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The Great Works of

the Renaissance
By Logan Berenson
Belem Tower is found in Lisbon, it was a defense mechanism that protected the river
near it. It was also used to track where you were on a voyage/trip, this was done
through its size, it was easy to spot from great distances therefore you could track
distance traveled. The tower’s original use was to protect that are of Lisbon from
attacks along the Tagus River, it was also a well known checkpoint for excursions. In
today's day in age the tower has become more of a tourist attraction and one of the
most memorable pieces of architecture in Lisbon. The fortification was created by
four men, Francisco de Arruda, Francisco de Holanda, António Viana Barreto, and
António de Azevedo e Cunha. The architectural expertise of these 4 men created a
Belem Tower structure that not only has lasted for a long period of time, but also has symbolized
many things throughout its existence. The tower was built in 1514 otherwise known as
the 16th century. I think that this cultural landscape is significant because it has
multiple purposes, it was used as a resort for defense as well as a marker for those at
sea, and over time it has become a location where people visit to learn about its
history and new offerings.
Notre Dame Cathedral
The Cathedral is a massive church found in Paris, it is well known for its
size and architecture inside. The original use of the Cathedral was to
establish power, during the time Paris was in power and needed a way to
symbolize religion and power. Today the Notre Dame Cathedral is used
for normal operations such as mass, religious ceremonies and marriages.
The construction process was started by Jean-Baptiste-Antoine Lassus
and was also led by other architects, this well known Cathedral was built
in 1163. I think that the Notre Dame Cathedral is a significant cultural
landscape because in the time that it was built, religion was a key elect to
success, so having such a large establishment that was known worldwide
made it so special.
St. Peter’s Basilica
This basilica is found in Rome but more specifically Vatican city, it is a church that was built in the style of the Renaissance,
making the art and overall architecture more unique. The purpose of the Basilica during the Renaissance was to serve as a
place of worship for those under the Catholic umbrella, but it was also a tomb for Saint Peter. He was buried at Vatican Hill
and overtime the large estate was built there in memory of him. In current times the building is used as a Church and is
known as the HQ of Catholic Church’s. Another important fact about this great piece of history is that the Pope now stays
there, and it wouldn’t be uncommon to see him there. The most well known architect for building St. Peter’s Basilica is
Michelangelo, he was accompanied by many other architects though, its construction date tracks back to 1506. I think that
this cultural landscape is especially important because it idolizes one of the apostles, it shows that even after death they have
a foot print. This is shown as they converted the burial site into a work of art that is still in affect to this day, and for that St.
Peter’s Basilica is one of the most memorable achievements of the Renaissance.
Palazzo Pitti is located in Florence Italy and it home to a lot of art and
beautiful works of art from the Renaissance. It is essentially a large art
gallery, it holds some of the world’s finest pieces of art, and shows
some of the great pieces from the Renaissance. Back during the
Renaissance, the Palazzo was used to store guests, one could say it was
a hotel of the old ages; the people that stayed here were usually
officials that also had meetings at the Palazzo. Fast forward to now, the
Palazzo Pitti is a massive museum, it has been split up into to different
sections to highlight different styles and genres of art. The Palazzo Pitti
Palazzo Pitti was constructed by many different people, but the most memorable
architect on the project was Giorgio Vasari. The great museum was
built in the second half of the 15th century. This cultural landscape
holds a different type of value than the others, its content are still
tangible and voidable to people nowadays making it so special.
Basilica of San Lorenzo

The Basilica of San Lorenzo is found in Florence, Italy and is one of the largest Churches in
Italy. The Basilica is much like that of St. Peter’s Basilica, it is a church that was built as a
burial site for the Medici Family, from there the religious beliefs blossomed into a staple
church in Italy. Nothing much has changed from the Renaissance to now, the Basilica is still
a major Church in Italy, the only thing that has changed is modernization, the area now has a
stores/markets and restaurants. Michelangelo along with 2 other architects are responsible for
the construction of this highly prospered place, it was completed in 1428 and grew in value
every since then. This cultural landscape in my eyes is important to the Renaissance as it
gave those of Italy a place of worship and it shined light on the Medici family and their

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