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Guía Estrategia “Aprende en casa” # 1
TEACHER: Nelson Torres SUBJECT: English GRADE: Ninth TERM: Third
Student: _________________________________________________________ Class: ____
Objetivo: Los estudiantes aprenderán acerca de la evolución de los medios de comunicación a través del tiempo.
Presentación: En esta lección, se proporciona a los estudiantes una lectura acerca de la evolución de los medios de
comunicación a lo largo de los Siglos, desde la era prehistórica hasta nuestros días. Con base en dicha información
y de acuerdo a una Rúbrica de Evaluación deberán elaborar una línea de tiempo que incluya procesos, hechos y
eventos así como fecha (precisa, coherente y completa). En la segunda parte de la Guía, desarrollaran un Taller
Evaluativo de la pronunciación (pasado simple –ED). Luego completaran cinco (5) Talleres Evaluativos sobre el uso
del Presente Perfecto Simple para hablar de y/o expresar: Experience, Present Result o, Unfinished Past.
I. Design a Time Line, including the fourteen (14) PROCESSES, the forty-one (41) FACTS and DATES mentioned in the
article entitled “The Evolution of Communication through the Centuries”
✓ Look at the criteria and levels of performance on the corresponding Rubric for doing it.

Means of Communication Time Line

Communication is very important. It is a key to
Telegraph Telegraph communication started after Samuel
understanding between people. Through the years,
Morse invented the Morse code which encoded the ISO
communication has evolved. The way people
basic Latin alphabet. In 1830, Morse integrated the Morse
communicate with each other today is entirely different
code in telegraphy technology. In 1844, Morse sent his
from the prehistoric era.
first telegraph message.
Cave Paintings The oldest cave painting was discovered
inside Chauvet Cave in France around 30,000 B.C. Other
earliest cave paintings were found in South Sulawesi,
Indonesia and Coliboaia Cave in Romania.

Telephone The telephone was invented by Scottish

Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.

Symbols Around 10,000 B.C., petroglyphs were created.

In 9,000 B.C., pictograms were developed. Later on,
ancient cultures developed ideograms. Egyptians had
their hieroglyphs. Chinese created characters. Lastly, the
alphabet, which redefined language and communication,
was developed around 2,000 B.C.
Television It was not just invented by a single person, but
developed through the efforts of various brilliant people.
Internet The term “internet” first emerged in 1973. In
1983, the domain system started. In 1991, Tim Berners-
Lee, a scientist, introduced the World Wide Web (www).

Smoke Signals In 200 B.C., guards execute smoke signals

to send messages along The Great Wall of China. In 150
B.C., Greek Historian Polybius developed smoke signals
representing the alphabet. E-mail In 1975, John Vittal developed a software to
Carrier Pigeons Over 2,000 years ago, the ancient organize emails. In 1994, Yahoo! was born.
Romans used pigeons as primary messengers between
military men. In the 12th century, messenger pigeons
were widely used.

Postal System During the ancient period, Egyptians used

courier serve to send out decrees in 2,400 B.C. Postal
systems were also organized in Persia, China, India, and
Rome before. On the other hand, it was only in 1653 Text Message The first official SMS messaging took place
when Frenchman De Valayer started a postal system in on December 3, 1992. In 1994, the Radiolinja was the first
Paris. network service provider to carry out person-to-person
text messaging.
Social Media In 2004, Facebook was created by Mark
Zuckerberg. In 2005, YouTube became the first-ever
popular video hosting social media site. In 2006, Twitter
began to dominate the social media scene. Other social
media platforms have followed.
Newspaper In 1440, German Johannes Gutenberg
developed the printing press system. The German-
language publication of Johann Carolus in Strasbourg in
1605 was the first newspaper. The first English-language
newspaper was published in Amsterdam in 1620.
Radio In the 1830s, Maxwell and Hughes developed the Indeed, communication has gone through a lot of
theory of electromagnetism. In 1888, Heinrich Rudolf stages before it became so convenient and efficient
Hertz discovered “Hertzian waves”, named after him. In today. Thus, our role is to use these communication
1893, Tesla started using wireless power as a form of
tools responsibly and in the right way.
transmitting content. In the early 20th century, radio
broadcasting began.
Read the following explanation

II. Do Worksheet # 2 on Final ED Pronunciation. WRITE the verb on the right column based on its -ED pronunciation.

Read the following explanation

IV. Do Worksheet # 4 on Present
Perfect Simple (Experience)
III. Do Worksheet # 3 on Present Perfect Simple (Experience)
Complete each question with the
Write down questions using Have you ever…? Follow the examples. Past Participle of the verbs in
brackets ( ).

1. (ride) a horse … Have you ever ridden a horse?

2. (eat) frogs’ legs …………………………………………………………………?

3. (see) a ghost …………………………………………………………………?

4. (go) to Disneyland …………………………………………………………………?

5. (drink) goat’s milk …………………………………………………………………?

6. (have) oatmeal for breakfast …………………………………………………………………?

7. (dream) you could fly …………………………………………………………………?

8. (visit) an art museum … Have you ever visited an art museum ……?

9. (play) baseball …………………………………………………………………?

10. (climb) the Eiffel Tower …………………………………………………………………?

11. (do) a presentation in English …………………………………………………………………?

12. (make) a sandcastle … Have you ever made a sandcastle…………?

13. (be) in an accident …………………………………………………………………?

V. Do Worksheet # 5 on Present Perfect Simple (Present Result)
VI. Do Worksheet # 6 on Present Perfect Simple (Unfinished Past)
+ period of time + point in time

VII. Do Worksheet # 7 on for & since (Unfinished Past)

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