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Department of Electrical & computer Engineering




Group members:
Natnael Asnake (T/0004/12)
Amanuel Melaku (216/11)

Hamu Geredo (931/11)

Advisor: Fassika.T
Submission Date: Sep 1, 2022



Natnael Asnake
Amanuel Melaku
Hamu Geredo

Approved by:

1. Project Supervisor

Mr. Fassika.T
(Name) (Signature) (Date)

2. Head/In-Charge of the Department

Mr. Afework.T
(Name) (Signature) (Date)
Abstract .................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................ ii
ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS ................................. iii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ............................................. iv
Chapter One ................................................. 1
1.1 Background of study ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Statement of problem ..................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Motivation of the project ............................................................................................... 1
1.4 Significance of the project ............................................................................................. 2
1.5 Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 2
1.5.1 General Objective ....................................................................................................... 2
1.5.2 Specific objective .................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Scope of the Project ....................................................................................................... 2
1.7 Methodologies................................................................................................................ 2
1.8. Limitations .................................................................................................................... 2
1.9 Project Report Organization .......................................................................................... 3
Chapter Two ................................................. 4
2. Literature review ...................................... 4
CHAPTER 3 ................................................... 6
3.1 System Analysis and Description .................................................................................. 6
3.2 Hardware Required ........................................................................................................ 9
3.2.1 The Input Interfaces ................................................................................................ 9
3.2.2 The Output Interfaces ........................................................................................... 12
3.2.3 Block diagram of the system................................................................................. 13
3.3 Software Required ....................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 The Circuit Diagram Of the system ...................................................................... 14
3.3.2 Flowchart of the System ....................................................................................... 15
3.4 Mechanical Design....................................................................................................... 15
3.5 Cost Estimation ............................................................................................................ 17
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................... 18
4. SYSTEM TESTING AND IMPLEMENTATION ....................... 18
4.1 Software Testing and Implementation ......................................................................... 18
4.2 Implementation of the Input Interface ......................................................................... 18
4.3 Output Interface Testing and Implementation ............................................................. 19
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................... 21
5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION .................................. 21
5.1 Summary of Achievements .......................................................................................... 21
5.2 Problems Encountered and Solutions .......................................................................... 21
5.3 Suggestions for Further Improvements ........................................................................ 21
5.4 Recommendations ........................................................................................................ 21
5.5 Conclusions .................................................................................................................. 22
CHAPTER 6 .................................................. 23
6.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 23
6.2. Future Work ................................................................................................................ 23
REFERENCES ................................................. 24
APPENDICES ................................................. 25
This paper has proposed a line follower robot for garden watering based application which
may be considered as a cost-effective solution by minimizing water loss as well as an
efficient system for agricultural purposes. This proposed system does not require an
operator to accomplish its task. This gardening robot is completely portable and is equipped
with a microcontroller, an on-board water reservoir, and an attached water pump. The area
to be watered by the robot can be any field with plants, placed in a predefined path.

We wish to express our profound and deep sense of gratitude to Mr. Afework.T, Project
Head Chair, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering for sparing his valuable
time to extend help in every step of our project work. We whole heartedly express our
thanks to, Mr.Fasika.T, Project Advisor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, for sparing time to go through every tiny detail and give his valuable
suggestions to make this project and report a success. We are mainly indebted to the
authors of many references and articles which were used as the reference.
Last but not the least we would like to thank our friends and family for their help in every
way for the success of this project report.


1. DC…………………………………...Direct current
2. EEPROM……………………………Electrically Erasable Programmable read only
3. GC…………………………………...Gregorian Calendar
4. HZ……………………………………Hertz
5. IDE…………………………………...Integrated development environment
6. IR…………………………………….Infrared Rays
7. KB……………………………………Kilobyte
8. LCD…………………………………..Liquid Crystal Display
9. LED…………………………………...Light emitting diode
10. Uno…………………………………….One
11. US……………………………………..United states
12. USA……………………………………United States of America

Figure 3.1 the progress or the sequence of this project............................................................ 7
Figure 3.2 Relay Module ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3.3 Infrared Ray Sensor .............................................................................................. 10
Figure 3.4 Resistor ................................................................................................................. 10
Figure 3.5 Transistor .............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 3.6 Arduino Uno ATmega328 .................................................................................... 11
Figure 3.7 Motor Driver ......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3.8 DC Motor.............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3.9 DC Pump .............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3.9.1 the circuit design of line follower robot for watering garden ............................ 14
Figure 3.9.2 Design path of a line follower robot for watering garden ................................. 15
Figure 3.9.3 Top View of the Line following Robot ............................................................. 16
Figure 3.9.4 Side View of the Line Follower Robot ............................................................. 16
Figure 4.1 IR sensor layout diagram ...................................................................................... 18
Figure 4.2 Wiring diagram of IR sensor ................................................................................ 19
Figure 4.3 Relay circuit for Controlling the Pump ................................................................ 19
Figure 4.4 Dc Motor Driver circuit ...................................................................................... 20

Table 1. The list of components and their specification .......................................................... 8
Table 2: Details of Price of components ................................................................................ 17

Chapter One
1.1 Background of study
Agricultural sector plays a strategic role in the process of economic development of a
country. Agriculture is an industry that uses a lot of water. If the watering system is not used
efficiently and a large amount of water is wasted, these wastes will represent a large sum of
money in future. The one who can manage this resource efficiently will be winning time and
money. Technology is probably a solution to reduce costs and prevent loss of resources. If
this irrigation system can be automated, it can play an important role in increasing

A Line follower for Garden watering Robot is proposed to minimize the water loss and
human intervention. This is a system which does not require an operator to
accomplish its task. The area to be watered by the Garden watering Robot can be any field
with plants placed in a line along the predefined path which the robot will follow. It is a
device that has various applications in agricultural works.

1.2 Statement of problem

In agricultural areas, there is a loss of water due to sunny days or in desert areas, so this
robot maintains this problem by using Dc pump watering the garden area autonomously.
The watering Process is taking so much time by human, so this robot used to minimize the
time during watering process.

1.3 Motivation of the project

How ants always travel in a line, following an invisible route in search of food, or back
home. Ever thought about a robot which follows line? A perfect or near perfect mimic of
nature? After all the purpose of robotics is to recreate in terms of machines what one sees
around to solve a problem or fulfill a requirement.
The area will be benefitted from the project:

- agricultural places and garden areas

- Farmers

1.4 Significance of the project
When this project came into reality; it used to watering morning and evening. In case of
agriculture areas are affected by earthworms and some other plant worms, the robot used to
spray chemicals.

1.5 Objectives
1.5.1 General Objective
-To design a line follower robot for watering garden using arduino uno.

1.5.2 Specific objective

-The arudino will be well programmed.
-The IR sensor interface must detect the path.
-The Dc pump interface will pump the water properly.

1.6 Scope of the Project

Efforts towards achieving the above objectives will be limited to a robot that can detect only
obstacle in its environment. The following materials will be exploited:
AT89S52 Microcontroller, Infrared Proximity sensor, DC motor driver units, LCD and c
programming language.

1.7 Methodologies
After the detail literature survey through the books, periodical, journal, magazine, websites.
The idea of the project is well defined.
 The logic is derived for the intelligence of the robot. It is programmed and burns it to the
Arduino by using the software Arduino® 1.65.
 The accuracy and viability of the program and electronic components is tested in the
simulation software Proteus®.
 After the successful simulation result it is implemented in the hardware.
 After the finishing the programming, electrical and electronics part, the stable, reliable and
flexible mechanical design and fabrication is completed.
 Finally system is tested and encountered error is omitted.

1.8. Limitations
The system has restricted to the following limitation.
 Choice of line is made in the hardware abstraction and cannot be changed by software.
 The path should be plane and obstacle free.

1.9 Project Report Organization
This thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter one explains the introductory of the
project including the objective and scope of this project. Chapter two surveys the literature
review more about previous study on topics that related to the project. Chapter three will
cover the methodology of the project. The main topic of this chapter will describe the three
most important subjects which are hardware designing, electronic and circuit designing and
programming using suitable microcontroller software. Chapter four illustrates the result,
testing and implementation after the project is completed and finally chapter five will
summarized the project in all field.

Chapter Two

2. Literature review
For success of this project we have used the following international journals and papers.
2.1 K.Sikorski, “A Robotic Plant Care System”, A Thesis, University of Washington, Intel
Research, Pages (168-260) Aug, 2016.
It was developed for watering the plants in Intel Lab. Laser range finder was used there to
locate the plants in the lab. But the system had some limitations. The major components used
in this system were SICK Laser Range Finder, Sonar Sensors, and Pioneer 2-Dxe Robot Base
which increased the cost to 9000 US Dollars approximately (Active Media pricelist June
2002). Though costly laser range finder was used in that system but sometimes it failed to
work because of the surface of the lab which were hostile to laser reflection. In this system,
only posts with circular shape were considered as the desired object for watering, but in real
shape pots can vary from being square to a hexagon to a circular one.
This project is different from our project since it uses SICK Laser Range Finder, Sonar
Sensors, and Pioneer 2-Dxe Robot Base components but our project uses arudino, IR sensor,
Dc motor, Dc pump and LCD display. In our project the robot is line follower but in this
project it is simple robot system for watering plant.
2.2 C. M. Angelopoulos, S. Nikoletseas, G. C. Theofanopoulos, “A Smart System for Garden
Watering using Wireless Sensor, Networks”, MobiWac 11, Proceedings of the 9th ACM
International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access,New York, NY,
USA, (Pages 167-170) Jul,2017.
The working principle of this system was analyzing the soil moisture using soil moisture
sensor. After analyzing it waters the plant using the valves attached to each plant. As these
valves are always attached to the plant, it spoils the beauty of the environment. Moreover, if a
garden consists of thousand plants, then thousand valves and sensors will be needed as each
plant will in need of a separate sensor and valve which will surely increase the cost of the total
system. It is a device that has various applications in agricultural works.
This project purpose is same as our project but this project watering the garden area by
analyzing soil moisture. The drawback is for a thousand of plants, a thousand of sensors are

2.3 Devika.k “ARDUINO BASED AUTOMATED WATERING SYSTEM” International Journal
of Robotics and Automation,(Volume 2 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2349-6002) Jan,2019.
This project uses Arduino board, which consists of ATmega328 Microcontroller. It is
programmed in such a way that it will sense the moisture level of the plants and supply the
water if required. This type of system is often used for general plant care, as part of caring for
small and large gardens. So, the microcontroller has to be coded to water the plants in the
greenhouse about two times per day.
This project is different from our project since it senses the moisture level of the plants and
supplies the water if required. But in our project the robot detects the plant using sensor
watering autonomously.
2.4 Dubey.V, “Intelligent Embedded Agricultural Robotic System” International Journal of
Robotics and Automation (Pages: 14-24), Jun, 2020.
The intelligent embedded agricultural robotic system is a low cost and efficient
microcontroller robot which include; A soil moisture monitoring system which monitors the
moisture content of the soil in the various parts of the field and the measured data to a
microcontroller unit which in turn displays the received data on a Liquid Crystal Display to
determine when to irrigate or spray the farm field. An automatic car, which follows a path
designed in the field, i.e., a white line on a black surface integrated with a spraying and
irrigating mechanism for carrying out agricultural spray and irrigation. An automatic solar
tracking system that tracks the sun’s position for maximum light intensity was used to charge
the DC 12V battery which was used to power to the robotic system. This embedded system is
useful for farmers who wish to monitor the soil moisture content of the field, and automate
spraying and irrigation purposes at low costs and higher efficiency.
In this project the Intelligent Embedded Agricultural Robotic System uses solar tracking
system. But our project cannot use a solar tracking system. Instead it uses a Bluetooth
monitoring system. The drawback is when there is no sunlight it doesn’t perform the watering



This chapter explains all the methodologies for development of watering bot. It gives review
of all method that being used in designing and constructing this project. This chapter also
explains in theory of how the circuit process as well as the components that will be use and
the work flowchart.

3.1 System Analysis and Description

There are some methods that have been applied to make this project run smoothly and make
this project work systematic. The flow chart will be used as a guide line to develop this
garden watering robot. Figure 3.1 shows the progress or the sequence of this project. From
the flow chart, in order to complete this project, data collecting and gathering is needed.
Collect the data and research mean collect the source from the books, journals, internet,
website and so on which are related with the project as a reference. After literature review
step there are 3 main steps are needed to complete this project. The three main steps are
hardware development, circuit development and software development. The final Step is to
integrate all the three main parts to complete the garden watering robot project and archive
the objective of this project.


Literature Review

Determine the hardware,

circuit and software

Hardware development Circuit development Software development


Interfacing No
hardware Circuit No Program is
with working
component accordingly

Yes Yes Yes

Integrated hardware,
circuit and software


Result and analysis



Figure 3.1 the progress or the sequence of this project

System/ hardware specifications

Control method: fully autonomous

Power source: 5 and 9 volt dc power supply and 500 mA current.
DC motor: 4
Target environment: Outdoors
Electronic and Circuit Part
For the robot able to function properly, the electronic part must be perfectly installed to the
robot. In this project there are several circuits that need to be design for the robot. First is
DC motor which allows moving the robot. Second are the IR sensors that are used to detect
the line. Next is Motor driver allows controlling the working speed and direction of motors
Circuit development
The important thing for circuit development is need to choose the component that will be
used to build the main circuit. The component is chosen because of specification that will
suitable for the project. This research is doing by literature review in previous chapter. The
table below shows the list component that will be used to develop this project.
Table 1. The list of components and their specification
No. Component Explanations/Specification
1 Arduino uno To control the input and output.
2 IR Sensor Used for path detection.
3 DC motor IT will rotate the robot
4 Dc pump Used for watering the garden.
5 Motor driver Allows controlling the working speed and direction of motors.
6 Relay Used as switch for Start/Stop Command.
7 Battery Used for supplying voltage.
8 Resistor Used to resist the current flow and it protects the circuit from
damaging. basically we use 1kohm resistor
9 Transistor I it is the interface between the control logic and robot itself.
10 Wires Used for connecting each components of the robot.
11 Bread board It is used to design the circuit diagram of the robot.

3.2 Hardware Required
The hardware required is divided in the following category:

3.2.1 The Input Interfaces

There are two input interfaces used in this design. One is the input interfaces is push button
or relay while the second is IR sensor and the third one is arduino. Relays
Relays used as switch in this project in order to give start or stop command.

Figure 3.2 Relay Module

Principle of operation:
Before the key is pressed, the status of the port is logic 1 but when the key is pressed, the
logic state changes to logic 0. The program in the microcontroller monitors the port for the
presence of logic 0. Logic 0 at the port indicates the button was pressed and a corresponding
call to s subroutine that performs a desired function will be done. Infrared sensors
An infrared sensor emits the light to detect some surroundings. In the infrared spectrum, all
the radiate some form of thermal radiation that is invisible to our eyes, but an IR sensor can
detect these radiations.
Here, IR LED is an emitter, and the IR photodiode is a detector. An IR LED emits the IR
light, and the photodiode is sensitive to this IR light. When IR light falls on the photodiode,
the output voltages and the resistances will change in proportion to the magnitude of the
received IR light.

Figure 3.3 Infrared Ray Sensor Resistor
A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. Resistors act to reduce current flow, and, at the same time,
act to lower voltage levels within circuits. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to limit
current flow, to adjust signal levels, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines
among other uses. High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as
heat may be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as test loads for

Figure 3.4 Resistor Transistor
A transistor is a semiconductor component that acts like a variable switch, controlling the
flow of an electric current. Typically it is a component with an electrode, the gate, that
controls the flow of current between two other electrodes, the source and drain. The gate
does this by havinga potential applied to it as appropriate. Transistors have two key
properties: 1) they can amplify an electrical signal and 2) they can switch on and off, letting
current through or blocking it as necessary.

Figure 3.5 Transistor Arduino

Arduino is open-source computer hardware and software company, project and user
community that designs and manufactures microcontroller-based kits for building digital
devices and interactive objects that can sense and control objects in the physical world. The
heart of Arduino is the microcontroller. For Arduino Uno ATmega328 is used. It has
specification of 8 bit CPU, 16 MHZ clock speed, 2 KB SRAM 32 KB flash Memoary, 1 KB
 14 digital input output pins (3, 5, 6, 9, 10 and 11 pins are able to generate PWM).
 6 analog input pins
 Voltage input from the 7 – 12 V

Figure 3.6 Arduino Uno ATmega328

3.2.2 The Output Interfaces
There are three output interfaces used in this design. These are: Motor Driver, DC Motor,
and DC Pump. Motor Driver
Motor driver is a current enhancing device; it can also be act as Switching Device. Thus,
after inserting motor driver among the motor and microcontroller. Motor driver taking the
input signals from microcontroller and generate corresponding output for motor.

Figure 3.7 Motor Driver DC Motor
Motor is a device that converts any form of energy into mechanical energy or imparts
motion. In constructing a robot, motor usually plays an important role by giving movement
to the robot. In general, motor operating with the effect of conductor with current and the
permanent magnetic field. The conductor with current usually producing magnetic field that
will react with the magnetic field produces by the permanent magnet to make the motor
rotate. There are generally three basic types of motor, DC motor, even servomotor and
stepper motor, which are always being used in building a robot. DC motors are most easy
for controlling. One DC motor has two signals for its operation. Reversing the polarity of
the power supply across it can change the direction required. Speed can be varied by varying
the voltage across motor.

Figure 3.8 DC Motor DC Pump
The water pump that will be used for the watering process is a DC water
pump. The water pump is control by a 12V SRD relay that was specially
design for the watering purpose. The amount of water that will be watered is
depends on the delay that is use to switch on the water pump. The delay is set
in the programming. The longer the delay, the more water will be pumped to
the plants.

Figure 3.9 DC Pump

3.2.3 Block diagram of the system
Power Supply


Motor driver ARDUINO

Module UNO Relay


IR Sensor

3.3 Software Required
There are 2 software’s are required in order to achieve this project. These are:
1. Arduino IDE
2. Proteus

1. Arduino IDE: The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and
upload it to the board. . The environment is written in Java and based on Processing
and other open-source software. This software can be used with any Arduino board.
The Arduino development environment contains a text editor for writing code, a
message area, a text console, a toolbar with buttons for common functions, and a series
of menus. It connects to the Arduino hardware to upload programs and communicate
with them.
2. Proteus: is software used for the simulation of the circuit.

3.3.1 The Circuit Diagram Of the system

Figure 3.9.1 the circuit design of line follower robot for watering garden

3.3.2 Flowchart of the System


Yes Reverse
Do both IR
sensors see (Both motors same
black? speed and


Does only Yes

the left IR Turn Left
sensor see (Left motor off)


Does only Yes

the Right IR Turn Right
sensor see (Right motor off)


(Left and Right motor at
the same and direction)

Does the
color sensor
detect the Turn on the pump
Garden? for watering process


Turn off the pump

3.4 Mechanical Design
The chassis of the robot is made up of the acrylic glass since it can carry more loads and
have lighter in weight. The detail orthographic projection of the robot is drawn at the
Design of Path
The path consists of three U-turns of different radii. Among three, the system swiftly turn
two U-turn and it goes out of track in one initial U-turn and retrace its path.

Figure 3.9.2 Design path of a line follower robot for watering garden

Picture of Line Follower Robot

Figure 3.9.3 Top View of the Line following Robot

Figure 3.9.4 Side View of the Line Follower Robot

3.5 Cost Estimation
The details of price of components used in project are given below.
Table 2: Details of Price of components

No. Hardware Amount

materials required Price of each
1 Arduino uno 1 550
2 Bread Board 1 350
3 DC Pump 1 150
4 Dc Motor 2 500
5 IR sensor 2 500
6 Resistor 1 150
7 Motor Driver 1 120
8 Relay 1 250
9 Resistor 1 100
10 Transistor 1 100
11 Wires 20 230
Total cost 3000



The testing and implementation of this system were done simultaneously. The method
adopted for this was the module by module implementation.

4.1 Software Testing and Implementation

The software was written in Basic programming language. All the hardware modules were
considered during this stage. This is because the software was equally written in modules.
During each module implementation, we tested by programming the chip and running the
system to ensure that the expected action was effectively done. At each stage, especially
where the code fails, debugging was carried out.

4.2 Implementation of the Input Interface

The input interface constitutes the sensors. These sensors are used by the robot to detect sun
light and motion. The sensor we used was the IR Sensor. The layout of the circuit that
implements it is shown below:

Figure 4.1 IR sensor layout diagram

This circuit comprises the following components LM358 IC 2 IR transmitter and receiver
pair, Resistors of the range of kilo-ohms, Variable resistors, LED (Light Emitting Diode).

Figure 4.2 Wiring diagram of IR sensor
In this project, the transmitter section includes an IR sensor, which transmits continuous IR
rays to be received by an IR receiver module. An IR output terminal of the receiver varies
depending upon its receiving of IR rays. Since this variation cannot be analyzed as such,
therefore this output can be fed to a comparator circuit. Here an operational amplifier (op-
amp) of LM 339 is used as a comparator circuit. When the IR receiver does not receive a
signal, the potential at the inverting input goes higher than that non-inverting input of the
comparator IC (LM339).

Thus the output of the comparator goes low, but the LED does not glow. When the IR
receiver module receives a signal to the potential at the inverting input goes low. Thus the
output of the comparator (LM 339) goes high and the LED starts glowing. Resistor R1
(100 ), R2 (10k ), and R3 (330) are used to ensure that a minimum of 10 mA current passes
through the IR LED Devices like Photodiode and normal LEDs respectively. Resistor VR2
(preset=5k) is used to adjust the output terminals. Resistor VR1 (preset=10k) is used to set
the sensitivity of the circuit Diagram.

4.3 Output Interface Testing and Implementation

The output interface of the watering robot is made up of the water pump and the motor
control. The water pump was controlled by means of a relay circuit, which is switched by a
transistor. The circuit that implements the pump control is shown in figure 4.3

Figure 4.3 Relay circuit for Controlling the Pump

During the testing, it was observed that at power up, the relay will switch and the pump
would be ON. When 0v is placed at the base of the resistor, the relay switches again and the
pump would go off. Putting 5 at the base makes the pump to come on again. This principle
was then used during programming. To make the pump to spray water, logic 1 was place at
the base of the transistor. To stop the pump, logi 0 was placed at the base of the transistor.
The motor were interfaced to the system via a dc motro driver chip (L293D). The circuit that
implements that is shown in figure 4.3 below:

Figure 4.4 Dc Motor Driver circuit

The testing carried out this circuit was to determine the log values that turn motor left or
right. In this circuit, there are two dc motor. One of them is used to move the robot. The
second one is used to control the test probe. The test probe is used by the robot to test the
soil for water. Absence of water makes the robot to spray water. Now, the pin 2 and 7 serves
as input to motor on pins 3 and 6. When 1 and 0 are placed at pins 2 and 7 respectively, the
motor turns right. If 0 and 1, the motor turns left. This concept was used to write the
program module that controls the motor.
Other aspects of the testing and implementation of the robot were the mechanical
construction of the entire body parts. These were also tested for flexibility. The photograph
of this robot is placed at the appendix.



5.1 Summary of Achievements
The achievements are divided into the following stages
a. Object Sensing
Sensing the line was not an easy task. Alas, it was achieved by mean of light color against
background color.
b. Chip Programming
One major mile stone achievement in this project was the programming of the chip and
burning the code into the chip. This is exciting being the state of the art technology in
electronics. With this level of achievement, it has become possible to learn how to
design/develop mobile devices.

5.2 Problems Encountered and Solutions

One of the greatest challenges was that of decoding the keys. Another aspect of the
problems is that of getting the right component for the design work. Some of the
components were not found and some do not have immediate replacement in the data books.
In such cases, redesign was the only solution.
Lastly, getting the right code that worked took a lot of time. This so in the sense that you
need to do several debugging and testing before you can succeed.

5.3 Suggestions for Further Improvements

In this design, I have been able to implement a robot that can move to the garden at the
request of the user and probe the soil to know wheatear the soil is moist or not. But the robot
moves only linearly and cannot turn. We hereby recommend that anyone wishing to carry
out this project again should attempt to implement a robot the can turn.

5.4 Recommendations
We will strongly suggest that more time should be allocated to school project. This will go a
long way to helping the student involved to truly participate actively in developing his work.
Another important suggestion is financial support. Government and agencies should come to
the aid of the student carrying out such project work as this financially. This can only be
possible if the school will link the student to such agencies and governmental institutions.

5.5 Conclusions
At the end of this project, we were able to implement a working model of a watering robot
of which this documentation is a report containing the technical design issues.

6.1 Conclusion
The line following robot for watering garden is which is capable of a line following and its
purpose is used for watering garden.
The line following robot project challenged the group to cooperate, communicate,
and expand understanding of electronics, mechanical systems, and their integration
with programming. The successful completion of every task demonstrated the potential of
mechatronic systems and a positive group dynamic.

6.2. Future Work

In the process of development of the line follower robot for watering garden, most of the
useful feature is identified and many of them were implemented. But due to the time
limitations and other factor some of these cannot be added.
So the development features in brief:

-Use of color sensor.

-Use of cd camera for better recognition and precise tracking the path.

[1] K.Sikorski, “A Robotic Plant Care System”, A Thesis, University of Washington, Intel
Research, Pages (168-260) Aug, 2016.
[2] C. M. Angelopoulos, S. Nikoletseas, G. C. Theofanopoulos, “A Smart System for
Garden Watering using Wireless Sensor, Networks”, MobiWac 11, Proceedings of the 9th
ACM International Symposium on Mobility Management and Wireless Access,New York,
NY, USA, (Pages 167-170) Jul,2017.
Journal of Robotics and Automation,(Volume 2 Issue 6 | ISSN: 2349-6002) Jan, 2019
[4] Dubey.V“Intelligent Embedded Agricultural Robotic System” International Journal of
Robotics and Automation (Pages: 14-24), Jun 2020.
[5] B. C. Wolverton, A. Johnson, and K. Bounds, “Interior Landscape Plants for Indoor Air
Pollution Abatement”,National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA-TM-101768)
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Here code is developed in the same view represented by the flowchart. Code accompany with
algorithm side of it.
// Black Line Follower

int IR1=8; //Right sensor

int IR2=9; //left Sensor

// motor one

int enA = 5; //Right motor

int MotorAip1=2;

int MotorAip2=3;

// motor two

int enB = 6; //Left motor

int MotorBip1=4;

int MotorBip2=7;

void setup()

// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);

pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);







void loop()

if(digitalRead(IR1)==HIGH && digitalRead(IR2)==HIGH) //IR will not glow on black line

//Stop both Motors





analogWrite (enA, 0);

analogWrite (enB, 0);

else if(digitalRead(IR1)==LOW && digitalRead(IR2)==LOW) //IR not on black line

//Move both the Motors





analogWrite (enA, 200);

analogWrite (enB, 200);

else if(digitalRead(IR1)==LOW && digitalRead(IR2)==HIGH)

//Tilt robot towards left by stopping the left wheel and moving the right one





analogWrite (enA, 200);

analogWrite (enB, 150);


else if(digitalRead(IR1)==HIGH && digitalRead(IR2)==LOW)

//Tilt robot towards right by stopping the right wheel and moving the left one

digitalWrite(MotorAip1,LOW); // If I want to turn right then the speed of the right wheel
should be less than that of the left wheel, here, let a be the right wheel




analogWrite (enA, 150);

analogWrite (enB, 200);



//Stop both the motors





analogWrite (enA, 0);

analogWrite (enB, 0);


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