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Level 3as

Unit 02 safety first

Sequence Reading and writing

Advertising is aimed to reach a wide range of people and age levels through various forms and flatforms. Adverts can easily
sway one’s food choices, especially adolescents and young children.
Companies spent a lot of time and money to convince people to buy their products. In 2016; approximately 13.5 billion
dollars were spent in media advertising by 20.300 food, beverage, and restaurant companies.additionally children are estimated to be
seeing approximately 4.000 adverts per year excluding the ones seen in social media, video games and mobile apps.
Among the common ways of advertising that food companies use to promote their products include: health and nutrient
claims, bright and eye-catching colours, and free and exclusive prices.
The need to limit the effectiveness of these adverts and promotions brought promotion to healthy food
into the surface. This can be done through different ways. One example is learning as a whole family; Spending
time together as a whole family through cooking, grocery shopping, taking trips to the farmers market, meal planning, or reading the
Nutrition Facts label are all excellent ways to learn more about food and become educated consumers.

1. Say whether the following sentences are true or false

a. Foods adverts attract a large number of people especially adults false
b. Children are exposed to junk food adverts through video games true
c. Junk food adverts can be stopped though healthy food promotions true
d. Companies spend a reasonable amount of money on their adverts and promotions false
2. Answer the following questions
a. How do food companies promote for their products
They promote for their products by adverts
b. What do companies use to attract customers
They use health and nutrient claims, eye catching colours and free and exclusive prices
c. How do we limit junk food promotion
We limit it through healthy food promotion

3. Order the following ideas according to their appearance in the test:

a. Companies spend too much money on their promotions 2
b. Health food promotions can be made indoors with family 3
c. Children are the main target of food adverts 1
4. Find who or what the underlined words refer to
their= companies this= promotion to healthy food
5. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words:
(regulations – manufacturers - Products - production – advertisers)
Almost every company which manufactures or sells .......1..........uses advertisements. This technique and practice produces
important benefits for the convincing and persuading consumers to buy whatever is being advertised. However in many
countries, a variety of........3......... control the.........4........... in several ways in order to prevent deceptive practice in commerce. Food
and drugs........5......... are the most controlled by legislations

1. Products 2. Advertisers 3. Regulations 4. Manufacturers 5. Production

Topic: Is advertising always harmful? Why or why not?
Writing development
Your Friend has seen an advertisement of a tourism agency called “dream days” they offered a trip to
Tunisia in El hammamet. The offer consists of

*6 nights in Helton Hotel of four stars.

*All rooms have a view of the sea and air-conditioned.
*Polite and friendly reception
*Delicious cuisine
*Swimming pool and a club
However, when he went there he was shocked and confronted a bad situation consequently, he has drafted the
following notes:

-He passed only four days

-Rude and careless reception
-No seaside view and the conditioners were broken.
-The food served was inedible (sugary, salty…)
-Only we went, one time to the swimming pool and the club room was closed.

Task: Use the information below from the offer and what did you find in the trip to complete the letter of
complaint to the tourism agency.


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