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Final Writing Exam

Grade 11

Write about 100 -150 words on one of the following topics:

1- Some young children spend a great amount of time on the internet
. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of spending
great amount of time on the internet.
2- A story about an unusual or exciting message that you have just
received such as “You have won first prize of a holiday of your
dream” or “I need your help! Come quickly!” Who is the message
from? How did you respond to the message? What happened?
3- Discuss the role of technology in communication. How
important do you think technology is when you communicate?
4- Describe changes that you can implement in your daily life to
A little time ago electricity was cut off from several areas in Jordan
for more than an hour there was no electricity no lights and no
internet it was like living in an era when technology was not known.

And when you think about it living without technology and

electricity will be very difficult because we rely on it in almost
everything, we're rarely using books to search for information we use
internet because it is faster and easier, and if we want to communicate
with people, we send them a text message, and it became one of the
most important sources of entertaining, and after Corona pandemic
we relied more and more, people worked online, schools were
online , we even shopped grocery online , what if the pandemic
happened when there was no technology , were they supposed to
stop working for a year? and Students don’t study for a year?
Technology has made communication much easier in several ways. ...
Not only can you share information quickly and reduce the impact of
language differences and distance, but you can save time and money
using technology to communicate and reach as wide an audience as
you need.


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