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Culture, Climate & Communication

Rebekah A. Pierce

College of Education, Grand Canyon University

EAD-519: Clinical Internship 1: Learner-Centered Leadership

Mark Jones

March 15, 2023


Needs Assessment

Every year, the district sends out a climate survey to all parents, fourth and fifth grade

students, and staff. The responses are completely anonymous and names or identifying

information is not collected. By participating in this survey, stakeholders provide valuable

insights that can be used to improve the climate and culture in our schools. For Sharon

Elementary, parents & students together gave us a grade of A which gave Sharon an above

average grade that was above the district. The staff gave Sharon Elementary a grade of 96

percent. The only negative score Sharon received was from students who said their classes did

not hold morning meetings.

Improvement Actions

Based on the negative score about morning meetings, one of our goals states, “all

teachers are attentive to students’ emotional states, guide students in managing their emotions,

and arrange for supports and interventions when necessary. Our strategic goal states that all

students at Sharon Elementary School will feel cared for and learn ways to share feelings by

building school and classroom communities through positive relationship building. Our target

goal is that ninety-five percent of students will agree that “In my classroom, we have morning

meetings to discuss our feelings and how to be a good classmate” as measured by our school

climate survey.

Shared Plan

Our School Improvement Plan is posted on our school website and is available for all

stakeholders to view at any time. There is also a link to our SIP on the district website. Our SIT

team updates the plan after each quarter.


CIP & Vision/Mission Alignment

Our vision and mission statements align with the two goals in our School Improvement

Plan. One goal, as mentioned above, is based on being attentive to student's emotional needs.

The other goal is based on academics and deals with implementing a tiered instructional program

which we refer to as MTSS. Sharon Elementary understands that students learn best when they

feel safe and cared for by teachers and staff. During PLCs, SIT meetings, Goal Team meetings,

our staff discusses student performance, needs and next steps to meet these needs which falls

inline with our mission statement, to be a unified school committed to teaching all students at the

highest levels of learning.


School Improvement Plans. Iredell-Statesville School District. (n.d.). Retrieved March 15, 2023,


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