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Week 1: Sports Introduction

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

explain the difference of individual, dual and team sports

classify the different sports;
reflect on the value of the different sports and its history; and
apply the nature of the different sports through activity.

Have you ever thought why people do sports? There are many people who do sports for fun and enjoyment. They regularly
do sports because they realize the benefits and importance of sports. Some people want to be fit and attractive, look smart.
But what really the benefits of sports?

How important is physical activity or any sport? How can we still play or give time for sports activities while we have this
pandemic? How can we continue to play without going outside our homes?

These are all the challenges we have right now, and I hope as we have this lesson you can be able to continue to inspire
and motivate each other not to stop loving sports.


Sports is part of human civilization. In the past, people or whole armies would do battle with each other, causing a
hundred of death. Later, it evolved into a fight between and among representatives. People would send the champion or
the strongest one of the armies to represent and compete with the champions of the other groups. Eventually, sports
became a form of entertainment, as well as an avenue to practice and show physical powers and skills.


As a student, how important is physical education in your life?

Are you contented with your physical fitness status?

Sports, by nature, is made up of rules. These rules are put in place for several reasons.

First, rules are put up in sport to secure safety. Skill, strength, speed, power, strength, competitive acumen, and
swiftness of recreation time are characteristics developed as competitors try to best each other given a set of parameters
that will totally eliminate, if not minimize harm to each other and to everyone.
Second, rules are set up for sport or game to be playable. For example, boundary lines are usually put in place to
eliminate players from running away. This might sound too simplistic unless we think of a specific situation. (imagine playing
basketball without an outside line. Once a team scores, the next time they have ball possession, they can just dribble the
ball away and wait it out. In boxing or in martial arts, a player needs to attack given an allowed amount of time. ) Time and
boundary lines are example of rules to make a sport playable.

Third, rules exist so that the sport is marketable. A sport that is not understood by the audience alienates that
audience. If a spectator is watching and known the rules, then the spectator is drawn into the game. The reasons that a
player acts in a certain way may be due to the excitement induced as the game is played, the thrill of winning or the agony
of losing shared by the spectator. When the audience knows the rules, the demonstration of skills, technique prowess,
strength, and all the other traits are a lot more appreciated. The audience will then become a part of a fan base for the sport
who will want to watch more, or who will want to engage in it, and the sport will gain popularity.

Sports is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where individuals or teams compete under a set of rules.
It is classified into individual, dual or team sports. Individual sports are played by one participant on each competing
side, dual sports are played by two competing pairs, while team sports are played with three or more players.

The main and most obvious difference among these three kinds of sports is the communication work. If you play an
Individual sport, you only have yourself to listen to and don't have to cope with other's ideas. Then, if you play with someone
else, it makes it a little more complicated and you have to open to their ideas too, since they're the other half of your team
and have just as much thought as you do. Team sports are hardest of all. You have to have a lot of patience and very open-
minded because everyone might have different ideas. Everyone in a team needs to be considerate and work with each
other. This is where the word "teamwork" would come from. The exact definition of teamwork is: "work done by several
associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole". This can be
viewed as the negative side of teamwork to those who are a little biased. Those are the people who would rather do
Individual sports. Then again, the positive side about dual or teamwork is that there are others to rely on, so when in need,
they can help and "save the ball".


Individual sports foster a higher amount of discipline, self-confidence, focus and passion. The individual player is
solely responsible for winning or losing; succeeding or failing.

In team sports, many variables are considered to determine the success or failure of the team. Although individual
qualities and skills are helpful, performance will not rely on a single talent. A team’s performance or success depends on
the collective effort of all its players.


Individual sports relies on the individual while team sports rely on teammates. In playing any type sports, it is
important to have focus, clear understanding of the game, and the work ethics in mastering the skills.

Some of the important aspects to consider in learning sport are:

History- the inventor of the sport, country of origin, and development of the game.
Court Dimensions/Venue- where the games are played (indoor, outdoor, or both) size, different designs for male or
female, and safety procedures for the players.
Equipment and Gear- proper protective gears, uniforms and outfits which also involve safety of players and the
Technical and Tactical Skills- technical skills are the basics of playing the game (e.g., basketball- dribble, shot and
pass) while tactical skills are the strategies to take advantage during the game.
Rules of the Game- set of rules on how the game is played, violations, penalties, how to score points, how many
players are allowed.
Officiating- officials of the game, their duties and responsibilities of calling for violations, penalties, points and
regulating fair play.

What is the first sport ever played?

Although it is impossible to know for sure, it is usually considered that wrestling and boxing were the first sports every
played. Competitions using the simple mode of human transport, running, would also have been among the first sports

Competitions involving hitting, kicking, throwing a ball like object, as well as sports related to hunting and throwing would
also be expected to have be played in early times.

There are many sports that have developed as competitions from means of early transportation, such as horse riding and
canoeing, and from military activities such as archery.


The documented history of sports goes back at least 3,000 years. In the beginning, sports often involved the
preparation for war or training as a hunter, which explains why so many early games involved the throwing of spears,
stakes, and rocks, and sparring one-on-one with opponents.

They search foods for their survival. They were already playing the different sports but without rules and

One only has to look at the animal world to find evidence that play is an inborn characteristic of virtually all developed
species. It plays an important role in education and development. We see kittens and pups fight mock battles
to develop their strength, speed, endurance and will. By such innocent play, they prepare themselves for survival and fulfill
their desire for challenge and pleasure.

We human beings are not just rational animals. We have an infinite thirst for knowledge, truth and happiness. It is
these spiritual characteristics which distinguish human beings from animals. In the onward advance of human civilization,
sports and games have also played an integral role in this unfolding of human potential. At every stage of the evolutionary
process, sport has played a vital role in helping to develop, define and test newly acquired physical, psychic and social

As we changed from food-gatherers to hunters, sport and play were no longer simply exercises of the "fight or flight"
mechanism. They became the training which would prepare young hunters for the hunt. Youths emulated the elders of the
tribe, to ready themselves for the day when they would have to do the providing. It was probably at this time that the first
team sports evolved, as a result of the collective effort needed in stalking, trapping, killing and transporting.

As the population increased, conflicts arose between tribes over territory,herds,wealth, prestige and due to mutual
fears. As tribes clashed with each other, the sport field became the training ground for battle. Those who succeeded in the
warrior-like play of the sport field were best equipped for survival and victory on the battlefield. Sport kept the skills and
mind of the warriors sharp and ready. As well as a training for survival, it became the way in which a youth made the
transition to adulthood. Young men proved their valor, strength and intelligence and thus their capacity to lead and protect
their people. It was probably at this stage that the first spectator sports originated, as the community gathered round to see
who would be their victors. Once this stage was reached, there is no evidence to show that there was any great
advancement in the concept or purpose of sports for many millennia, save for the occasional introduction of new weapons
and fighting arts.

"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done." -

The Olympic games :

The year 776 B.C. was an important turning point : the first Olympic games were celebrated at Olympia, in Greece,
in honour of Zeus (Greek god of the gods). During the games, warfare was suspended and a period of divine peace was
declared. However, the games contested were still tests of combat arts: wrestling, javelin, discus, archery, shot put,
marathon, boxing etc.

Equestrian and boating sports were also developed in roughly the same period in different parts of the world. The
team, ball and vehicle sports which we are familiar with today are the inventions of recent times. Here we may count
basketball, baseball, football, rugby, cricket, volleyball, tennis, squash, badminton, handball, surfing, hockey, skiing, cycling,
motor cross, auto racing, etc. Polo. lacrosse and bowling are based on ancient regional games, while the basic elements of
athletics have been with us for millennia.

The use of weapons in sporting contests has always fascinated those with a natural inclination for the military arts
and hunting. These include trap and skeet, archery, fencing and target shooting. Nevertheless, beginning with that noble
idea at Olympia 2700 years ago sport has become increasingly divorced from warfare. In an atmosphere of greater
prosperity and peace, the philosophy became "Sports for the sake of sport". From that time to the present, athletes have
applied themselves, body and mind, striving to be the best, to master themselves, break the record, win the medal and wear
the laurels of victory.

The new era of sport

We have seen how Sport has evolved from a simple test of survival skills to training for battle, hunting and adulthood,
then to an event celebrating skills, strength and endurance and finally, in recent decades, to a highly commercialized
institution with questionable social value. Sport has, in the past, occasionally been abused for the satisfaction of the lusts of
the dominant class of society, however it has generally played a constructive role. Athletes, like writers and mystics, offer an
example of the possibilities of what human beings could be physically, mentally and morally. Now sport must be liberated
from the chains of materialism to regain its exalted position in the vanguard of human society. Sport showed us our
potentiality for a perfect physique, acutely tuned mind, and united collective effort.
How is sports now that we have this pandemic?

Sports have traditionally served as a global unifies. Race, religion, politics, socioeconomic status and gender are all
thrown out the window when supporters band together to celebrate (or commiserate) the result of a competition.

As Nelson Mandela once said: “Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the
power to unite people in a way that little else does.”

With the world in the midst of the corona virus pandemic and people feeling more isolated now more than ever with
borders closed and stay-at-home mandates in place, sports—its athletes, personalities, executives, coaches,
leagues, teams and fans—can again prove that the cohesive power of more is greater than any single individual.

“Athletes are role models in society. Kids listen to what athletes say more than they listen to their parents; that’s a
reality,” two-time NBA champion Pau Gasol said. “Let’s utilize that in a time of need like this one in order to send the
right message, in order to do the right thing, in order to unite and bring the best out of people in a time of uncertainty
and adversity. That’s a chance we have right now.

Despite not training, training in a limited setting, or not being on the field playing in front of thousands as they
normally would, athletes are utilizing this enforced break to not only focus on other things including their families,
businesses and investments, furthering their education, and philanthropic efforts, but they are some of the main
drivers behind the support, relief and education efforts around COVID-19.

Cheer up my dear students and athletes, we can do this!



Jean Marie Daniel Cando.(2016) Health Optimizing Physical Education – HOPE 1

Arthur Fernandez Tuprio.(2016) Physical Education ( HOPE 1):Scholaire publishing

Lualhati Fernando- Callo(2016), Physical Education and Health Volume 1, Rex Book store

Cawan, et al.(2016), Physical Education and Health, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

Online Reference:

Robert Wood, "History of Sports." Topend Sports Website, 2009,

MICHALEL LOORE, (2020), The Importance Of Sports Amid The Coronavirus Pandemic Continues To Be Emphasized

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Week 2: Technical and Tactical Skills in Playing Sports

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

classify the different sports;

undertake a program to develop tactical awareness and technical skill;
explain the technical and tactical demands of a sport
apply the nature of the different sports through activity

All sports require some form of technical ability, and in order to use these technical abilities and be able to perform, tactics/strategies are required. The
performer of a sport should be aware of both the technical and tactical requirements. Some skills can be general and can be used across all sports; these include
running, jumping, throwing and catching. Other skills are specific to only a few sports, or even just one sport; these include the volleyball serve, the golf swing and
the sprint start used in athletics.

Tactics are actions and strategies planned to achieve an overall objective – in sport that objective is predominantly to win. Tactics can depend on a number
of factors such as opposition, players available for selection, the importance of the game/match and possibly even weather. Even the greatest players in the world
must have tactical awareness and consider such factors.
As learners develop their sporting capabilities, it is important that they continually assess the ways in which they as individuals and within teams can
improve. Elite sports performers work constantly to stay on top of their game and this is often done with the help of coaches and technological aids.
In this unit, learners will look at the technical skills and tactics required in selected sports. This will lead to looking at individual performers and their abilities
in the areas that their sports demand. Learners will then consider their own abilities in competitive situations and over a period of time.
Finally, learners will consider their development, technically and tactically, producing a plan to help them optimize their own sports performance in a
selected sport.
How to Do a Push-Up
Build the muscles in your shoulders and chest with this foundational exercise.
Reminders: do this with your proper physical fitness attire and check your surroundings. Be safe and be physically fit.
Get down on all fours, placing your hands slightly wider than your shoulders.
Straighten your arms and legs.

3. Lower your body until your chest nearly touches the floor.
4. Pause, then push yourself back up.
5. Repeat.


How can we work our plan?

What techniques must we have to win?

In playing any sport, learning and developing skills help athletes improve in the game. These skills involve physical training and game strategies.

These are basic or fundamental skills needed to play the game. These are required in all sports. It advances in degrees or levels as a player practice or
gets used to doing the skill. Examples of these are dribbling, passing and shooting in basketball, and ball reception, attacking/spiking, setting in volleyball.

These are the decision-making skills or strategies used in different situations during the game. These may vary depending on the trainer or coach, skill level
of an athlete, or the strength and weakness of the opposing team. A basic example is the use of quick pass and movement against a taller but slower opponent in
basketball. The use of tactical decision during a game is called game sense.
1. Distinguishing the important decisions
2. Establishing essential knowledge for athletes
3. Recognizing the signals in situation
4. Giving appropriate tactical options
5. Planning a practice game

In planning a training/practice, an individual must consider the following:

1. Preparation/planning

- date, time and duration of training/practice

- objectives/goals
-equipment needed during training/practice

2. Training proper

- warm up and stretching

- teaching new skills/practice of previously taught skills
- scrimmage/ practice game
-cool down and assessment

For some people, choosing which sports to pursue throughout high school is hard because they have never really played an organized sport before and
aren't sure what they'll most enjoy. For others, it's a tough decision because their friends don't like to play the same sports.

No matter what your sports dilemma is, you have to make the decision that is best for you. If you're great at soccer but would rather play football because
you think it's more fun, then give the pigskin a go.

Sports are meant to be fun. If there is a sport you really enjoy but you aren't sure if you can make the team, try out anyway. What's the worst that can
happen? If you get cut you can always try another sport. And sports like cross-country and track don't typically cut participants from the team. You can still
participate even if you're not on the meet squad.

Sometimes, There Is an "I" in Team

Some sports, like lacrosse or field hockey, require every person on the field to be on the same page. Sure, certain people stand out more than others but
superstars don't necessarily make a good team!

Sports like tennis, track and field, cross-country, swimming, gymnastics, and wrestling are all sports where individual performances are tallied into team
scores. Of course, there are exceptions, like relays in track and swimming, but for the most part it's possible to win a solo event in these sports and still have your
team lose or vice-versa.
No one knows you better than you do. Maybe you enjoy the spotlight. Maybe you get annoyed by the way teammates act when they are over -competitive.
Or maybe you just don't like competing with friends for a spot in the starting lineup. For whatever reason, team sports might not be your thing — and that’s fine.
Luckily, there are many individualized sports to choose from.
An activity/sport should be chosen based an individual’s preference and lifestyle. Some of consideration that will guide an individual in their choice of sports

1. Weather extremities (hot or cold) for an outdoor sports activity.

2. Enjoyment derived from the activity.
3. Previous activities tried and enjoyed.
4. Financial capacity or budget. Activities like ice skating, golf, and scuba diving require a financial investment on equipment and actual activity.
5. State of health and level of fitness. Demands of physical activity may be excessive for the body, having a conditioning is recommended. 6.
Other alternative activities that will give motivation.

What are the Health- Related and Skills- Related Fitness in sports/physical activity?
One of the factors that influence skills- related performance is heredity; however, most fitness skills can be developed and improved. Different skills can be
used in setting your FITT goals to achieve your health-related fitness. The FITT principle can be used as a starting point for one’s sports activities to ensure fitness
The table below presents examples of sports and movements in each component of skills- related fitness.

AGILITY Basketball Changing directions to escape a defender.

Tennis Changing directions to hit the ball

BALANCE Cycling Riding a bicycle

Gymnastics Performing on the balance beam

COORDINATION Table tennis Hitting the ball

Baseball Catching a ball

Soccer Kicking a soccer ball

Reaction Time Swimming Start to jump/dive on the pool when the signal start

basketball Getting the rebound

Speed Athletics Running the 100m event

Badminton Receiving a drop shot

Power Basketball Throwing a fast ball

Power lifting Lifting weights

What are the safety measures to avoid unnecessary injuries in playing a game or sports?

In taking part in any activity, it Is essential to first observe safety measures to avoid unnecessary injuries. Although certain injuries may not be avoided. Most
injuries can be prevented by observing good judgment. The following are safety measures to avoid injuries:

1. Safety equipment. Have the appropriate gears for the type of activity such as clothing, shoes, and protective gears that would prevent uneasiness and harm.
Also take into consideration the activity area.
2. Keep your body hydrated with enough water or fluids during exercise or activity especially during hot weather, drink a cup of water minutes before exercise
and every 15 minutes during your exercise to help your body replenish lost fluids.
3. Perform moderate-intensity physical activity. It is better to perform physical activities with moderate intensity on a regular basis rather than occasional
strenuous activities.
4. Weather condition. Wear appropriate clothes for the weather. The clothing you wear have make you feel a little cool at the start of exercise. Wear light
colored clothes during sunny days, as not to absorb too much heat and avoid overheating, and put on sun protection. During cold weather, a thermal suit will
help you keep warm. Avoid using thick clothes for it constrains perspiration and can cause your body temperature to go up.

Sports is an activity that requires physical action and skills where individuals or teams compete with rules and regulations. Sports can be played individually, in pairs or
in teams composed of three or
and dual sports foster greater discipline, self- confidence, focus and passion.
Team sports prom besides individual skills and talents. However, in any sports, focus and being goal- oriented is played when the player is familiar of its history,
court/venue, gears/equipment, technical/tactical, skill

Jean Marie Daniel Cando.(2016) Health Optimizing Physical Education – HOPE 1
Arthur Fernandez Tuprio.(2016) Physical Education ( HOPE 1):Scholaire publishing
Lualhati Fernando- Callo(2016), Physical Education and Health Volume 1, Rex Book store
Cawan, et al.(2016), Physical Education and Health, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

Online Reference:
PitonE,Melanie, MD, (2021) Teens Health, Choosing the Right Sport for You



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Sport Intramurals: Bye

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

recognize the nature of a sports intramural program, its objectives and other components;
identify the different aspects of a sports intramural program; and
plot and identify where to place byes.
Why is it important that we must be organized in everything that we do? Why we need to plan
something for our goal or our daily accomplishments?
There is no success in every competition without planning on how to do it. Without a governing body
that will rule and enforce a law while playing then it will be a useless tournament or just a basic game.
So, sports tournament or what we call intramural is made for this. This is to set the different standards
on the competitions. We plan how many games, and we choose the best tournament depending on
how many teams and days we have for the competition.

Hand Warm Up Exercises

Briefly rub hands, palms together, then the back of each hand. If tolerated, hand cream can be
Press hands and fingers together with palms flat, squeeze then stretch fingers out wide.
Repeat 5 times.
Hook fingers of both hands together and pull in opposite directions.
With palms together and fingers straight, press fingers together firmly. Hold for 10-20 seconds,
and then shake out the hands to relax fingers.
Place palms together, fingers straight, separate palms slightly, keeping fingertips touching.
Rotate thumbs around each other, away from the body then towards body. Ten times each
With hands separated, preferred hand first, ask the child to touch their thumb with each
fingertip in turn, beginning with the index finger and back again. When mastered
separately, carry out with both hands at the same time.
Put your hands on the table (palms down). Now copy your partner who is pretending to play the
piano, by lifting one finger at a time from the table.


Why is it important to be organized in everything that we

The word “Intramural” is a combination of two Latin words “intra” and “murus”. Intra
meaning is “ ” and meaning is “ ”. Intramural activities should
within Murus wall
form the basis of all programs and competitions. All students should be provided opportunities to
compete regardless of their skills. Intramurals received the major attention as part of physical education
program of school. The intramurals program may also be viewed from a different angle. Intramurals
should be under the direction of the physical education department of a school; and participation of the
student may be taken as taking part in general activities such as music, debate, dance, public speaking,
and dramatics.

Much of what constitutes an “intramural” program depends upon the imagination and creativity of
the leadership within individual school programs. Other than being limited to participants from a specific
school, there are three things that distinguish an intramural program:

Intramural activities are intended to be voluntary in nature, i.e., the student has a choice of
Every student is given an equal opportunity to participate regardless of physical ability.
Students have the opportunity to be involved in the planning, organization and administration of
programs. Such involvement is always under supervision and guidance of the intramural director
and must be age-appropriate. However, even at the elementary level, students can participate in
program development and operation.

What are the objectives and goals of an Intramural Program?

Provide an opportunity to participate in sport and recreational activities without regard for
high performance skill or ability.
Provide activities in a safe and professionally supervised environment.
Nurture a healthy spirit of competition, sportsmanship and teamwork.
Develop a sense of community within the school.
Enhance social interaction.
Expose students to leisure activities that will contribute to an active lifestyle and enhance
physical fitness.
Provide an opportunity to practice and internalize the skills, attitudes, and knowledge
acquired in the physical education class.

The program of activities should be broad-based, provide for variety, and include sports tournaments,
clubs, self-directed activities, special events, etc.

Guidelines for selection should include:

Program should be an outgrowth of instruction in physical education.

Programming for males, females, and co-recreation.
Programming that meets the needs of all skill levels and physical abilities, including the
Modification of activities so that they are appropriate to the age, physical development and
skill levels of individual participants. (In some cases, height and weight may be of more
importance than grade level in determining groupings for team and individual competition.
Leagues may need to be established based upon low, moderate, and high skill levels.)
Specific rules and regulation should be established that ensure equal opportunity, fair play,
and safe participation.

Critical to any sports activity program are adequate facilities and equipment to support the program.
However, lack of sophisticated gymnasium facilities and large budgets for equipment should not deter
provision of programs. Programs may be modified and adapted to meet the budget and space available.

The basic guidelines include:

Facilities should be adequate to meet the needs, interests, safety and number of students
Equipment and supplies for the intramural program should be budgeted apart from the
physical education instructional budget. While some equipment may be shared, each
program’s needs should be considered.
Equipment must be modified when required by age, size and/or physical ability of the
Appropriate maintenance should be provided for facilities and equipment so that they meet
basic standards for cleanliness and safety.
When new facilities are to be built, or new equipment purchased, all physical
education/intramural staff should be consulted to ensure that needs are met. Students should
also be given an opportunity for input.

Health and Safety of Participants:

An intramural sports program seeks to enhance the health of its participants; therefore, the following
guidelines are critical to the success of the program:

All activities should be structured to ensure that safety requirements are met including
consideration of each student’s readiness for the activity based upon age, skill, and physical
All participants should have medical clearance to participate.
Clothing should be appropriate to the activity.
Locker rooms should be supervised to ensure safety.
All activities should be supervised to ensure safety and orderly progression of each event.
Recognize that because of the nature of physical activity, injuries will occur. Parents must be
given the opportunity for informed consent. Immediate first aid must be available from trained
providers any time the program is in progress. Attention must be given to communication with
emergency services in the event of a serious injury. All students and staff should know the
emergency procedures to be followed.
The emphasis of an intramural program should be on participation and fun.
Winning and losing are part of the process but should not be a primary focus. If awards are to be given,
they should be for recognition of achievement and not excessive in nature. If possible, some recognition
should be available for participation regardless of win/loss records. All students should be made to feel
that they are a winner by virtue of their participation and not because of the relative points scored.

What is a Tournament?

is a series of games or matches that are used to decide the winner of a competition. In
sports, a tournament is often used at the conclusion of the season to crown the league’s champion.
Tournaments are usually conducted over a short period of time. The tournament format indicates the
match ups and the criteria for advancement and elimination.

There are various types of tournaments. Some of the important tournaments are listed below:

Single Elimination
Double elimination
Round robin

What is a BYE?

A BYE are teams that has 1 advantage because they are the waiting team. A bye entitles a team to
advance to the next round without playing any game. They are able to play during the second round
after the game of the normal teams.


B= P^2 - N


P^2 – The least or equal power of 2 greater than N


Note: P^2 is a fixed value – you choose from 2, 4, 8, 16, 32…

P^2 = (2x2=4




N – Number of Entries (or team/s)

How to get a bye? How to place a bye?

In getting a bye, you just need to apply In placing a bye, we need first to divide the
the formula and solve for it. teams from upper bracket to lower brackets. If
it is odd, automatic that the higher number is
place at the upper bracket while the lower
number at the lower bracket.

Then we identify who will be the waiting team.

Those who don’t have a match in the round
one will be the bye.


B= P^2 -N - the division for 3 teams is 2 upper and 1

P^2 = 4 *it is 4 because this the least lower Upper bracket (2 teams)
number higher than 3
N= 3 * because we have 3 competing teams

Substitute to the formula. ------------ BROKEN LINES are made to

identify upper and lower brackets
Bye= P^2- N
Lower bracket (1 team)
Bye= 4-3
Bye= 1
*as you will observe TEAM A and TEAM B
will be the game 1 so TEAM C will be the

team, therefore he is the BYE.


B= P^2-N - the division for 4 teams is 2 upper and 2

P^2= 4 *it is 4 because its equal to the power lower Upper bracket
of 2
N= 4 * because we have 4 competing
teams Substitute to the formula.
------------ BROKEN LINES are made to
Bye= P^2- N identify upper and lower brackets

Bye= 4-4 Lower bracket (2 teams)

Bye= 0 TEAM C


*as you will observe TEAM A and TEAM B will

be the game 1 and TEAM C and TEAM D will
be the game 2 so there is no BYE.


- the division for 5 teams is 3 upper and 2 lower

Upper bracket (3 teams)




5 TEAMS ------------ BROKEN LINES are made to identify

upper and lower brackets
B= P^2 -N
Lower bracket (2 team)
P^2= 8 *it is 8 because this the least number
higher than 5 TEAM D ( BYE 2)

N= 5 * because we have 5 competing teams TEAM E (BYE 3)

Substitute to the formula. *as you will observe in the upper bracket, there are
3 teams, so we just follow the format for 3 teams
Bye= P^2- N
TEAM A and TEAM B will be the game 1 so TEAM
Bye= 8-5 C will be the waiting team, therefore he is the BYE
from the upper bracket while at the lower bracket
Bye= 3
TEAM D and TEAM E they
can match already but we still need 2 BYE
therefore we will still place them as BYE2 and

B= P^2 -N - the division for 6 teams is 3 upper and 3

Given: lower Upper bracket (3 teams)

P^2= 8 *it is 8 because this the least TEAM A

number higher than 5
N= 6 * because we have 5 competing
teams Substitute to the formula.
------------ BROKEN LINES are made to
Bye= P^2- N identify upper and lower brackets

Bye= 8-6 Lower bracket (3 team)

Bye= 2 TEAM D



*as you will observe in the upper bracket and

lower bracket they have both 3 teams, so we
just follow the format for 3 teams TEAM A
TEAM B will be the game 1 so TEAM C will be
the waiting team, therefore he is the BYE from
the upper bracket while at the lower bracket
TEAM D and TEAM E will be the game 2 so
TEAM F will be the waiting team, therefore he
is the BYE from the lower bracket.


- the division for 7 teams is 4 upper and 3 lower

Upper bracket (4 teams)

B= P^2-N
P^2= 8 *it is 8 because this the least number N= 7 * because we have 7 competing teams
higher than 7
Substitute to the formula.
Bye= P^2- N TEAM F

Bye= 8-7 TEAM G ( BYE 1)

Bye= 1 *as you will observe in the upper bracket there are 4
------------ BROKEN LINES are made to identify teams so we just follow the format for 4 teams which
upper and lower brackets is no bye while at the lower bracket we have 3
teams. So, we follow the format for 3 teams in which
Lower bracket (3 team)
we have 1 bye.


B= P^2-N - the division for 8 teams is 4 upper and 8

Given: lower Upper bracket (4 teams)

P^2= 8 *it is 8 because its equal to the power TEAM A

of 2
N= 8 * because we have 8 competing
teams Substitute to the formula.
Bye= P^2- N
------------ BROKEN LINES are made to
Bye= 8-8 identify upper and lower brackets

Bye= 0 no bye Lower bracket (4 team)





*as you will observe in the upper bracket

and lower bracket they have both 4 teams
so we just follow the format for 4 teams
which is no bye.


B= P^2-N TEAM E (BYE 3)

Given: ------------ BROKEN LINES are made to identify

upper and lower brackets
P^2= 16 *it is 16 because this the least number
higher than 9 Lower bracket (4 team)

N= 9 * because we have 9 competing teams TEAM F (BYE 4)

Substitute to the formula. TEAM G (BYE 5)
Bye= P^2- N TEAM H (BYE 6)
Bye= 16-9 TEAM I (BYE 7)
Bye= 7 *as you will observe in the upper bracket ,there are
- the division for 9 teams is 5 upper and 4 lower 5 teams so we just follow the format for 5 teams in
Upper bracket (5 teams) which we place 3 byes there. And for the lower
bracket we have 4 teams. Usually, we don’t place
TEAM A any byes for 4 teams but for 9 competing teams we
need 7 byes that’s why we should place them as all
bye for the lower bracket to complete the 7 byes.

In placing a bye, we need to plan it first before we make a schedule because if you put your bye
at any place then you can have a wrong scheduling for the games. Also, to make it fair to all the
competing teams. At most they do pulling to identify who will place to the upper bracket and
lower bracket.

In getting the bye, you need to get the power of 2 of the total teams who is competing then you
just choose for the given power of 2. we have 2, 4, 8, 16, 32… then we just less them to the total
teams that we have.


Jean Marie Daniel Cando.(2016) Health Optimizing Physical Education – HOPE 1 Arthur
Fernandez Tuprio.(2016) Physical Education ( HOPE 1):Scholaire publishing Lualhati
Fernando- Callo(2016), Physical Education and Health Volume 1, Rex Book store Cawan,
et al.(2016), Physical Education and Health, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

Online Reference:
How do bye work on a tournament. Prints you Bracket. Com

Vishvas, a textbook for Physical Education 1, Tournament- Knock-out, League or round robin and

Previous Continue



Week 4: Single Elimination

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

explain how to solve for the games of single-elimination;

classify the placement of bye; and
plot the schedule of a game.

After learning how to get and place a bye it’s now time to learn the different tournaments. Specifically, the single elimination. Always remember that in
any tournament, we use the same formula for the bye.


Instructions: Perform these moves in sequence, without rest, using the specific reps. Try to memorize the routine so you don’t have to think. Just do it!
Add in your favorite music to keep the pace on point!
SET UP: High-Medium Level, Squat stand attached
Begin Straddling Glide Board:

Squat & reach 4x 1. Squat, knee up & twist side 2 side 4x

Waist twists 2. Lateral reaches 4x
Jumps 8x 3. (any kind you want) Reverse crunch 8x
Roll up & flip into a plank… 4. (quickly) Plank hold
Incline Push-up, mountain climber 5. Up-dog/ down dog

Why is it important that we must be organized in everything that we do?
1. Single Elimination

A type of elimination determines the winner by eliminating the loser in every match until there is one team left.
The easiest and fastest way to declare a winner.
Disadvantage: A good team may itself get eliminated by chance and has no more chance to show its real worth.
This type of elimination is best used when:
The number of entries is large.
The time is short.
The number of playing venues is limited.

How to compute the Number of Games using the Formula in the Single Elimination type of tournament?

Where: G – Number of Games

N – Number of Entries (or team/s)

how to get the number of How to plot and schedule a single elimination?
games in single st
elimination? we compute 1 for the games and bye then we plot the teams and then we schedule them to play.

We used the formula and

solved it to get the games
that we needed.


GAMES= N-1 - the division for 3 teams is 2 upper and 1 lower
G= 3-1
G=2 Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
Bye=- N Game 2- Winner 1 and TEAM C(BYE1)
Bye= 4-3 The winner for game 2 will be declared as the champion.
Bye= 1


GAMES= N-1 - the division for 4 teams is 2 upper and 2 lower
G= 4-1
G=3 Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
Bye=- N Game 2- TEAM C and TEAM D
Bye= 4-4 Game 3- Winner 1 and Winner 2
Bye= 0 The winner for game 3 will be declared as the champion.


GAMES= N-1 - the division for 5 teams is 3 upper and 2 lower
G= 5-1
G=4 Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
Bye=- N Game 2- Bye 2 and Bye 3
Bye= 8-5 Game 3- Winner 1 and Bye 1
Bye= 3 Game 4- Winner 3 and Winner 2
The winner for game 4 will be declared as the champion.
GAMES= N-1 - the division for 6 teams is 3 upper and 3 lower
G= 6-1
G=5 Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
Bye=- N Game 2- TEAM C and TEAM D
Bye= 8-6 Game 3- Winner 1 and Bye 1
Bye= 2 Game 4- Winner 2 and Bye 2
Game 5- Winner 3 and Winner 4
The winner for game 5 will be declared as the champion.

- the division for 7 teams is 4 upper and 3 lower
GAMES= N-1 G= 7-1 Game 2- TEAM E and TEAM F

G=6 Game 3- TEAM C and TEAM D

Bye=- N Game 4- Winner 2 and Bye 1

Bye= 8-7 Game 5- Winner 1 and Winner 3

Bye= 1 Game 6- Winner 5 and Winner 4

Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
The winner for game 6 will be declared as the champion.


GAMES= N-1 - the division for 8 teams is 4 upper and 8 lower
G= 8-1
G=7 Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
Bye=- N Game 2- TEAM E and TEAM F
Bye= 8-8 Game 3- TEAM C and TEAM D
Bye= 0 no bye Game 3- TEAM G and TEAM H
Game 5- Winner 1 and Winner 3
Game 6- Winner 2 and Winner 4
Game 7- Winner 5 and Winner 6
The winner for game 7 will be declared as the champion.


GAMES= N-1 - the division for 9 teams is 5 upper and 4 lower
G= 9-1
G=8 Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
Bye=- N Game 2- Bye 4 and Bye 5
Bye= 16-9 Game 3- Bye 2 and Bye 3
Bye= 7 Game 4- Bye 6 and Bye 7
Game 5- Winner 1 and Bye 1
Game 6- Winner 2 and Winner 4
Game 7- Winner 5 and Winner 3
Game 8- Winner 7 and Winner 6
The winner for game 8 will be declared as champion.
Sijo, Crisa Mae. (2021, March 6) Double Elimination Type of Tournament. Youtube

In plotting the single-elimination, make sure to alternate the games from upper bracket to alternately for them to also have a rest in between their games. Also, if you
have another option alright as long as we come up with an equal total of games and winners.

Jean Marie Daniel Cando.(2016) Health Optimizing Physical Education – HOPE 1
Arthur Fernandez Tuprio.(2016) Physical Education ( HOPE 1):Scholaire publishing
Lualhati Fernando- Callo(2016), Physical Education and Health Volume 1, Rex Book store
Cawan, et al.(2016), Physical Education and Health, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

Online Reference:
Sijo, Crisa Mae. (2021, March 6) Single Elimination Type of Tournament. Youtube

Single elimination tournament brackets. Prints your Bracket. Com



Previous Continue



Week 5: Double Elimination

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

identify the placement of the bye;

reflect the importance of solving for the games of double elimination; and
plot the schedule of a game

After learning how to get and place a bye and single elimination it’s now time to learn another type of tournament. . Specifically double elimination.
Always remember that in any tournament, we use the same formula for the bye.

Practice plotting single elimination 15 teams and 16 teams before proceeding to double elimination.

Note: if you cannot plot this one, go back and read the first week 4 module. because double elimination is more challenging than single elimination. Thank you!

How to set our goals?


This type of tournament elimination requires the team to have two defeats before being eliminated. The losers in all rounds continue to play a
loser’s tournament. Losers in the championship bracket drop down and play the winners in the loser’s bracket.
This type allows every team to play two games regardless of whether that player plays in the winners’ bracket or in the loser’s
bracket. Advantages:
A player or team must be beaten twice to be eliminated.
It selects the more adequate winner.
It maintains player motivation right up until the end.
It takes longer to run the game.
It emphasizes elimination.

How to compute the Number of Games using the Formula in the Double Elimination type of tournament?
FORMULA: G= 2(N-1)

Where: G – Number of Games

N – Number of Entries (or team/s)


how to get the number of games in double elimination? How to plot and schedule a double elimination?
We used the formula and solved it to get the games that we need. st
we compute 1 for the games and bye, we plot the teams and then
we schedule them to play.


G= 2(N-1) - the division for 3 teams is 2 upper and 1 lower

G= 2(3-1)
G=2(2) Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B

G=4 Game 2- winner 1 and bye 1

Bye=P^- N Game 3- loser 1 and loser 2

Bye= 4-3 Game 4- winner 2 and winner 3

Bye= 1 NOTE: if W3 wins Game 4, there will be a rematch because W2 is

twice to beat.

G= 2(N-1) - the division for 4 teams is 2 upper and 2 lower

G= 2(4-1)
G= 2(3) Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
G=6 Game 2- TEAM C and TEAM D
Bye=P^- N Game 3- loser 1 and loser 2
Bye= 4-4 Game 4- winner 1 and winner 2
Bye= 0 Game 5- winner 3 and loser 4
Game 6- winner 4 and winner 5
NOTE: if W5 wins Game 6, there will be a rematch because W4 is
twice to beat.


G= 2(N-1) - the division for 5 teams is 3 upper and 2 lower

G=2(5-1) Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B

G= 2(4) Game 2- Bye 2 and Bye 3

G=8 Game 3- loser 1 and loser 2

Bye=P^- N Game 4- Winner 1 and bye 1

Bye= 8-5 Game 5- winner 3 and winner 4

Bye= 3 Game 6- winner 4 and winner 2

Game 7- winner 5 and loser 6
Game 8- winner 6 and winner 7
NOTE: if W7 wins Game 8, there will be a rematch because W6 is
twice to beat.

- the division for 6 teams is 3 upper and 3 lower

6 TEAMS G= 2(N-1) G= 2(6-1) G=2(5) Game 5- loser 1 and loser 2

G=10 Game 6- loser 3 and loser 4

Bye=P^- N Bye= 8-6 Bye= 2 Game 7- winner 3 and winner 4

Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B Game 8- winner 5 and winner 6

Game 2- TEAM C and TEAM D Game 9- winner 8 and loser 7

Game 3- Winner 1 and Bye 1 Game 10- winner 7 and winner 9

Game 4- Winner 2 and Bye 2 NOTE: if W9 wins Game 10, there will be a rematch because W8 is twice to beat.

G= 2(N-1) - the division for 7 teams is 4 upper and 3 lower

G= 2(7-1)
G=2(6) Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B

G=12 Game 2- TEAM E and TEAM F

Bye=P^- N Game 3- TEAM C and TEAM D

Bye= 8-7 Game 4- Winner 2 and Bye 1

Bye= 1 Game 5- loser 1 and loser 2

Game 6- loser 3 and loser 4
Game7- Winner 1 and Winner 3
Game8- Winner5 and Winner6
Game 9- winner 8 and looser 7
Game 10- winner 7 and winner 4
Game 11- winner 9 and loser 10
Game 12- winner 10 and winner 11
NOTE: if W11 wins Game 12, there will be a rematch because W10 is
twice to beat.

- the division for 8 teams is 4 upper and 8 lower

Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B

Game 2- TEAM E and TEAM F

8 TEAMS Bye= 8-8

G= 2(N-1) Bye= 0 no bye

Game 3- TEAM C and TEAM D Game 3- TEAM G and TEAM H Game 5- loser 1
G= 2(8-1)
and loser 2 Game 6- loser 3 and loser 4 Game7- Winner 1 and Winner 3 Game8-
Winner 2 and Winner 4 Game9- loser 8 and winner 5 Game 10- winner 6 and loser
7 Game 11- winner 9 and winner 10 Game 12- winner 7 and winner 8
Bye=P^- N
Game 13- winner 11 and loser 12
Game 14- winner 12 and winner 13
NOTE: if W13 wins Game 14, there will be a rematch because W12 is twice to

G= 2(N-1) - the division for 9 teams is 5 upper and 4 lower

G= 2(9-1)
G= 2(8) Game 1- TEAM A and TEAM B
G=16 Game 2- Bye 4 and Bye 5
Bye=P^- N Game 3- Bye 2 and Bye 3
Bye= 16-9 Game 4- Bye 6 and Bye 7
Bye= 7 Game 5- loser 1 and loser 2
Game 6- loser 3 and loser 4
Game 7- Winner 1 and Bye 1
Game 8- Winner 2 and Winner 4
Game 9- Winner 5 and looser 8
Game 10- loser 7 and Winner 6
Game 11- winner 7 and winner 3
Game 12- winner 9 and winner 10
Game 13- winner 12 and loser 11
Game 14- winner 11 and winner 8
Game 15- winner 13 and loser 14
Game 16- winner 14 and winner 15
NOTE: if W15 wins Game 16, there will be a rematch because W14 is
twice to beat.

Sijo, Crisa Mae. (2021, March 6) Double Elimination Type of Tournament. Youtube

In double elimination, we need to write the NOTE or remarks after scheduling to be fair for those who win and have any loss. As you will also observe, games in the
loser bracket that don't have a loser are already eliminated.
We still remain the upper bracket and lower bracket games alternately so that we can make surplaying, do not finish the games at the upper bracket first because
you might have the wrong gam
will match. Always match games in the looser bracket if there are already 4 teams especially if
teams to schedule it.


Jean Marie Daniel Cando.(2016) Health Optimizing Physical Education – HOPE 1
Arthur Fernandez Tuprio.(2016) Physical Education ( HOPE 1):Scholaire publishing
Lualhati Fernando- Callo(2016), Physical Education and Health Volume 1, Rex Book store
Cawan, et al.(2016), Physical Education and Health, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.
Online Reference:
Sijo, Crisa Mae. (2021, March 6) Double Elimination Type of Tournament. Youtube

Double elimination tournament brackets. Prints you Bracket. Com






Week 6: Badminton
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

discuss the historical background and development of Badminton;

identify the facilities and equipment of Badminton; and
demonstrate the different strokes of badminton by playing it in your area

What do we think if we heard about a game like badminton? Can we play badminton alone? Can we enjoy ourselves playing it? How do you feel playing with a
partner, friend, classmate, or neighbor? This thing should excite you because badminton is intended for you to play with someone else.
Some players enjoy playing with a partner. Playing with a partner brings out the best in you. You see him or her as the “enemy” and somehow it gets into your
mind that you have to win against this person. Your opponent is NOT the enemy. He/she is your “partner”. Do you get inspired if your partner or opponent is less
skillful than you? Why? Of course not!. The better your partners or opponents are, the bigger is the likelihood of bringing the best out of you.

This lesson will provide you with the experience of playing with your buddy or partner who happens to be your opponent. Dual sports such as badminton and table
tennis will help you learn how to deal with a partner or tandem, as well as contribute to your physical fitness.


How can you say that you love something that you do?

Why do you want to play with a partner in Badminton?

The origins of the game of badminton date back at least 2,000 years to the game of battledore and shuttlecock played in ancient Greece, China, and India.
A very long history for one of the Olympic's newest sports! Badminton took its name from Badminton House in Gloucestershire, the ancestral home of the Duke
of Beaufort, where the sport was played in the last century. Gloucestershire is now the base for the .
International Badminton Federation

The IBF was formed in 1934 with nine members: Canada, Denmark, France, Netherlands, England, New Zealand, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales .
The United States joined four years later. Membership increased steadily over the next few years with a surge in new members after the Olympic Games
debut at Barcelona.

The first big IBF tournament was the Thomas Cup (men’s world team championships) in 1948. Since then, the number of world events has increased to
seven, with the addition of the Uber Cup (ladies’ team), World Championships, Sudirman Cup (mixed team), World Juniors, World Grand Prix Finals, and the
World Cup.

The World Cup invitational event started in 1981 and is organized by the International Management Group (IMG). The World Cup series is due to end in 1997,
and the IBF is considering organizing exhibition matches featuring the world’s top players to replace the World Cup.

For the recent Thomas and Uber Cups in Hong Kong, the sale of commercial and television rights was a multimillion-dollar contract. And it’s not just in Asia.
In Europe also, there’s a growing number of companies bidding for rights. Television companies worldwide are already buying exclusive rights to the 1997
Championships to be held in Glasgow, Scotland.
A turning point in badminton’s growth was the $20 million tripartite contract in 1994 for sponsorship of the World Grand Prix Finals. Under the terms of the deal
between the IBF, IMG, and STAR TV, STAR injects the monies into the promotion and development of badminton. In return, STAR gains total exclusivity for the
exploitation of the commercial and television rights to the WGP Finals. “The deal was good for both main parties,” said David Shaw, IBF’s executive director,
who was brought into the organization with a brief to grow the sport. “We needed a strong partner in television, and the broadcaster had identified badminton as
a vehicle which would attract audiences across Asia to its prime sports channel.”
The next phase in the rise and rise of international badminton has been to retake the USA. The U.S. was an early member of the IBF and initially one of the
most successful. When the Uber Cup was introduced in 1956, Americans won the first three events. But then interest waned.
Badminton is a well-liked and familiar sport in the USA but, predominantly, is usually played as a fun game in the backyard or on the beach. We know that once
Americans see the other badminton—international badminton, the world’s fastest racket sport—they will want to see and play more. The Atlanta Olympics
started to raise the sport’s profile in the U.S. The event was a sell-out and became one of the “must-see” sports. Ex-President Jimmy Carter, Chelsea Clinton,
Paul Newman, and Princess Anne were among the celebrities who came to watch. David Broder of the Washington Post reported “seeing one of the supreme
athletic spectacles of my life.”

Different versions of badminton have been played for centuries, but it was the game of "Poona" in India that was the basis for the game of badminton we play
today. In the 1860s a group of stationed British army officers learned the game and took it back with them from India. The game grew in popularity until 1895
when the Badminton Association of England was formed, along with the rules of gameplay that are used around the world even today. In order to play this form of
badminton, certain equipment and facilities are needed.

Ø A racket or racquet is a sports implement
consisting of a handled frame with an open hoop
across which a network of strings or catgut is
stretched tightly. It is used for striking a ball or

Ø The badminton racket is one of the most important

tools a player has in the game. Badminton
rackets are much lighter than most other sports
rackets because they are made from materials
such as carbon fiber or lighter metals such as
aluminum. Parts of the racket include the head,
throat, shaft, and handle with a maximum length
of 27.77 inches and a width of 9 inches. It
Strings that are stretched across the opening of
the racket in a checkerboard pattern, which acts
as the hitting surface. Badminton rackets can
vary widely in cost depending on whether they
are purchased as part of a basic backyard set or
as more expensive professional models.


Ø A shuttlecock (also called a bird or birdie) is a high

drag projectile used in the sport of badminton.

Ø It has an open conical shape formed by feathers

(or a synthetic alternative) embedded into a
rounded cork (or rubber) base.

Ø The shuttlecock's shape makes it extremely stable.

Ø Regardless of initial orientation, it will turn to fly

cork first and remain in the cork-first orientation.

Ø Shuttlecocks can be made from a variety of

materials -- more expensive models are actually
made from feathers, and less expensive models
are made from plastic feathers. The shuttle has
16 feathers attached to the base and the length
of the feathers ranges between 2.44 and 2.75

3. NET

Ø A mesh net divides the badminton court into two

sides. A badminton net is placed lower than a
volleyball net at five feet and one inch high on the
sides and five feet high in the center. The length may vary depending on whether Ø Badminton nets are split into a 1:1 ratio from the floor to the top providing a 2.5’
doubles or singles are playing, with singles reaching 17 feet and doubles reaching | .76 m opening below and an equal mesh surface above. Variations of badminton
22 feet. The net is 30 inches wide with a 3-inch white tape doubled over the top. nets come in polyethylene, nylon, and vinyl.
Ø Badminton courts are rectangular and are
divided in half by a center net.
Ø Regardless of the game type, courts are
usually marked for both singles or doubles

Ø Both playstyles require the same court length of

44’ | 13.4 m, but double (full) courts are 20’ |
6.1 m wide and single courts are reduced to 17’
| 5.18 m; shrinking by 1.5’ | .46 m on both
Ø Service courts are split by a centerline dividing
the width of the court and are set back from the net
by a ‘short service line’ of 6.5’ | 1.98 m. Doubles
games also require a ‘long service line’ that is
drawn 2.5’ | .76 m in from the back boundary.

Ø Clearances of 2’ | .61 m should be provided

around the full court.


make money-online.jpg
Ø Badminton Shoes- A good pair of Badminton
Shoes provide good grip, cushioning, and
some flexibility at the forefoot.
Ø Grip- A grip made of cloth or synthetic fiber
absorbs sweat and provides you with a drier feel.
Ø Badminton Clothes- Comfortable T-shirts and
shorts, that doesn’t hinder your movement are ideal
to play Badminton. A cotton round-neck or collar t-
shirts with a pair of light shorts is usually preferred.
Ø Socks- Wear a pair of thick cotton socks as they
help to absorb sweat. They also prevent your
feet from slipping inside your shoes. Avoid
wearing Nylon socks that don’t absorb sweat.
Ø Wrist Band- If you perspire a lot, you may
consider getting a wrist band that prevents
your sweat from flowing to your racket handle.

Ø Head Band- Wear a Head Band if you wear

spectacles. It prevents your lenses from getting
wet and also stops the sweat and hair from
getting into your eyes while playing.


Barcelona 1992: Indonesia, South Korea make a clean sweep
The first player to win an Olympic badminton medal was Indonesian Susi Susanti, who came from a game down to beat South Korea’s Bang Soo
Hyun in the women’s singles final. Incidentally, it was also Indonesia’s first-ever Olympic gold.

Youtube link:
Starting with a correct Badminton Grip is the foundation of Playing Badminton. Holding the racket wrongly will decrease your stroke's power and accuracy.
Your shots will be limited and therefore you will not enjoy the game as much let alone improve.
you will need to learn how to change grip quickly during games. Below are the basic types of Badminton Grips.

Basic Types of Badminton Grips

Ø Grip

This grip is used to hit shots that are on the side of your body and

around the headshots. - Hold the racket head with your non-

playing hand so that the handle points towards you. - Your racket

face shall be perpendicular to the floor.

- Place your playing hand on the handle as if you are shaking hands with

- There shall be a V shape in between your thumb and your index finger.

- The racket handle shall rest loosely in your fingers for greater flexibility.

- Can try shortening your grip and place it nearer to the shaft to
increase control and accuracy when serving and hitting from the
forecourt and midcourt.

Ø Backhand Grip - This grip is used to hit shots that are on the back body.

- Hold the racket as you would on a grip. - Turn the racket anti-clockwise so that

the V shape

- Place your thumb against the back bevel of the leverage and power.

- The racket handle shall also rest loosely in your fin

- Can try shortening your grip and place it nearer to increase control and accuracy
when serving and hit forecourt and midcourt.
Badminton serve can be performed using different methods (high serve and low serve), depending on where you want the shuttlecock to land.
There are certain rules that you must follow when making a service. Check out the badminton service fouls to avoid it. The Importance of a Good
Badminton Serve.
A WEAK serve often creates a chance for your opponent to execute an attacking shot. Therefore it’s important to know how to serve properly so that you will
not lose a point after making a service.


Youtube link:
1. The High Badminton Serve
This type of service is usually executed when you want the shuttle to
land at the back end of the court. A good high serve must have the
shuttle dropping steeply downwards at the back end of the court.

A high serve will prevent your opponent from executing a strong smash.
Instead, a lob or a drop is more expected from your opponent (unless they
can do a jump smash).
Try to serve the shuttlecock to your opponent’s backhand area. The
objective is to force your opponent to use his backhand. This is because
most badminton players, even world-class players, have weaker
backhands (compared to their s).
This will force your opponent to use the backhand and hence there’s a
higher chance that he’ll return a weak shot.
If you hit it to your opponent’s backhand area, but he/she refuses to use
the backhand, he will then have to move further away from his base! This
gives you the chance to exploit an opportunity to control the game if your
opponent does not have good badminton footwork.
Hold the head of the shuttlecock with its head facing downwards so that
the shuttlecock will drop straight down.
Stand sideways (the side of your body facing the net) and relax your
racquet arm (the arm that is holding the racquet).
Let go of the shuttlecock and swing your racquet arm upwards. As you do
this, twist your waist to the extent that your body faces the net. Flick your
wrist towards the direction you want the shuttle to land (Flick your wrist
upwards, so that the shuttlecock will fly high).
Your back leg should lift up naturally (with your toes touching the ground).
The high serve is useful against opponents who cannot perform
strong smashes from the back of the court.

However, some badminton players (especially taller players) can

execute powerful smashes even from the back of the court (usually
with a jumping smash).
If this is the case, consider using the low serve instead. This is also the
reason why professional players nowadays prefer using the low serve.

2. The Low Badminton Serve

The low serve is used when you want the shuttlecock to land in front of the
court (in front of your opponent).
A GOOD low serve will have the shuttlecock flying JUST ABOVE THE NET.
If not, your opponent will have the chance to dash forward and smash the
shuttle down to you.
A low serve, when executed beautifully, prevents your opponent from making Neither makes a difference because it does not disrupt your opponent’s footwork.
an offensive shot.
As a start, practice serving so that the shuttle drops right in front of your opponent
Unlike the high service, you can let the shuttle drop anywhere in front ( area or (point A in the picture at the side).
backhand area of your opponent)
Hold the feather of the shuttlecock with the head of the shuttlecock facing
Position the racquet behind the shuttlecock.
Step slightly forward with your right (left) leg if you are right-handed (left handed).
As you let go of the shuttlecock, flick your racquet lightly while pushing your thumb
forward towards the direction you want the shuttle to land. The power comes mainly
from the push of your thumb and the slight flick of your wrist.
3. The Flick Serve (“Fake” Low Serve)
The “fake” low badminton serve can also be used to trick your opponent (deceive your opponent to expect a low serve).
When you stand in a low serve position, your opponent would probably expect a low serve. However, push your thumb and flick your wrist harder so the
shuttlecock flies HIGH and heads to the back of the court! Well, knowing how to serve is one thing. Practicing is another. If you want to make perfect
serves, keep practicing until you don’t make any mistakes!

It’s VERY IMPORTANT to perform your badminton strokes correctly in order to execute quality badminton shots. Remember, you MUST master these
basic strokes in order to play like a pro!
Basically, a stroke is the swing motion of your racket arm. It is not a badminton shot. However, you’ll need to perform these strokes to hit certain shots.
The power of any badminton shot comes from how well you perform your strokes (swing motion). A beginner should FIRST learn how to perform the
CORRECT strokes.

Why is it important to perform the correct strokes from the start?

It is impossible to hit strong backhand shots in badminton if you perform the wrong backhand stroke.
Let’s look at an example… “John did not learn the correct badminton backhand stroke and have been hitting backhands using ‘his own style’ for several years.”
After a few years of wrong backhand stroke technique, John finds it difficult to ‘re-learn’ the correct backhand stroke technique. He is already too used to the
wrong technique. He has developed a bad habit!

Why are bad habits BAD in badminton?

It restricts you from performing quality badminton shots. Bad habits often become your weakness. You perform your overhead backhand strokes wrongly. There is
no way you could hit a backhand clear to the baseline. The only shot you can do is a straight backhand drop. Your opponent knows about it. After hitting the
shuttle to your backhand area, your opponent rushes to the forecourt and waits for your drop shot.
Once you have developed the habit of performing your strokes, it’s very difficult to change the way you perform these strokes in the future. Therefore, it’s
important that you learn the correct strokes right from the start (all types of strokes, not only the backhand.
If you think you have ‘bad habits, it is never too late. You’ll find some useful guides on badminton strokes below to help you become a better player. Of
course, practice is always the key to perfection.

The basic strokes are:

Ø Overhead Stroke
Ø Overhead Backhand Stroke
Ø Underarm Stroke
Ø Underarm Backhand Stroke

When the shuttle flies towards a particular area around your body, you’ll need to use different strokes to hit the shuttle. The picture above shows you the 4
different areas around your body where you’re required to use the 4 different badminton strokes to return the shuttle.

Once you learn how to perform these basic strokes, you can then use these strokes to hit all types of shots in badminton; Clear, Drop, and

Smash. The Badminton objective is to hit the shuttlecock or birdie back and forth over the net with a racket to prevent from hitting the ground.

Badminton is both a recreational and professional sport played in singles, doubles, and mixed doubles. This sport could last for hours so it demands fitness
from players. We need an exercise routine to master it because “Badminton is like ballet dancing, it requires a lot of control, strength, and mind-play and
measured movement.” especially if your partner is a professional player then you need excessive training to have a good play. Remember,
“Championships are won at practice.” and your “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well
you do it.” so, go train yourselves now for later your ready to conquer the world of badminton.

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Week 7: Badminton
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

discuss the different shots of Badminton;

explain the different strategies of Badminton; and
apply the different rules and regulations of badminton by playing it in your area
After mastering your badminton history, equipment, and skills, it's time to learn the different types of shots and when best to use them. The different strategies that
we need and of course the Laws of badminton. Because As an athlete, you need to prepare your selves not only in the competition but you should be embedded
with rules of it. Also, you should train your selves how to accept the results. Whether you win or lose but how would you respond to success and failure? How can
we overcome failures, especially if you knew you did your best?
Get your racket and shuttlecock and play
badminton. This will make you relax.
It’s now time to read our lesson and learn the
different techniques. Have fun!

As an athlete, how would you respond to success and failure?


As a beginner, do not rush into learning all the different types of badminton shots. Learn and practice till you’re good with one then move on to learn new types of

All shots in badminton can be classified broadly into either offensive or defensive shots. Here are some of the most popular ones.
The Clear Shot
Ø Also known as lobbing, the clear shot is the most important badminton shot, especially in a Singles Game. It is commonly used when you need to buy
more time for yourself to return to base before the next return. It is also strategic to use when your opponent is near to the forecourt, forcing him to
retract to the back to retrieve the shuttle. If the clear sends the shuttle right to your opponent’s baseline, it’s considered a good defensive clear.

Ø In this stroke, contact the shuttlecock around the middle of your racket head. The aim of the clear shot is to cause the shuttle to go up high in the air and
land at your opponent's backcourt.

Ø The clear shot is one of the easiest badminton techniques; beginners should aim to master the Defensive Clear Shot to play longer rallies against
their opponents.
The Drive Shot
Ø The drive shot is a basic flat shot, directly hit over the net. It is a powerful, quick counter-attacking shot that is easy to execute. If the shot is played
correctly, it will force your opponent to hit an upward return, giving you opportunities to counter-attack. It is widely used in a Doubles Game as players
would like to keep the shuttle low.

Ø The Drive Shot can be played both on the or backhand. To execute the shot, your racket should be held with the head facing straight ahead locking your
wrist as the shuttle comes in contact with your racket.

Ø The aim is to deliver a flat and fast drive to get the shuttle behind your opponent causing them to make a weak return. Although sometimes it can be
strategic to aim the shot at your opponent who will be unable to react or shift his body in time as their natural reaction will be to duck the shot.
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The Drop Shot

Ø The drop shot is best used when the shuttle is heading towards you in the first half of your court. To perform this stroke, the player must hit the shuttlecock
downwards towards the opponent's fore-court, aiming for it to go just over the net. There are two types of drop shots, Fast Drop Shot: where the
shuttlecock travels down steeply and lands further away from the net, Slow Drop Shot: the shuttle does not travel down steeply but lands nearer to the
Ø When executing a drop shot, you want to make it look like a drive, but instead, you only use a little force to push the shuttle over the net. This shot is
strategic to use when the opponent is near to the backcourt, anticipating your stroke to be a clear or drive.
Ø For more advanced play, if you are in the mid-court, you can try slicing the shuttlecock so it will bounce nicely over the net. If the opponent is in the
backcourt, this shot will make the opponent dash forward.
Ø The closer the shuttle drops to the net, the harder it is to return. However, it also becomes riskier for you as it may not cross the net and cost you the
rally. The main objective of the drop shot is to force your opponent out of his position or variate the pace of the game.
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The Smash Shot

Ø The badminton smash is considered the most powerful shot in badminton and is usually played on the . It is often difficult to return because of the pace
and the downward angle of the shot, think of it as a downwards drive. It is best used when the shuttle is high in the air so that it can be angled

Ø When the shuttle comes in from a high angle, it will allow you enough time to arch and get in position to strike. At the highest point of contact, with a flick of
the wrist aim the shuttle downwards in a steep gradient.

Ø You ideally want to aim for spots furthest from your opponent, but another tactic is to aim it towards his upper torso, making it hard for him to defend.

Tips on improving your smash shot

1. Raise your non-racket arm to aim for the shuttle before you execute the smash.
2. When you extend your arm to reach out for the smash, make sure you fully utilize your thumb, wrist, forearm, and shoulders.
3. Hit the shuttlecock when it is at the highest point, this creates a steep angle for your smash.
4. Take a deep breath and exhale as you swing your racket forward. Remember to follow through and complete the swing to give your smash more power. 5.
There are other types of shots in badminton like the more advanced spinning shots, lifts, and net kills. But the shots mentioned above are the core shots you
should first learn to master.
6. Lastly, it is always important to disguise your shots so it will not become too easy for your opponent to predict. For example, your offensive shots should look
like either a drive or a drop shot until the very last second. This will make it hard for your opponent to react.

The Laws of Badminton


Badminton is one of the most popular racket sports in the Philippines. Equipment is also relatively inexpensive which makes it easy for new players to take up the
sport. To get started, all you need is a badminton court, net, rackets, and shuttlecocks.
Badminton is fun which makes it a good activity for family and friends to bond. At the same time, it is also an effective calorie-burner that not only builds
strength but puts your reflexes to the test. After all, players are required to run, lunge, stretch, leap and jump around the 20 x 44 feet rectangular court.

Just 30 minutes into the game you could feel as though you’ve been through an intense workout or just ran a marathon.

Here is a breakdown of badminton rules based on “Laws of Badminton Regulations 2017” by the Badminton World Federation. You can also click here for
a beginner's guide to badminton rules and regulations.

Setting Up
Before we begin, we ought to be sure that the court we’re playing on is according to the dimensions provided above and to ensure that the net separating the
two courts is of the right height.

The coin toss – who goes first?

Before a tournament starts, a coin is tossed. The winner of the coin toss will then get to choose either
to serve or to receive first or the preferred side of the court. The loser of the coin toss will then exercise the remaining choice. However, if it is just a
friendly game with your family or friends, you may wish to use rock-paper-scissors to determine the winner of who’s going to go first.

Badminton Service

A serve is delivered diagonally across the courts. During service, both the server and receiver must stand at diagonally opposite sides without touching
the boundary lines of the badminton courts. During a service, the point at which the racquet is allowed to come into contact with the shuttlecock must
happen below the server’s waist. Once the players are ready, the first forward movement of the server’s racket shall be the start of the service. The server
shall not serve before the receiver is ready. However, the receiver will be considered to have been ready if a return of service is attempted.


A rally starts with a serve, often continuing with a series of shots exchanged between opposing sides before it finally ends when a point is

scored. Badminton Scoring System – 3 (games) x 21 (points)

The 3 (game sets) x 21 (points) scoring system was first introduced in December 2005 and is now the official scoring system used at
professional tournaments.
Despite the official updates to the rules, some recreational players (particularly those who have been playing badminton for many years) still follow
the traditional scoring system where winners are determined by the best of three games, played to 15 points for men and 11 points for women. In the
official tournament rules today, a badminton match consists of three games. The winner of the best of three shall be crowned the winner.

The first player/team to score 21 points wins a game.

A point is awarded to the player/team that wins the rally.

In the event that a game reaches a 20-20 score, players can only win the set by getting a 2 point lead over the opposing party, e.g. 22-20, 23-21, 24-
22 etc.
In the event that the game reaches a 29-29 score, the first team to reach 30 points will win the set and take the service for the next

game. Specific Rules to Badminton Singles vs Doubles

Badminton Singles

Where should you serve from?

The server shall serve from their respective right service court when the server has not scored or has scored an even number of points in the game. Vice
versa, the server shall serve from their respective left service court when the server has scored an odd number of points in the game.

Scoring in Badminton Singles

If the server wins a rally, the server shall score a point and shall serve again from the alternate service court. If the receiver wins a rally, the receiver
shall score a point. The receiver will become the new server.

Badminton Doubles

Where should the pair serve from and sequence of serving

A player of the serving side shall serve from the right service court when the serving side has not scored or has scored an even number of points in
the game. Vice-versa, a player of the serving side shall serve from the left service court when the serving side has scored an odd number of points in
the game.
The player of the receiving side standing diagonally to the server will be the receiver.
The sequence of serving in a doubles game shall follow,
From the initial server who started the game from the right service court to the partner of the initial receiver, to the partner of the initial server, to the
initial receiver and back to the initial server, and so on.

Switching sides on the court

Here are a few instances where players or teams will switch sides on the court,
At the end of the first game
At the end of the second game if there is the third game
During the third game, the first player/team scores 11 points.

For a detailed breakdown of badminton rules, do refer to the Badminton World Federation “The LAWS of Badminton”.

Badminton Strategies

Youtube link:

Being able to use Badminton Strategies in your game is essential in winning you crucial points and games. Just knowing how to smash powerfully will not bring
you success if you don't have a game plan. You have to use some badminton tactics and badminton strategies to outwit your opponent. Always remember that
you are trying to make your opponent play a weak shot in which you will be able to make a 'kill'. Too many beginners try to make every shot a winning shot
instead of a negotiating shot to play a winning game.

Singles Badminton Strategies

1 ) One simple badminton strategy often used in singles is to serve long and high to your opponent's backcourt. This will force your opponent to move back to
the backline and open up his forecourt.

Throw in some disguised low serve occasionally and you might just catch your opponent off guard and win a point outright. Nowadays in professional
men's singles, you seldom see them use the long serve. This is because the professional players are extremely athletic and possess great
techniques. They can jump really high and smash powerfully even from the baseline.
It all depends on who you are playing with. If the high serve turns out to be your opponent's favorite and puts you under pressure, use the low serve.

2 ) Always try to hit the shuttle away from your opponent and make your opponent move around the court. One exception to this rule is that when you
encounter a tall opponent, you might want to smash straight to his body to gain an advantage.

Observe your opponent's strengths, weaknesses, favorite shots, and pattern of play. Use it to your
Your aim is to make your opponent play a weak return, such as a weak backhand shot from the backcourt. If your plan works and forces a mistake or
a poor return which you can make a 'kill', use it again. If it is not working then have the courage to make changes. The key is to be flexible. If you are
in a difficult situation in the game and your opponent is not, you need to make time for yourself to get back to a favorable position. Do this by hitting
the shuttle high towards the back of the court, preferably near the middle of the baseline. Your opponent will find it difficult to catch you out with acute-
angled returns from there.

3 ) Remember always to get back to your base position in the midcourt area after making each shot. This is a position where you can possibly reach any of
your opponent's shots.


1. ACE- any point scored, though usually said of a point scored on which a player failed to touch the shuttle with his racket.
2. BACKCOURT- the general area near the end line, back half of the court.
3. BACKHAND- the stroke used to hit a shuttle that comes to the off-racket side.
4. BALK- an attempt to throw an opponent off balance by faking or by using false start before or during a service attempt. If the server balks, he loses the
service; if the receiver balks, he loses a point.
5. CARRY- a hit that causes the shuttle to be "slung" which is a fault.
6. CLEAR- a high, deep shot, aimed to go over the opponent's head, to the back area of the court.
7. CROSS COURT- hitting the shuttle diagonally from one side of the court to the other, at an angle across the net.
8. DOUBLE HIT hitting the shuttle twice on the same stroke. It is a fault.
9. DRIVE- hard-hit shot, on which the shuttle travels low over the net with great speed, on a more of less horizontal line.
10. DROP- a shot that just clears the top of the net, and then drops quickly downward.
11. FACE- the hitting surface of the badminton racket.
12. FAUL T- any violation of the rules, of a playing error. A fault by the server results in an "out"; a fault by the receiver results in a point for the
server. 13. FLIGHT- the path of the shuttle as it moves through the air.
14. FORECOURT- generally, that area close to the net.
15. - the stroke used to hit a shuttle that comes to the racket side.
16. FRAME- the part of the racket that holds the strings.
17. GOOD- shots which land within the proper playing area, including the lines.
18. HAIRPIN- shot which starts close to the floor near the net, rises up over the net and drops sharply downward.
19. HEAD- the "business end" of the racket.
20. HIGH CLEAR- a type of clear that rises very high into the air and drops to the rear of the opponent's court. It is usually made as a defensive measure.
21. IN- a shot that lands, or would have landed, within the proper playing area, including on the line.
22. KILL- to smash the shuttle in such a way that the opponent cannot return it.
23. LET-replay of a point.
24. MATCH- a badminton match is ordinarily the best 2-out-of-3 games.
25. MATCH POINT- that point which, if won by the server, wins the match for him.
26. MISS- misses the shuttle completely while attempting to serve; a fault. During play (not a service) a player may swing and miss the shuttle and can swing
again to hit it.
27. NET BIRD- a shuttle that is hit into the net.
28. ONE OUT - a term used to remind the players in a doubles game that one member of the serving team has had his team at service, and that they serve will
change sides soon as the remaining server is retired.
29. OUT - a shuttle that lands outside of the boundary lines of the proper court section as on the server, or during a rally.
30. PLACE- to aim a shot so that it lands on a certain court area.
31. POINT - a unit of scoring. Only the server or serving side can score a point.
32. POONA- the original name for badminton. The game was introduced to the USA in about 1900.
33. RALLY-the continual play between the times a shuttle is served and a fault is made.
34. RECEIVER- the receiver of service must stand within the service court diagonally opposite the server. He must stay within the service court until the server
hits the shuttle. In doubles play, the partner of the receiver may stand anywhere he wants.
35. SERVE- to put the shuttle into play. A player is allowed only one service for each point scored.
36. SHAFT- the part of the racket between the head and the handle.
37. SMASH- a hard, overhead shot that drives the shuttle sharply downward.
38. TOUCHING THE NET-contacting the net with the racket or body. It is a fault.
39. VOLLEY- to hit the shuttle while it is in the air and before it touches the ground, hence, all legal badminton shots must be volleyed.
40. WIDE- a shot on which the shuttle lands outside the proper court area.

As badminton is not a close contact sport like basketball or football, the safety of players is not a
key issue. So, we can play it during this time that we have this pandemic. It is also an indoor
sport so you can “Keep calm and play badminton.” but of course, we should also follow strict
protocols. It is a sport where physical strength, stamina, and physique are significant factors in
determining success or failure. Always remember, the court can wait so we need to have extra
careful this time to do your exercise routines meantime. Be inspired also by this quote from the professional players of badminton, “Discipline is the bridge
between your badminton goals and
badminton success.”
“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you
are capable of living.”

Jean Marie Daniel Cando.(2016) Health Optimizing Physical Education – HOPE 1
Arthur Fernandez Tuprio.(2016) Physical Education ( HOPE 1):Scholaire publishing
Lualhati Fernando- Callo(2016), Physical Education and Health Volume 1, Rex Book store
Cawan, et al.(2016), Physical Education and Health, Diwa Learning Systems Inc.

Online Reference:
ActiveSG, (2020) Sports Singapore. The Different Shots and When to use them
Sports Engine, (2021). The Home of Youth Sports.Badminton:Terms to Know

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