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Translated from Chinese (Simplified) to English - www.onlinedoctranslator.


1. test tools:;

2. parameter configuration

2.1 Interface:

2.2 Post parameters:


field Is it describe Remark


account Yes account Account to which the project belongs

<mobile phone number, email address>

privateKey Yes Project private key Project private key of cloud data center

machineCode Yes machine code PN code of the device

platform Yes platform code 1: browser, 2: APP, 7: applet

3. Test: click submit, if it is successfully obtained, use the returned url to access the
corresponding screen (the generated URL is valid for 5 minutes, and it needs to be re-
requested after it expires - as long as you access this url within 5 minutes and do not exit, you
can continue to operate .If you only visit after 5 minutes or revisit after 5 minutes, you have
to re-request ).

Note: For detailed document description, please refer to the instruction manual of screen
integration function

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