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The idea of putting the content of Vietnamese literary works into music has really

brought innovation to the country's music, as well as once again affirming the
profound humanity expressed in the works. so my program From Literature to
Music will arouse everybody's love of literature. Let me explain it to you in more
detail. In our show, there will be 20 participants, 3 main judges, and a famous
writer. A panel of judges and a writer will give their scores and comment on each
contestant's performance. The 20 participants had to take turns singing a song
whose content brought all or part of a prose work into their songs or made a
creative transition from visual to lyrical. After 4 weeks, only 5 contestants who
received the highest scores from the judges will remain on the show, especially the
contestant with the highest votes from the audience who has the opportunity to
return to the program to engage in the next round. On the final night, the
contestants will choose a song that matches the theme given by the judges, and
Vietnamese folk instruments will also be mandatory content that players must use
in this round. The TV audience's vote will decide the winner and the two runners-
up. The winner will receive a cash prize and a trip to the US.

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