Determination of Total Chromium and Chromium (VI) in Animal Feeds by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

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Determination of Total Chromium and Chromium(vi) in Animal Feeds

by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
M. Elisa Soares, M. Lourdes Bastos and Margarida A. Ferreira
laboratory of Toxicology and Laboratory of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Oporto,
R. Anibal Cunha, 164, 4000 Oporto, Portugal
Published on 01 January 1994. Downloaded by CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY on 30/10/2014 21:02:15.

An electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric method was developed for the determination of total and
hexavalent chromium in animal feeds. For measuring total chromium the samples were digested in a mixture
of three acids (HN0,-HCI-HF). Chromium in its hexavalent state was dissolved in 0.01 mol I-' NaOH solution.
A mixture of Pd+Mg was used as a chemical modifier. Extensive validation of the proposed method was
carried out both by the standard additions method and by analysis of National Institute of Standards and
Technology Standard Reference Material 1548 Total Diet. The detection limits were 0.53 and 0.42 pg I-' for
total and hexavalent chromium, respectively. Measurements can be made over a linear range between 0.53
and 50 and 0.42 and 50 pg I-' for total and hexavalent chromium, respectively. The relative standard
deviations were 4.5 and 7.0% for total and hexavalent chromium, respectively, hence the proposed method
is satisfactory for routine analyses. In 70 samples that were analysed the mean levels found were 1.93 pg
g-' (0.20-6.87 pg g-') and 230 ng g-' (10.0-780 ng g-I), for total chromium and chromium(vi), respectively.
The large variations in the levels of metal found in the analysed feeds shows diverse contamination of the
raw materials used in the preparation of the samples.
Keywords: Chromium; chromium(vr); electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry; animal feeds

Chromium is a biologically important element that is involved Subsequently, the method was applied to the quantification
in glucose and lipid metabolism,' but it is also considered to of total Cr and CrV' in 70 feedstuff samples.
be toxic. It is only toxic with excessive intake and the toxicity
is mainly dependent on the oxidation state.2 The estimated
safe and required dietary intake of Cr is 0.05-0.20 mg d-' .3 Experimental
Particularly in its hexavalent oxidation form, Cr is a major Reagents
water pollutant, usually as a result of industrial effluents. It
To avoid contamination all poly( tetrafluoroethylene) (PTFE)
accumulates in soils and therefore can contaminate crops and
materials, pipettes, micropipette tips, autosampler cups and
other plants or can be incorporated into these systematically
calibrated flasks were immersed for 24 h in freshly prepared
from the Several vegetable materials such as grains, seeds 15% v/v H N 0 3 and then rinsed thoroughly with doubly
or leaves are constituents of animal feeds and pre-mixes that de-ionized water before use.
are supplemented with mineral additives and other nutrients. All the acids and NaOH were of Suprapur grade (Merck).
Hence, it is important to monitor feeds for metallic elements Ammonium nitrate was pro analysi grade (Merck).
that are toxic or, even if they are essential elements, to avoid Chromium(II1) standards were prepared daily from a
problems of toxicity when their concentrations exceed the safe 1000mg I-' solution (Titrisol, Merck). A solution of
levels. The measurement of Cr levels is especially important 1000 mg 1-' chromium(v1) was prepared by dissolving 2.829 g
for the reasons of the toxicity of CrV' and the biodependence of K2Cr207(AnalaR, Merck) in 1 1 of de-ionized water; from
of Cr"' . this, other diluted standard solutions were prepared daily.
Several methodologies for the quantification of Cr have been The chemical modifier used was a mixture of Pd(NO,),
described in the literature, namely in biological and (Merck) and Mg(N03)2 (Merck) prepared by mixing equal
in Also, several attempts have been made to quantify volumes of solutions containing 3 and 2 g 1-', respectively, in
Cr both in its state as an essential element of nutrition (Cr"') 15% v/v HNO3.
and in its toxic state (CrV'), particularly in water14-19 and The reference material was National Institute of Standards
in and Technology (NIST) Standard Reference Material (SRM)
One of the most reliable techniques to measure metallic 1548, Total Diet obtained from The Office of Reference
species at ng 8-l and sub-ng g-' levels is electrothermal Materials, Laboratory of the Government Chemist,
atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS). However, use of Teddington, UK.
this method specifically to control Cr"' and CrV1levels in feeds
has not been reported in the literature. The proposed method
was developed to provide a viable procedure to determine Cr Apparatus
in feedstuffs in order to verify contamination levels, particularly A Perkin-Elmer HGA-700 furnace installed in a Model 1100B
the hexavalent content. atomic absorption spectrometer with deuterium arc back-
Initially an evaluation of the method of sample preparation ground correction was used, equipped with an AS-60 auto-
for dissolution of the total Cr using a digestion procedure, sampler and an Epson EX-800 printer. The analyses were
from which good results have been obtained with another carried out using platforms ( Perkin-Elmer part No.
complex matrix, was carried out.22 For extraction of CrV' a AAPB109-324) inserted into pyrolytic graphite coated graphite
procedure previously applied by other workers to soils was tubes (Perkin-Elmer part No. AAPB109-322). A single-
adopted2'; this procedure was accurately evaluated in the element, hollow cathode lamp (Perkin-Elmer part No. AAPC
present work. Next, charring and atomization temperature 303-6039) was operated at 25 mA, and all data were taken at
studies were performed as well as studies of the range of the 357.9 nm wavelength. The integration time was 5 s. The
calibration. The final phase of the work was establishing the slit-width was 0.7nm and argon was used as the purge gas,
quality assurance of the method both by the standard additions with an internal flow rate of 300 ml min-'. Readings from the
technique and by analysing a reference material. spectrometer were taken using the peak area mode.
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Sample Preparation
The samples used in the present study were of different
compositions, but heterogeneous with respect to particle size,
some of them being granulated feeds depending on the animal
tt Standard
species for which they were intended. Thus, the first step
consisted of grinding the samples to a particle size ofjust 1 mm.
5 0.4
Samples of approximately 0.5 g were accurately weighed in
2 0.3
Published on 01 January 1994. Downloaded by CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY on 30/10/2014 21:02:15.

duplicate. One sample was digested in a 50 ml PTFE container 2

with a mixture of concentrated H N 0 3 (10 ml), HCl(5 ml) and 0.2
H F (1 ml) and then heated just to dryness on a hot-plate.
Further portions of HNO, (10 ml) and HCl(5 ml) were added
to the residue and the mixture was again evaporated to dryness. I

This residue was dissolved in 0.5 ml concentrated HNO, and 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
diluted with water to 25 ml in a calibrated flask. The total Cr TemperaturePC
was measured in this solution. The other 0.5g portion was
placed in a 15 rnl poly(propy1ene) tube, 9 ml of 0.01 mol 1-' Fig. 2 Charring and atomization graphs for CrV1in an alkaline Cr"'
NaOH solution added, the cap fitted on and the tube then standard solution and in an alkaline extract of CrV1from animal feeds
shaken horizontally in an oscillating agitator for 17 h at room
temperature in order to extract the Crv', as has been described Table 1 Optimized ETAAS programme
elsewhere.20After the addition of 1 ml of 1 mol 1-' NH4N0,
solution, the sample was shaken briefly and centrifuged for Step Temperature/" C Ramp/s Hold/s
15 min (3000 rev min-'). The CrV' was measured in the Dry 1 130 15 15
supernatant liquid. Dry 2 300 15 15
Char 1600 30 30
Atomize 2500 0 5
Results and Discussion Clean out 2650 2 3
Optimization Programme for ETAAS
The following solutions were used to optimize the ETAAS for measuring total Cr and CrV', but it was necessary to use
method: an acidic CrV1standard solution (50 pg 1-'); an acidic the appropriate standard solutions, ie., in acidic and in alkaline
Cr"' standard solution (50 pg 1-'); a solution of the acid media, prepared for the CrV' standard.
digested samples; an alkaline CrV' standard solution (50 pg
1-'), prepared under the same alkaline conditions as the feed Analytical Curve and Detection Limit
samples; and a solution resulting from the alkaline extraction
of CrV' from the feeds. These solutions were used to establish To evaluate the optimum calibration range for total Cr and
the best charring and atomization temperatures and to obtain for CrV', standard solutions of CrV' in acidic and alkaline
the most repeatable and sensitive signals in the shortest analysis media of from 0 to 100.0 pg I-' were used. Linearity was
time. The autosampler was programmed to pipette sequentially observed over the concentration range 0.53-50.0 pg 1-' for
the modifier, followed by the standard solution or the sample total Cr and 0.42-50.0 pg 1-' for Cr".
solution and to dispense them together onto the platform. To calculate the detection limits, 20 determinations were
The charring and atomization curves obtained for total Cr carried out in 0.2% v/v HNO, and in 0.01 mol 1-' NaOH-
and Crvl, in acidic and alkaline medium are shown in Figs. 1 1 mol I-' NH4 NO3 solution for total Cr and Crvl, respectively.
and 2, respectively. For both situations the optimum tempera- The values were calculated as the concentration corresponding
tures were 1600 and 2500 "C for the charring and atomization, to three times the standard deviation (SD) of the background
respectively. The optimized ETAAS programme used is sum- noise and were, respectively, 0.53 and 0.42 pg 1-'.
marized in Table 1.
As can be observed in the graphs, the temperatures chosen Validity of the Method
correspond to the best signals for the five situations studied.
As was expected, the standard acidic solutions give the same Digesting difficult matrixes with a three-acid mixture
readings for the Cr"' and CrV' stock solutions. Nevertheless, (HN0,-HCl-HF) has produced good results.22 The use of
the absorbance signals obtained for CrV'in the alkaline medium high-purity grade acids and carrying out the digestion in PTFE
are lower. Thus, the furnace programme adopted was the same containers ensures that the sample pre-treatment can be carried
out without contamination. This was confirmed by including
a blank assay in each batch of samples, using the same amounts
of acids and submitting these to the digestion procedure.
0.6 - To extract the Cr present in its hexavalent state, the method
of solubilization with NaOH solution that had been applied
0.5- to soils was adopted,20 after testing this procedure with the
al present matrix.
0.4- Along with the wet digestion procedure and the sample
e - extraction procedure, the method of standard additions was
also performed for both Cr determinations. Standard acidic
0.2 -
Q CrV' solutions were added to the feed samples and subjected
to the over-all digestion procedure. Also, alkaline CrV'standard
t d solutions were added to the feed samples and again subjected
to the alkaline extraction procedure. The results obtained in
these studies are presented in Table 2. As can be observed, the
1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 2300 2500 2700 2900
Temperat u rePC recovery study shows that the absorbance readings for the
samples can be compared directly with the standard analytical
Fig. 1 Charring and atomization graphs for total Cr in acidic CrV' curves obtained for total Cr and for Crvl.
and Cr"' standard solutions and in a solution of the digested samples Validation of the digestion procedure was confirmed by
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Table 2 Statistical results for the recoveries obtained by the standard additions method

Parameter Total Cr CrV'

Concentration/pg 1- ' 5.0 10 25 2.5 5.0 10

n 6 6 6 10 10 10
Recovery & SD (YO) 96f0 95+ 1 96+3 94+3 96f3 95+ 1
Published on 01 January 1994. Downloaded by CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY on 30/10/2014 21:02:15.

Table3 Comparison of recoveries of Cr"' and Cr'" added to one Table5 Deviations (YO)from the expected values for total Cr and
feed sample CrV' obtained in the interference studies

Cr found CrV' Cr"' Total Cr Added concentration/pg 1- '

in sample/ added/ added/ found/ Recovery
pgg-' pgml-' pgml-' 1gg-I (%I 5 10 25
3.8 5.0 0.0 8.3 90 Species (n=4) (n=4) (n = 4)
3.8 10.0 0.0 14 102 Total Cr 6.3 5.7 6.7
3.8 0.0 5.0 8.7 98 CrV' 6.0 10.0 7.5
3.8 0.0 10.0 13.8 100

Table 4 Principal mineral constituents in feedstuffs (Decreto-Lei

No. 57/1985, Diario de Republica No. 54, I Serie, 06/03/85) used in added to 0.01 moll-' NaOH solution (9 ml) and three different
the interference studies concentration levels of the aqueous CrV' standards and the
mixtures shaken horizontally in an oscillating agitator for 17 h
Major Minor
at room temperature. After adding 1 ml of 1 mol I-' NH4N0,
Mineral Concentration (YO) Mineral Concentration/pg g- ' solution, the absorbance signals were obtained. The absorbance
Phosphates 0.8 Cobalt 10 readings were interpolated on the analytical curves established
Calcium 1.o Copper 175 independently for total Cr and Cr". The deviations from the
Sodium 0.15 Manganese 250 expected values were always acceptable (< lo%), and are
Potassium 0.5 Zinc 250 presented in Table 5.
Iron 0.12 Preconcentration of the metal, which is required for the
analysis of waterlg was not needed because the levels of both
total Cr and CrV' that were present in the feedstuffs were high
analysing a reference material. Although it was impossible to enough to enable quantification without any enrichment steps.
obtain a reference material with the same composition as the
animal feed samples, NIST SRM N-1548 Total Diet was used.
As the certified value was given only for total Cr (1.43 pg g-I), Applications
the acid digestion procedure was performed on ten 0.5 g
portions and the mean value of the metal concentration A wide range of feeds, a total of 70 samples, were analysed by
obtained was 1.39 k0.13 pg g-', signifying a recovery of application of the ETAAS methodology developed. As would
99 _+ 3% (mean & SD). be expected, compared with total Cr, CrV' was present at low
It is assumed that after digestion with strong acids Cr will concentrations, the mean value found being 230 ng g-' (range
be in its hexavalent form. To compare the recoveries of Cr"' 10.0-780 ng g-'). The RSD was 60.9%, which shows the great
and CrV1added to feed samples and determined as total Cr, a variability of levels present in the range of samples analysed.
sample was spiked with standards of both species, submitted Nevertheless, considering the potential toxicity of the metal in
to acid digestion and the total Cr measured. The results are this oxidation state and its bioavailability, it is advisable to
summarized in Table 3. It can be concluded that after acid establish where this potential danger to animal health is arising.
digestion the determination of total Cr does not depend on For total Cr, the mean value found was 1.93 pg g-'
the oxidation state of the metal. As a consequence, in the (0.20-6.87 pg g-I), the RSD being 77.2%. Considering that
present procedure CrV1standards prepared in an acidic or almost all of the metal is present as Cr"', and that in this form
alkaline medium, whichever was convenient, were acceptable. the metal is an essential element and poorly absorbed by the
The precision of the analytical method was evaluated by gastro-intestinal tract, these high levels do not cause a toxicity
measuring the absorbance signals 20 times on the same digested problem for animals.
sample and in the same alkaline extract of the sample. For It can be assumed that these different values result from the
evaluation of the precision of the over-all procedure, readings different degrees of contamination of the soils where the crops
of 20 different digested aliquots and of 20 different alkaline had been grown. Also, the different technological procedures
extracted samples were performed. The relative standard devi- used in the preparation of the animal feeds can affect the
ations (RSDs) ranged between 2.2 and 2.7% for the analytical oxidation state of the element.
method and between 4.5 and 7.0% for the over-all procedure,
for total Cr and Crv', respectively. These results are fully
acceptable values, bearing in mind the digestion step and all Conclusions
the manipulations involved.
An accurate and precise method to quantify total Cr and CrV1
To study the interferent effects of the principal mineral
in animal feeds is presented. The ETAAS conditions are the
constituents present in feedstuffs on the measurement of Cr,
same for both determinations which facilitates the analyses
mixed standard solutions containing the mean recommended being carried out using the same furnace programme, this
levels for the various species (see Table 4) were ~repared.'~For aspect being a very important criteria in routine analyses.
total Cr, three aliquots of the standard mixed solution were
added to three different concentration levels of standard Cr
acidic solutions and the absorbance signals were measured This work received financial support from Junta Nacional de
under the analytical conditions described above. For Cr", Investigaqiio Cientifica (Centro de Analise do Alimento) and
three 1 ml aliquots of the mixed solution of minerals were AssociaqZo Nacional das Farmacias.
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