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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 www.jetir.

org (ISSN-2349-5162)


Aman Shrivas1, Dr. R.E. Thombre2, D.Subroto3
Energy management system, R.C.E.R.T. Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India
Associate Professor, Department of mechanical engineering, R.C.E.R.T, Chandrapur.
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical engineering, R.C.E.R.T, Chandrapur.

Abstract- In India, nearly 1.6 billion people—still use fuels like wood and coal to cook and heat their homes. This fuelwood were obtained by
cutting down trees and emit harmful smoke which causes deforestation and serious health issues. Rural population need an alternative which is
clean, eco-friendly, keeps the nutritional value of food and fulfill their demand of cooking & heating at low cost. Fortunately, India is blessed
with ample amounts of solar radiation. Therefore, an appropriate solar cooker seems to be a good substitute for cooking in India. The
improvements in its design and evolution of performance evaluation techniques begin in the 20 th century. In this paper, a review is made on the
classification of various types of solar cookers, along with the description of work of some authors who had given their contribution in
improving the designs of various solar cookers.

Keywords: Classification of cookers, developments, box type, parabolic, panel, indirect type, heat storage materials, auxiliary, heat pipes.


In ancient times, there were no scarcity of fuels & hence not much attention was paid on minimizing the loss of energy caused while using
firewood for cooking purpose. Almost constantly, open fire was used for transferring the heat energy to the food from the source of the fuel &
this accounted the largest percentage of heat loss to the surroundings. Unfortunately upto present day, where gas cooker or electric stove is used,
the problem of heat loss to the surrounding still exists. For this reason, a very high amount of fuel is needed for cooking, so that enough heat is
available for cooking of food in spite of considerable loss of heat from the source of fuel: wood, coal, gas or electricity. The main sources of
power generation today are fossil fuels. These are depletable, non-renewable & pollute the environment [1].

In a developing country, like India, nearly 1.6 billion people—still use fuels like wood and coal to cook and heat their homes [2]. In 2014, one
survey named sample registration system baseline was conducted by registrar general of India in which they distributed the households by type
of fuel mainly used for cooking, as shown in Table 1.1. They found that about 42.7% of the households in India, still use firewood as a main fuel
for cooking purposes. While the contribution of Cow dung cake, Crop residue, and Coal follows with 9.4%, 5.9%, 1.9% [3]. The demands of
massive population growth & the inefficient conversion of wood to charcoal have outstripped much of the forests ability to regenerate creating a
phenomenon known as deforestation [4]. Also, biomass smoke has many harmful effects such as acute respiratory infection, asthama,
pneumonia, tuberculosis, cancer, low birth weights, cataract, nervous and muscular fatigue [5, 6, 7]. One alternative is to use clean fuels like
LPG, Kerosene etc. but transportation & production of these energy sources make it expensive to common man in remote villages where the
demands are very high & incessant. Another alternative is to use pressure cookers, where heat loss through steam escaping from food materials
is controlled to a greater extent [8]. However this is still not being used in rural areas, & even in urban areas it is not used extensively because it
is beyond the reach of common man [9].

So, the next and best possible alternative is solar cooker, which uses sunlight to cook food particularly in a tropical environment where sunlight
receives in plenty. It is safe, consume no fuel and keeps the nutritional value of food with no running cost.

Table 1.1: Distribution of households by type of fuel mainly used for cooking in India and its bigger states[3]
% of fuel mainly used for cooking in India and its states
Category Crop Cow dung Any
LPG/PNG Electricity Kerosene Biogas Coal/Lignite/Charcoal Firewood
residue cake other
INDIA 38.1 0.2 1.1 0.3 1.9 42.7 5.9 9.4 0.2


Solar Cooking actually has some pretty early recorded beginnings starting with the documented efforts of French-Swiss Physicist Horace de
Saussure in 1767. He attempted to cook food via solar energy & constructed a miniature greenhouse with 5 layers of glass boxes turned upside
down on a black table and reported cooking fruit [10]. English astronomer Sir John Herschel attempted to cook food in a similar insulated box
on an expedition to South Africa in 1830. A French Mathematician Augustin Mouchot integrated the heat trap idea with that of the burning
mirror in 1860 and built an efficient solar oven. He also succeeded to create a solar steam engine but it was too large to be practical. In 1876, W.
Adams developed an octagonal oven equipped with 8 mirrors & reported that the oven cooked rations for 7 soldiers in 2 hours in India [11, 12].
One year later, Mouchot designed solar cookers for French soldiers in Algeria, including a shiny metal cone, made from a 105.5º section of a
circle [12]. In 1891, Clarence Kemp enclosed with a black painted tank in a wooden box and created the first batch solar water heater [13]. In
1930s, France sent many solar cookers to its colonies in Africa. On the other hand, India began to investigate solar energy as an option for
avoiding deforestation. In 1940s, Dr. Maria Telkes in the USA analyzed various types of solar cookers including some heat storage materials
[14, 15]. The first commercial box-type solar cooker was produced by an Indian pioneer named Sri M.K. Ghosh in 1945 [16]. In 1950s, Indian

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researchers devised and constructed commercial solar ovens and solar reflectors, but they were not readily accepted due to the lower-cost
alternatives. Also, United Nations Food and Agriculture Association (FAO) investigated water-heating capacities of a parabolic cooker and an
oven type cooker. In 1961, a United Nations Conference on New Sources of Energy including many authorities on solar cooking technology
was held. In 1970s, as a result of the increasing fuel prices due to the oil crisis, an intensive interest on renewable energy technologies was
observed worldwide especially in China and India [17]. In 1973, Barbara Kerr in the USA constructed several types of concentrating and box-
type solar cookers using recycling materials and aluminium foil for homeless and low income neighbourhoods. In 1979, water pasteurization
was performed using box-type solar cookers by Dr. Metcalf and his student Marshall Longvin. In 1980s, especially the Governments of India
and China expanded national promotion of box-type solar cookers [18,19]. Mullick et al. [20] presented a method to analyze the thermal
performance of solar cookers in 1987. In 2000, Funk [21] proposed an international standard for testing solar cookers. It was observed that the
resulting solar cooker power curve is a useful device for evaluating the capacity and heat storage ability of a solar cooker. In recent years,
profound endeavours has been made by researchers to enhance the performance of solar cookers. They started modifying the components used
in the solar cooker and have been carried out umpteen analytical, numerical and experimental studies on green designs of solar cookers.


In 1963, Lof delineated the cooking principles. He explained that maximum energy is required during the sensible heating period & less heat is
required for physical and chemical changes involved in cooking. While, energy required for a specific cooking operation is not always well
defined, it can vary widely with the cooking methods used.

He manifested that during cooking, 20% of heat is spent in bringing food to boiling temperature, 35% of heat is spent in vaporization of water
and 45% of heat is spent in convection losses from cooking vessels. Therefore, the use of insulation on the sides and a lid on the top of the
vessel was suggested by him for reducing the heat losses.

It was referred that once the contents of the cooking vessel have been sensibly heated up to the cooking temperature, the speed of cooking is
independent of heat rate. This means that, the differences in time required to cook equal quantities of food are due to different sensible heating
periods [22].


Solar cookers are classified into two groups: (i) Solar cookers without storage, (ii) Solar cookers with storage & the further classification under
each group are shown in figure 4.2. While, various types of solar cookers are shown in figure 4.1.

(i) Solar cooker without storage

Solar cookers without storage are classified into: (A) Direct and (B) Indirect solar cookers. In direct type solar cookers, solar radiation is used
directly in the cooking process, while in the indirect solar cookers, a heat transfer fluid is used to transfer the heat from the collector to the
cooking vessel.

(A) Direct type solar cookers

The cookers included in this subgroup are mainly: (1) Box type and (2) Concentrating type.

Fig. 4.1: Types of solar cookers: (a) Parabolic dish, (b) Box type solar cooker, (c) Panel type solar cooker (d) An indirect solar
cooker with PCM storage unit.

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© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Fig 4.2: Classification of solar cookers

(1) Box type solar cooker

A box cooker has a transparent glass or plastic top, and it may have additional reflectors to concentrate sunlight into the box. The top can
usually be removed to allow pots containing food to be placed inside. The first box type cooker made by Horace-Benedict de Saussure in 1767,
was an insulated pine-wood box covered with five glass layers. He painted the inner box black in order to absorbed sunlight and by heating tests,
he found that the cooker was able to attained the maximum temperature of 110℃ [23]. But the improvements in its design and evolution of
performance evaluation techniques begin in the 20th century. Where, some authors started evaluating their cooker’s performance by using more
or less climate independent parameters like figure of merits, which was proposed by Mullick in 1987, efficiency which was proposed by Nahar
in 1990, and cooking power, which was proposed by Funk in 2000.

Sr no. Author name Geo. location Brief discussion Findings

Authors who used efficiency as a parameter for evaluation of their cooker’s performance
Tested their improved cooker made from galvanised iron sheet and its
semicylindrical outer shell was properly optimized for cooking the food for
Central arid
a family of five persons. They also provided the rubber gasket at the
K. S. Malhotra et al. zone research
1 boundary of the openable door to prevent the leakage of hot air & conducted 41.2%
[24] (1982) institute,
different cooking trials like boiling, roasting and baking successfully. Their
results indicated that the cooker was useful from 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m.,
even during a winter month.
Evaluated and tested the performance of his improved box type solar cooker
and compared it with a solar oven and a hot box solar cooker. The
Central arid uniqueness of his device was that it had a tilted absorbing surface so that ηimpSBC =
N.M. Nahar [25]
2 zone research more radiation could be obtained during winter. The tilt could be varied 24.6%
institute, with the help of kamani. His results showed that the new solar cooker was
Jodhpur equivalent to the solar oven, while it was superior to the hot box solar
Technical Tested the performance of three Indonesian box type solar cookers: HS
Implementati 7534, HS7033 and HS5521 in their laboratory at Indonesia. They used an
η = varies
on Unit important parameter called ‘FAA’ in designing box-type solar cooker,
Energy which is the ratio of the absorber area to the aperture area. The higher the
3 Suharta et al. [26] 81% at
Technology FAA value, the better the energy-absorption of solar cooker. Their results
(2001) 08:15 am to
Laboratory, indicated that the solar cooker type HS7033 was able to attained the
39% at
Serpong, maximum temperature and had a good storage capability. Therefore could
Indonesia be used for consecutive cooking.

JETIR1903076 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 500
© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Carried out the performance tests & evaluated the thermal efficiency of a
solar box cooker made up of mahogany plank. They designed a trapezoidal
Guinea shaped inner box of dimension 30/30/20 (cm) bounded by an outer box
Bello et al. (2010) Savannah measuring 80/ 60/30 (cm) for this study & the box cooker was covered with ηavg. =
[27] station, two transparent pane glasses & one big mirror to create greenhouse effect 47.56%
Nigeria which was the basis of operation of the solar device. Based on the results of
their work, they recommended that the solar device could be used as a
preheating & alternative to domestic cooking stove.
Constructed and tested the performance of a cheap SBC made of plywood.
The inner part of box were painted black, mirrors serve as reflectors &
inside the box, they had fitted one mechanism, which makes the mirror slant
Covenant at an angle as soon as it was slotted into the groove made for it. When
Uhuegbu et al. Efficiency
5 University radiation from the sun incident on the mirror, it got reflected in the opposite
(2011) [28] = 96%
Ota Nigeria direction in such a way that it got absorbed by the glass on top of the box
which serves as the lid. They found from experimental results that the
highest temperature gotten both on the ground floor & at the top of the roof
was 72℃ both on the days with air temperature of 38℃ & 35℃.
Investigated the performance of two designs i.e. traditionally painted black
Alternate base and painted black with coal of box type solar cookers. They examined
energy their designs under two modes of operations: at fixed position and on
η = 32.3%
Viral K Pandya et labouratory, tracking system. The cooker at a fixed position had recorded thermal
6 Black
al. (2012) [29] L.C. I. T. efficiencies ranged from 25.2 % to a sharp peak of 53.8% at the maximum
Bandu, solar intensity of the day around 12-13 pm. Whereas, cooker with black coal
with coal,
Gujarat painted installed on a sun tracking system gave higher water and pot
η = 43.8%
temperatures, and thermal efficiency ranged from 28% to 62.1%.
Made novel attempt and designed a prototype improved small scale box
type hybrid solar cooker (ISSBH) for small family. They designed the solar
panels for 75 W output, consisting of five solar panels 15 W each was an
S.B. Joshi et al. integral part of SSBH & ISSBH solar cookers. They had utilized the heaters ηISSBH =
7 Gujarat, India
(2015) [30] operated on the output of the solar panel, inside the solar cooker for heating 38%
the food. By using such kind of technology they reduced the cooking time
of the food and found that with the ISSBH, 4-5 meals could be prepared in a
day within the affordable cost.
Authors who used figure of merits as a parameter for evaluation of their cooker’s performance
Presented the design, development and, thermal and cooking performance
studies of a novel box type solar cooker named SFSC. The main features of
F1 =
their cooker were its small size, convenient design, inexpensive lightweight
Mahavar et al. Rajasthan, 0.116℃
8 hybrid insulation & specially designed lightweight polymeric glaze. They
(2012) [31] India m2W, F2 =
found that the fabricated SFSC was able to satisfy BIS & international
standard. While, their value of figure of merits indicated that the cooker
could be used for consecutive cooking during sunny day.
Evaluated the performance of a double-glazed box-type solar oven with
reflector fabricated using locally available materials, compressed sawdust
with binder. It consists of an aluminium absorber plate (1mm) painted matt
F1 = 0.113,
Joshua Folaranmi Minna, black and a double-glazed lid. The bottom and sides were lagged with fibre
9 F2 = 0.31℃
(2013) [32] Nigeria glass wool insulator & the reflector consists of a wooden framed
commercially available specular plane mirror which was sized to form a m2W
cover for the box when not being in use. His results illustrated that the
cooker had a good reliability for cooking food and boiling water.
First and the
Presented an optimally inclined SBC with single booster mirror along with
second figure
design and development of a novel parallelepiped shaped cooking vessel of merits (F1
design for efficient cooking especially in winter conditions. The key feature and F2) for
of their new parallelepiped shaped design was its longer inclined south wall inclined cooker
Sethi et al. (2014) Ludhiana, were 0.16 and
10 (facing the sun) and a trapezoidal cavity on the vessel lid for greater heat 0.54 as
[33] India
transfer to the food material. They found that the time taken to boil the compared to
water τboil and standard cooking power Pn was 37% less and 40% more 0.14 and 0.43
for horizontally
respectively in parallelepiped shaped cooking vessel of inclined cooker as placed cooker.
compared to conventional cylindrical vessel of horizontally placed cooker.
Done an experimental study on two SBC’s equipped with booster mirrors.
Figure of
The only difference in between the two were in their design w.r.t. the same
Ghardaia merits for
area for both. Their first cooker had a horizontal aperture area, while the horizontal and
F Yettou et al. (June Sahara
11 other, had an inclined aperture area. According to the values of some aperture area,
2015) [34] Climate,
essential TPP’s suggested by I.S. & by experimental studies, they concluded F1 = 0.13, 0.15
Algeria m2ºC/W,
that the inclined aperture area improves the thermal performance of SBC F2 = 0.38, 0.47
remarkably, reducing cooking time considerably. m2ºC/W.
Authors who used both efficiency and cooking power as the parameters for evaluation of their cooker’s performance

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Designed and constructed three different solar cookers namely box- type, Efficiency and
panel-type, parabolic solar cooker using locally available materials like cooking power of
wood, cardboard box, metal sheet. Their main objective was to investigate Parabolic =
Elamin O.M. Akoy Zalingei,
12 the thermal performance of the constructed solar cookers for that they 31.53%, 51.9 W
et al. (2015) [35] Sudan Box type = 77.4
adopted standard procedure for testing SC performance. Their results %, 21.13 W
indicated that the PSC able to attained high temperature, while, SBC able to Panel type = 67.4
%, 12.94 W
attained maximum efficiency.
Developed and tested a new hybrid SBC for thermal performance
evaluation. The uniqueness of their device was an integrated trapezoidal ηthermal =
duct & its other integrated elements. For enhancing the heat transfer rate & 45.11%,
reducing the cooking timings by consumption of minimum heat energy, Cooking
Western they placed a 200 W halogen lamp inside the duct to enhance the heat power
Abhishek saxena et Uttar transfer. Besides this, they also used 450 small hollow balls of copper to 60.20W,
al. (2018) [36] Pradesh, improve thermal performance of SBC especially on forced convection overall heat
India mode. Their results showed that the design follows the BIS standards and transfer
could cook almost edibles in poor ambient conditions by consuming only coefficient=
210 W. They manifested that the present solar cooker was found as first 6.01
kind of SBC which can effectively perform on forced convection in any W/m2℃
type of climatic conditions.

(2) Concentrating type solar cooker

The speciality of concentrating type of solar cookers is that it concentrates all the sun rays at one focal point due to this the high temperature
formed at the focal point in a very less time, where the cooking pot is kept [37]. These type of solar cooker drives people’s attention on them
due to their conspicuous performance.

(a) Parabolic dish

The first parabolic solar cooker was developed in the early 1950s by M L Ghai at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Delhi, India [12].
Later, many authors improved its design and evaluated performance by adopting different performance parameters like optical efficiency,
heating tests, cooking power etc. Their work are discussed below in detail:

S/N Author name Geographical location Brief discussion Findings

Authors who used utilisable/overall efficiency as a parameter for evaluating their cooker’s performance
Fabricated and tested a new foldable parabolic square dish cooker
For 1 kg, 4 kg
for water distillation as well as cooking in an isolated area. He
and 10 kg of
suspended the square dish to the frame by four chains & provided
water, ηu =
El Kassaby four hooks, two on each opposite side of the dish, which the chain
1 Karak, Jordan 11.8%,
(1991) [38] was attached to allow for adjusting the dish to any desired
inclination angle so that a focus on the bottom of the pot was
performed. He found his solar cooker suitable for double function
i.e. for water distillation as well as for cooking.

Conducted experimental studies on parabolic dish solar collector

having aperture area of 1.6m2 with focal length of 400mm. Their
main objective was to study the energy collection efficiency of
Overall thermal
solar cooker. Their system consists of a copper tank in which
Pushkaraj D. efficiency of
O.C.E.T., Solapur, heating oil was stored and it transfers the heat to the food. While
2 Karande et al. system =
India they inserted the vessel into the copper tank in such a way that it
(Feb 2017) [39] 1.45%.
remains continuously in contact with heating fluid and the simple
nut and bolt arrangement was used as tracking mechanism. From
the experimentation they found that the time required for cooking
half kg of rice with 1 L water is 3 hrs.
Authors who used both optical/energy efficiency and power output as the parameters for evaluating their cooker’s performance
Described the designed, manufactured and tested a new portable
solar kitchen with a large, parabolic solar reflector. The principle
feature of his solar kitchen was the radial folding of its screen (or
Avg. power
parabolic heat concentrator), while the rest of the components
output = 175
Jose M. Arenas could easily be assembled and disassembled and took up little
3 Madrid, Spain W, Energy
(2007) [40] space. He manifested that his parabolic solar kitchen provided a
Efficiency =
portable, inexpensive, and environmentally friendly food heating
system, which will contribute to improve the quality of life of
needy people in the Third World and reduce consumption of
conventional energy.

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Constructed and evaluated the performance of a solar parabolic

dish collector made from aluminium sheet using the international
standard procedures. He incorporated the use of manual tracking ηₒptical =
J. Aidan (Sep.- mechanism made of iron bars, while, thin linings of aluminium 17.86%.
4 Yola, nigeria
Oct 2014) [41] foil were used as a reflectors on the outer surfaces of the dish. His P = 96.53 W
results indicated that the cooker was suitable to cook food in the
climatic conditions of Yola between 11:00 am and 3:00 pm when
solar radiation were considerably higher.
Design, constructed and evaluated the performance of Parabolic
Dish Solar Collector (PDSC) that can be used in different
applications. They done construction in three stages: the dish was The
fabricated from aluminium sheet and coated with high reflecting performance
material for high efficiency, the receiver used to generate steam efficiency was
Usmanu Danfodiyo
A. D. Adamu et using the heat it absorbed from the dish, and the support which found to be
5 University, Sokoto,
al. (2018) [42] hold both the dish and the receiver. They conducted field work in 32.47% while
three days and the results obtained at an interval of 30minutes the cooking
during the test period, make them revealed that the temperature power was
generated was much higher than the ambient temperature during 63.54W.
most hours of the day-light which could be used for heating or
other different applications.
Authors who used heating tests as a parameter for evaluating their cooker’s performance
Designed constructed & tested a parabolic solar cooker with
automatic two axes tracking system. Their system consisted of
electromechanical system which consisted of two drivers: one Tmax = 90℃
Renewable energy
used the drive motor for the joint rotating around the vertical axes when
laboratory at the
Mohammad et al. to track the solar azimuth angle, while the other one used drive maximum
6 applied science
(2010) [43] motor (M2) for the joint rotating around the horizontal axis to ambient
university in
track the zenith angle (hz) and a PLC which was used to control temperature
the motion of solar cooker. They manifested that the present was 36℃.
cooker would overcome the problem of frequent tracking and
standing in the sun.
Designed and constructed the spherical dish solar cooker with a
two axes tracking system to control the SSC rotation. Their system
Tmax = 93℃
composed of the two motors: one rotates the dish around the
achieved, when
Riyad Abu Applied science horizontal axes (U-D) while the other rotates the dish around the
7 Malouh et al. university, Amman, vertical axes (L-R). The rotation of the two motors were
(2011) [44] Jordan controlled by the two axes sun tracking system with PLC control
designed before. They compared the results of their cooker with
reached 32℃.
the PSC constructed by Mohammad & manifested that their SSC
provided higher power than Mohammad’s PSC.
Designed and fabricated a focusing type PSC having a focal length The maximum
of 43 cm & carried out its performance evaluation with different temperature was
117℃ when mirror
reflectors like Aluminium sheet, aluminium foil & glass. The was used as
unique feature of their cooker was the sun tracking arrangement. reflector and the
Meenakshi reddy
8 Andhra pradesh, India Though it was manually operated but fully controlled within the minimum
et al. (2015) [45]
kitchen only. That means the operator doesn’t need to go in sunny temperature rise
(83℃) was
place to set primary reflector normal to sun rays every time. Their observed when
results indicated that among the three reflectors mirror type aluminium foil used
reflector was more efficient for cooking. as reflector.

(b) Panel type solar cooker

Solar panel cookers are the simplest and most affordable type of solar cooker. They typically generate the lowest temperatures. They use flat or
slightly curved reflective surfaces to concentrate light onto cookware. Performance of panel solar cookers highly dependent on reflected
radiation thus they do not seem effective under cloudy conditions [46]. In this section, the work of some authors are described below in detail,
who constructed and evaluated the performance of their panel solar cookers.

Author Geographical
S/N Brief discussion findings
name location
Tested and evaluated the performance of CooKit reflective-panel solar
Alan Bigelow cooker in accordance to the ASAE S580.1 protocol. It had a Granite
SCI Testing Center, Cooking Power=
1 (July 2017) Ware cooking vessel in a plastic bag greenhouse. His results indicated
New York, USA 27.7 W
[47] that the cooker was able to attain the maximum temperature of 75℃ in
240 minutes of 3.334 litres water.

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Carried out the optical evaluation of their constructed funnelled panel Stagnation
Solar Energy solar cooker having aperture diameter of 90cm and height 112 cm. He temperature of
Ibrahim M.
Department, covered the inner surface of the funnel by an aluminium foil sticker that heating for this
M. Hassan
2 National Research had a reflectivity ranging from 85 to 90%. He manifested that when the system reaches 140
(Oct-Dec. ° C and the heat
Centre, Giza funnelled concentrator operates under the Egyptian climate, the
2017) [48] collection efficiency
(Egypt) maximum concentrator ratio equals 9, the water temperature can reach
over 93 °C in October, Cairo. can reach 64%.

(B) Indirect solar cookers

In the indirect solar cookers, a heat transfer fluid is used to transfer the heat from the collector to the cooking vessel. Solar cooker with flat plate
collector, evacuated tube, Fresnel lens and parabolic trough are commercially available cookers in this category. In this section, the work of
some authors are described below in detail, who developed and evaluated the performance of different kinds of indirect solar cookers.

S/N Author name Geo. location Brief discussion Findings

Author who used fresnel lens for indirect solar cooking
Designed and developed a Fresnel type domestic SPRERI concentrating
cooker having an aperture area of 1.5 m2 and a focal length of 0.75 m. TW = 96℃ at
A.V. Sonune They used Buffed stainless steel sheets having reflectivity of about 78% maximum
1 et al. (2003) Gujarat, India & developed a metallic sphere on which the reflector could be rotated for ambient
[49] easy tracking. They carried out cooking test on different food materials, temperature of
noted the time taken by them to cooked and manifested that their cooker 35℃.
was capable of cooking food for a family of 4 to 5 persons.
Author who used flat plate collector for indirect solar cooking
Designed, constructed & tested a flat plate collector solar cooker. His An average
solar cooker was made of a casing and an absorber (which doubled as a temperature of
O.A. pot). The absorber was a square base pot, blackened with smoke, and it 100℃ was
obtained from the
2 Ogunwole Nigeria was made of stainless steel. While, casing was made of two boxes to collector for an
(2006) [50] minimize heat losses. He manifested that since the temperature of ambient
constructed cooker could exceed 100℃, it could be used for temperature of
pasteurization of water and for other purposes. 34℃.
Authors who used evacuated tube solar collector for indirect solar cooking
Developed a solar pressure cooker based on evacuated tube collector
coupled by a heat exchanger. Their system’s heat transfer mechanism
was like, when the incident solar radiation falls onto the collector tubes,
the fluid inside those tubes vaporized, rises upwards to the heat
R. Kumar et Solar energy centre,
3 exchanger and conveys energy by condensation to the water flowing in Tmax = 120℃
al. (2001) [51] Gualpahari, Delhi
the secondary loop of the heat exchanger. The condensed working fluid
returns back to the collector tubes and the process of heat transfer
repeated. They observed that the heat supplied at higher temperature in
such system than flat plate collector.
Fabricated & analysed the performance of a solar cooking system using
vaccum tube collectors with heat pipes containing a refrigerant Freon 22,
Cooking times
Freon 134a and Freon 407C, as working medium experimentally. His
between 27 &
system consists of three main components mainly collector, heat pipes,
70 min as well
Mehmet Esen oven section. The collector was made of 6 evacuated double wall glass
4 Elazig, Turkey as short heat up
(2004) [52] tubes mounted on parabolic concentrating chrome nickel reflectors. He
times could be
manifested that the cooking time in a solar cooker integrated vaccum tube
obtained by this
collector with heat pipes depends not only on meteorological conditions
but also on the thermo-physical properties of refrigerant used in the heat
Objective was to investigate the overall performance of solar collectors.
Efficiency of
They considered two kinds of collectors and tested them experimentally:
heat pipe
the water-in-glass and heat pipe designs. Their experimental set-up,
Michel Hayek collector is
Eastern coast of involving full scale collectors made of a row of 20 evacuated tubes and
5 et al. (2011) almost 15 to
Mediterranean sea their storage or expansion tanks, and a circulation system with
[53] 20% higher
measurement tools, was constructed and used by them. Their results
than water-in-
indicated that the heat-pipe-based collectors have much better efficiency
glass designs
than the water-in-glass designs.
Presented new type of improved solar cooker based upon the use of a
single vacuum tube. His cooker utilizes a solar collector consisting of For 4.5 kg
National university parallel plane rectangular glass mirror strips mounted inside a wooden water, P= 239
Suhail Zaki
of science and frame and requiring one dimensional solar tracking through a common W & for 3.7 kg
6 Farooqui
technology, driver. It could be either installed over the rooftop of a house or near a vegetable oil, P
(2013) [54]
Islamabad, Pakistan south facing window. Due to larger collector area, his design offers =231 W,
substantially higher cooking power compared to other conventional solar ηoverall= 30%
Author who used parabolic trough collector for indirect solar cooking

JETIR1903076 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 504
© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Constructed parabolic trough cooker (PTC) in a way allowing cooking to

be done indoors, where the cooking sections were placed indoor while the
collector parts were placed outdoor with soya bean oil conveying the
The efficiency
energy from the absorber to the cooking stove. Their objective was to test
of the system
Haftom the performance of a solar cooker based on concentrating collector and
was found to be
7 Asmelash et Ethiopia, Tanzania increase its temperature and performance. Their ray tracing and standard
6% and power
al. (2014) [55] stagnation tests showed that a 30 mm diameter copper pipe was the
found to be
optimum size for the absorber, while, maximum temperatures of 191℃
288.5 W.
and 126℃, under no load conditions, was obtained at the mid absorber
pipe and cooking pot when using a 16 mm diameter copper pipe as an

(ii) Solar cooker with storage

Thermal energy storage is essential whenever there is a mismatch between the supply and consumption of energy [56]. The solar cookers must
contain a system or material which stores thermal energy in order to solve the problem of cooking food in cloudy days or during off-sunshine
hours. It is possible by operating the cooker on auxiliary power or changing the internal energy of the materials as sensible heat, latent heat or
thermochemical or combination of these. In these section, solar cooker using different storage medium are summarised below:

(a) Solar cooker with latent heat storage materials

Latent heat storage makes use of the energy stored when a substance changes from one phase to another. The use of PCMs for storing heat in the
form of latent heat has been recognized as one of the areas to provide a compact and efficient storage system due to their high storage density
and constant operating temperature [56, 57]. In this section, different types of solar cookers integrated with PCM as thermal storage medium
developed by different researchers are studied and given in detail.

Thermo-physical properties of
C/M Author name PCM tested Brief discussion Findings
℃ kJ/kg kJ/kg℃
Designed the natural convection double glazed flat- Maximum
plate collector solar cooker for short-term storage. oil bath
They covered their double-glazed flat-plate collector temperatur
with a selective surface ‘maxorb foil’, which was e= l08℃.,
used as the power source and coconut oil as the heat while the
Haaraksingh transfer fluid in a solar cooker. At the highest part of maximum
F et al. (1996) Coconut oil 32 - 2.2 the thermosyphon loop there was an oil bath in water
[58] which they immersed two cooking pots, to facilitate temperatur
good heat transfer between the working fluid and the e was
cooking pot. They manifested that during partially only=
cloudy and windy conditions with intermittent rain 61°C,
the cooker could only be used as a food warmer at Max. Tstag
late evening. = 150℃
Design, fabricated & evaluated the performance of a
box-type solar cooker having PCM, stearic acid, as a TmaxPCM =
latent heat storage system. Their cooker consists of 122,
an aluminium absorbing tray ‘A’ at the bottom & in Temperatu
D. Buddhi et its centre, a cylindrical container was welded in re obtained
B al. (1997) Stearic acid 55.1 160 1.59 which the cooking pot was kept tightly in it. While, upto
[59] they filled tray ‘B’ with 3.5 kg commercial grade midnight =
stearic acid and the space between A & B were 57.2”C
filled by glasswool. Their experimental results
demonstrated that a PCM, as a LHSM is feasible to
cook food in late evening.
Investigated the thermal performance of a prototype
solar cooker based on an evacuated tube solar
collector with phase change material (PCM) storage
unit. Their design has separate parts for energy
collection and cooking coupled by a PCM storage
S.D. Sharma unit. Solar energy was stored in the PCM storage
118.0 339.8
E et al. (2005) Erythritol n/m unit during sunshine hours and was utilized for Tstag =
℃ kJ/kg
[60] cooking in late evening/night time. Their cooking 138℃.
experiments showed that the PCM storage unit was
able to store an adequate amount of heat for noon
and evening cooking and was also capable to keep
PCM temperatures (near 75℃) until the next

JETIR1903076 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 505
© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Investigated the solar cooking system using PCM-

A-164 as the storage medium. Their system
consisted of a concentrating type solar collector,
PCM based thermal storage unit and the indoor
R.M. cooking unit. The unique characteristic of their TmaxPCM =
Muthusivaga cooking unit was the flat surface hot plate, which 140℃
C PCM-A-164 n/m n/m n/m
mi et al. was similar to the hot plate employed in the electric
(2010) [61] cooking. Their investigation reported the possibility
of designing a modular indoor kitchen for
commercial & residential application which might
give a solution to all prevailing solar cooking
Developed a system where heat was transferred to
cooking material in a solar cooker in non-sunshine TmaxPCM =
hours from acetamide a PCM, which stores energy 84.2℃ &
during sunshine hours. Their solar cooker was made Temperatu
Naveen of 3 hollow coaxial cylindrical vessels having water re upto
F kumar et al. Acetamide 79 263 1.94 as HT fluid in outer vessel, PCM in middle vessel & 63.6℃
(2016) [62] food stuff in inner vessel. PCM was heated by hot could be
water, which was heated in a flat plate collector obtained at
using fifteen annular evacuated glass tubes. They 1800
had investigated that system work successfully in hours.
non-sunshine hours.
Designed, fabricated & tested a solar cooker using a
vaccum tube collector in climatic conditions of
Phitsanulok, Thailand. They constructed their
cooker by locally available materials & used
Wittaya and
vegetable oil to transfer heat and cooked food. They
Prompuge et Vegetable oil minimum
E n/m n/m 2.19 applied their system on the kitchen wall of a
al. (2018) (palm oil) temperatur
building. Their system showed its effectiveness by
[63] e of vessel
cooking two meals per day and the results of their
experiments showed that the solar cooker was usable
95.94℃ &
& there were some factors which could increase its
heat efficiency.

(b) Solar cooker with sensible heat storage materials

In sensible heat storage, thermal energy is stored by raising the temperature of a solid or liquid [64]. In this section, solar cookers integrated with
various sensible heat storage materials developed by different researchers are studied and given in detail below:

Specific Findings
S/ Author Mode of Materia Mass
Brief discussion heat (kJ/kg Tmax η
N name cooking ls used (kg) F1 F2
℃) .(℃) (%)
Investigated and tested with
methodology described in ASAE
international test standard the thermal
performance of box type solar cooker
pebbles 99 0.23 0.27
having stone pebbles as thermal energy
Shrestha et storage. For the comparison, the
1 al. (July B cooker was put to test without stone ― ― 65 ― 0.21 0.23
2007) [65] pebbles, with uncoated stone pebbles
and with black coated stone pebbles. 40 0.19 0.55
The tests results indicated that the
cooking time could be delayed for
about two hour after the noon by using
stone pebbles in a cooker.
Conducted experimental studies to saw
the effect of sand and granular carbon,
used as a heat absorbing material on
the surface of absorber plate in solar
r Media
Saxena et box cooker. After experimental
(mix of 0.87 (S)
2 al. (2012) B studies, they concluded that using the ― 145 ― ― ―
sand & 0.93 (G.C.)
[66] thin layer of these materials on
absorber surface, improved the
performance of the cooker & observed
good for obtaining a quality output in
less time.

JETIR1903076 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 506
© 2019 JETIR March 2019, Volume 6, Issue 3 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Investigated the thermal performance

of two sensible heat storage materials Iron Grits
iron grits and iron balls by two 98.7
(inner) &
experiments (‘iron grits inner, iron Iron balls &
Himanshu balls outer’ & ‘iron balls inner, iron (outer) 106.7
3 Agrawal et P grits outer’) in a solar cooker based on --------- ― ― ― ― ―
al. (Feb parabolic dish type solar collector for Iron balls _
2015) [67] evening cooking. Their results (inner) & 90
Iron Grits
indicated that the combination of iron &
grits inner & iron balls outer were 96
more efficient.
Carried out the thermal analysis of
sensible heat storage units (Sand, Sand 12.78 0.8 94.5 6
Stone pebbles, Iron grits & iron balls)
in a solar cooker based on PSC for late Stone 14.39 0.88 92.7 7
Agrawal et
4 P evening cooking at NIT, Haryana, Pebbles ― ―
al. (April-
India and observed that the iron balls Iron
June 2015)
were able to attained the highest Grits 12.46 0.46 99.1 3.5
temperature and efficiency compared Iron
to other SHSM. Balls 26 0.45 113.6 9

(c) Solar cooker with thermochemical heat storage system

It involves storing heat energy in chemical bonds. A reversible chain reaction which absorbs heat is used to absorb the heat energy that is to be
stored. This reaction then become reversed to release the stored heat [64]. In this section, work of author is described below in detail, who
integrated his solar cooker with a thermochemical heat storage system.

Mode of Author Findings

S/N TCHSS Brief discussion
cooking name ηoverall Tmax
Designed & constructed a simple flat-plate solar cooker
with focusing plane mirrors and energy storage capabilities
using the locally available materials in Tanta University.
Ramadan et They provided a thin layer (1/2 cm thick) of the salt hydrate
1 F al. (1988) Salt hydrate (Ba (OH)2 8H2O) as a jacket around the cooking pot and 120℃
[69] investigated its performance thoroughly. Through
investigation they observed that the jacket of sand (1/2 cm
thick) around the cooking pot has improved the cooker
performance tremendously.

(d) Solar cooker with ancillary mode

Cooker with ancillary mode are not dependent on any climatic conditions for cooking food. In this solar cooker, an external power source is
provided which improves the cooking power of a solar cooker and helps to cook food in a very short time. In this section, work of the authors
are described below in detail, who integrated their solar cookers with ancillary mode.

S/N Author name Geo. location Brief discussion Findings

Made an effort to overcome the problem of solar cooking during
cloudy days. For that, they developed a SBC with an auxiliary Temp. of cooker
source of energy inside it. They had done it with the help of a with and without
built-in heating coil inside the cooker or a retrofit electric bulb in auxiliary electric
M. Hussain et al. power able to
1 Bangladesh a black painted cylinder. They used six heating elements in reached 90℃ &
(1997) [70]
electric irons, which were kept below absorber tray and connected 45℃ respectively
them in series to generate 150 W heat from 220 V AC. Their F1 = 0.16 and F2
results indicated that solar cooking is possible by using a cooker = 0.27
with auxiliary electric power cooking on an overcast day.
Made an attempt to evaluate the performance of a box type solar
cooker using a microcontroller based measurement systems in the
weather conditions of Bindura, Zimbabwe. A microcontroller was
base data acquisition system and was used which had eight single
ηoverall = 15%, P
R. Mukrao et al. Bindura, Zimbabwe ended analog inputs making that possible to simultaneously
2 = 11W, Tw =
(2008) [71] (18ºS, 31ºE) collect data from an array of at most three cookers. They used to
gather all the data with C++ programming using a computer and
concluded that a microcontroller based data acquisition system
were successfully used to collect data for the evaluation of a box
type solar cooker.

JETIR1903076 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) 507
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Presented fabrication and experimental study of a SCEB (Solar

Cooker with Electrical Back-Up). They provided electrical back-
up with four mica sandwich strip heater (each 90 W) which were
in circular disc shape and a thermostat was attached by them at F1 = 0.12 °C
Poonam rajawat et the outer side of the system through which temperature of the m2/W,
3 Rajasthan, india
al. (2014) [72] absorber plate could be controlled in the range 50 °C to 150 °C. F2 = 0.462 ℃
They carried out experimental studies under different conditions m2/W
and demonstrated that the cooker is suitable for cooking two
meals even during the cloudy days with low electricity

(e) Solar cooker with heat pipes

Heat pipe is a two phase transfer device with a very high effective thermal conductivity. It transfers heat from hot to cold reservoir using
capillary forces generated by a wick or a porous material and a working fluid [73]. In this section, work of the authors are described below in
detail, who integrated their solar cookers with ancillary mode.

S/N Author name Geo. location Brief discussion Findings

Designed, constructed and tested two different solar cookers
utilising the heat-pipe principle. In mecca I, they fitted a
parabolic-trough concentrator having an aperture area of 1.0
m2 to the evaporator of an integral copper-methanol heat pipe Mecca-2 cooker
at its focus. While in mecca II, they fitted a flat-plate collector with triple glazing,
A. M. A. Khalifa et of 1.0 m2 collection area to an integral copper-acetone heat ηu = 19%
1 Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
al. (1986) [74] pipe and the insulated cooking chamber. A single heat pipe in Could boil 1 L
each cooker absorbed the energy at the collector, transported water in 27 min
it into the kitchen and delivered it to an insulated oven at the (900 W/m2
condenser end. From heating and boiling tests, they
demonstrated that the heat pipes are feasible in piping solar
energy into the shade of the kitchen.
Tested a fast response type solar cooker which was the
combination of non- tracking compound parabolic reflector,
fast response heat pipes, high-quality and low-cost thermal
Loss factor found to
insulator, low-loss thermal storage battery, glass to metal
be 17.7% for the
seals, vacuum technology and bimetal automatic switches
first trials and
Sligo Regional which was capable to store heat energy to facilitate the
Valizadeh & 21.4% for the
Technical College, cooking during evenings and nights. In their design, the hot
2 Mofatteh (1994) second trials and
Ballinode, mixture was to run down a pipe to a thermosyphonic heat pipe
[75] temperatures of
Republic of Ireland. whose condenser forms the hot plate of the heat pipe & the
350°C routinely
evaporator was at an angle of 30 degree; with the horizontal
stored on the
and is mounted inside a well-lagged container. Their results
confirmed the satisfactory nature of the design & proved once
again that the thermosyphonic heat pipe, at least 1000 times
faster in transfer of heat energy.
Modified a solar cooking system which consists of a vacuum-
tube collector with integrated long heat pipes directly leading
to the oven plate. It was made up of six evacuated double-
wall tubes mounted on a concentrating aluminium reflector &
the selective absorber layer was coated inside the evacuated
zone onto the inner tube wall. The evaporator sections of the Tmax = 252°C after
Balzar et al. (1996)
3 Marburg, Germany heat pipes are thermally coupled to the absorber layers of the 173 min (5 L edible
collector tubes & the condenser sections are connected to the oil)
oven plate by dry coupling. They weren’t observed any
instabilities of the thermal conductance of the heat pipes
under various load conditions & recommended that, the
performance of the system was excellent for both cold- and
hot-start conditions.


From review, it is concluded that the performance of solar cooker varies with the place, as the amount of solar irradiation falling on the earth
surface are not same. Some specific findings are also obtained like late evening cooking is possible in a solar cooker having heat storage
materials, auxiliary heating or heat pipes. While, cookers with auxiliary heating are totally independent of climatic conditions.


I am thankful to Dr. R.E. Thombre and Prof. D. Subroto, for their valuable guidance during my research work.

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Symbols B E F P SC
Full form Box type Evacuated tube collector Flat plate collector Parabolic dish Solar cooker

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