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Here are some useful words and phrases

– Opening by simple greeting:

Dear contact person /Mr/Mrs/Ms

– Tell them your problem, shortly:

 Customer complaint:  I am writing today to complain of the

poor service/product [name of the product, with serial or
model number, or service performed] I received from your
company on [date].

– Explain further: the length of this part depends on you and your
matter, but it’d better be easy to understand and not too negative

Unfortunately, your service/product has not performed well/I was

billed the wrong amount/ something was misrepresented/etc.

Of course, this made me disappointed. I always valued and trusted

each and every one of your service/product. But not this time.

– Tell them about your desire:

I would like to ask for a full refund of the [price] (state the specific
action you want: refund, repair, exchange, etc).

Enclosed are copies of my records [receipts, guarantees,

warranties, serial numbers and/or anything you have].

– Set your time limit:

I look forward to your immediate reply and a resolution to my

problem. I will wait until [time limit] before seeking help from a
consumer protection agency for investigation. Please contact me at
the above address or by phone at [your phone number] during
business hours.

– Ending your letter by:

“Yours sincerely”, “Sir” or “Madam” (if you know their gender)

Example: Complaining about a bad product

When reading this, try imagining that you have just bought a
terrible pizza from X Pizza.

Dear Mr. X,

I am writing today to complain about the very terrible pizza

(Pepperoni pizza, L size) I bought from your South East brand on
10 July 2018, at around 1 pm.

I have been X Pizza’s loyal fan since 2012. I know exactly how my
pizza should taste and how I should enjoy it. But not this time. I’m
sure that pizza had been cooked wrong. The smell is unacceptable
and it tastes like it is rough. I could not eat a single piece and had
to throw it away.

Enclosed are copies of my bill for that purchase and a picture of

that pizza. I think you would easily recognize how different it is
from X Pizza’s other normal ones.

I look forward to your immediate reply and a resolution to my

problem. I will wait until the end of next week (18 July) before
seeking help from a consumer protection agency for an
investigation. Please contact me at the above address or by phone
at 09xxxxxxxxx during business hours.
Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Your name

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