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Christopher Pohl

Mr. Carlyle

English 4/Period 6

22 February 2023

Annotated Bibliography

1) Akadiri, Seyi Saint, et al. "Impacts of Globalization and Energy Consumption on

Environmental Degradation: What Is the Way Forward to Achieving
Environmental Sustainability Targets in Nigeria?" Environmental Science and
Pollution Research, vol. 29, no. 40, 2022, pp. 60426-39. ProQuest Central
This scholarly journal focuses on environmental degradation and how globalization,
economy, urbanization, and renewable energy relate to each other. It is useful for introducing the
subject of globalization and the potential of renewable energy since it graphs and describes their
relationship significantly well. It graphs and gives statistics for the most important topics of my
project. I would use this article as one of the main sources to prove any general statement made in
the essay or speech. This article is important due to its Q-Q relationship graph which it presents as
undeniable proof of the relationship between the environment, urbanization, economy, and
globalization. The main limit of this source is that it does not give many specific real-world
examples other than those from Nigeria.

2) Denyer, Simon. "In India, Solar Power's Future Bright but Bumpy." Washington
Post, 2012. SIRS Issues Researcher,
This newspaper article discusses the solar energy industry in India. It reports on the
struggle between energy demand and an antiquated energy grid. This can be used by giving
attention to the pragmatic demands of a society of only solar power. Having this focus on the
energy grid problem in India is significant in order to understand the extent to which humanity
has to commit itself for a long term project like solar power. This article is specifically useful for
giving the perspective of civilization and comparing that with technical advancements
throughout history for the essay portion of the project. One way the use of this newspaper may
be limited is because it talks only about the progress and problems of India most of the time and
my project deals with the perspective of the entire world.

3) Usman Muhammad, et al. "Analyzing the Determinants of Clean Energy Consumption


in a Sustainability Strategy: Evidence from EU-28 Countries."

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 28, no. 39, 2021, pp.
54551-64. ProQuest Central Student,
This study provides an analysis of the impacts on clean energy consumption for the
common factors in pursuing a sustainability strategy. This is relevant since it includes specifics
on environmental degradation, clean energy technology, GDP growth, institutional quality, and
globalization for a panel of European Union (EU) 28 countries in the period from 1995 to 2017.
Although having info from this period may be outdated material for such a topic it is still a useful
article to give concrete statistics on why clean energy is strived for. It is also a good foundation
for an introduction of my report.

4) Okonjo-iweala, Ngozi. "Countries are rebuilding trust in free trade and

globalisation." Khaleej Times [Dubai], 2022. ProQuest Central Student,
This news article reports what historic package of agreements the WTO’s 12th Ministerial
Conference has adopted after ministers and senior officials from the body’s 164 member states
ran nonstop conferences. This information can be used not only for researching further
globalization advancements in society but also as a reason that countries should work together
more often (since the effects of globalization are mostly positive in general). The WTO’s
progress is important because it makes it easier for people to trust the nation's attempts of
working towards a common goal like sustainability. It is also useful for my project since it is
good evidence for the connection of globalization and renewable energy. The only limitation to
this source may be that it is somewhat outdated and accounts for work only in a few days span
while this project has to do with a more overall conceptual idea of globalization.

5) EHUD ZION WALDOKS. "Renewable-energy-powered Electric-car Network Is Ideal to

Fight Emissions and Reduce Oil Dependence, US Expert Says." Jerusalem Post,
2009, p. 17. Diversity Collection; eLibrary; ProQuest Central Student,
This newspaper from Ehud Zion Waldoks describes how a solar-powered electric-car
network could wean a country off of its oil dependency and reduce emissions at the same time as
well as the other main effects vehicles and transportation have on the environment. This source
can be useful by bringing the new aspect of electric and renewable-energy-powered vehicles into
the project. It is significant that renewably powered vehicles are described due to their role in

people's everyday lives. I am choosing to use this article because it focuses on vehicles which are
one of the most prominent contributors to CO2 emissions. A problem about citing electric
vehicles is that it is not common to have solar powered cars yet which makes it less relevant for
some people.

6) Ong, Yew Soon, and Lim Keng Hui. "Making Artificial Intelligence Work for
Sustainability." The Straits Times, 2022. ProQuest Central Student,
This article explains how AI systems can leverage the progress of environment goals and
can overall help the goals of switching to renewable energy. Having a clear concept of the effects of
AI on CO2 emissions and any other environmental goals can provide good evidence as to why a more
connected industry can help prevent climate change. For example, the article notes specifically that
the world is growing to be increasingly more connected. The purpose of this article is to show how
AI can be developed to be sustainable as well as any solutions to the excessive output of energy
(which is described as the main problem in the text). These topics are important for my project since
they incorporate globalization, renewable energy, and the new additional idea of AI which could all
be used in a section of my report. This source may be limited because it is not one of the best
solutions to converting society to renewable energy.

7) Yan Long Wang, et al. "Strengthening Climate Prevention through Economic

Globalization, Clean Energy, and Financial Development in N11 Countries:
Evidence from Advance Panel Estimations: Znanstveno-Strucni Casopis."
Ekonomska Istrazivanja, vol. 35, no. 1, 2022, pp. 5014-36.
Coronavirus Research Database; ProQuest Central Student; Publicly
Available Content Database,
This scholarly journal evaluates how relevant economic globalization is, financial development,
and the role of clean energy in strengthening the environmental sustainability of the next 11
economies over a time period 1995–2018. This journal is used by giving the reader concrete evidence
for a common belief of N11 countries and how they deal with climate change as well as renewable or
clean energy sources. The purpose of this journal is to show how countries meet the demand of
energy consumption and what the plan of giving less CO2 is. This is important for my project since
the main solution that most nations use as described in the text is clean energy. The fact that these
N11 countries may be different now poses a limitation for this source.

8) Erdoğan Savaş, et al. "Synthesizing urbanization and carbon emissions in Africa: how
viable is environmental sustainability amid the quest for economic growth in a globalized

world?" Environmental Science and Pollution Research, vol. 29, no. 16, 2022, pp. 24348-
24361. ProQuest,
This study examines the impacts of increasing urbanization alongside its interactions with
energy portfolios on 15 African countries including the most urbanized and leading oil producers
in the continent of Africa. It is useful by giving a continent which does not emit a significant
amount of CO2 although still posing a negative potential threat to sustainability and the progress of
solar power. This examination of Africa is important because it is in the context of my report and
gives proper evidence for a more sustainable future even in countries within Africa. One issue
limited the use of this document is its lack of variety within the continent of Africa and mention of
Nigeria since this is an example of a country which has influenced the topic of my essay.

9) Holechek, Jerry L., et al. "A Global Assessment: Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil
Fuels by 2050?" Sustainability, vol. 14, no. 8, 2022, pp. 4792. ProQuest,
replace/docview/2653040382/se-2, doi:
This subject evaluated the effectiveness of using multiple possible strategies in
combination for a complete transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy by 2050.
This is useful since it introduces a real timeline for the idea of renewable energy
transition to take place. I can use this source to structure my paper and give a good end
goal for a project like converting to renewable energy. One flaw to this article that may
limit its citation use is that it talks mostly about climate change in general although the
point of my paper is to explain the change in solar and other renewable energy

10) Nathaniel, Solomon P. "Ecological footprint and human well-being nexus: accounting for
broad-based financial development, globalization, and natural resources in the Next-11
countries." Future Business Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, 2021. ProQuest,
nexus/docview/2729529836/se-2, doi:
This study looks into ecological footprint using advanced estimation strategies

and cross-sectional dependence across groups of nations. The ecological footprint is

important because it defines the impacts that any system country, industry, or system can

have on the climate. I chose this article because it can give a good estimation of the

effects that any solar energy can have on the ecological footprint of a nation. And when

comparing the nations it is easier to conclude a solution in which globalization can let

certain countries who have better footprints work with each other. One limitation this text

has is that it focuses less on sustainability and more on human well-being while my study

wants to focus on the environment and how to make human well-being better by only

using clean energy sources.

11) Nicholas Wagner (Programme Officer). Interview by Christopher Pohl. In discussion

with his role at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the effects of

globalization and renewable energy, February 21st, 2023.

Mr. Wagner works to assist governments/countries (as customers) to transition to

a sustainable energy future. The company he works for serves as a principal platform for

international cooperation. These aspects of this profession were useful to interview due to

their relevance to solar energy and globalization and overall creating a more sustainable

future. During the interview I asked Mr. Wagner about his experience as a German

worker at the company which is significant because he explained how countries such as

the US and Germany work together often towards goals for the environment.He

described further the types of renewable energy such as solar, hydro, and wind power.

Overall the interview fit well for my topic due to Mr. Wagner's actual profession,

although the only limitation he posed was that he did not mention any solutions for

environmental problems that developing countries would face.

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