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cat >filename - for create a file.

cat >>filename - for add data in file.

cat filename - show data in file.
git config --global "name/mail id" -for create init.
git status - list of all new or modified files to be commited.
git init - git initialising.
git init [project name] - create a new local repo with the specified argument.
git --version - to know your git version.
git config --global "[user-name]" - define the name you want associated
with your commit transactions.
git config --global "[user-email]" - defines the email address you want
associated with your commit transaction.
git config --global color.ui auto - turn on colorization of command line output.
git add [filename] - prepairs the file for commit by logically moving it to the
staged area.
git add . - for before commit using add . command [for going to staging area on
git rm --cached <filename> - for unstage file.
git clean -f - delete untrack/useless files.
git clean -n - delete untrack/useless files.
git ls-files --stage - lists all the files in the staged area.
git commit -m "commit massage" - adds the staged files permanently in version
git diff - shows unstaged files difference.
git diff --staged - shies file difference between staging and the last file
git branch - list branches .
git checkout -b [branch-name] - enter into new branch.
git checkout [branch-name] - switches to the specified branch and updates the
working directory.
git merge [brach-name] - combines the specified branch's data with the master
git branch <branch name> - to create a branch.
git branch -d [branch-name] - delete the specified branch.
git branch -D [branch name] - delete forcefully a specific branch in working
condition also.
git branch - to check in which branch u are/how many branches are there.
git branch - know about how many branch you have.
git stash - to stash an item.
git stash list - to see stash items list.
git stash apply <copy stash-number> - to apply stashed items.
git stash clear - to clear stash items.
git reset <filename> - to reset from staging area to working area.
git reset . - for back to from staging area to working area.
git reset --hard - for delete data from both staging area and working area.
git restore <filename> - to delete/discard changes in working area.
git rm [file-name] - deletes the file from the working directory and the staging
git log -1 - to get the recent commit.
git log -2 - to get the last 2 commits.
git log - for file/commit Id creator details.
git log --oneline - list version history in one line for the current branch.
git log -online -decorate --graph - list version history in one line,decorated in
graphical from for the current branch.
git log -<number of recent-commit> - for get some coomit from starting.
git log --oneline - for get one line commit formats.
git log grep "ignore" - for findout the ignore-names commit.
git log --grep "name of massege" - find out the specific name of commit file.
git show <commit id> - for show in commit file.
git remote add origin <git-hub repo url> - for connection/add. with your git hub.
git push [alias] [branch] - upload all local branch commits to remote repo.
git push -u origin master - for push to github.
git remote add origin <git-hub repo url> - for connect local repo with git hub.
git pull - downloads from remote repo and incoporates changes.
git pull -u origin master - for pull data from git-hub.
git remote add origin <url-repo> - for connect with git-hub for pull the package.
git pull origin master - for pull package the commit packages.
git push origin master - push your data to git-hub.
vi .ignore - for enter ignore format file.
git clone [repo-url] - clones an existing repo.
git rebase [branch-name] - rebase your current head onto branch.
git rebase -i - used to being an interactive rebasing session,this provides all the
benifits of normal rebase,but gives you the opportunity to add,edit or delete
git stash -temporarily stores all modified tracked files.
git revert <commit id> - the revert command helps you undo or existing commit.
git tag -a <tagname> -m <message> <commit-10> - to apply tag.
git tag - to see the list of tags.
git show <tagname> - to see particular commit content by using tag.
git tag -d <tagname> - to delete a tag.
git clone <url of git-hub repo> - it create a local repo automaticallyin linux
machine with the same name as in git-hub account.
touch filename - create empty files.
touch -a filename - for change access time.
touch -m filename - for change modify time .
vi filename - edit data file.
nano filename - create files & add data.
mkdir <directoryname> - create directory/folders.
mkdir <dir1/dir2/dir3> - create separation directory or folders.
cd <directory name>- chage directory.
cd .. - for back to directory.
pwd - present working directory.
history - looking using commands.
cp <source filename> <destination/newfile> - copy data file to file/directory.
mv <source filename> <destination file/directory> - move data file to
mv <old filename> <new filename> - rename/recreate a new file.
rm -rf <filename/directory name> - for remove a file/drectory.
hostname -i - for IP address.
cat /etc/os-release (default) - for absolute path.
useradd - to create user.
group add - to create group.
gpasswd -a/-m - to add user into group to add multiple user.
ln <filename> <hardlink-filename> - to create a hardlink file (backup-file).
ln -s <filename> <softlink-filename> - tocreate a softlink (short-cut).
tar -cvf <directory name.tar> <directory name> - to create a tar file.
tar -xvf <tar filename> - to free from tar that file.
gzip <tar file name> - to create a gzip file.
gunzip <gzip-filename> - to free from gzip file.
wget <url> - for download packages.
yum install <package-name> - for install packages in linux.
yum remove <package-name> - to remove/delete the package.
yum update - for update packages in linux.
service <package name> start - for start package.
service <package nmae> stop - for stop package.
service <package name> status - for about status package.
tree - for look the details of files and directories as a tree concet.
chmod <777> <file/directory name> - used to change the access mode of a file.
chown <new filename> <old filename> - change the owner of file/directory.
chgrp <groupname> <filename> - change the group of file/directory.

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