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Menara 165, 6th Floor Unit B

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Jakarta Selatan
Indonesia, 12560
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www.esriind onesia.c o.i

End User Information Sheet

This information is required for ESRI database purpose only. Contents of this sheet will be treated as confidential.

Customer PO #: ………… Existing User:  Yes (EU : 650112 )  No

Organization/Company Name : PT. Indo Muro Kencana

Department/Project Name : Geology Exploration
Installation Address : Sahid Sudirman Center Lt. 31 Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 86
Jakarta Pusat, 10220
Contact Person : Tony Haryadi Wibowo
Telephone : 089653115652
Fax : ………………………………………….....................................
Email :
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Computer Model : ……………………………………………
Operating Systems & Version :

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Server Model : …………………………………………….
# of socket per computer : …………………………………………….
# of core per socket : …………………………………………….
DBMS & Version : …………………………………………….

Sector (Tick ONE only)

Petroleum & Mining PFA Utilities National Government
 Petroleum, Oil & Gas  Plantation  Utilities – Electric Local Government
 Mining  Forestry  Utilities – Telecom Commercial Government
 Mineral  Agriculture  Utilities – Gas/Pipeline  AEC
 Renewables Energy  Utilities – Water
Others (Pls Specify): ………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Industry Code (Tick ONE only)

 Private  County Govt  State/Provincial Govt  Regional Govt
 Foreign National Govt  Regulated Industry  Non-Profit Organization  University/Academic Institution

For PT E sri Indonesia Internal Use Only

Checked by: ………………………………………. Date : ………………………..

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