Clase de Aleman 2

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Aux verb (to have)

Present perfect.

Subject+ aux to have + verb in Pparticiple+ predicate

Walk – walked - walked

Am - was- been

Simple regular

I walk through the street

I walked through the street

I have walked -- -- ---

Simple irregular

(to be)

He is in the street

He was in the street

He has been in the street


To be + verb

He is walking in the street

He was walking in the street

He has been walking in the street


He has a dog – el tiene un perro

He had a dog – el tenia un perro

He has had a dog – el ha tenido un perro

(He had had a dog – el habia tenido un perro)

I have fallen in a hole

I have eaten a pizza

I have been in your house








Te gustaria – would you

Could you/ can you – puedes?/ podrías?

Yo/ podría – i could

Me gustaría- i would like

Desearía – i would like

Me podría mostrar/ could you show me

S – hola que desea ordenar?

- Hello, what would you like to order?

I – Hola me puede dar un café

- Hello could/can i have a coffe ( could you give me a coffe) ice cream

S – claro que tamaño?

- Sure, what size

I - mediano

- medium

S – te gustaría con leche?

- Would you like with come milk

I – no gracias

- No thanks yes, I would like it

S – perfecto, serian 5 dolares

Perfect that would be 5 dolars

I – ok, aceptas tarjeta?

Ok do you accept (credit) card

S - solamente efectivo

- Just cash

I – ok, aqui estan 10 dolares

- Ok here you have 10 dolars

S- ok tu cambio son 5, gustaría algo mas?

- Ok your change would be 5, would you like something else?

I no muchas gracias
No thanks

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