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for  Before you collaborate Engine runtime prediction Brainstorm Group ideas Prioritize now the collaboration  is completed
Your team should all be on the same page about what's important
Aircraft  Lets  discuss about some ideas on our
mind about the project to have a greater
Now a days aviatiom industries facing major problems
with engines runtime prediction . so we are now going to
Now we are going to share our ideas with
a sticky note to address to have a solution
You can select a sticky note
Take turns sharing your ideas while clustering similar or related notes as you go. Once all
sticky notes have been grouped, give each cluster a sentence-like label. If a cluster is moving forward. Place your ideas on this grid to determine which Now we can share
our idea with the
Engine solution on it
10 minutes
make it easier with the help of machine learning
on problem
10 minutes
and hit the pencil [switch to
sketch] icon to start drawing!
bigger than six sticky notes, try and see if you and break it up into smaller sub-groups. ideas are important and which are feasible. project
5 minutes 20 minutes 20 minutes team

& idea prioritization PROBLEM
Have a look
A Team gathering Tamizharasan.E on previous data
All the team members needed to participate in this How might we are going to datasets collection
session.Everyone has to share their ideas during this
predict the working time of
collaboration Know about focus on
aircraft engine for a Machine Realtime
Here we are going to collaborate with
Set the goal particular interval of time?
working of
Learning Have a worthful Collect modern
Engine data Compare datasets
To build data 
our team members to know about B application

their individual ideas on project

Thinking about the main problem of engine maintenance
with the help of machine learning to have a better solution
solution on using flask
Focus on
whether it is right or wrong and it is on prediction
Aware about Implementation
implementation Read all the data
from modern Engines prediction
applicable or not  use modern 
C Tool facilitation
Now we are going to work with modern developing tools like
the previous
with previous of model Regression
datasets datasets or
anaconda python ,jupyter notebook with the help of python Have a great look on
language data Accuracy classification
1 hr to prepare problem
Open article
1 hour to collaborate Lavanya.K Time
Tamizharasan.E Give accurate Results Analytics
Sharmila.R Understanding about Create a web Lets  Have  Safe  ride with our prediction results
Check Accuracy with
Prakash Raj.N Key rules of brainstorming  the main cause of the Application to have a
Data Machine Learning
To run an smooth and productive session Problem implementation Techniques

Stay in topic. Encourage wild ideas. use

Analyse the previous different
Gathering Data Usage of tools
datasets Importance data
Defer judgment. Listen to others. Concentrate sources 
This is about the
life of human
Go for volume. If possible, be visual. Solution found with Engine Working Days
things there is Accuracy
Great Accuracy is now Predicted
Sharmila.R accuracy needed
with proper data
that is giving data
without errors

Using modern Real time data

Use modern tools like
techniques combined Analytics for
sensors for analytics
with Machine learning prediction

Collect current data Configure manual Maintain

from Modern Engines Prediction the

Prakash Raj.N

Mind with
Use Html page asa Build Python Flask Taking care of Accurate
front End tool App prediction values results

Choose appropriate Check for Accuracy

Model with results

Share template feedback
Regardless of their importance, which tasks are more
feasible than others? (Cost, time, effort, complexity, etc.)

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