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hybrids of wild species provided sev-

eral of the first named cultivars includ-

ing, for example, ‘Eldorado’ (Rubus
allegheniensis · R. frondosus) intro-

Comprehensive duced in the mid-1850s in the United

States (Hall, 1990; Moore, 1984).
Blackberries are often classified
according to their cane architecture

Crop Reports into three types: erect, semierect, and

trailing (Strik, 1992). Erect-caned cul-
tivars include the thorny ‘Brazos’,
‘Tupy’, and ‘Cherokee’; and the thorn-
less ‘Navaho’ and ‘Arapaho’. Semierect
cultivars include ‘Chester Thornless’,
‘Thornfree’, ‘Loch Ness’, and ‘Čačan-
ska Bestrna’. Trailing cultivars include
Worldwide Blackberry Production ‘Marion’, ‘Silvan’, and ‘Thornless Ever-
green’ and the blackberry-raspberry
hybrids ‘Boysen’ and ‘Logan’. The
Bernadine C. Strik1,5, John R. Clark2, Chad E. Finn3, new primocane-fruiting cultivars
‘Prime-Jan’ and ‘Prime-Jim’ (Univ. of
and M. Pilar Bañados4 Ark., Fayetteville) are erect, thorny
types. Erect blackberries produce pri-
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Rubus, cultivars, area planted, statistics, production mocanes from buds at the base of
systems, erect, semi-erect, trailing, primocane-fruiting blackberry floricanes at the crown or from buds
SUMMARY. A survey of worldwide blackberry (Rubus spp.) production was conducted
on roots, whereas trailing and semierect
in 2005. Results indicated there were an estimated 20,035 ha of blackberries types only produce new primocanes
planted and commercially cultivated worldwide, a 45% increase from 1995. Wild from buds on the crown. With the
blackberries still make a significant contribution to worldwide production, with exception of the primocane-fruiting
8000 ha and 13,460 Mg harvested in 2004. There were 7692 ha of commercially erect types, primocanes are vegetative
cultivated blackberries in Europe, 7159 ha in North America, 1640 ha in Central the first year and fruit the second year
America, 1597 ha in South America, 297 ha in Oceania, and 100 ha in Africa. on the entire length of the floricane.
Worldwide production of cultivated blackberries was 140,292 Mg in 2005. Of the In 1990, results of a survey con-
blackberry area worldwide, 50% was planted to semierect cultivars, 25% to erect, ducted in North America reported
and 25% to trailing types. ‘Thornfree’, ‘Loch Ness’, and ‘Chester Thornless’ were 3180 ha of blackberries in the north-
the most important semierect types, and ‘Brazos’ and ‘Marion’ the most common
erect and trailing types, respectively. In general, erect and semierect cultivars are
western United States (Strik, 1992)
grown for fresh market and trailing cultivars for processing. Fresh fruit are usually and 1205 ha in the eastern United
picked into the final container in the field, whereas 75% of trailing blackberries for States (Clark, 1992), for a total of
processing are picked by machine. Common production problems are reported. 4385 ha. In 1990, most of the black-
Production systems for field-grown blackberry differ with type grown and berry production in the eastern
region. For example, in Mexico, production systems are modified to extend the United States was pick-your-own or
production season for ‘Tupy’ and other erect-type cultivars from mid-October to prepicked for on-farm or local sales,
June. Organic blackberry production is expected to increase from the 2528 ha and less than 2% was processed (Clark,
planted in 2005. An estimated 315 ha of blackberries were grown under tunnels, 1992). In contrast, over 90% and
mainly to protect against adverse weather and target high-priced markets. 50% of the trailing blackberry crop in
Based on this survey, there may be 27,032 ha of commercial blackberries planted
worldwide in 2015, not including production from harvested wild plants.
Oregon and California, respectively,
was processed in 1990. Over 80% of
the production from the 55 ha of

lackberries have long been a erect and semierect blackberries in
Professor and Extension berry Crops Specialist,
Department of Horticulture, Oregon State Univer- favorite wild fruit, as many spe- northwestern United States was mar-
sity, 4017 ALS, Corvallis, Oregon 97331-7304 cies are native to several coun- keted fresh in 1990 (Strik, 1992).
Professor, Department of Horticulture, Plant Sci- tries worldwide and are picked for In the 1990s, blackberries were
ence 316, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, personal or commercial use. Natural not found on grocery store shelves in
Arkansas 72701
Research Geneticist, USDA-ARS, Horticultural
Crops Research Lab, 3420 NW Orchard Ave.,
Corvallis, Oregon 97330
Profesora, Facultad de Agronomı́a e Ingenierı́a Fore-
stal, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla To convert U.S. to SI, To convert SI to U.S.,
306-22, Santiago, Chile multiply by U.S. unit SI unit multiply by
The authors appreciate the contributions of the 0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.4711
following research and extension personnel and indus- 0.3048 ft m 3.2808
try members: (see footnote, bottom of next page). 28.3495 oz g 0.0353
Corresponding author. E-mail: strikb@hort. 0.9072 ton(s) Mg 1.1023 2.2417 ton/acre Mgha–1 0.4461

• April–June 2007 17(2) 205


the eastern United States and only Table 1. Worldwide area and 25,000 Mg, the fourth highest pro-
rarely in the western United States production of blackberries, 2005. duction in the world (Fig. 2), with
(Clark, 2005). Late in the 1990s, Area 90% of their production processed
‘Chester Thornless’ became a major planted Production and exported.
shipping blackberry, as it was found Region (ha)z (Mg)z Hungary was the next largest
to have good fruit firmness. ‘Navaho’ producer in Europe with 1600 ha or
Europe 7,692 43,000
was found to have excellent shelf life 21% of the total area and 12,000 Mg,
North America 7,159 59,123
and could be shipped. These and most of which was processed and
Central America 1,640 1,590
other cultivars contributed to a major exported. Countries in Europe with
South America 1,597 6,380
shift in the production outlook for 100 ha or more were the United
Asia 1,550 26,350
shipping of blackberries from that of a Kingdom, Romania, and Poland
Oceania 297 3,650
local-marketed crop to one shipped (100 ha each), Germany (110 ha),
Africa 100 200
for retail marketing (Clark, 2005). and Croatia (180 ha). In the United
World total 20,035 140,292
In the mid- to late 1990s, ship- z
Kingdom and Germany, most of their
1 ha = 2.4711 acres, 1 Mg = 1.1023 ton.
ping of blackberries from Chile, Gua- production was for fresh, domestic
temala, and Mexico into the United use. Area in Poland has doubled in
States provided fresh blackberries leagues and industry members who the last 10 years; 500 Mg were pro-
during the ‘‘off-season’’ autumn, provided additional information (see duced with 80% processed and most
winter, and spring months, increased Acknowledgments). of this was exported as was most of
consumer awareness of this berry crop, their fresh production.
and consequently increased sales of NORTH AMERICA. There were
U.S.-produced fruit in season also. Production regions 7159 ha of commercially cultivated
Production of blackberries was appa- In 2005, an estimated 20,035 blackberries in North America in
rently on the increase worldwide; ha of blackberries were planted and 2005 with the United States account-
however, there was relatively little commercially cultivated worldwide ing for 67% of the area planted (4818
factual information on area planted, (Table 1), a 45% increase from esti- ha), the second highest in the world.
cultivars grown, and most common mated area in 1995 (Fig. 1). World- The area planted in the United States
production systems. wide blackberry production was increased 28% from 1995 to 2005.
This review is based on a survey 140,292 Mg (Table 1). In the follow- The United States had the highest
of worldwide blackberry production ing sections, we will provide more production in the world with 31,841
conducted in 2005. To our knowl- information on blackberry area and Mg (Fig. 2).
edge, no prior survey had been done production systems in the major Sixty-five percent of the black-
on worldwide blackberry production; producing regions of the world. We berries cultivated in the United States
we were thus surprised at some of our include little information on produc- were in Oregon (Table 3). Area in this
findings, particularly the large area tion in countries with less than 100 ha state increased 25% from 1995 to
planted in Serbia and the high pro- planted (Table 2). 2005. Over 95% of the total produc-
duction in China. Included in the EUROPE. There were 7692 ha of tion of 22,848 Mg was processed
many questions asked in our survey commercially cultivated blackberries with the remaining marketed fresh,
were an estimate of area planted in in Europe in 2005. Serbia accounted all for domestic use. Most of the
1995 and projections for 2015. We for 69% (5300 ha) of Europe’s black- blackberries in Oregon were trailing
appreciate the contributions of the berry area and had the greatest area in types, particularly the cultivars
many research and extension col- the world (Fig. 1). Serbia produced ‘Marion’ (61%), ‘Boysen’ (15%),

USA: Alabama (Bobby Boozer, Auburn Univ.); Arkansas (John Clark, Univ. of Arkansas); California (Rick Harrison, Driscoll Strawberry Assoc., Inc.; Mark Bolda and Ed
Perry, Univ. of California); Delaware (Harry Swartz, Univ. of Maryland); Florida (Jeff Williamson, Univ. of Florida); Illinois (Bob Skirvin, Univ. of Illinois); Iowa (Gail
Nonnecke, Iowa State Univ.); Indiana (Bruce Bordelon, Purdue Univ.); Georgia (Gerard Krewer, Univ. of Georgia); Kansas (Sorkel Kadir, Kansas State Univ.); Kentucky
(John Strang, Univ. of Kentucky); Louisiana (John Pyzner, Louisiana State Univ.); Maryland (Harry Swartz, Univ. of Maryland); Massachusetts (Sonia Schloemann, Univ. of
Massachusetts); Michigan (Eric Hanson, Michigan State Univ.); Mississippi (John Braswell, Mississippi State Univ.); Missouri (Michele Warmund, Univ. Missouri; Patrick
Byers, Missouri State Univ.); New Jersey (Joseph Fiola, Univ. of Maryland); New Mexico (Ron Walser, New Mexico State Univ.); New York (Marvin Pritts, Cornell Univ.);
North Carolina (Gina Fernandez and James Ballington, North Carolina State Univ.); Ohio (Shawn Wright, The Ohio State Univ.); Oklahoma (Penny Perkins-Veazie, USDA-
ARS, SCARL, Lane); Oregon (Bernadine Strik, Oregon State Univ.); Pennsylvania (Kathy Demchak, Penn. State Univ.); South Carolina (Walker Miller); Tennessee (David
Lockwood, Univ. of Tennessee); Texas (James Kamas, Texas A&M Univ.); Virginia (Jeremy Pattison, Virginia Tech.); Washington (Tom Walters, Washington State Univ.;
Tom Peerbolt, Peerbolt Crop Management); West Virginia (Richard Zimmerman, W.Va. Univ. [retired]). Canada: British Columbia (Mark Sweeney, BCMAFF); Ontario
(Pam Fisher, OMAF); Québec (Luc Urbain, Extension Service); Nova Scotia (Andrew Jamieson, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). Mexico: Jose Lopez-Medina (Facultad
de Agrobiologı́a, U.M.S.N.H., Uruapan, Mich.); Mark Hurst (Hurst’s Berry Farm, Sheridan, Ore.); Marcela Zúñiga and Victor Valencia (Hortifrut Mexico, Michoacán); Mark
Erickson (Erickson’s Blueberry Hill, Mazamitla); Rick Harrison (Driscoll Strawberry Assoc., Inc., Watsonville, Calif.). Europe: Austria (Manfred Wiesenhofer, Land-
wirtschaftskammer Steiermark, Graz); Belgium (Philip Lieten, Proefbedrijf der Noorderkempen, Meerle); Croatia (Boris Duralija, Univ. Zagreb); France (Jean-Claude
Navatel, Ctifl Centre de Balandran, Bellegarde); Germany (Klaus Olbricht, Gunhild Muster, Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Wein- und Obstbau); Holland (Jacinta
Balkhoven-Baart, Applied Plant Research—Fruit, Wageningen Univ. and Res.; Sil Moonen); Hungary (Ferenc Denes, Small Fruit Res. Stn., Fertöd); Ireland (Eamonn Kehoe,
Teagasc Soft Fruit Spec. Enniscorthy); Italy (Lara Giongo, Istituto Agrario, Centro Sperimentale, San Michele all’Adige); Poland (January Danek, Institute of Pomology and
Floriculture, Skierniewice); Romania (Paulina Mladin, Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitesti-Maracineni); Serbia (Miloljub Stanisavljevic, IPTCH WILLAMETTE,
Cacak); Spain (Marta Ciordia, Area de Cultivos Hortofruticolas y Forestales, Asturias; Juan Jesus Medina, IFAPA, Huelva); United Kingdom (David Northcroft, KG Fruits
Ltd.; Derek Jennings); Asia: China (Luo Fei and Zhang Qinqua; Chinese Academy of Forestry, Beijing; Anonymous); Africa: South Africa (Trevor McKenzie). Oceania:
Australia (David Bardon, Blueberry Farms of Australia, Corindi Beach, NSW; Graeme McGregor [deceased]); New Zealand (Harvey Hall, HortResearch, Inc., Motueka);
South America: Argentina (Jorge Antonio, Gergal S.A., Buenos Aires, Anibal Caminitti, INTA, El Bolson, Patagonia); Brazil (Luis Antunes and Emerson Goncxalves,
EMBRAPA Clima Temperado, Pelotas); Chile (Pilar Bañados, Univ. Católica de Chile, Santiago); Ecuador (Javier Fernandez Salvador); Peru (Victor Luque, El Taller
Asociación de Promoción y Desarrollo, Arequipa); Uruguay (Cristina Monteiro, Berries del Uruguay, Montevideo, Mercedes Arias, Univ. de la Republica, Montevideo);
Venezuela (Sylvio Miron, Hacienda Altos de Casa Vieja, Mérida). Central America: Costa Rica (Roberto Valverde, Univ. de Costa Rica, San José, Marvin Orozco,
APROCAN); Guatemala (John Clark, Univ. of Arkansas).

206 • April–June 2007 17(2)

Fig. 1. Worldwide cultivated blackberry area in 1995, 2005, and 2015 (projected); 1 ha = 2.4711 acres.

Table 2. Countries, by region, that reported from 1 to 99 ha of planted are planted, with ‘Kiowa’, ‘Brazos’,
blackberries in 2005 (countries with greater area are reported in the text). and ‘Rosborough’ accounting for
% Change 85% of the area. Only 10% of the
Region/country Area planted (ha)z 1995–2005 2005–2010 production is processed, with 40% sold
on-farm and 50% marketed to domes-
Europe tic, U.S. markets in the months of
Austria 20 0 0 May–July. Arkansas had 243 ha, a
Belgium 5 0 0 60% increase in planted area from
France 30 200 0 1995. A broad range of erect cultivars
Ireland 10 20 100 are being grown, including ‘Arapaho’,
Italy 26 28 92 ‘Navaho’, ‘Ouachita’, ‘Apache’,
Spain 55 450 0 ‘Chickasaw’, and ‘Kiowa’. Eighty per-
Switzerland 35 0 0 cent of this production is marketed
The Netherlands 21 5 0 fresh, and the rest is sold on-farm from
North America 20 May to 20 July. The area in Georgia
Canada 41 36 67 has tripled in the last 10 years to 127
Central America ha. Erect types are mainly grown with
Guatemala 90 –63 33 ‘Arapaho’ and ‘Navaho’ accounting
South America for 60% of the area planted.
Argentina 35 106 49 In the United States, other than
Peru 2 1900 650 the aforementioned five states, four
Uruguay 9 100 0 states reported 50–100 ha planted.
Venezuela 1 0 200 An additional 26 states reported from
Oceania 2 to 50 ha of blackberries. Of note
Australia 38 90 32 is Washington, which had less than
1 ha = 2.4711 acres. 50 ha in 1995; this area had doubled
by 2005 and is projected to grow to
140 ha by 2015.
‘Thornless Evergreen’ (11%), and The fruiting season is from mid-May Mexico accounted for 32% of
‘Silvan’ (7%). An estimated 125 ha through August. Over half of the area the planted area in North America in
of semierect types were present in was planted to semierect cultivars. 2005 with 2300 ha, a very large
Oregon, mainly ‘Chester Thornless’ The production of ‘Boysen’ for pro- increase from 230 ha in 1995. Most
grown primarily for late-season fresh cessing in the central valley of Cali- of the blackberries are planted in the
market from early August through fornia has declined steadily, as state of Michoacan, but there is also
October. Only 1% of the blackberries predicted (Strik, 1992), to only 40 ha. some production in the state of
in Oregon were erect types, mainly Most of the blackberry production in Jalisco and a new planting of semi-
‘Cherokee’ and ‘Navaho’, hand- California was now located on the erect types in state of Chihuahua. The
picked for fresh market in July. north-central coast, near Watsonville, predominant type of blackberry
The next largest blackberry pro- and has a fresh-market focus. grown was erect, particularly ‘Brazos’
ducing state in the United States was Texas reported 275 ha and 726 and ‘Tupy’ with relatively little (5%)
California with 2359 Mg in 2005. Mg in 2005. Only erect blackberries semierect types, mainly proprietary
• April–June 2007 17(2) 207

Fig. 2. Worldwide cultivated blackberry production in 2005; 1 Mg = 1.1023 ton.

Table 3. Production of blackberries, in the United States in 2005, by state.

% Change Production 1640 ha of commercially cultivated
State Area (ha)z 1995–2005 (Mg)z blackberries in Central America in
Oregon 3,138 25 22,848 2005 with 1590 Mg produced. The
California 283 100 2,359 two countries that reported commer-
Texas 275 20 726 cial production were Costa Rica and
Arkansas 243 60 1,400 Guatemala. There were 1550 ha of
Georgia 127 300 600 blackberries (mainly ‘Brazos’ and
Washington 96 100 363 R. glaucus) in Costa Rica located pre-
Virginia 81 — 300 dominantly in the Provinces of Cartago
Ohio 71 350 159 and San José. Most grow R. glaucus
North Carolina 61 50 650 like a shrub without a trellis in organic
Kentucky 45 30 280 production systems. Of the 1500 Mg
Pennsylvania 45 70 109 produced in 2004, <15% was exported.
Illinois 40 –25 100 Presently, most is used for local pro-
Missouri 40 0 308 cessed and fresh consumption.
New York 40 –50 140 The blackberry production area
Tennessee 34 35 300 in Guatemala declined 63% from
Louisiana 25 0 14 1995 to 90 ha in 2005 but is expected
South Carolina 20 80 227 to increase 33% in the next 10 years,
West Virginia 20 40 170 provided this country can compete
Michigan 16 0 40 with Mexican production. Guatemala
Oklahoma 16 5 80 is the main country in Central Amer-
Indiana 14 90 120 ica that ships fresh blackberries to the
Alabama 12 100 91 United States.
Maryland 12 0 50 SOUTH AMERICA. There were
Massachusetts 12 40 109 1597 ha of commercially cultivated
Kansas 10 20 50 blackberries in South America in
Delaware 8 0 30 2005 with 6380 Mg produced.
New Jersey 8 30 25 Ecuador accounted for about
Iowa 4 100 13 half of the planted area with 850 ha.
Mississippi 4 900 27 ‘Brazos’ and R. glaucus are the main
New Mexico 4 50 45 types planted in organic production
Connecticut 4 40 33 systems with average yields of 15 and
Maine 3 40 25 2.5 Mgha–1, respectively. There was
New Hampshire 2 40 22 an estimated 30% growth in planted
Rhode Island 2 40 18 area from 1995 to 2005, but little
Vermont 1 40 11 growth is projected for the next 10
United States 4,818 34 31,840 years. Only 15% of their estimated
1 ha = 2.4711 acres, 1 Mg = 1.1023 ton. 1290 Mg of production are exported
for fresh market, mainly due to the
cultivars. Most of the Mexican pro- Mexico exported 7480 Mg to the soft fruit of R. glaucus and the Med-
duction targets fresh export markets United States, more than double iterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis spp. and
to the United States. In 2004, their export volume in 2002. Anastrepha spp.).
208 • April–June 2007 17(2)
Chile had 450 ha of commercial to Europe. They reported problems predominant cultivars being ‘Thorn-
blackberries in 2005 with a total pro- with plant importation due to phyto- free’, ‘Dirksen Thornless’, and
duction of 3879 Mg. The area planted sanitary restrictions and the need for ‘Smoothstem’ that are harvested in
increased 50% from 1995 to 2005. In cultivars that are firmer for long- July and August. ‘Loch Ness’
2004, Chile exported 9679 Mg of distance shipping. They will try to accounted for 75% of the blackberry
processed fruit (55% to 65% was har- produce the new primocane-fruiting area in Hungary and is the main
vested from introduced wild species) types in South Africa. cultivar in Germany and Romania.
and 190 Mg of fresh fruit. Their fruit- In Oregon, ‘Chester Thornless’ and
ing season is from November to March Cultivars other semierect cultivars are primarily
using trailing, erect, and semierect Wild or feral blackberries still for the late-season, early-August
cultivars and wild species. Production make a significant contribution to through October, fresh market with
systems for cultivated types are similar worldwide production and although an average yield of 30 Mgha–1.
to those reported for the United States. accurate data are hard to obtain, The only other cultivar grown on
Brazil had 250 ha and 780 Mg of survey respondents estimated that more than 5% of the worldwide semi-
production with only 15% exported. 3600 ha of wild blackberry (R. glau- erect area was ‘Čačanska Bestrna’, a
All of their area is planted with erect cus) in Ecuador, 2400 ha in Romania newer cultivar from the Investigation,
blackberries, mainly ‘Tupy’ and (R. armeniacus, R. laciniatus), 2000 Production, and Trade Center of
‘Guarani’. Most of the production is ha in Chile (derived from introduced Horticulture, Čačak, Serbia. This cul-
processed for domestic use. R. ulmifolius), a small area of un- tivar produces as high as 45 Mgha–1
No other countries in South known size in Mexico, and 100 ha and 22-g fruit and is being widely
America reported more than 100 ha R. glaucus in Venezuela were har- planted in Serbia.
of area planted. vested in 2005. The 8000 ha of wild ‘Gazda’, from the Institute of
ASIA. China accounted for all of blackberries harvested in 2005 had a Pomology and Floriculture in Skier-
the reported production in Asia with total reported production of 13,460 niewice, Poland, accounted for 80%
1550 ha and 26,350 Mg in 2005. Mg. About one-third of worldwide of the area planted in Poland. Typical
Over 90% of the area was planted with wild production (5800 Mg) was pro- yields are 5 to 8 Mgha–1.
semierect blackberry, mainly seed- cessed and exported in Chile. In some ERECT. ‘Brazos’ was by far the
lings of ‘Hull Thornless’ and ‘Chester regions, like northwestern North most common erect blackberry grown
Thornless’. The remaining area was America, fruit harvested from wild worldwide in 2005 accounting for
planted with ‘Shawnee’ and the trail- blackberries, even though for per- 46% of the erect area. However, ‘Bra-
ing cultivars ‘Boysen’, ‘Marion’, and sonal use, may negatively impact sales zos’ is being rapidly replaced by
‘Siskiyou’. Most of the production in of commercially grown fruit. ‘Tupy’ in Mexico. Other cultivars ac-
China is processed with 70% of pro- Respondents reported the culti- counting for 5% or more of the erect
cessed fruit, and 10% of the fresh vars grown on 15,412 ha of the area planted worldwide were ‘Tupy’
production exported. Most blackber- 20,035 ha of blackberries grown (18%), ‘Navaho’ (9%), ‘Kiowa’ (5%),
ries were planted in the Jiangsu Prov- worldwide. On this reported area, and ‘Cherokee’ (5%). These cultivars
ince, but the newest regions, in the 50% of the area was planted to semi- are all hand-picked mainly for the
Liaoning, Shandong, and Hebei erect cultivars, 25% to erect, and 25% fresh market. In Texas, ‘Kiowa’ now
provinces, are projected to grow most to trailing types. accounts for over one-third of the area
in the next 10 years when China is In general, erect and semierect planted; the superior fruit quality of
expected to have 2200 ha. cultivars are grown predominantly for this cultivar coupled with its extended
OCEANIA. Most of the blackberry fresh market; these types produce fruit harvest season, has doubled retail sales
area in Oceania is planted in New that is more firm, has a longer shelf life, of blackberries there.
Zealand, which had 259 ha and and is better suited to shipping. Trail- The first cultivars of primocane-
3350 Mg in 2005. The fruiting sea- ing types, however, are mainly used for fruiting blackberry to be released
son in New Zealand is from November processing. These cultivars, like Mar- were ‘Prime-Jan’ and ‘Prime-Jim’ in
through April with almost all of their ion, are known for having highly fla- 2004. In 2005, primocane-fruiting
blackberry production consisting of vored, aromatic fruit, with small seeds. blackberry were not yet commercially
trailing types, mainly ‘Boysen’. Almost Fruit of most trailing cultivars available grown, although test plantings had
all of their production is processed today are not firm enough for long- been established in Arkansas and
with 55% of that exported. distance shipping. Still, there are a few Oregon.
AFRICA. South Africa was the cultivars of trailing blackberry that are TRAILING. ‘Marion’ is the most
only country in 2005 reporting com- relatively new and are suited for fresh important trailing blackberry grown,
mercial blackberry production with market; ‘Siskiyou’ and ‘Obsidian’ are accounting for 51% of the worldwide
100 ha. About 60% of their area was examples. area of trailing types; more than
planted to ‘Young’ trailing blackberry SEMI-ERECT. The cultivars 90% of the worldwide ‘Marion’ area
that was all processed and 60% ‘Thornfree’, ‘Loch Ness’, and ‘Ches- is located in Oregon. ‘Boysen’
exported. ‘Hull Thornless’, ‘Loch ter Thornless’ accounted for 58% of accounted for 24%, ‘Thornless Ever-
Ness’, ‘Choctaw’, and ‘Arapaho’ were the semierect blackberry area and green’ 9%, and ‘Silvan’ 5% of the
grown also, with 50% of their pro- ‘Dirksen Thornless’, ‘Hull Thorn- worldwide area of trailing blackberry.
duction being marketed fresh. How- less’, and ‘Smoothstem’ for 28%. However, in 2004 and 2005, plant
ever, it was not cost-effective to Only semierect blackberry types were sales of the new thornless ‘Black Dia-
export fresh fruit from South Africa grown in Serbia with the mond’ were greater than all other
• April–June 2007 17(2) 209

cultivars. The fruiting season for this save labor costs; they will eventually repeat the cycle. Often plants are
type of blackberry ranges from late break off and fall into the row mid- grown in tunnels to protect fruit from
June through August, depending on dles. In Texas, growers often do not adverse weather conditions. Using
cultivar. prune out dead floricanes in winter, these methods, the Mexican fruiting
and see increased problems with season extends from mid-October to
anthracnose (Elsinoe veneta). In win- early May for the export market and
Production systems ter, the primocane branches are usu- from May through June for local
Blackberry plantings generally ally shortened to 0.5 m by hand. markets.
have a life of 5–20 years, depending However, in Oregon, use of a Primocane-fruiting blackberries
on the production region, type of machine to hedge plantings in winter can be double-cropped (floricane in
blackberry grown, and productivity. results in variable branch length. early summer plus primocane in
Plantings are established in the spring Erect blackberries are grown late-summer through autumn) or sin-
using plants propagated by tissue without a trellis in some regions; gle-cropped (primocane only). These
culture or root cuttings, depending however, the use of a trellis is becom- blackberries were too new to be
on type of blackberry grown. Plant- ing very common as planting area grown to any significant extent com-
ings may be established with bare- increases. Reasons to trellis include mercially in 2005. It appears that
root or potted plants. the reduction in cane breakage due to primocane-fruiting blackberries must
SEMIERECT. The planting den- wind along with keeping all fruiting be tipped during the growing season
sity for semi-erect blackberries varies canes upright within the row to limit for maximum fruit production (Strik
with production region and cultivar. yield loss at fruit maturation. Usually et al., 2007). Primocane-fruiting black-
In Serbia, plants are generally estab- a simple two- or four-wire trellis is berries show great promise for improv-
lished at an in-row spacing of 1.0– used, but canes are usually not tied to ing the availability of fresh market
1.5 m with 2.5–3.0 m between rows. the wire. In Georgia, U.S., hydrogen blackberries worldwide using off-sea-
In the United States, plants are typi- cyanamide (Dormex; SKW Trostberg son production systems.
cally 1.5–1.8 m apart in rows that are AG, Trostberg, Germany) is applied TRAILING. Trailing types are typ-
3.0–3.6 m apart. In most fields in in some years to improve budbreak. ically grown in every-year production
China, the planting density is very Drip irrigation systems are most systems at an in-row spacing of 0.9–
high with 0.3–0.4 m between plants common. 1.8 m with 3 m between rows. Most
and 1.0 m between rows. Fruit are harvested by hand, pri- are grown on a trellis with the canes
In almost all regions, primocanes marily for fresh market, every 3–5 d. wrapped around two wires (top at
are tipped during the growing season, The fruiting season of erect floricane- 1.7 m second at 1.2 m).
at 1.5–1.6 m high to encourage fruiting cultivars is about 4 weeks Trailing blackberries can be
branching. In the winter, the dead long, from May to August, depend- grown in every-year (EY) or alternate-
floricanes are removed and the ing on production region. Yields year (AY) production systems. In EY
branches of the new canes are pruned range from 3 Mgha–1 (Texas) to production, new primocanes are
to about 0.5 m in length or left un- 11 Mgha–1 (Ore.). trained along the ground, under the
pruned. Canes are either trained on a In Mexico, the area planted to canopy, while the floricanes are on the
multiple wire trellis with a nondivided blackberry has increased 10-fold since wire producing the current season
canopy or are trained to a ‘‘double T’’ 1995 and growth continues to be crop. After fruit harvest, the dead
system. In most regions, plantings strong. Specialized production sys- floricanes are removed and the pri-
are irrigated using drip, overhead, tems have been developed through mocanes trained onto the trellis wires
or microjet systems. However, in on-farm research by growers and pri- in August or February. Most growers
China fields are commonly flood vate companies to extend the season in Oregon train primocanes in
irrigated. for ‘Brazos’, ‘Tupy’, and other erect February, leaving canes more pro-
Average yield is 8–45 Mgha–1 cultivars. About 5–7 months after tected from cold, potentially inju-
with all fruit hand-picked every primocane emergence, a chemical rious temperatures as compared with
3–5 d for fresh market. The fruiting defoliant (a combination of urea or August-training where canes are
season, in the northern hemisphere, ammonium sulfate, copper sulfate, more exposed to cold injury on the
ranges from July to October, depend- and mineral oil) is applied two to trellis.
ing on cultivar and production three times. The plants are then In AY production systems, plants
region. Excess fruit are processed, pruned by topping canes and short- fruit every other year. In the ‘‘on-
usually as a seedless puree. ening laterals to about 0.3 m. Gib- year’’ floricanes produce a crop and
ERECT. In most production berellic acid (GA) and thidiazuron primocanes are not managed. In
regions, plants are established 0.8– (TDZ) are used about 3 weeks after October, the dead floricanes and the
1.2 m apart in rows 3 m apart. During defoliation to improve flowering and primocanes are pruned off at the
the growing season, primocanes are promote budbreak. Fruit harvest crown. The following ‘‘off-year’’ pri-
tipped at a height of 0.9–1.2 m, begins 90–100 d after defoliation. mocanes are trained to the trellis as
depending on production region, to After the first crop is finished, many they grow. The yield of an AY field
encourage branching. After fruit har- growers prune again, removing the is about 85% of an EY field over a
vest or in winter, dead floricanes are portion of the cane that fruited, and 2-year period (Eleveld et al., 2001).
removed by pruning. In some pro- repeat the defoliation process to Research has demonstrated that pri-
duction regions, like Oregon, dead obtain multiple crops. Growers then mocanes following an off-year in an
floricanes are left in the planting to mow the canes to ground level to AY system are more cold-hardy than
210 • April–June 2007 17(2)
primocanes that grew in the presence the early morning, after the dew is off standards, use more foliar fertiliza-
of floricanes in an EY system (Bell the berries and temperatures are tion, sweep cane prunings into the
et al., 1995; Cortell and Strik, 1997). cooler, for best quality. row to provide a mulch, and packing
There is also less cane disease in AY Field-heat is often removed lines now have a water bath. Organic
production systems than in EY sys- using forced-air cooling to lower fruit and tunnel production systems are
tems. Over 60% of the trailing black- temperature to 0–1 C within 2 h of becoming more common worldwide.
berry acreage in Oregon is grown in picking. Relative humidity within the ORGANIC PRODUCTION. There
AY production systems. refrigerated rooms is maintained at were 2528 ha of organic blackberry
In New Zealand, a three-wire 85% to 95%, although free moisture production reported in the world in
trellis is typically used with canes on the berries or in the containers 2005: 1550 ha in Costa Rica, 893 ha
trained in a fan and looped over to must be kept to a minimum. Fresh- in South America (most in Ecuador),
the middle wire. Plants are grown in market berries are not washed before 73 ha in North America (most in the
EY production systems. shipment to enhance shelf life and United States), and 11 ha in Europe.
Most plantings are irrigated with reduce fruit rot. Most production regions expected
overhead systems, but in Chile, fur- In Hungary, semierect blackber- an increase in organic area in the next
row irrigation is very common. ries (1600 ha) are harvested by hand for 10 years.
Trailing types for the processed the processing market. Most of the TUNNELS. An estimated 315 ha
market are machine-harvested on more trailing blackberry production world- of blackberries grown under tunnels
than 75% of the area in the United wide for processing is harvested by were reported worldwide, with tun-
States and New Zealand. Typical yields machine. Growers begin machine har- nels mostly being used to protect
range from 8 to 15 Mgha–1. vest when the primary fruit are fully against adverse weather (150 ha in
WILD SPECIES. R. glaucus is har- mature. Fruit are gently shaken from Mexico; 20 ha in Oregon; and 12 ha
vested from native plantings and the plants using self-propelled, over- in Washington). Tunnels or green-
established fields in Central and the-row machines. Frequency of harvest houses to advance or delay the fruit-
South America. In Venezuela, plants is about every 5 d depending on cultivar ing season in addition to protection
are collected from the wild or grown and temperature, and harvest is typically against the elements were used in
from seeds and are established at at night when fruit are more easily Spain (50 ha), The Netherlands and
1.5 m in the row with 2.0 m between removed. Machine-harvested fruit are Italy (20 ha each), Romania (10 ha),
rows. There is limited use of pruning more uniform in maturity, having and South Africa (10 ha). Essentially,
and fertilizer, and most are unirri- higher aroma, flavor, and percent solu- all of the blackberries grown in The
gated. All are hand harvested. ble solids than hand-harvested fruit. Netherlands are in either a tunnel, a
In Costa Rica, harvested area of In addition to the possible insect greenhouse, or are covered with plas-
blackberries has increased 55% in the contaminants, thorns can be a serious tic (less expensive structure) to pro-
last 10 years to 1550 ha. Much of this contaminant in thorny cultivars that tect fruit from rain. The use of tunnels
area is thought to be R. glaucus. The are machine harvested. Research has is expected to increase, particularly in
average farm size is 2.5 ha. Most helped growers minimize this risk by Mexico, Oregon, and Washington.
growers are using organic production using machine harvesters equipped Although tunnels may cost over
systems but have trouble getting suf- with brushes in winter to remove USD 25,000 per hectare, growers
ficient quantities of approved organic potential contaminants (Strik and report advantages including protec-
fertilizers. Weeds and native grasses Buller, 2002). Plant breeders consider tion against rain and heat, relative
that grow around plants are kept the development of high-quality, freedom from insects and some dis-
short using machetes or mowers. In thornless trailing blackberry cultivars eases, and the ability to manipulate
this tropical region, fruiting can occur a high priority and have recently microclimate and thus plant growth
all season long; however, peak fruit- released several thornless cultivars to target high-priced markets.
ing seasons occur from September for processing, including the popular Research on tunnel production of
to December and January to May. new trailing ‘Black Diamond’ (Finn blackberries began in Belgium and
Typical yield is 1.5 Mgha–1. et al., 2005). The Netherlands in the early 1980s.
In Romania and Chile, fruit are Blackberries are processed as Tunnels can be used to delay the
harvested from wild or feral plants in individually quick frozen (IQF), bulk fruiting season, simply by protecting
fence rows, for example, with fruit frozen, puree (with or without seeds, the crop against adverse weather or to
brought to processing companies in depending on cultivar), freeze-dried, advance the season by placing plastic
small quantities at a time. canned, or juice/concentrate. over the tunnel at the end of the
dormant period to advance growth.
Harvest The season can be further advanced
In general, most fruit for fresh
Changes in production 3–4 weeks by heating the tunnel
market is hand harvested directly into systems starting in late winter. Often, yield
the final container, often clear plastic In the United States, the major in the tunnel is higher than in the
clamshells. Flats are usually supported changes over the last 10 years include open field, as less fruit are lost to
on specially constructed wire or a trend toward higher-density plant- disease, winter cold damage is
wooden stands and are not allowed ings and increased use of machine reduced, and the entire crop can be
to contact the ground. Pickers are harvest for processed markets. In harvested (Bal and Meesters, 1995).
monitored to ensure high quality. In New Zealand, growers have adopted Blackberries produced in tunnels have
ideal situations, fruit are harvested in Eurogap and ISO 22,000 and other been reported to have a better shelf
• April–June 2007 17(2) 211

life than open field-grown fruit (Bal (Arkansas, Georgia., Texas)]; yellow of compliance for local environmental
and Meesters, 1995; L. Giongo, per- rust [Phragmidium violaceum (Ser- legislation is an issue in New Zealand.
sonal communication). Off-season bia, Romania, Oregon on ‘Thornless Regulatory concerns included
production in winter can be accom- Evergreen’ only)]; orange rust impacts of legislation, border secur-
plished by growing blackberries in [Arthuriomyces peckianus (eastern ity, or immigration reform on the
containers (10 L most commonly) United States)]; cane and leaf rust availability of labor in the United
and bringing plants into a heated [Kuehneola uredinsis (western United States; groundwater issues (New Zea-
greenhouse after chilling has been States)]; unknown rust (Costa Rica); land); chemical or pesticide residues
satisfied. Yields are generally lower cane and leaf spot [Septoria rubi on exported fruit (China, Mexico);
than for field-grown plants in this (western United States)]; orange felt ability to meet Eurogap requirements
production system. or orange cane blotch [Cephaleuros for organic certification (Costa Rica);
virescens (Georgia)]; and purple and requirements for showing trace-
Production problems blotch [Septocyta ruborum (trailing ability or source of fruit in processed
Most blackberries are grown types in Oregon; semierect types in markets (Chile).
using a combination of cultivation Serbia and Romania)]. LIMITS TO EXPANSION. Many
and herbicides for weed management INSECTS. The importance of areas producing blackberries have
and pesticides for disease and insect insect pests in blackberry production some limitations to expansion of the
control. varies by region. Insect problems area planted including: lack of and
CULTURAL. Although semierect mentioned included: raspberry bud cost of labor (Texas), encroachment
blackberries are considered relatively moth [Heterocrossa rubophaga (New of urban area (New Zealand), lack of
cold-hardy, cold injury is still consid- Zealand)], fruit fly [Ceratitis spp. and suitable land and high cost of land
ered the most important production Anastrepha spp. (Brazil, Ecuador)], (New Zealand), lack of organization,
problem in Serbia, Romania, and two-spotted spider mite [Tetranychus technical support, certified plants,
Poland, and in Oregon for their most urticae (Chile, Mexico)], red berry and commercial infrastructure (Costa
important trailing cultivar, Marion. mite [Acalitus essigi (Germany, Hun- Rica, Venezuela), lack of processors
Damage from low winter tempera- gary, Oregon, California)], aphids to handle any increase in production
tures can occur in Arkansas, in some [Amphorophora rubi (Romania)], (Brazil, Venezuela), need for fresh
years. In China, in all production rednecked cane borer [Agrilus rufi- market cultivars with better flavor
regions except Nanjing Province, collis (Arkansas, Texas)], raspberry (many regions) or those that are
canes are buried in winter to avoid crown borer [Pennisetia marginata better adapted to the local area
cold injury. Other cultural produc- (United States)], thrips [Frankli- (Georgia), and the need for more
tion problems mentioned included: niella spp. (Mexico, Arkansas)], stink cold-hardy cultivars with good qual-
managing weeds (almost all produc- bugs [Euschistus spp. (United ity to ensure stability of market (Ger-
tion regions), rainfall at harvest States)], crickets [Oecanthus spp. many, Hungary, Romania, Serbia).
(Arkansas, Georgia, Costa Rica), (Mexico)], leaf rollers including the Issues related to markets included:
white drupelets, thought to be due orange tortrix (Argyrotaenia francis- relative lack of consumer awareness
to UV (ultraviolet) light damage cana) and the oblique banded (Cho- of blackberries (South America) and
(United States), and color reversion ristoneura rosaceana) in New Zealand needing markets to expand (China,
from black to red (Brazil, Mexico, and and the United States, and an Mexico, United States).
some cultivars in some regions in unknown Lepidopteran (Costa Rica, Despite the above-mentioned
United States). Mexico). limitations, blackberry production is
DISEASES. Disease problems Birds were mentioned as a prob- expected to increase in many regions.
were listed as prevalent in all produc- lem in Costa Rica, New Zealand, Projections for the greatest growth in
tion areas; specifically mentioned Venezuela, and Texas. the next 10 years (Fig. 1) are in
were downy mildew [Peronospora Romania (900%), Poland (200%),
sparsa or P. rubi (Germany, Mexico, Mexico (117%), Chile (76%, mainly
New Zealand, Oregon, California)];
Economic and regulatory in trailing cultivars for processing),
powdery mildew [Sphaerotheca mac- concerns Hungary (50%), China (42%), and
ularis (Mexico)]; fruit rot [Botrytis Various economic concerns were the United States (20%).
cinerea (Chile, Mexico, New Zealand, raised for blackberry production. RESEARCH AND BREEDING
Germany, Poland, Romania, Many regions mentioned increasing PROGRAMS. In the United States, large
Serbia, southeastern United States)] cost of labor (Chile, New Zealand, public breeding and research pro-
particularly in years with rain occur- Romania, United States). In addition, grams in blackberry exist at Oregon
ring during bloom or fruit develop- competition from other production State University and the U.S. Depart-
ment; raspberry bushy dwarf virus regions and the adverse impact on ment of Agriculture, Agricultural
(New Zealand, Romania, Oregon); grower price for fruit was mentioned Research Service (USDA-ARS), Cor-
cane blight [Leptosphaeria coniothy- by several (Chile, Costa Rica, United vallis, Ore. In the southern United
rium (Georgia)]; crown gall [Agro- States). Variability in price growers States, research is done on postharv-
bacterium tumefaciens (Brazil, are paid for fruit as a result of fluctu- est fruit quality (USDA-ARS, Lane,
Germany)]; anthracnose [Elsinoe ating supply in years with cold damage Okla.), and at the University of
veneta (Mexico, United States)]; (Oregon and Serbia) and low cost to Arkansas (Fayetteville) there is a
rosette or double blossom on thorny, the grower for fruit (Mexico, United strong breeding program as well as
erect cultivars [Cercosporella rubi States) were also mentioned. The cost research on various cultural and
212 • April–June 2007 17(2)
disease issues. There is no public Conclusion Cortell, J. and B.C. Strik. 1997. Effect of
breeding program for blackberries in floricane number in ‘Marion’ trailing
Worldwide blackberry area blackberry. I. Primocane growth and cold
California and little public research. increased from 13,958 ha in 1995 to
Two private breeding companies hardiness. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci.
20,036 ha in 2005, a 44% increase. 122:604–610.
based in California, Driscoll Straw- Most of this growth occurred in Mex-
berry Associates, and Plant Sciences, ico, the United States, China, and Eleveld, B., B.C. Strik, K. Brown, and B.
in Watsonville, have blackberry Costa Rica. Projections for the great- Lisec. 2001. Marion blackberry econom-
breeding programs. ics. The costs of establishing and produc-
est growth in the next 10 years are
There is a new breeding pro- ing ‘Marion’ blackberries in the
in Romania, Poland, Mexico, Chile, Willamette Valley. Oregon State Univer-
gram for blackberry in Mexico (Uni- Hungary, China, and the United sity Ext. Ser. Corvallis, Publ. EM 8773.
versity Michoacan de San Nicolas States. On the basis of this
de Hidalgo) but no production/ survey, there may be 27,032 ha of Finn, C.E., B. Yorgey, B.C. Strik, H.K.
physiology research. Some private commercial blackberries worldwide, Hall, R.R. Martin, and M.C. Qian. 2005.
companies, based elsewhere, breed ‘Black Diamond’ trailing thornless black-
not including production from har- berry. HortScience 40:2175–2178.
for cultivars adapted to the Mexican vested wild plants, in 2015.
climate. Hall, H.K. 1990. Blackberry breeding.
There was an active breeding Plant Breed. Rev. 8:249–312.
program along with supporting path- Literature cited Moore, J.N. 1984. Blackberry breeding.
ology and horticulture research pro-
Bal, E. and P. Meesters. 1995. Year-round HortScience 19:183–185.
grams conducted by New Zealand
production of blackberries. Proc. North
HortResearch, in 2005. In South Amer. Bramble Growers Assn., Orlando,
Strik, B.C. 1992. Blackberry cultivars and
America, there was very little black- production trends in the Pacific North-
Fla., p. 49–61.
berry research reported other than west. Fruit Var. J. 46:202–206.
the breeding program at the Embrapa Bell, N., B.C. Strik, and L.W. Martin.
Strik, B. and G. Buller. 2002. Reduc-
Clima Temperado Research Center in 1995. Effect of date of primocane sup-
ing thorn contamination in machine-
pression on ‘Marion’ trailing blackberry.
Pelotas, Brazil, and cultivar trials in harvested ‘Marion’ blackberry. Acta Hort.
II. Cold hardiness. J. Amer. Soc. Hort.
Chile. In Europe, breeding programs Sci. 120:25–27.
were reported in Poland, Hungary, Strik, B., J.R. Clark, C. Finn, and G.
Romania, Scotland (N. Jennings), Clark, J.R. 1992. Blackberry production
Buller. 2007. Management of primocane-
and Serbia and production trials or and cultivars in North America east of the
fruiting blackberry to maximize yield and
research in Germany, Romania, Rocky Mountains. Fruit Var. J. 46:217–
extend the fruiting season. Acta Hort
Poland, and Italy. Asia has no black- in press.
berry breeding programs, but culti- Clark, J.R. 2005. Changing times for
vars from other regions are eastern United States blackberries. Hort-
undergoing trials in China. Technology 15:491–494.

• April–June 2007 17(2) 213

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