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Multiple choice

1. The following are ways to write an introduction except:

a. Rhetorical question

b. Startling statement

c. Old Maxim

d. A prophecy

2. The following are ways to write a conclusion except:

a. Appropriate quotation

b. A question left in the reader’s mind

c. Historical or Background of the Subject

d. A summary of the whole article

3. In journalism writing featured articles the topics can be about the following except:

a. unverified website

b. on trending topics

c. great personalities

d. relevant issues

4. A type of feature that deals with events or personalities of the past, have interest for present day

a. Historical feature

b. News feature

c. Personality sketch

d. Informative feature

5. A type of feature that is very popular among the readers as everybody wants to know about other

a. Historical feature
b. News feature

c. Personality sketch

d. Informative feature

II. True or False

6. Feature story covers recent or breaking news, while news story can be issue-specific that might not be

7. A news story summarises the story whereas a feature focuses on anecdotal references.

8. Some news contains a number of angles and sources whereas, on the contrary, a feature story general
is from a single source or angle.

9. News story follows an inverted pyramid structure while feature writing has a flexible structure.

10. News writings are used extensively in magazines, newspapers, and online media.

11. Feature writing is generally longer than a specific news story and more informative in nature.

12. Popularize scientific feature presents scientifically accurate facts in a non-technical easily understood

13. Personality sketch deals with an unusual experience or a wonderful accomplishment.

14. News feature’s purpose is to inform more than to entertain.

15. News features bridging the gap, which separated the scientist and journalist for a long-time present.

6. F 7. T 8. F 9. T 10. F 11. T 12. T. 13. F 14. F 15. F

III. Essay

What is the main purpose of feature articles in newspapers? And why it is important to have a feature
page in newspapers?

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