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Josilyn Price


Reading Response #6

I decided to go with Unending Love, I chose this poem firstly by the name as I think originally that love
can never fade truly or go away once you love someone wholeheartedly. After reading this poem the
main Greek love language I narrowed it down to was Eros as the most obvious and then Agape love. Eros
stood out to me when said,” Today it is heaped at your feet, it has found its end in you the love of all
man’s days both past and forever.” When reading this specific line, I couldn’t help I mean if anyone had
said this now you would truly see it as completely head over heels in more modern meaning, I only see
you and you are basically my end game, no matter the guys or men you had before they are now your
past cause I am your future. I know it sounds silly but truly that’s how I read it. Secondly, I read and got
the feeling of Agape love when talking about,” in life after life, in age after age, forever”. That is some
really powerful meaningful words that really show and tell how unconditionally this writer felt about
whomever he was writing this poem for as he felt they were his forever and he needed to go no further
in finding his soulmate. In poems, I think for the five love languages you can only use words of
affirmation, instead of convincing someone with actions all you have are your words. Even when he
says,” remade the necklace of songs, that you take as a gift”. Songs if not always are words with a
purpose. To use that and turn it into a gift saying in blanket terms, take the truth in my words and always
keep them close knowing they are for you and only you truly know the meaning of the gift.

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