School Curriculum: Albero, John Matthew L. III-20 Mind Map in School Curriculum and Instruction

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i t i s a s our c e of c ont ent s

Albero, John Matthew L. r ef er s t o t he s et of and l ear ni ng ex per i enc es

s ubj ec t s or c our s es t hat a s el ec t ed bas ed on s pec i f i ed
III-20 s c hool or gov er ni ng body par amet er s c at er ed f or
assessment of the needs of learners,
made and des i gned t o f os t er l ear ner s t o dev el op and society, as well as the availability of
Mind Map in School Curriculum and Instruction educ at i on and meet t he needs l ear n af t er c ompl et i ng a resources. goals that aim to be achieved at the end of lessons/subjects
of l ear ner s . s ubj ec t / c our s e. or intention of the subject to the learners which are expected
to exhibit as a result of studying the subject.

Di agnosi s of Needs

choosing of the appropriate content that

For mul at i on of helps to achieve the objectives.
Obj ec t i v es
i t enabl es educ at or s t o School Curriculum
k now and meet t he needs of
t he l ear ner s .
Sel ect i on of Cont ent

i t pr ov i des s t r uct ur e and c ont ent

f or t he s ubj ec t s whi c h ens ur es Reasons for Designing Processes in Designing the content is arranged sequentially
t hat t he l ear ner s wi l l at t ai n t he Or gani z at i on of Cont ent according to the learners?level of
neces s ar y k nowl edge, s ki l l s , and School Curriculum School Curriculum
development, maturity, and cognitive.
meet t he l ear ni ng obj ect i v es. School Curriculum and Instruction

t o dev el op and enhanc e

l ear ner s ? 21s t Cent ur y Ski l l s, Sel ect i on of Lear ni ng
at t i t ude, and bel i ef s ys t em. Exper i enc es

Ev al uat i on selection of relevant activities that enable the

learners understand the content effectively.
Or gani z at i on of
Lear ni ng Ex per i ences
guided by national goals and philosophy
which is also influenced by political and Nat i onal Goal s of
Educ at i on identification and arrangement of learners'
cultural considerations.
activities according to their level of complexity.

measurement and interpretation of learners

number of subjects in the national curriculum achievement then compares with the
Res our c e
and that the school cannot include a subject Av ai l abi l i t y Factors in Designing Curriculum Development and learning objectives.
that is not on the national curriculum.
School Curriculum Instructional Development

Cur r i c ul um dev el opment i s t he I ns t r uc t i onal dev el opment i s t he

Number of Subj ec t c r eat i on and s el ec t i on of c r eat i on and s el ec t i on of
Opt i ons Av ai l abl e s ubj ec t s and i t s obj ec t i v es , appr opr i at e pedagogy , t eac hi ng
The Lear ner c ont ent , and l ear ni ng s t r at egy , and educ at i on t r end
ex per i enc es t hat enabl e t he t hat ens ur es ef f ec t i v e t eac hi ng,
l ear ner s t o l ear n. t r ans f er of k nowl edge, and
meet i ng t he l ear ni ng obj ect i v es .

influenced greatly by the mental, physical

and emotional requirements of the learners appropriation to the school?s resources and
which also considers learners?level of availability which the school cannot include
development, maturity, and cognitive. a subject/course/program which they are
lacking the facility, materials, learning
resources, teachers, etc.

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