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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #2 Learning Differences

Course Competency: EDU 218 1.2: Create an assignment that teaches tolerance and acceptance.

Essential Development Outcome: Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement

Course: EDU 218

Date of Implementation: March 2022

Title of Artifact: Social Issues Assignment
How did completing this assignment
● help you to grow in your understanding of Learning Differences?
Completing this assignment helped me understand Learning Differences
because it opened my eyes to situations that might make learning more difficult
for some students. Certain social issues, like mental health, can cloud students'
minds and make learning a little harder for them. As a teacher, I could make
sure I am making engaging lessons that have their attention and motivate them
to do work. I can also let them know I am there to help them and support them
through the tough times they may be having.
● help you to learn how to teach tolerance and acceptance?
Completing this assignment helped me understand and teach tolerance and
acceptance in students because it brings to light things we may not see as
teachers. Accepting students for who they are and want to be is a huge part of
being a teacher. Also, accepting them by letting them explore what they want
during inquiry based learning is helpful to them and to you, as you get the
students best work.
● Help you to learn about Humanitarianism and Civic Engagement?
This assignment helped me understand humanitarianism because being a teacher
changes lives. Teachers can only do this by understanding and accepting things the
students do and show interest in, making both the student and teacher a better person.
(Explain what you learned from completing this assignment/artifact about social
I learned many things from this assignment. One of the main things I learned is that all
students express their opinions and beliefs differently and as teachers we need to
respect these ideas as long as they aren’t hurtful to others. I also learned that students
are going through things and they don’t always tell the teachers or their friends. As
teachers, we need to be sensitive to these issues and support the student throughout.

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