Hippo Little SF Reading

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HIPPO 2019

7th International English Language Olympiad

Hippo Little
Semi-final Round

Time allowed: 30 minutes

There are 5 tasks.
Answer all the questions.
Use pen.
Remember to transfer your answers onto
the answer sheet.
Choose the correct answer a) or b)
TASK 1 to complete the sentence.

An astronaut is somebody who:

a) flies planes.
b) goes to space in a rocket.

A café is a place where you:

a) have a nice drink and a cake.
b) buy fruit and vegetables.

If something is cheap, it costs:

a) very little.
b) a lot of money.

A coat is something people wear when:

a) it is cold outside.
b) they go to bed.

Morning is when people:

a) get up and have their breakfast.
b) usually finish work.

You usually see grass

a) on the road.
b) in the garden.

A ticket is something you need to:

a) get on a bus or a train.
b) send a holiday postcard.

Choose the correct answer a), b) or c)
TASK 2 to complete the sentence.


It’s cold outside – put on your .....b...... .

a) glasses b) scarf c) shorts

7 You can ....................... computer games for twenty minutes.

a) play b) jump c) read

8 Finish your vegetables ....................... you have a dessert.

a) before b) when c) after

9 Do you want to ....................... a picture for your grandma?

a) write b) draw c) drink


10 Can I please....................... television?

a) meet b) watch c) make

11 I need ....................... with my homework.

a) visit b) problem c) help

12 ....................... Mum, I lost my new pen.

a) Great b) Thank you c) Sorry

Choose the correct answer a), b)
TASK 3 or c) to complete the dialogues.

Ella: Can Ben come to our house tomorrow?

Mum: a) Yes, he is.
b) Yes, he can.
c) Yes, you can.

Ella: What time can he come?

Mum: a) How about 10am?
b) No, he can’t.
c) To our house.

Tom: I’m thirsty – I need a drink.

Sam: a) Me too.
b) Yes it is.
c) I did it.

Tom: Would you like some orange juice?

Sam: a) Yes, I like it.
b) Yes, they are.
c) Yes, please.

15 Mum: I need your help with dinner, Harry.

Harry: a) I’d like some pizza.
b) But I’m playing!
c) In the kitchen.

Mum: Please come to the kitchen now.

16 Harry: a) OK Mum.
b) It will.
c) I don’t know.

Dad: Tim, when is your friend coming?

Tim: a) After lunch.
b) At school.
c) He is.

Dad: Are you going to play in the garden?

18 Tim: a) I don’t like it.
b) I think so.
c) He did it.

Read the story and choose correct
TASK 4 answers a), b) or c) to complete it.

My friend Jenny has a new puppy ….a……. His name is Rex. Rex is all white,

but his ears and tail are brown – he looks really nice. Rex really likes children and

other dogs, but he doesn’t like 19 ……………. .

Rex sleeps on the 20 ………….… in Jenny’s bedroom. When Jenny is doing her

homework, Rex sits next to her 21 ………….. . Jenny likes to throw a

22 ………….…. for Rex in the garden, and sometimes she takes him for a walk

in the 23 ………….… .

I would like to have a dog too, but we live in a block of 24 …….……… and we

don’t have a garden. My dad says that a dogs need a big garden.

a) puppy b) giraffe c) elephant

19 a) cats b) ball c) desks

20 a) curtain b) carpet c) ball

21 a) carpet b) flat c) desk

22 a) jacket b) ball c) desk

23 a) park b) shop c) flat

24 a) home b) shops c) flats

Read the story and choose the
TASK 5 correct answer a), b) or c) to
complete the sentences.

My little brother …b… called James. He is only three years old.

James 25 ………… not go to school yet – he stays 26 ………… home with
my mum. He likes to play with all my toys 27 ………… I’m not at home.

His favourite toy is a small robot. The robot can do simple things, for example
walk 28 ………… say hello.

When I get home from school, I like to spend time with 29 …………brother. If
the weather 30 ………… nice, we go out to the garden and play games.

a) be b) is c) are

25 a) do b) does c) is

26 a) at b) in c) on

27 a) where b) who c) when

28 a) but b) and c) because

29 a) their b) his c) my

30 a) be b) is c) are

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