows, and corridors. You can areas with the use of triangular-shaped
also indicate the measurements countertops.
of each work area and other
areas as well. Present you
design in the class for critiquing.

We chose this kind of kitchen because it

I will only give you 15 minutes to offers addition storage for cooking
finish your activity. utensils and specialty tools. Also, it
provides additional seats in the form of
bar stools or dining chairs along one or
more sides.
You will be graded according to
this criterion.

We chose this kind of kitchen because it

Criteria Scorefor corner and it efficient for
is great
Creativity small30%
and medium kitchen spaces. Also,
Team work it is20%easy working triangle and
benchtops and cabinets can be
adjusted to length.

Content 20%
Time management 15%
Confidence 15%

We chose this kind of kitchen because it

Time is up. I will give you 1 is designed to maximize efficiency and
minute to present your activity in productivity in the kitchen. Also, on one
the class. aspect of the kitchen, all the cooking
equipment is conveniently located.
We chose this kind of kitchen because it
offers lots of free space for you to use
an island or dining table or both. Also,
this type of layout you can do more stuff
from prepping to cooking to cleaning up
without even moving around.

IV. EVALUATION Directions: True or False. Write

true on the if the statement is
correct; otherwise write false if

_______ 1. The one-walled

kitchen type is appropriate for
small kitchens. 1. True

_______ 2. The ideal perimeter

of a work triangle is 26 feet or
7.5 meters.
2. False
_______ 3. The work center
serves as a path that connects
three work areas.
_______ 4. The perimeter of a
3. False
work triangle should be more
than 6.5 meters.
_______ 5. An efficient kitchen
layout makes meal preparation
easy and fast. 4. False

_______ 6. The coldest side of

the house is the most ideal
location for a kitchen.
5. True
_______ 7. There are eight
principles to be considered in
making an efficient kitchen
6. True
_______ 8. The U-shaped
kitchen type is appropriate for
small kitchens.
_______ 9. The island-type
arrangement is appropriate for a 7. False
kitchen with no continuous wall
_______ 10. The size of the
kitchen in a food establishment
is determined by its type of 8. False
operation, the menu that it
offers, and its customer or guest

9. True

10. True

V. ASSIGNMENT Make a poem about your ideal

kitchen. Write on the whole
sheet of paper and submit it on
next meeting.

Jennelyn T. Calleja
Pre-Service Teacher

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